var loopback = require('../'); var lt = require('loopback-testing'); var path = require('path'); var SIMPLE_APP = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'simple-integration-app'); var app = require(path.join(SIMPLE_APP, 'app.js')); var assert = require('assert'); describe('remoting - integration', function () { lt.beforeEach.withApp(app); lt.beforeEach.givenModel('store'); afterEach(function (done) {; }); describe('app.remotes.options', function () { it("should load remoting options", function () { var remotes = app.remotes(); assert.deepEqual(remotes.options, {"json": {"limit": "1kb", "strict": false}, "urlencoded": {"limit": "8kb"}}); }); it("rest handler", function () { var handler = app.handler('rest'); assert(handler); }); it('should accept request that has entity below 1kb', function (done) { // Build an object that is smaller than 1kb var name = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) { name += "11"; } this.http ='/api/stores'); this.http.send({ "name": name }); this.http.end(function (err) { if (err) return done(err); this.req = this.http.req; this.res = this.http.res; assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 200); done(); }.bind(this)); }); it('should reject request that has entity beyond 1kb', function (done) { // Build an object that is larger than 1kb var name = ""; for (var i = 0; i < 2048; i++) { name += "11111111111"; } this.http ='/api/stores'); this.http.send({ "name": name }); this.http.end(function (err) { if (err) return done(err); this.req = this.http.req; this.res = this.http.res; // Request is rejected with 413 assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 413); done(); }.bind(this)); }); }); }) ;