* Expose more loopback middleware for require (Raymond Feng)
* Scope app middleware to a list of paths (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Update CONTRIBUTING.md (Alex Voitau)
* Fix the model name for hasMany/through relation (Raymond Feng)
* Fixing the model attach (wfgomes)
* Minor: update jsdoc for PersistedModel.updateAll (Alex Voitau)
* AccessToken: optional `options` in findForRequest (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* server-app: improve jsdoc comments (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* server-app: middleware API improvements (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* typo of port server (wfgomes)
* Move middleware sources to `server/middleware` (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* app.middleware: verify serial exec of handlers (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Simplify `app.defineMiddlewarePhases` (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Make sure loopback has all properties from express (Raymond Feng)
* Implement `app.defineMiddlewarePhases` (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Implement app.middlewareFromConfig (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* middleware/token: store the token in current ctx (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Fix `loopback.getCurrentContext` (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Update chai to ^1.10.0 (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* package: fix deps (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Middleware phases - initial implementation (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Allows ACLs/settings in model config (Raymond Feng)
* Remove context middleware per Ritchie (Rand McKinney)
* Add API doc for context middleware - see #337 (crandmck)
* Update persisted-model.js (Rand McKinney)
* rest middleware: clean up context config (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Move `context` example to a standalone app (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Enable the context middleware from loopback.rest (Raymond Feng)
* Add context propagation middleware (Raymond Feng)
* Changes to JSdoc comments (Rand McKinney)
* Reorder classes alphabetically in each section (Rand McKinney)
* common: coding style cleanup (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Coding style cleanup (Gruntfile, lib) (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Enable jscs for `lib`, fix style violations (Rob Halff)
* Add access-context.js to API doc (Rand McKinney)
* Remove doc for debug function (Rand McKinney)
* Update registry.js (Rand McKinney)
* Fix the jsdoc for User.login (Raymond Feng)
* Deleted instantiation of new Change model. This PR removes the instantiation of a new change model as models return from Change.find are already instances of Change. This solves the duplicate Id issue #649 (Berkeley Martinez)
* Expose path to the built-in favicon file (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Add API docs for `loopback.static`. (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Add test for `remoting.rest.supportedTypes` (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* Revert "rest handler options" (Miroslav Bajtoš)
* REST handler options. (Guilherme Cirne)
* The elapsed time in milliseconds can be 0 (less than 1 ms) (Raymond Feng)
Add a new argument to `app.middleware` allowing developers
to restrict the middleware to a list of paths or regular expresions.
Modify `app.middlewareFromConfig` to pass `config.paths` as the second
arg of `app.middleware`.
// A string path (interpreted via path-to-regexp)
app.middleware('auth', '/admin', ldapAuth);
// A regular expression
app.middleware('initial', /^\/~(admin|root)/, rejectWith404);
// A list of scopes
app.middleware('routes', ['/api', /^\/assets/.*\.json$/], foo);
// From config
phase: 'initial',
paths: ['/scope', /^\/(a|b)/]
The new location allows developer to use the following identifiers
when loading the middleware using the new declarative style:
{ phase: 'routes' });
{ phase: 'final' });