Fix `getIdFromWhereByModelId()` to correctly detect the situation
when "bulkUpdate" performs a write operation using a where filter
containing both id attribute but also all other model attributes.
This should significantly improve the performance of change replication,
because the cost of running rectifyAll is very high.
Modify `Change.rectify()` to not make any changes to the Change instance
(most notably to not modify the `checkpoint` field) when the tracked
model instance was not changed.
This should improve the performance of change replication as it reduces
the number of unnecessary replications.
For example, before this commit, every run of `rectifyAll` would
trigger a full sync of all clients, because all change instances would
be moved to the current checkpoint.
Fix `Application.resetKeys()` to reset instance id only if it is not
already set. This fixes a bug where each call of resetKeys created
a new instance.
The decision which Promise implementation to use should be made by
LoopBack user, not by the framework.
This commit moves Bluebird reference from lib/utils.js to
Modify `app.enableAuth` to automaticaly setup all required models
that are not attached to the app nor a datasource.
Users wishing to use this option must provide the name of the
data-source to use for these models.
Example usage:
var app = loopback();
app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' });
app.enableAuth({ dataSource: 'db' });
When creating an application with a local registry, the default
behaviour is to define only two core models Model & PersistedModel.
The new flag `loadBuiltinModels` modifies this behaviour and instructs
loopback to define all builtin models in the local registry too.
Process `settings.methods` and `config.methods` as a key-value map
where the key is the method name and the value is an object describing
the method in the format expected by strong-remoting.
Example: a static method `Model.create`
"methods": {
"create": {
"isStatic": true,
"accepts": {
"arg": "data", "type": "Car",
"http": { "source": "body" }
"returns": { "arg": "data", "type": "Car", "root": true }
This patch is based on the code proposed by @mrfelton in #1163.