// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var assert = require('assert'); var loopback = require('../index'); var Scope = loopback.Scope; var ACL = loopback.ACL; var Role = loopback.Role; var RoleMapping = loopback.RoleMapping; var User = loopback.User; var testModel; function checkResult(err, result) { // console.log(err, result); assert(!err); } var ds = null; before(function() { ds = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory }); }); describe('security scopes', function() { beforeEach(function() { var ds = this.ds = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory }); testModel = loopback.PersistedModel.extend('testModel'); ACL.attachTo(ds); Role.attachTo(ds); RoleMapping.attachTo(ds); User.attachTo(ds); Scope.attachTo(ds); testModel.attachTo(ds); }); it('should allow access to models for the given scope by wildcard', function() { Scope.create({ name: 'userScope', description: 'access user information' }, function(err, scope) { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.SCOPE, principalId: scope.id, model: 'User', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW, }, function(err, resource) { Scope.checkPermission('userScope', 'User', ACL.ALL, ACL.ALL, checkResult); Scope.checkPermission('userScope', 'User', 'name', ACL.ALL, checkResult); Scope.checkPermission('userScope', 'User', 'name', ACL.READ, checkResult); }); }); }); it('should allow access to models for the given scope', function() { Scope.create({ name: 'testModelScope', description: 'access testModel information' }, function(err, scope) { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.SCOPE, principalId: scope.id, model: 'testModel', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.READ, permission: ACL.ALLOW, }, function(err, resource) { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.SCOPE, principalId: scope.id, model: 'testModel', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.WRITE, permission: ACL.DENY, }, function(err, resource) { // console.log(resource); Scope.checkPermission('testModelScope', 'testModel', ACL.ALL, ACL.ALL, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); // because name.WRITE == DENY }); Scope.checkPermission('testModelScope', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.ALL, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); // because name.WRITE == DENY }); Scope.checkPermission('testModelScope', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); Scope.checkPermission('testModelScope', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('security ACLs', function() { it('should order ACL entries based on the matching score', function() { var acls = [ { 'model': 'account', 'accessType': '*', 'permission': 'DENY', 'principalType': 'ROLE', 'principalId': '$everyone', }, { 'model': 'account', 'accessType': '*', 'permission': 'ALLOW', 'principalType': 'ROLE', 'principalId': '$owner', }, { 'model': 'account', 'accessType': 'READ', 'permission': 'ALLOW', 'principalType': 'ROLE', 'principalId': '$everyone', }]; var req = { model: 'account', property: 'find', accessType: 'WRITE', }; acls = acls.map(function(a) { return new ACL(a); }); var perm = ACL.resolvePermission(acls, req); assert.deepEqual(perm, { model: 'account', property: 'find', accessType: 'WRITE', permission: 'ALLOW', methodNames: [] }); }); it('should allow access to models for the given principal by wildcard', function() { // jscs:disable validateIndentation ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', model: 'User', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW, }, function(err, acl) { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', model: 'User', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.READ, permission: ACL.DENY, }, function(err, acl) { ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'User', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'User', 'name', ACL.ALL, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); }); }); }); it('should allow access to models by exception', function() { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', model: 'testModel', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.DENY, }, function(err, acl) { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', model: 'testModel', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.READ, permission: ACL.ALLOW, }, function(err, acl) { ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u002', model: 'testModel', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.EXECUTE, permission: ACL.ALLOW, }, function(err, acl) { ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'testModel', ACL.ALL, ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.ALL, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u002', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u002', 'testModel', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); }); }); }); }); it('should honor defaultPermission from the model', function() { var Customer = ds.createModel('Customer', { name: { type: String, acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.WRITE, permission: ACL.DENY }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], }, }, { acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], }); Customer.settings.defaultPermission = ACL.DENY; ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u002', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); }); it('should honor static ACLs from the model', function() { var Customer = ds.createModel('Customer', { name: { type: String, acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.WRITE, permission: ACL.DENY }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], }, }, { acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u002', accessType: ACL.EXECUTE, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u003', accessType: ACL.EXECUTE, permission: ACL.DENY }, ], }); /* Customer.settings.acls = [ {principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW} ]; */ ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u001', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.ALL, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u002', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.READ, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkPermission(ACL.USER, 'u003', 'Customer', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function(err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); }); it('should filter static ACLs by model/property', function() { var Model1 = ds.createModel('Model1', { name: { type: String, acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.WRITE, permission: ACL.DENY }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], }, }, { acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u001', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u002', property: 'findOne', accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: 'u003', property: ['findOne', 'findById'], accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], }); var staticACLs = ACL.getStaticACLs('Model1', 'name'); assert(staticACLs.length === 3); staticACLs = ACL.getStaticACLs('Model1', 'findOne'); assert(staticACLs.length === 2); staticACLs = ACL.getStaticACLs('Model1', 'findById'); assert(staticACLs.length === 1); assert(staticACLs[0].property === 'findById'); }); it('should check access against LDL, ACL, and Role', function() { // var log = console.log; var log = function() {}; // Create User.create({ name: 'Raymond', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, user) { log('User: ', user.toObject()); var userId = user.id; // Define a model with static ACLs var Customer = ds.createModel('Customer', { name: { type: String, acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: userId, accessType: ACL.WRITE, permission: ACL.DENY }, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: userId, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], }, }, { acls: [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: userId, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW }, ], defaultPermission: 'DENY', }); ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: userId, model: 'Customer', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW, }, function(err, acl) { log('ACL 1: ', acl.toObject()); Role.create({ name: 'MyRole' }, function(err, myRole) { log('Role: ', myRole.toObject()); myRole.principals.create({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: userId }, function(err, p) { log('Principal added to role: ', p.toObject()); ACL.create({ principalType: ACL.ROLE, principalId: 'MyRole', model: 'Customer', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.READ, permission: ACL.DENY, }, function(err, acl) { log('ACL 2: ', acl.toObject()); ACL.checkAccessForContext({ principals: [ { type: ACL.USER, id: userId }, ], model: 'Customer', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.READ, }, function(err, access) { assert(!err && access.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); ACL.checkAccessForContext({ principals: [ { type: ACL.ROLE, id: Role.EVERYONE }, ], model: 'Customer', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.READ, }, function(err, access) { assert(!err && access.permission === ACL.DENY); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('access check', function() { it('should occur before other remote hooks', function(done) { var app = loopback(); var MyTestModel = app.registry.createModel('MyTestModel'); var checkAccessCalled = false; var beforeHookCalled = false; app.use(loopback.rest()); app.set('remoting', { errorHandler: { debug: true, log: false }}); app.enableAuth(); app.dataSource('test', { connector: 'memory' }); app.model(MyTestModel, { dataSource: 'test' }); // fake / spy on the checkAccess method MyTestModel.checkAccess = function() { var cb = arguments[arguments.length - 1]; checkAccessCalled = true; var allowed = true; cb(null, allowed); }; MyTestModel.beforeRemote('find', function(ctx, next) { // ensure this is called after checkAccess if (!checkAccessCalled) return done(new Error('incorrect order')); beforeHookCalled = true; next(); }); request(app) .get('/MyTestModels') .end(function(err, result) { assert(beforeHookCalled, 'the before hook should be called'); assert(checkAccessCalled, 'checkAccess should have been called'); done(); }); }); });