// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var loopback = require('../'); var lt = require('./helpers/loopback-testing-helper'); var path = require('path'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-integration-app'); var app = require(path.join(SIMPLE_APP, 'server/server.js')); var assert = require('assert'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var debug = require('debug')('loopback:test:relations.integration'); var async = require('async'); describe('relations - integration', function() { lt.beforeEach.withApp(app); lt.beforeEach.givenModel('store'); beforeEach(function(done) { this.widgetName = 'foo'; this.store.widgets.create({ name: this.widgetName, }, function() { done(); }); }); afterEach(function(done) { this.app.models.widget.destroyAll(done); }); describe('polymorphicHasMany', function() { before(function defineProductAndCategoryModels() { var Team = app.registry.createModel('Team', { name: 'string' }); var Reader = app.registry.createModel('Reader', { name: 'string' }); var Picture = app.registry.createModel('Picture', { name: 'string', imageableId: 'number', imageableType: 'string' }); app.model(Team, { dataSource: 'db' }); app.model(Reader, { dataSource: 'db' }); app.model(Picture, { dataSource: 'db' }); Reader.hasMany(Picture, { polymorphic: { // alternative syntax as: 'imageable', // if not set, default to: reference foreignKey: 'imageableId', // defaults to 'as + Id' discriminator: 'imageableType', // defaults to 'as + Type' }}); Picture.belongsTo('imageable', { polymorphic: { foreignKey: 'imageableId', discriminator: 'imageableType', }}); Reader.belongsTo(Team); }); before(function createEvent(done) { var test = this; app.models.Team.create({ name: 'Team 1' }, function(err, team) { if (err) return done(err); test.team = team; app.models.Reader.create({ name: 'Reader 1' }, function(err, reader) { if (err) return done(err); test.reader = reader; reader.pictures.create({ name: 'Picture 1' }); reader.pictures.create({ name: 'Picture 2' }); reader.team(test.team); reader.save(done); }); } ); }); after(function(done) { this.app.models.Reader.destroyAll(done); }); it('includes the related child model', function(done) { var url = '/api/readers/' + this.reader.id; this.get(url) .query({ 'filter': { 'include': 'pictures' }}) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.name).to.be.equal('Reader 1'); expect(res.body.pictures).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Picture 1', id: 1, imageableId: 1, imageableType: 'Reader' }, { name: 'Picture 2', id: 2, imageableId: 1, imageableType: 'Reader' }, ]); done(); }); }); it('includes the related parent model', function(done) { var url = '/api/pictures'; this.get(url) .query({ 'filter': { 'include': 'imageable' }}) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body[0].name).to.be.equal('Picture 1'); expect(res.body[1].name).to.be.equal('Picture 2'); expect(res.body[0].imageable).to.be.eql({ name: 'Reader 1', id: 1, teamId: 1 }); done(); }); }); it('includes related models scoped to the related parent model', function(done) { var url = '/api/pictures'; this.get(url) .query({ 'filter': { 'include': { 'relation': 'imageable', 'scope': { 'include': 'team' }, }}}) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body[0].name).to.be.equal('Picture 1'); expect(res.body[1].name).to.be.equal('Picture 2'); expect(res.body[0].imageable.name).to.be.eql('Reader 1'); expect(res.body[0].imageable.team).to.be.eql({ name: 'Team 1', id: 1 }); done(); }); }); }); describe('/store/superStores', function() { it('should invoke scoped methods remotely', function(done) { this.get('/api/stores/superStores') .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.array; done(); }); }); }); describe('/store/:id/widgets', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.url = '/api/stores/' + this.store.id + '/widgets'; }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/api/stores/:id/widgets', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); }); describe('widgets (response.body)', function() { beforeEach(function() { debug('GET /api/stores/:id/widgets response: %s' + '\nheaders: %j\nbody string: %s', this.res.statusCode, this.res.headers, this.res.text); this.widgets = this.res.body; this.widget = this.res.body && this.res.body[0]; }); it('should be an array', function() { assert(Array.isArray(this.widgets)); }); it('should include a single widget', function() { assert(this.widgets.length === 1); assert(this.widget); }); it('should be a valid widget', function() { assert(this.widget.id); assert.equal(this.widget.storeId, this.store.id); assert.equal(this.widget.name, this.widgetName); }); }); }); describe('POST /api/store/:id/widgets', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.newWidgetName = 'baz'; this.newWidget = { name: this.newWidgetName, }; }); beforeEach(function(done) { this.http = this.post(this.url, this.newWidget); this.http.send(this.newWidget); this.http.end(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); this.req = this.http.req; this.res = this.http.res; done(); }.bind(this)); }); it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); }); describe('widget (response.body)', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.widget = this.res.body; }); it('should be an object', function() { assert(typeof this.widget === 'object'); assert(!Array.isArray(this.widget)); }); it('should be a valid widget', function() { assert(this.widget.id); assert.equal(this.widget.storeId, this.store.id); assert.equal(this.widget.name, this.newWidgetName); }); }); it('should have a single widget with storeId', function(done) { this.app.models.widget.count({ storeId: this.store.id, }, function(err, count) { if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(count, 2); done(); }); }); }); describe('PUT /api/store/:id/widgets/:fk', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var self = this; this.store.widgets.create({ name: this.widgetName, }, function(err, widget) { self.widget = widget; self.url = '/api/stores/' + self.store.id + '/widgets/' + widget.id; done(); }); }); it('does not add default properties to request body', function(done) { var self = this; self.request.put(self.url) .send({ active: true }) .end(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); app.models.Widget.findById(self.widget.id, function(err, w) { if (err) return done(err); expect(w.name).to.equal(self.widgetName); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('/stores/:id/widgets/:fk - 200', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var self = this; this.store.widgets.create({ name: this.widgetName, }, function(err, widget) { self.widget = widget; self.url = '/api/stores/' + self.store.id + '/widgets/' + widget.id; done(); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/stores/:id/widgets/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(this.res.body.id, this.widget.id); }); }); }); describe('/stores/:id/widgets/:fk - 404', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.url = '/api/stores/' + this.store.id + '/widgets/123456'; }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/stores/:id/widgets/:fk', function() { it('should fail with statusCode 404', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 404); assert.equal(this.res.body.error.statusCode, 404); }); }); }); describe('/store/:id/widgets/count', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.url = '/api/stores/' + this.store.id + '/widgets/count'; }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/api/stores/:id/widgets/count', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); }); it('should return the count', function() { assert.equal(this.res.body.count, 1); }); }); }); describe('/store/:id/widgets/count - filtered (matches)', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.url = '/api/stores/' + this.store.id + '/widgets/count?where[name]=foo'; }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/api/stores/:id/widgets/count?where[name]=foo', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); }); it('should return the count', function() { assert.equal(this.res.body.count, 1); }); }); }); describe('/store/:id/widgets/count - filtered (no matches)', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.url = '/api/stores/' + this.store.id + '/widgets/count?where[name]=bar'; }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/api/stores/:id/widgets/count?where[name]=bar', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); }); it('should return the count', function() { assert.equal(this.res.body.count, 0); }); }); }); describe('/widgets/:id/store', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var self = this; this.store.widgets.create({ name: this.widgetName, }, function(err, widget) { self.widget = widget; self.url = '/api/widgets/' + self.widget.id + '/store'; done(); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/api/widgets/:id/store', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(this.res.body.id, this.store.id); }); }); }); describe('hasMany through', function() { function setup(connecting, cb) { var root = {}; async.series([ // Clean up models function(done) { app.models.physician.destroyAll(function(err) { app.models.patient.destroyAll(function(err) { app.models.appointment.destroyAll(function(err) { done(); }); }); }); }, // Create a physician function(done) { app.models.physician.create({ name: 'ph1', }, function(err, physician) { root.physician = physician; done(); }); }, // Create a patient connecting ? function(done) { root.physician.patients.create({ name: 'pa1', }, function(err, patient) { root.patient = patient; root.relUrl = '/api/physicians/' + root.physician.id + '/patients/rel/' + root.patient.id; done(); }); } : function(done) { app.models.patient.create({ name: 'pa1', }, function(err, patient) { root.patient = patient; root.relUrl = '/api/physicians/' + root.physician.id + '/patients/rel/' + root.patient.id; done(); }); }], function(err, done) { cb(err, root); }); } describe('PUT /physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(false, function(err, root) { self.url = root.relUrl; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('PUT', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(this.res.body.patientId, this.patient.id); assert.equal(this.res.body.physicianId, this.physician.id); }); it('should create a record in appointment', function(done) { var self = this; app.models.appointment.find(function(err, apps) { assert.equal(apps.length, 1); assert.equal(apps[0].patientId, self.patient.id); done(); }); }); it('should connect physician to patient', function(done) { var self = this; self.physician.patients(function(err, patients) { assert.equal(patients.length, 1); assert.equal(patients[0].id, self.patient.id); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('PUT /physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk with data', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(false, function(err, root) { self.url = root.relUrl; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); var NOW = Date.now(); var data = { date: new Date(NOW) }; lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('PUT', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', data, function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(this.res.body.patientId, this.patient.id); assert.equal(this.res.body.physicianId, this.physician.id); assert.equal(new Date(this.res.body.date).getTime(), NOW); }); it('should create a record in appointment', function(done) { var self = this; app.models.appointment.find(function(err, apps) { assert.equal(apps.length, 1); assert.equal(apps[0].patientId, self.patient.id); assert.equal(apps[0].physicianId, self.physician.id); assert.equal(apps[0].date.getTime(), NOW); done(); }); }); it('should connect physician to patient', function(done) { var self = this; self.physician.patients(function(err, patients) { assert.equal(patients.length, 1); assert.equal(patients[0].id, self.patient.id); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('HEAD /physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(true, function(err, root) { self.url = root.relUrl; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('HEAD', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); }); }); }); describe('HEAD /physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk that does not exist', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(true, function(err, root) { self.url = '/api/physicians/' + root.physician.id + '/patients/rel/' + '999'; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('HEAD', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 404', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 404); }); }); }); describe('DELETE /physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(true, function(err, root) { self.url = root.relUrl; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); it('should create a record in appointment', function(done) { var self = this; app.models.appointment.find(function(err, apps) { assert.equal(apps.length, 1); assert.equal(apps[0].patientId, self.patient.id); done(); }); }); it('should connect physician to patient', function(done) { var self = this; self.physician.patients(function(err, patients) { assert.equal(patients.length, 1); assert.equal(patients[0].id, self.patient.id); done(); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('DELETE', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/rel/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 204', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 204); }); it('should remove the record in appointment', function(done) { var self = this; app.models.appointment.find(function(err, apps) { assert.equal(apps.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should remove the connection between physician and patient', function(done) { var self = this; // Need to refresh the cache self.physician.patients(true, function(err, patients) { assert.equal(patients.length, 0); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('GET /physicians/:id/patients/:fk', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(true, function(err, root) { self.url = '/api/physicians/' + root.physician.id + '/patients/' + root.patient.id; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('GET', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 200', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); assert.equal(this.res.body.id, this.physician.id); }); }); }); describe('DELETE /physicians/:id/patients/:fk', function() { before(function(done) { var self = this; setup(true, function(err, root) { self.url = '/api/physicians/' + root.physician.id + '/patients/' + root.patient.id; self.patient = root.patient; self.physician = root.physician; done(err); }); }); lt.describe.whenCalledRemotely('DELETE', '/api/physicians/:id/patients/:fk', function() { it('should succeed with statusCode 204', function() { assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 204); }); it('should remove the record in appointment', function(done) { var self = this; app.models.appointment.find(function(err, apps) { assert.equal(apps.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should remove the connection between physician and patient', function(done) { var self = this; // Need to refresh the cache self.physician.patients(true, function(err, patients) { assert.equal(patients.length, 0); done(); }); }); it('should remove the record in patient', function(done) { var self = this; app.models.patient.find(function(err, patients) { assert.equal(patients.length, 0); done(); }); }); }); }); }); describe('hasAndBelongsToMany', function() { beforeEach(function defineProductAndCategoryModels() { // Disable "Warning: overriding remoting type product" this.app.remotes()._typeRegistry._options.warnWhenOverridingType = false; var product = app.registry.createModel( 'product', { id: 'string', name: 'string' } ); var category = app.registry.createModel( 'category', { id: 'string', name: 'string' } ); app.model(product, { dataSource: 'db' }); app.model(category, { dataSource: 'db' }); product.hasAndBelongsToMany(category); category.hasAndBelongsToMany(product); }); lt.beforeEach.givenModel('category'); beforeEach(function createProductsInCategory(done) { var test = this; this.category.products.create({ name: 'a-product', }, function(err, product) { if (err) return done(err); test.product = product; done(); }); }); beforeEach(function createAnotherCategoryAndProduct(done) { app.models.category.create({ name: 'another-category' }, function(err, cat) { if (err) return done(err); cat.products.create({ name: 'another-product' }, done); }); }); afterEach(function(done) { this.app.models.product.destroyAll(done); }); it.skip('allows to find related objects via where filter', function(done) { //TODO https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/94 var expectedProduct = this.product; this.get('/api/products?filter[where][categoryId]=' + this.category.id) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.eql([ { id: expectedProduct.id, name: expectedProduct.name, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('allows to find related object via URL scope', function(done) { var expectedProduct = this.product; this.get('/api/categories/' + this.category.id + '/products') .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.eql([ { id: expectedProduct.id, name: expectedProduct.name, }, ]); done(); }); }); it('includes requested related models in `find`', function(done) { var expectedProduct = this.product; var url = '/api/categories/findOne?filter[where][id]=' + this.category.id + '&filter[include]=products'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.have.property('products'); expect(res.body.products).to.eql([ { id: expectedProduct.id, name: expectedProduct.name, }, ]); done(); }); }); it.skip('includes requested related models in `findById`', function(done) { //TODO https://github.com/strongloop/loopback-datasource-juggler/issues/93 var expectedProduct = this.product; // Note: the URL format is not final var url = '/api/categories/' + this.category.id + '?include=products'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.have.property('products'); expect(res.body.products).to.eql([ { id: expectedProduct.id, name: expectedProduct.name, }, ]); done(); }); }); }); describe('embedsOne', function() { before(function defineGroupAndPosterModels() { var group = app.registry.createModel('group', { name: 'string' }, { plural: 'groups' } ); app.model(group, { dataSource: 'db' }); var poster = app.registry.createModel( 'poster', { url: 'string' } ); app.model(poster, { dataSource: 'db' }); group.embedsOne(poster, { as: 'cover' }); }); before(function createImage(done) { var test = this; app.models.group.create({ name: 'Group 1' }, function(err, group) { if (err) return done(err); test.group = group; done(); }); }); after(function(done) { this.app.models.group.destroyAll(done); }); it('creates an embedded model', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id + '/cover'; this.post(url) .send({ url: 'http://image.url' }) .expect(200, function(err, res) { expect(res.body).to.be.eql( { url: 'http://image.url' } ); done(); }); }); it('includes the embedded models', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.name).to.be.equal('Group 1'); expect(res.body.poster).to.be.eql( { url: 'http://image.url' } ); done(); }); }); it('returns the embedded model', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id + '/cover'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql( { url: 'http://image.url' } ); done(); }); }); it('updates an embedded model', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id + '/cover'; this.put(url) .send({ url: 'http://changed.url' }) .expect(200, function(err, res) { expect(res.body.url).to.be.equal('http://changed.url'); done(); }); }); it('returns the updated embedded model', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id + '/cover'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql( { url: 'http://changed.url' } ); done(); }); }); it('deletes an embedded model', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id + '/cover'; this.del(url).expect(204, done); }); it('deleted the embedded model', function(done) { var url = '/api/groups/' + this.group.id + '/cover'; this.get(url).expect(404, done); }); }); describe('embedsMany', function() { before(function defineProductAndCategoryModels() { var todoList = app.registry.createModel( 'todoList', { name: 'string' }, { plural: 'todo-lists' } ); app.model(todoList, { dataSource: 'db' }); var todoItem = app.registry.createModel( 'todoItem', { content: 'string' }, { forceId: false } ); app.model(todoItem, { dataSource: 'db' }); todoList.embedsMany(todoItem, { as: 'items' }); }); before(function createTodoList(done) { var test = this; app.models.todoList.create({ name: 'List A' }, function(err, list) { if (err) return done(err); test.todoList = list; list.items.build({ content: 'Todo 1' }); list.items.build({ content: 'Todo 2' }); list.save(done); }); }); after(function(done) { this.app.models.todoList.destroyAll(done); }); it('includes the embedded models', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.name).to.be.equal('List A'); expect(res.body.todoItems).to.be.eql([ { content: 'Todo 1', id: 1 }, { content: 'Todo 2', id: 2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns the embedded models', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { content: 'Todo 1', id: 1 }, { content: 'Todo 2', id: 2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('filters the embedded models', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items'; url += '?filter[where][id]=2'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { content: 'Todo 2', id: 2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('creates embedded models', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items'; var expected = { content: 'Todo 3', id: 3 }; this.post(url) .send({ content: 'Todo 3' }) .expect(200, function(err, res) { expect(res.body).to.be.eql(expected); done(); }); }); it('returns the embedded models', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { content: 'Todo 1', id: 1 }, { content: 'Todo 2', id: 2 }, { content: 'Todo 3', id: 3 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns an embedded model by (internal) id', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items/3'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql( { content: 'Todo 3', id: 3 } ); done(); }); }); it('removes an embedded model', function(done) { var expectedProduct = this.product; var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items/2'; this.del(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); it('returns the embedded models - verify', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { content: 'Todo 1', id: 1 }, { content: 'Todo 3', id: 3 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns a 404 response when embedded model is not found', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items/2'; this.get(url).expect(404, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.error.status).to.be.equal(404); expect(res.body.error.message).to.be.equal('Unknown "todoItem" id "2".'); expect(res.body.error.code).to.be.equal('MODEL_NOT_FOUND'); done(); }); }); it.skip('checks if an embedded model exists - ok', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items/3'; this.head(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); it.skip('checks if an embedded model exists - fail', function(done) { var url = '/api/todo-lists/' + this.todoList.id + '/items/2'; this.head(url) .expect(404, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); }); describe('referencesMany', function() { before(function defineProductAndCategoryModels() { var recipe = app.registry.createModel( 'recipe', { name: 'string' } ); app.model(recipe, { dataSource: 'db' }); var ingredient = app.registry.createModel( 'ingredient', { name: 'string' } ); app.model(ingredient, { dataSource: 'db' }); var photo = app.registry.createModel( 'photo', { name: 'string' } ); app.model(photo, { dataSource: 'db' }); recipe.referencesMany(ingredient); // contrived example for test: recipe.hasOne(photo, { as: 'picture', options: { http: { path: 'image' }, }}); }); before(function createRecipe(done) { var test = this; app.models.recipe.create({ name: 'Recipe' }, function(err, recipe) { if (err) return done(err); test.recipe = recipe; recipe.ingredients.create({ name: 'Chocolate' }, function(err, ing) { test.ingredient1 = ing.id; recipe.picture.create({ name: 'Photo 1' }, done); }); }); }); before(function createIngredient(done) { var test = this; app.models.ingredient.create({ name: 'Sugar' }, function(err, ing) { test.ingredient2 = ing.id; done(); }); }); after(function(done) { var app = this.app; app.models.recipe.destroyAll(function() { app.models.ingredient.destroyAll(function() { app.models.photo.destroyAll(done); }); }); }); it('keeps an array of ids', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.ingredientIds).to.eql([test.ingredient1]); expect(res.body).to.not.have.property('ingredients'); done(); }); }); it('creates referenced models', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; var test = this; this.post(url) .send({ name: 'Butter' }) .expect(200, function(err, res) { expect(res.body.name).to.be.eql('Butter'); test.ingredient3 = res.body.id; done(); }); }); it('has created models', function(done) { var url = '/api/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, { name: 'Sugar', id: test.ingredient2 }, { name: 'Butter', id: test.ingredient3 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns the referenced models', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, { name: 'Butter', id: test.ingredient3 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('filters the referenced models', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; url += '?filter[where][name]=Butter'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Butter', id: test.ingredient3 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('includes the referenced models', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/findOne?filter[where][id]=' + this.recipe.id; url += '&filter[include]=ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.ingredientIds).to.eql([ test.ingredient1, test.ingredient3, ]); expect(res.body.ingredients).to.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, { name: 'Butter', id: test.ingredient3 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns a referenced model by id', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients/'; url += this.ingredient3; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql( { name: 'Butter', id: test.ingredient3 } ); done(); }); }); it('keeps an array of ids - verify', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id; var test = this; var expected = [test.ingredient1, test.ingredient3]; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.ingredientIds).to.eql(expected); expect(res.body).to.not.have.property('ingredients'); done(); }); }); it('destroys a referenced model', function(done) { var expectedProduct = this.product; var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients/'; url += this.ingredient3; this.del(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); it('has destroyed a referenced model', function(done) { var url = '/api/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, { name: 'Sugar', id: test.ingredient2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('returns the referenced models - verify', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('creates/links a reference by id', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; url += '/rel/' + this.ingredient2; var test = this; this.put(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { expect(res.body).to.be.eql( { name: 'Sugar', id: test.ingredient2 } ); done(); }); }); it('returns the referenced models - verify', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, { name: 'Sugar', id: test.ingredient2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('removes/unlinks a reference by id', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; url += '/rel/' + this.ingredient1; var test = this; this.del(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); it('returns the referenced models - verify', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Sugar', id: test.ingredient2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('has not destroyed an unlinked model', function(done) { var url = '/api/ingredients'; var test = this; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.eql([ { name: 'Chocolate', id: test.ingredient1 }, { name: 'Sugar', id: test.ingredient2 }, ]); done(); }); }); it('uses a custom relation path', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/image'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(err).to.not.exist; expect(res.body.name).to.equal('Photo 1'); done(); }); }); it.skip('checks if a referenced model exists - ok', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients/'; url += this.ingredient1; this.head(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); it.skip('checks if an referenced model exists - fail', function(done) { var url = '/api/recipes/' + this.recipe.id + '/ingredients/'; url += this.ingredient3; this.head(url) .expect(404, function(err, res) { done(); }); }); }); describe('nested relations', function() { before(function defineModels() { var Book = app.registry.createModel( 'Book', { name: 'string' }, { plural: 'books' } ); app.model(Book, { dataSource: 'db' }); var Page = app.registry.createModel( 'Page', { name: 'string' }, { plural: 'pages' } ); app.model(Page, { dataSource: 'db' }); var Image = app.registry.createModel( 'Image', { name: 'string' }, { plural: 'images' } ); app.model(Image, { dataSource: 'db' }); var Note = app.registry.createModel( 'Note', { text: 'string' }, { plural: 'notes' } ); app.model(Note, { dataSource: 'db' }); var Chapter = app.registry.createModel( 'Chapter', { name: 'string' }, { plural: 'chapters' } ); app.model(Chapter, { dataSource: 'db' }); Book.hasMany(Page); Book.hasMany(Chapter); Page.hasMany(Note); Chapter.hasMany(Note); Image.belongsTo(Book); // fake a remote method that match the filter in Model.nestRemoting() Page.prototype['__throw__errors'] = function() { throw new Error('This should not crash the app'); }; Page.remoteMethod('__throw__errors', { isStatic: false, http: { path: '/throws', verb: 'get' }}); Book.nestRemoting('pages'); Book.nestRemoting('chapters'); Image.nestRemoting('book'); expect(Book.prototype['__findById__pages__notes']).to.be.a.function; expect(Image.prototype['__findById__book__pages']).to.be.a.function; Page.beforeRemote('prototype.__findById__notes', function(ctx, result, next) { ctx.res.set('x-before', 'before'); next(); }); Page.afterRemote('prototype.__findById__notes', function(ctx, result, next) { ctx.res.set('x-after', 'after'); next(); }); }); before(function createBook(done) { var test = this; app.models.Book.create({ name: 'Book 1' }, function(err, book) { if (err) return done(err); test.book = book; book.pages.create({ name: 'Page 1' }, function(err, page) { if (err) return done(err); test.page = page; page.notes.create({ text: 'Page Note 1' }, function(err, note) { test.note = note; done(); }); }); }); }); before(function createChapters(done) { var test = this; test.book.chapters.create({ name: 'Chapter 1' }, function(err, chapter) { if (err) return done(err); test.chapter = chapter; chapter.notes.create({ text: 'Chapter Note 1' }, function(err, note) { test.cnote = note; done(); }); }); }); before(function createCover(done) { var test = this; app.models.Image.create({ name: 'Cover 1', book: test.book }, function(err, image) { if (err) return done(err); test.image = image; done(); }); }); it('has regular relationship routes - pages', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/books/' + test.book.id + '/pages') .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.an.array; expect(res.body).to.have.length(1); expect(res.body[0].name).to.equal('Page 1'); done(); }); }); it('has regular relationship routes - notes', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/pages/' + test.page.id + '/notes/' + test.note.id) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.headers['x-before']).to.equal('before'); expect(res.headers['x-after']).to.equal('after'); expect(res.body).to.be.an.object; expect(res.body.text).to.equal('Page Note 1'); done(); }); }); it('has a basic error handler', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/books/unknown/pages/' + test.page.id + '/notes') .expect(404, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.error).to.be.an.object; var expected = 'could not find a model with id unknown'; expect(res.body.error.message).to.equal(expected); expect(res.body.error.code).to.be.equal('MODEL_NOT_FOUND'); done(); }); }); it('enables nested relationship routes - belongsTo find', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/images/' + test.image.id + '/book/pages') .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.an.array; expect(res.body).to.have.length(1); expect(res.body[0].name).to.equal('Page 1'); done(); }); }); it('enables nested relationship routes - belongsTo findById', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/images/' + test.image.id + '/book/pages/' + test.page.id) .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.an.object; expect(res.body.name).to.equal('Page 1'); done(); }); }); it('enables nested relationship routes - hasMany find', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/books/' + test.book.id + '/pages/' + test.page.id + '/notes') .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.an.array; expect(res.body).to.have.length(1); expect(res.body[0].text).to.equal('Page Note 1'); done(); }); }); it('enables nested relationship routes - hasMany findById', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/books/' + test.book.id + '/pages/' + test.page.id + '/notes/' + test.note.id) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.headers['x-before']).to.equal('before'); expect(res.headers['x-after']).to.equal('after'); expect(res.body).to.be.an.object; expect(res.body.text).to.equal('Page Note 1'); done(); }); }); it('should nest remote hooks of ModelTo - hasMany findById', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/books/' + test.book.id + '/chapters/' + test.chapter.id + '/notes/' + test.cnote.id) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.headers['x-before']).to.empty; expect(res.headers['x-after']).to.empty; done(); }); }); it('should have proper http.path for remoting', function() { [app.models.Book, app.models.Image].forEach(function(Model) { Model.sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(method) { var http = Array.isArray(method.http) ? method.http : [method.http]; http.forEach(function(opt) { // destroyAll has been shared but missing http property if (opt.path === undefined) return; expect(opt.path, method.stringName).to.match(/^\/.*/); }); }); }); }); it('should catch error if nested function throws', function(done) { var test = this; this.get('/api/books/' + test.book.id + '/pages/' + this.page.id + '/throws') .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body).to.be.an('object'); expect(res.body.error).to.be.an('object'); expect(res.body.error.name).to.equal('Error'); expect(res.body.error.statusCode).to.equal(500); expect(res.body.error.message).to.equal('This should not crash the app'); done(); }); }); }); describe('hasOne', function() { var cust; before(function createCustomer(done) { var test = this; app.models.customer.create({ name: 'John' }, function(err, c) { if (err) return done(err); cust = c; done(); }); }); after(function(done) { var self = this; this.app.models.customer.destroyAll(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); self.app.models.profile.destroyAll(done); }); }); it('should create the referenced model', function(done) { var url = '/api/customers/' + cust.id + '/profile'; this.post(url) .send({ points: 10 }) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.points).to.be.eql(10); expect(res.body.customerId).to.be.eql(cust.id); done(); }); }); it('should find the referenced model', function(done) { var url = '/api/customers/' + cust.id + '/profile'; this.get(url) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.points).to.be.eql(10); expect(res.body.customerId).to.be.eql(cust.id); done(); }); }); it('should not create the referenced model twice', function(done) { var url = '/api/customers/' + cust.id + '/profile'; this.post(url) .send({ points: 20 }) .expect(500, function(err, res) { done(err); }); }); it('should update the referenced model', function(done) { var url = '/api/customers/' + cust.id + '/profile'; this.put(url) .send({ points: 100 }) .expect(200, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); expect(res.body.points).to.be.eql(100); expect(res.body.customerId).to.be.eql(cust.id); done(); }); }); it('should delete the referenced model', function(done) { var url = '/api/customers/' + cust.id + '/profile'; this.del(url) .expect(204, function(err, res) { done(err); }); }); it('should not find the referenced model', function(done) { var url = '/api/customers/' + cust.id + '/profile'; this.get(url) .expect(404, function(err, res) { done(err); }); }); }); });