var async = require('async'); var loopback = require('../'); var ACL = loopback.ACL; var Change = loopback.Change; var defineModelTestsWithDataSource = require('./util/model-tests'); var DataModel = loopback.DataModel; describe('Replication / Change APIs', function() { beforeEach(function() { var test = this; var dataSource = this.dataSource = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory }); var SourceModel = this.SourceModel = DataModel.extend('SourceModel', {}, { trackChanges: true }); SourceModel.attachTo(dataSource); var TargetModel = this.TargetModel = DataModel.extend('TargetModel', {}, { trackChanges: true }); TargetModel.attachTo(dataSource); this.createInitalData = function(cb) { SourceModel.create({name: 'foo'}, function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); test.model = inst; // give loopback a chance to register the change // TODO(ritch) get rid of this... setTimeout(function() { SourceModel.replicate(TargetModel, cb); }, 100); }); }; }); describe('Model.changes(since, filter, callback)', function() { it('Get changes since the given checkpoint', function (done) { var test = this; this.SourceModel.create({name: 'foo'}, function(err) { if(err) return done(err); setTimeout(function() { test.SourceModel.changes(test.startingCheckpoint, {}, function(err, changes) { assert.equal(changes.length, 1); done(); }); }, 1); }); }); }); describe('Model.replicate(since, targetModel, options, callback)', function() { it('Replicate data using the target model', function (done) { var test = this; var options = {}; var sourceData; var targetData; this.SourceModel.create({name: 'foo'}, function(err) { setTimeout(replicate, 100); }); function replicate() { test.SourceModel.replicate(test.startingCheckpoint, test.TargetModel, options, function(err, conflicts) { assert(conflicts.length === 0); async.parallel([ function(cb) { test.SourceModel.find(function(err, result) { if(err) return cb(err); sourceData = result; cb(); }); }, function(cb) { test.TargetModel.find(function(err, result) { if(err) return cb(err); targetData = result; cb(); }); } ], function(err) { if(err) return done(err); assert.deepEqual(sourceData, targetData); done(); }); }); } }); }); describe('conflict detection - both updated', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var SourceModel = this.SourceModel; var TargetModel = this.TargetModel; var test = this; test.createInitalData(createConflict); function createConflict(err, conflicts) { async.parallel([ function(cb) { SourceModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); = 'source update';; }); }, function(cb) { TargetModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); = 'target update';; }); } ], function(err) { if(err) return done(err); SourceModel.replicate(TargetModel, function(err, conflicts) { if(err) return done(err); test.conflicts = conflicts; test.conflict = conflicts[0]; done(); }); }); } }); it('should detect a single conflict', function() { assert.equal(this.conflicts.length, 1); assert(this.conflict); }); it('type should be UPDATE', function(done) { this.conflict.type(function(err, type) { assert.equal(type, Change.UPDATE); done(); }); }); it('conflict.changes()', function(done) { var test = this; this.conflict.changes(function(err, sourceChange, targetChange) { assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(test.model.getId(), sourceChange.getModelId()); assert.equal(sourceChange.type(), Change.UPDATE); assert.equal(targetChange.type(), Change.UPDATE); done(); }); }); it('conflict.models()', function(done) { var test = this; this.conflict.models(function(err, source, target) { assert.deepEqual(source.toJSON(), { id: 1, name: 'source update' }); assert.deepEqual(target.toJSON(), { id: 1, name: 'target update' }); done(); }); }); }); describe('conflict detection - source deleted', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var SourceModel = this.SourceModel; var TargetModel = this.TargetModel; var test = this; test.createInitalData(createConflict); function createConflict() { async.parallel([ function(cb) { SourceModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); test.model = inst; inst.remove(cb); }); }, function(cb) { TargetModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); = 'target update';; }); } ], function(err) { if(err) return done(err); SourceModel.replicate(TargetModel, function(err, conflicts) { if(err) return done(err); test.conflicts = conflicts; test.conflict = conflicts[0]; done(); }); }); } }); it('should detect a single conflict', function() { assert.equal(this.conflicts.length, 1); assert(this.conflict); }); it('type should be DELETE', function(done) { this.conflict.type(function(err, type) { assert.equal(type, Change.DELETE); done(); }); }); it('conflict.changes()', function(done) { var test = this; this.conflict.changes(function(err, sourceChange, targetChange) { assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(test.model.getId(), sourceChange.getModelId()); assert.equal(sourceChange.type(), Change.DELETE); assert.equal(targetChange.type(), Change.UPDATE); done(); }); }); it('conflict.models()', function(done) { var test = this; this.conflict.models(function(err, source, target) { assert.equal(source, null); assert.deepEqual(target.toJSON(), { id: 1, name: 'target update' }); done(); }); }); }); describe('conflict detection - target deleted', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var SourceModel = this.SourceModel; var TargetModel = this.TargetModel; var test = this; test.createInitalData(createConflict); function createConflict() { async.parallel([ function(cb) { SourceModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); test.model = inst; = 'source update';; }); }, function(cb) { TargetModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); inst.remove(cb); }); } ], function(err) { if(err) return done(err); SourceModel.replicate(TargetModel, function(err, conflicts) { if(err) return done(err); test.conflicts = conflicts; test.conflict = conflicts[0]; done(); }); }); } }); it('should detect a single conflict', function() { assert.equal(this.conflicts.length, 1); assert(this.conflict); }); it('type should be DELETE', function(done) { this.conflict.type(function(err, type) { assert.equal(type, Change.DELETE); done(); }); }); it('conflict.changes()', function(done) { var test = this; this.conflict.changes(function(err, sourceChange, targetChange) { assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(typeof, 'string'); assert.equal(test.model.getId(), sourceChange.getModelId()); assert.equal(sourceChange.type(), Change.UPDATE); assert.equal(targetChange.type(), Change.DELETE); done(); }); }); it('conflict.models()', function(done) { var test = this; this.conflict.models(function(err, source, target) { assert.equal(target, null); assert.deepEqual(source.toJSON(), { id: 1, name: 'source update' }); done(); }); }); }); describe('conflict detection - both deleted', function() { beforeEach(function(done) { var SourceModel = this.SourceModel; var TargetModel = this.TargetModel; var test = this; test.createInitalData(createConflict); function createConflict() { async.parallel([ function(cb) { SourceModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); test.model = inst; inst.remove(cb); }); }, function(cb) { TargetModel.findOne(function(err, inst) { if(err) return cb(err); inst.remove(cb); }); } ], function(err) { if(err) return done(err); SourceModel.replicate(TargetModel, function(err, conflicts) { if(err) return done(err); test.conflicts = conflicts; test.conflict = conflicts[0]; done(); }); }); } }); it('should not detect a conflict', function() { assert.equal(this.conflicts.length, 0); assert(!this.conflict); }); }); });