var path = require('path'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-app'); describe('app', function() { describe('app.model(Model)', function() { var app, db; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); db = loopback.createDataSource({connector: loopback.Memory}); }); it("Expose a `Model` to remote clients", function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(app.models()).to.eql([Color]); }); it('uses singlar name as app.remoteObjects() key', function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(app.remoteObjects()).to.eql({ color: Color }); }); it('uses singular name as shared class name', function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(app.remotes().exports).to.eql({ color: Color }); }); it('registers existing models to app.models', function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(; expect(Color.shared).to.equal(true); expect(app.models.color).to.equal(Color); expect(app.models.Color).to.equal(Color); }); it('updates REST API when a new model is added', function(done) { app.use(; request(app).get('/colors').expect(404, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); request(app).get('/colors').expect(200, done); }); }); describe('in compat mode', function() { before(function() { loopback.compat.usePluralNamesForRemoting = true; }); after(function() { loopback.compat.usePluralNamesForRemoting = false; }); it('uses plural name as shared class name', function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(app.remotes().exports).to.eql({ colors: Color }); }); it('uses plural name as app.remoteObjects() key', function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(app.remoteObjects()).to.eql({ colors: Color }); }); }); }); describe('app.model(name, config)', function () { var app; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); app.boot({ app: {port: 3000, host: ''}, dataSources: { db: { connector: 'memory' } } }); }); it('Sugar for defining a fully built model', function () { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db' }); var Foo =; var f = new Foo(); assert(f instanceof loopback.Model); }); it('interprets extra first-level keys as options', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db', base: 'User' }); expect('User'); }); it('prefers config.options.key over config.key', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db', base: 'User', options: { base: 'Application' } }); expect('Application'); }); it('honors config.public options', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db', public: false }); expect(; expect(; }); it('defaults config.public to be true', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db' }); expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('app.model(ModelCtor, config)', function() { it('attaches the model to a datasource', function() { app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' }); var TestModel = loopback.Model.extend('TestModel'); // TestModel was most likely already defined in a different test, // thus TestModel.dataSource may be already set delete TestModel.dataSource; app.model(TestModel, { dataSource: 'db' }); expect(app.models.TestModel.dataSource).to.equal(app.dataSources.db); }); }); describe('app.models', function() { it('is unique per app instance', function() { app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' }); var Color = app.model('Color', { dataSource: 'db' }); expect(app.models.Color).to.equal(Color); var anotherApp = loopback(); expect(anotherApp.models.Color).to.equal(undefined); }); }); describe('app.dataSources', function() { it('is unique per app instance', function() { app.dataSource('ds', { connector: 'memory' }); expect(app.datasources.ds).to.not.equal(undefined); var anotherApp = loopback(); expect(anotherApp.datasources.ds).to.equal(undefined); }); }); describe('app.dataSource', function() { it('looks up the connector in `app.connectors`', function() { app.connector('custom', loopback.Memory); app.dataSource('custom', { connector: 'custom' }); expect(; }); }); describe('app.boot([options])', function () { beforeEach(function () { app.boot({ app: { port: 3000, host: '', restApiRoot: '/rest-api', foo: {bar: 'bat'}, baz: true }, models: { 'foo-bar-bat-baz': { options: { plural: 'foo-bar-bat-bazzies' }, dataSource: 'the-db' } }, dataSources: { 'the-db': { connector: 'memory' } } }); }); it('should have port setting', function () { assert.equal('port'), 3000); }); it('should have host setting', function() { assert.equal('host'), ''); }); it('should have restApiRoot setting', function() { assert.equal('restApiRoot'), '/rest-api'); }); it('should have other settings', function () { expect('foo')).to.eql({ bar: 'bat' }); expect('baz')).to.eql(true); }); describe('boot and models directories', function() { beforeEach(function() { var app = = loopback(); app.boot(SIMPLE_APP); }); it('should run all modules in the boot directory', function () { assert(process.loadedFooJS); delete process.loadedFooJS; }); it('should run all modules in the models directory', function () { assert(process.loadedBarJS); delete process.loadedBarJS; }); }); describe('PaaS and npm env variables', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.boot = function () { var app = loopback(); app.boot({ app: { port: undefined, host: undefined } }); return app; } }); it('should be honored', function() { var assertHonored = function (portKey, hostKey) { process.env[hostKey] = randomPort(); process.env[portKey] = randomHost(); var app = this.boot(); assert.equal(app.get('port'), process.env[portKey]); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env[hostKey]); delete process.env[portKey]; delete process.env[hostKey]; }.bind(this); assertHonored('OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT', 'OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP'); assertHonored('npm_config_port', 'npm_config_host'); assertHonored('npm_package_config_port', 'npm_package_config_host'); assertHonored('OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT', 'OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP'); assertHonored('PORT', 'HOST'); }); it('should be honored in order', function() { process.env.npm_config_host = randomHost(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP = randomHost(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP = randomHost(); process.env.HOST = randomHost(); process.env.npm_package_config_host = randomHost(); var app = this.boot(); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env.npm_config_host); delete process.env.npm_config_host; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_IP; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP; delete process.env.HOST; delete process.env.npm_package_config_host; process.env.npm_config_port = randomPort(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT = randomPort(); process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT = randomPort(); process.env.PORT = randomPort(); process.env.npm_package_config_port = randomPort(); var app = this.boot(); assert.equal(app.get('host'), process.env.npm_config_host); assert.equal(app.get('port'), process.env.npm_config_port); delete process.env.npm_config_port; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_SLS_PORT; delete process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT; delete process.env.PORT; delete process.env.npm_package_config_port; }); function randomHost() { return Math.random().toString().split('.')[1]; } function randomPort() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); } it('should honor 0 for free port', function () { var app = loopback(); app.boot({app: {port: 0}}); assert.equal(app.get('port'), 0); }); it('should default to port 3000', function () { var app = loopback(); app.boot({app: {port: undefined}}); assert.equal(app.get('port'), 3000); }); }); it('Instantiate models', function () { assert(app.models); assert(app.models.FooBarBatBaz); assert(app.models.fooBarBatBaz); assertValidDataSource(app.models.FooBarBatBaz.dataSource); assert.isFunc(app.models.FooBarBatBaz, 'find'); assert.isFunc(app.models.FooBarBatBaz, 'create'); }); it('Attach models to data sources', function () { assert.equal(app.models.FooBarBatBaz.dataSource, app.dataSources.theDb); }); it('Instantiate data sources', function () { assert(app.dataSources); assert(app.dataSources.theDb); assertValidDataSource(app.dataSources.theDb); assert(app.dataSources.TheDb); }); }); describe('app.boot(appRootDir)', function () { it('Load config files', function () { var app = loopback(); app.boot(SIMPLE_APP); assert(; assert(app.models.Foo); assert(app.models.Foo.dataSource); assert.isFunc(app.models.Foo, 'find'); assert.isFunc(app.models.Foo, 'create'); }); }); describe('installMiddleware()', function() { var app; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); }); it('installs loopback.token', function(done) { app.models.accessToken = loopback.AccessToken; app.installMiddleware(); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send({ accessTokenId: req.accessToken && }); }); app.models.accessToken.create({}, function(err, token) { if (err) done(err); request(app).get('/') .set('Authorization', .expect(200, { accessTokenId: }) .end(done); }); }); it('emits "middleware:preprocessors" before handlers are installed', function(done) { app.on('middleware:preprocessors', function() { this.use(function(req, res, next) { req.preprocessed = true; next(); }); }); app.installMiddleware(); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send({ preprocessed: req.preprocessed }); }); request(app).get('/') .expect(200, { preprocessed: true}) .end(done); } ); it('emits "middleware:handlers before installing express router', function(done) { app.on('middleware:handlers', function() { this.use(function(req, res, next) { res.send({ handler: 'middleware' }); }); }); app.installMiddleware(); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send({ handler: 'router' }); }); request(app).get('/') .expect(200, { handler: 'middleware' }) .end(done); } ); it('emits "middleware:error-handlers" after all request handlers', function(done) { var logs = []; app.on('middleware:error-handlers', function() { app.use(function(err, req, res, next) { logs.push(req.url); next(err); }); }); app.installMiddleware(); request(app).get('/not-found') .expect(404) .end(function(err, res) { if (err) done(err); expect(logs).to.eql(['/not-found']); done(); }); } ); it('installs REST transport', function(done) { app.model(loopback.Application); app.set('restApiRoot', '/api'); app.installMiddleware(); request(app).get('/api/applications') .expect(200, []) .end(done); }); }); describe('listen()', function() { it('starts http server', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 0); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.send(200, 'OK'); }); var server = app.listen(); expect(server)'http').Server); request(server) .get('/') .expect(200, done); }); it('updates port on "listening" event', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 0); app.listen(function() { expect(app.get('port'), 'port').to.not.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('forwards to http.Server.listen on more than one arg', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 1); app.listen(0, '', function() { expect(app.get('port'), 'port').to.not.equal(0).and.not.equal(1); expect(this.address().address).to.equal(''); done(); }); }); it('forwards to http.Server.listen when the single arg is not a function', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 1); app.listen(0).on('listening', function() { expect(app.get('port'), 'port') .to.not.equal(0).and.not.equal(1); done(); }); } ); it('uses app config when no parameter is supplied', function(done) { var app = loopback(); // Http listens on all interfaces by default // Custom host serves as an indicator whether // the value was used by app.listen app.set('host', ''); app.listen() .on('listening', function() { expect(this.address().address).to.equal(''); done(); }); }); }); describe('enableAuth', function() { it('should set app.isAuthEnabled to true', function() { expect(app.isAuthEnabled).to.not.equal(true); app.enableAuth(); expect(app.isAuthEnabled).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('app.get("/", loopback.status())', function () { it('should return the status of the application', function (done) { var app = loopback(); app.get('/', loopback.status()); request(app) .get('/') .expect(200) .end(function(err, res) { if(err) return done(err); assert.equal(typeof res.body, 'object'); assert(res.body.started); // The number can be 0 assert(res.body.uptime !== undefined); var elapsed = - Number(new Date(res.body.started)); // elapsed should be a positive number... assert(elapsed > 0); // less than 100 milliseconds assert(elapsed < 100); done(); }); }); }); describe('app.connectors', function() { it('is unique per app instance', function() { = 'bar'; var anotherApp = loopback(); expect(; }); it('includes Remote connector', function() { expect(app.connectors.remote).to.equal(loopback.Remote); }); it('includes Memory connector', function() { expect(app.connectors.memory).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); }); describe('app.connector', function() { // any connector will do it('adds the connector to the registry', function() { app.connector('foo-bar', loopback.Memory); expect(app.connectors['foo-bar']).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); it('adds a classified alias', function() { app.connector('foo-bar', loopback.Memory); expect(app.connectors.FooBar).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); it('adds a camelized alias', function() { app.connector('FOO-BAR', loopback.Memory); expect(app.connectors.FOOBAR).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); }); it('exposes loopback as a property', function() { var app = loopback(); expect(app.loopback).to.equal(loopback); }); });