// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var assert = require('assert'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var loopback = require('../index'); var Role = loopback.Role; var RoleMapping = loopback.RoleMapping; var User = loopback.User; var Application = loopback.Application; var ACL = loopback.ACL; var async = require('async'); var expect = require('chai').expect; var Promise = require('bluebird'); function checkResult(err, result) { // console.log(err, result); assert(!err); } describe('role model', function() { var ds; beforeEach(function() { ds = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: 'memory' }); // Re-attach the models so that they can have isolated store to avoid // pollutions from other tests ACL.attachTo(ds); User.attachTo(ds); Role.attachTo(ds); RoleMapping.attachTo(ds); Application.attachTo(ds); ACL.roleModel = Role; ACL.roleMappingModel = RoleMapping; ACL.userModel = User; ACL.applicationModel = Application; Role.roleMappingModel = RoleMapping; Role.userModel = User; Role.applicationModel = Application; }); it('should define role/role relations', function() { Role.create({ name: 'user' }, function(err, userRole) { Role.create({ name: 'admin' }, function(err, adminRole) { userRole.principals.create({ principalType: RoleMapping.ROLE, principalId: adminRole.id }, function(err, mapping) { Role.find(function(err, roles) { assert.equal(roles.length, 2); }); RoleMapping.find(function(err, mappings) { assert.equal(mappings.length, 1); assert.equal(mappings[0].principalType, RoleMapping.ROLE); assert.equal(mappings[0].principalId, adminRole.id); }); userRole.principals(function(err, principals) { assert.equal(principals.length, 1); }); userRole.roles(function(err, roles) { assert.equal(roles.length, 1); }); }); }); }); }); it('should define role/user relations', function() { User.create({ name: 'Raymond', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, user) { // console.log('User: ', user.id); Role.create({ name: 'userRole' }, function(err, role) { role.principals.create({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, p) { Role.find(function(err, roles) { assert(!err); assert.equal(roles.length, 1); assert.equal(roles[0].name, 'userRole'); }); role.principals(function(err, principals) { assert(!err); // console.log(principals); assert.equal(principals.length, 1); assert.equal(principals[0].principalType, RoleMapping.USER); assert.equal(principals[0].principalId, user.id); }); role.users(function(err, users) { assert(!err); assert.equal(users.length, 1); assert.equal(users[0].id, user.id); }); }); }); }); }); it('should automatically generate role id', function() { User.create({ name: 'Raymond', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, user) { // console.log('User: ', user.id); Role.create({ name: 'userRole' }, function(err, role) { assert(role.id); role.principals.create({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, p) { assert(p.id); assert.equal(p.roleId, role.id); Role.find(function(err, roles) { assert(!err); assert.equal(roles.length, 1); assert.equal(roles[0].name, 'userRole'); }); role.principals(function(err, principals) { assert(!err); // console.log(principals); assert.equal(principals.length, 1); assert.equal(principals[0].principalType, RoleMapping.USER); assert.equal(principals[0].principalId, user.id); }); role.users(function(err, users) { assert(!err); assert.equal(users.length, 1); assert.equal(users[0].id, user.id); }); }); }); }); }); it('should support getRoles() and isInRole()', function() { User.create({ name: 'Raymond', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, user) { // console.log('User: ', user.id); Role.create({ name: 'userRole' }, function(err, role) { role.principals.create({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, p) { // Role.find(console.log); // role.principals(console.log); Role.isInRole('userRole', { principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, exists) { assert(!err && exists === true); }); Role.isInRole('userRole', { principalType: RoleMapping.APP, principalId: user.id }, function(err, exists) { assert(!err && exists === false); }); Role.isInRole('userRole', { principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: 100 }, function(err, exists) { assert(!err && exists === false); }); Role.getRoles({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, roles) { assert.equal(roles.length, 3); // everyone, authenticated, userRole assert(roles.indexOf(role.id) >= 0); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.EVERYONE) >= 0); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.AUTHENTICATED) >= 0); }); Role.getRoles({ principalType: RoleMapping.APP, principalId: user.id }, function(err, roles) { assert.equal(roles.length, 2); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.EVERYONE) >= 0); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.AUTHENTICATED) >= 0); }); Role.getRoles({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: 100 }, function(err, roles) { assert.equal(roles.length, 2); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.EVERYONE) >= 0); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.AUTHENTICATED) >= 0); }); Role.getRoles({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: null }, function(err, roles) { assert.equal(roles.length, 2); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.EVERYONE) >= 0); assert(roles.indexOf(Role.UNAUTHENTICATED) >= 0); }); }); }); }); }); it('should support owner role resolver', function() { Role.registerResolver('returnPromise', function(role, context) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { process.nextTick(function() { resolve(true); }); }); }); var Album = ds.createModel('Album', { name: String, userId: Number, }, { relations: { user: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User', foreignKey: 'userId', }, }, }); User.create({ name: 'Raymond', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, user) { Role.isInRole('returnPromise', { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && yes); }); Role.isInRole(Role.AUTHENTICATED, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && yes); }); Role.isInRole(Role.AUTHENTICATED, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: null }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && !yes); }); Role.isInRole(Role.UNAUTHENTICATED, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && !yes); }); Role.isInRole(Role.UNAUTHENTICATED, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: null }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && yes); }); Role.isInRole(Role.EVERYONE, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && yes); }); Role.isInRole(Role.EVERYONE, { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: null }, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && yes); }); // console.log('User: ', user.id); Album.create({ name: 'Album 1', userId: user.id }, function(err, album1) { var role = { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id, model: Album, id: album1.id }; Role.isInRole(Role.OWNER, role, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && yes); }); Album.create({ name: 'Album 2' }, function(err, album2) { role = { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id, model: Album, id: album2.id }; Role.isInRole(Role.OWNER, role, function(err, yes) { assert(!err && !yes); }); }); }); }); }); describe('isMappedToRole', function() { var user, app, role; beforeEach(function(done) { User.create({ username: 'john', email: 'john@gmail.com', password: 'jpass', }, function(err, u) { if (err) return done(err); user = u; User.create({ username: 'mary', email: 'mary@gmail.com', password: 'mpass', }, function(err, u) { if (err) return done(err); Application.create({ name: 'demo', }, function(err, a) { if (err) return done(err); app = a; Role.create({ name: 'admin', }, function(err, r) { if (err) return done(err); role = r; var principals = [ { principalType: ACL.USER, principalId: user.id, }, { principalType: ACL.APP, principalId: app.id, }, ]; async.each(principals, function(p, done) { role.principals.create(p, done); }, done); }); }); }); }); }); it('should resolve user by id', function(done) { ACL.resolvePrincipal(ACL.USER, user.id, function(err, u) { if (err) return done(err); expect(u.id).to.eql(user.id); done(); }); }); it('should resolve user by username', function(done) { ACL.resolvePrincipal(ACL.USER, user.username, function(err, u) { if (err) return done(err); expect(u.username).to.eql(user.username); done(); }); }); it('should resolve user by email', function(done) { ACL.resolvePrincipal(ACL.USER, user.email, function(err, u) { if (err) return done(err); expect(u.email).to.eql(user.email); done(); }); }); it('should resolve app by id', function(done) { ACL.resolvePrincipal(ACL.APP, app.id, function(err, a) { if (err) return done(err); expect(a.id).to.eql(app.id); done(); }); }); it('should resolve app by name', function(done) { ACL.resolvePrincipal(ACL.APP, app.name, function(err, a) { if (err) return done(err); expect(a.name).to.eql(app.name); done(); }); }); it('should report isMappedToRole by user.username', function(done) { ACL.isMappedToRole(ACL.USER, user.username, 'admin', function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); expect(flag).to.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should report isMappedToRole by user.email', function(done) { ACL.isMappedToRole(ACL.USER, user.email, 'admin', function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); expect(flag).to.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should report isMappedToRole by user.username for mismatch', function(done) { ACL.isMappedToRole(ACL.USER, 'mary', 'admin', function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); expect(flag).to.eql(false); done(); }); }); it('should report isMappedToRole by app.name', function(done) { ACL.isMappedToRole(ACL.APP, app.name, 'admin', function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); expect(flag).to.eql(true); done(); }); }); it('should report isMappedToRole by app.name', function(done) { ACL.isMappedToRole(ACL.APP, app.name, 'admin', function(err, flag) { if (err) return done(err); expect(flag).to.eql(true); done(); }); }); }); describe('listByPrincipalType', function() { var sandbox; beforeEach(function() { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); }); afterEach(function() { sandbox.restore(); }); it('should fetch all models assigned to the role', function(done) { var principalTypesToModels = {}; var runs = 0; var mappings; principalTypesToModels[RoleMapping.USER] = User; principalTypesToModels[RoleMapping.APPLICATION] = Application; principalTypesToModels[RoleMapping.ROLE] = Role; mappings = Object.keys(principalTypesToModels); mappings.forEach(function(principalType) { var Model = principalTypesToModels[principalType]; Model.create({ name: 'test', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, model) { Role.create({ name: 'testRole' }, function(err, role) { role.principals.create({ principalType: principalType, principalId: model.id }, function(err, p) { var pluralName = Model.pluralModelName.toLowerCase(); role[pluralName](function(err, models) { assert(!err); assert.equal(models.length, 1); if (++runs === mappings.length) { done(); } }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should apply query', function(done) { User.create({ name: 'Raymond', email: 'x@y.com', password: 'foobar' }, function(err, user) { Role.create({ name: 'userRole' }, function(err, role) { role.principals.create({ principalType: RoleMapping.USER, principalId: user.id }, function(err, p) { var query = { fields: ['id', 'name'] }; sandbox.spy(User, 'find'); role.users(query, function(err, users) { assert(!err); assert.equal(users.length, 1); assert.equal(users[0].id, user.id); assert(User.find.calledWith(query)); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('isOwner', function() { it('supports app-local model registry', function(done) { var app = loopback({ localRegistry: true, loadBuiltinModels: true }); app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' }); // attach all auth-related models to 'db' datasource app.enableAuth({ dataSource: 'db' }); var Role = app.models.Role; var User = app.models.User; var u = app.registry.findModel('User'); var credentials = { email: 'test@example.com', password: 'pass' }; User.create(credentials, function(err, user) { if (err) return done(err); Role.isOwner(User, user.id, user.id, function(err, result) { if (err) return done(err); expect(result, 'isOwner result').to.equal(true); done(); }); }); }); }); });