// Copyright IBM Corp. 2017,2018. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const expect = require('./helpers/expect'); const loopback = require('../'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); describe('role-mapping model', function() { this.timeout(10000); let app, oneUser, anApp, aRole; const models = {}; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback({localRegistry: true, loadBuiltinModels: true}); app.dataSource('db', {connector: 'memory'}); // setup models ['User', 'Role', 'RoleMapping', 'Application'].map(setupModel); // create generic instances return Promise.all([ models.User.create({ username: 'oneUser', email: 'user@email.com', password: 'password', }), models.Application.create({name: 'anApp'}), models.Role.create({name: 'aRole'}), ]) .spread(function(u, a, r) { oneUser = u; anApp = a; aRole = r; }); // helper function setupModel(modelName) { const model = app.registry.getModel(modelName); app.model(model, {dataSource: 'db'}); models[modelName] = model; } }); it('supports .user() with a callback', function(done) { models.RoleMapping.create( {principalType: 'USER', principalId: oneUser.id}, function(err, mapping) { if (err) done(err); mapping.user(function(err, user) { if (err) done(err); expect(user.id).to.equal(oneUser.id); done(); }); }, ); }); it('supports .user() returning a promise', function() { return models.RoleMapping.create({principalType: 'USER', principalId: oneUser.id}) .then(function(mapping) { return mapping.user(); }) .then(function(user) { expect(user.id).to.equal(oneUser.id); }); }); it('supports .application() with a callback', function(done) { models.RoleMapping.create( {principalType: 'APP', principalId: anApp.id}, function(err, mapping) { if (err) done(err); mapping.application(function(err, app) { if (err) done(err); expect(app.id).to.equal(anApp.id); done(); }); }, ); }); it('supports .application() returning a promise', function() { return models.RoleMapping.create({principalType: 'APP', principalId: anApp.id}) .then(function(mapping) { return mapping.application(); }) .then(function(app) { expect(app.id).to.equal(anApp.id); }); }); it('supports .childRole() with a callback', function(done) { models.RoleMapping.create( {principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: aRole.id}, function(err, mapping) { if (err) done(err); mapping.childRole(function(err, role) { if (err) done(err); expect(role.id).to.equal(aRole.id); done(); }); }, ); }); it('supports .childRole() returning a promise', function() { return models.RoleMapping.create({principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: aRole.id}) .then(function(mapping) { return mapping.childRole(); }) .then(function(role) { expect(role.id).to.equal(aRole.id); }); }); });