describe('DataSource', function() { describe('dataSource.createModel(name, properties, settings)', function() { it("Define a model and attach it to a `DataSource`.", function(done) { /* example - var Color = oracle.createModel('color', {name: String}); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe(', fn)', function() { it("Discover an object containing properties and settings for an existing data source.", function(done) { /* example -{owner: 'MYORG'}, function(err, tables) { var productSchema = tables.PRODUCTS; var ProductModel = oracle.createModel('product',, productSchema.settings); }); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe('dataSource.discoverSync(options)', function() { it("Synchronously discover an object containing properties and settings for an existing data source tables or collections.", function(done) { /* example - var tables ={owner: 'MYORG'}); var productSchema = tables.PRODUCTS; var ProductModel = oracle.createModel('product',, productSchema.settings); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe('dataSource.discoverModels(options, fn) ', function() { it("Discover a set of models based on tables or collections in a data source.", function(done) { /* example - oracle.discoverModels({owner: 'MYORG'}, function(err, models) { var ProductModel = models.Product; }); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe('dataSource.discoverModelsSync(options)', function() { it("Synchronously Discover a set of models based on tables or collections in a data source.", function(done) { /* example - var models = oracle.discoverModels({owner: 'MYORG'}); var ProductModel = models.Product; */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe('dataSource.enable(operation)', function() { it("Enable a data source operation", function(done) { /* example - // all rest data source operations are // disabled by default var rest = asteroid.createDataSource({ connector: require('asteroid-rest'), url: '' enableAll: true }); // enable an operation twitter.enable('find'); // enable remote access twitter.enableRemote('find') */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe('dataSource.disable(operation)', function() { it("Disable a data source operation", function(done) { /* example - // all rest data source operations are // disabled by default var oracle = asteroid.createDataSource({ connector: require('asteroid-oracle'), host: '...', ... }); // disable an operation completely oracle.disable('destroyAll'); // or only disable it as a remote method oracle.disableRemote('destroyAll'); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); describe('dataSource.operations()', function() { it("List the enabled and disabled operations.", function(done) { /* example - console.log(oracle.operations()); { find: { allowRemote: true, accepts: [...], returns: [...] enabled: true }, ... } var memory = asteroid.createDataSource({ connector: require('asteroid-memory') }); { "dependencies": { "asteroid-oracle": "latest" } } var CoffeeShop = asteroid.createModel('coffee-shop', { location: 'GeoPoint' }); CoffeeShop.attach(oracle); var here = new GeoPoint({lat: 10.32424, long: 5.84978}); CoffeeShop.all({where: {location: {near: here}}}, function(err, nearbyShops) {; // [CoffeeShop, ...] }); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); });