var _describe = {}; var _it = {}; var _beforeEach = {}; var helpers = { describe: _describe, it: _it, beforeEach: _beforeEach, }; module.exports = helpers; var assert = require('assert'); var request = require('supertest'); var chai = require('chai'); var expect = chai.expect; var sinon = require('sinon'); chai.use(require('sinon-chai')); _beforeEach.withApp = function(app) { if (app.models.User) { // Speed up the password hashing algorithm app.models.User.settings.saltWorkFactor = 4; } beforeEach(function(done) { = app; var _request = this.request = request(app); =; this.get = _request.get; this.put = _request.put; this.del = _request.del; if (app.booting) { return app.once('booted', done); } done(); }); }; _beforeEach.withArgs = function() { var args =, 0); beforeEach(function() { this.args = args; }); }; _beforeEach.givenModel = function(modelName, attrs, optionalHandler) { var modelKey = modelName; if (typeof attrs === 'function') { optionalHandler = attrs; attrs = undefined; } if (typeof optionalHandler === 'string') { modelKey = optionalHandler; } attrs = attrs || {}; beforeEach(function(done) { var test = this; var app =; var model = app.models[modelName]; assert(model, 'cannot get model of name ' + modelName + ' from app.models'); assert(model.dataSource, 'cannot test model ' + modelName + ' without attached dataSource'); assert( typeof model.create === 'function', modelName + ' does not have a create method' ); model.create(attrs, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.error(err.message); if (err.details) console.error(err.details); done(err); } else { test[modelKey] = result; done(); } }); }); if (typeof optionalHandler === 'function') { beforeEach(optionalHandler); } afterEach(function(done) { this[modelKey].destroy(done); }); }; _beforeEach.givenUser = function(attrs, optionalHandler) { _beforeEach.givenModel('user', attrs, optionalHandler); }; _beforeEach.givenLoggedInUser = function(credentials, optionalHandler) { _beforeEach.givenUser(credentials, function(done) { var test = this; this.user.constructor.login(credentials, function(err, token) { if (err) { done(err); } else { test.loggedInAccessToken = token; done(); } }); }); afterEach(function(done) { var test = this; this.loggedInAccessToken.destroy(function(err) { if (err) return done(err); test.loggedInAccessToken = undefined; done(); }); }); }; _beforeEach.givenAnUnauthenticatedToken = function(attrs, optionalHandler) { _beforeEach.givenModel('accessToken', attrs, optionalHandler); }; _beforeEach.givenAnAnonymousToken = function(attrs, optionalHandler) { _beforeEach.givenModel('accessToken', { id: '$anonymous' }, optionalHandler); }; _describe.whenCalledRemotely = function(verb, url, data, cb) { if (cb === undefined) { cb = data; data = null; } var urlStr = url; if (typeof url === 'function') { urlStr = '/<dynamic>'; } describe(verb.toUpperCase() + ' ' + urlStr, function() { beforeEach(function(cb) { if (typeof url === 'function') { this.url =; } this.remotely = true; this.verb = verb.toUpperCase(); this.url = this.url || url; var methodForVerb = verb.toLowerCase(); if (methodForVerb === 'delete') methodForVerb = 'del'; if (this.request === undefined) { var msg = 'App is not specified. ' + 'Please use lt.beforeEach.withApp to specify the app.'; throw new Error(msg); } this.http = this.request[methodForVerb](this.url); delete this.url; this.http.set('Accept', 'application/json'); if (this.loggedInAccessToken) { this.http.set('authorization',; } if (data) { var payload = data; if (typeof data === 'function') payload =; this.http.send(payload); } this.req = this.http.req; var test = this; this.http.end(function(err) { test.req = test.http.req; test.res = test.http.res; delete test.url; cb(); }); }); cb(); }); }; _describe.whenLoggedInAsUser = function(credentials, cb) { describe('when logged in as user', function() { _beforeEach.givenLoggedInUser(credentials); cb(); }); }; _describe.whenCalledByUser = function(credentials, verb, url, data, cb) { describe('when called by logged in user', function() { _beforeEach.givenLoggedInUser(credentials); _describe.whenCalledRemotely(verb, url, data, cb); }); }; _describe.whenCalledAnonymously = function(verb, url, data, cb) { describe('when called anonymously', function() { _beforeEach.givenAnAnonymousToken(); _describe.whenCalledRemotely(verb, url, data, cb); }); }; _describe.whenCalledUnauthenticated = function(verb, url, data, cb) { describe('when called with unauthenticated token', function() { _beforeEach.givenAnAnonymousToken(); _describe.whenCalledRemotely(verb, url, data, cb); }); }; _it.shouldBeAllowed = function() { it('should be allowed', function() { assert(this.req); assert(this.res); // expect success - status 2xx or 3xx expect(this.res.statusCode), 399); }); }; _it.shouldBeDenied = function() { it('should not be allowed', function() { assert(this.res); var expectedStatus = this.aclErrorStatus || &&'aclErrorStatus') || 401; expect(this.res.statusCode).to.equal(expectedStatus); }); }; _it.shouldNotBeFound = function() { it('should not be found', function() { assert(this.res); assert.equal(this.res.statusCode, 404); }); }; _it.shouldBeAllowedWhenCalledAnonymously = function(verb, url, data) { _describe.whenCalledAnonymously(verb, url, data, function() { _it.shouldBeAllowed(); }); }; _it.shouldBeDeniedWhenCalledAnonymously = function(verb, url) { _describe.whenCalledAnonymously(verb, url, function() { _it.shouldBeDenied(); }); }; _it.shouldBeAllowedWhenCalledUnauthenticated = function(verb, url, data) { _describe.whenCalledUnauthenticated(verb, url, data, function() { _it.shouldBeAllowed(); }); }; _it.shouldBeDeniedWhenCalledUnauthenticated = function(verb, url) { _describe.whenCalledUnauthenticated(verb, url, function() { _it.shouldBeDenied(); }); }; _it.shouldBeAllowedWhenCalledByUser = function(credentials, verb, url, data) { _describe.whenCalledByUser(credentials, verb, url, data, function() { _it.shouldBeAllowed(); }); }; _it.shouldBeDeniedWhenCalledByUser = function(credentials, verb, url) { _describe.whenCalledByUser(credentials, verb, url, function() { _it.shouldBeDenied(); }); };