### Using the API Explorer
Follow these steps to explore the sample app's REST API:
1. Open your browser to http://localhost:3000/explorer. You'll see a list of REST API endpoints as illustrated below.
The endpoints are grouped by the model names. Each endpoint consists of a list
of operations for the model.
2. Click on one of the endpoint paths (such as /locations) to see available
operations for a given model. You'll see the CRUD operations mapped to HTTP verbs and paths.
3. Click on a given operation to see the signature; for example, GET `/locations/{id}`:
Notice that each operation has the HTTP verb, path, description, response model, and a list of request parameters.
4. Invoke an operation: fill in the parameters, then click the **Try it out!** button. You'll see something like this:
You can see the request URL, the JSON in the response body, and the HTTP response code and headers.