# asteroid v0.0.1 ## Install slnode install asteroid -g ## Server APIs - [App](#app) - [asteroid.Model](#model) - [asteroid.DataSource](#data-source) - [Adapters](#adapters) - [asteroid.GeoPoint](#geo-point) - [Asteroid Types](#asteroid-types) - [asteroid.rest](#rest-middleware) ## Client APIs _TODO_ ### App Create an asteroid application. var asteroid = require('asteroid'); var app = asteroid(); app.get('/', function(req, res){ res.send('hello world'); }); app.listen(3000); **Notes:** - extends [express](http://expressjs.com/api.html#express) - see [express docs](http://expressjs.com/api.html) for details - supports [express / connect middleware](http://expressjs.com/api.html#middleware) #### app.model(Model) Expose a `Model` to remote clients. var memory = asteroid.createDataSource({adapter: 'memory'}); var Color = memory.defineModel({name: String}); app.model(Color); app.use(asteroid.rest()); **Note:** this will expose all [shared methods](#shared-methods) on the model. #### app.models() Get the app's exposed models. var models = app.models(); models.forEach(function (Model) { console.log(Model.name); // color }); ### Model An Asteroid `Model` is a vanilla JavaScript class constructor with an attached set of properties and settings. **Properties** A model defines a list of property names, types and other validation metadata. A [DataSource](#data-source) uses this definition to validate a `Model` during operations such as `save()`. **Settings** Some [DataSources](#data-source) may support additional `Model` settings. Define an asteroid model. var User = asteroid.createModel('user', { first: String, last: String, age: Number }); #### Model.attachTo(dataSource) Attach a model to a [DataSource](#data-source). Attaching a [DataSource](#data-source) updates the model with additional methods and behaviors. var oracle = asteroid.createDataSource({ adapter: 'oracle', host: '111.22.333.44', database: 'MYDB', username: 'username', password: 'password' }); User.attachTo(oracle); **Note:** until a model is attached to a data source it will only expose the API defined below. #### Attached Methods Attached methods are added by attaching a vanilla model to a data source with an adapter. ##### Model.create([data], [callback]) Create an instance of Model with given data and save to the attached data source. User.create({first: 'Joe', last: 'Bob'}, function(err, user) { console.log(user instanceof User); // true }); ##### model.save([options], [callback]) Save an instance of a Model to the attached data source. var joe = new User({first: 'Joe', last: 'Bob'}); joe.save(function(err, user) { if(user.errors) { console.log(user.errors); } else { console.log(user.id); } }); ##### model.updateAttributes(data, [callback]) Save specified attributes to the attached data source. user.updateAttributes({ first: 'updatedFirst', name: 'updatedLast' }, fn); ##### model.upsert(data, callback) Update when record with id=data.id found, insert otherwise. **Note:** no setters, validations or hooks applied when using upsert. ##### model.destroy([callback]) Remove a model from the attached data source. model.destroy(function(err) { // model instance destroyed }); ##### Model.destroyAll(callback) Delete all Model instances from data source. **Note:** destroyAll method does not perform destroy hooks. ##### Model.find(id, callback) Find instance by id. User.find(23, function(err, user) { console.info(user.id); // 23 }); Model.all(filter, callback); Find all instances of Model, matched by query. Fields used for filter and sort should be declared with `{index: true}` in model definition. **filter** where: `Object` { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}} include: `String`, `Object` or `Array`. order: `String` limit: `Number` skip: `Number` User.all({where: {age: {gt: 21}}, order: 'age DESC', limit: 10, skip: 20}) ##### Model.count([query], callback) Query count of Model instances in data source. Optional query param allows to count filtered set of Model instances. User.count({approved: true}, function(err, count) { console.log(count); // 1983 }); #### Static Methods Define a static model method. User.login = function (username, password, fn) { var passwordHash = hashPassword(password); this.findOne({username: username}, function (err, user) { var failErr = new Error('login failed'); if(err) { fn(err); } else if(!user) { fn(failErr); } else if(user.password === passwordHash) { MySessionModel.create({userId: user.id}, function (err, session) { fn(null, session.id); }); } else { fn(failErr); } }); } Expose the static model method to clients as a [remote method](#remote-method). asteroid.remoteMethod( User, User.login, { accepts: [ {arg: 'username', type: 'string', required: true}, {arg: 'password', type: 'string', required: true} ], returns: {arg: 'sessionId', type: 'any'}, http: {path: '/sign-in'} } ); #### Instance Methods Define an instance method. User.prototype.logout = function (fn) { MySessionModel.destroyAll({userId: this.id}, fn); } Define a remote model instance method. asteroid.remoteMethod(User, User.prototype.logout); #### Remote Methods Both instance and static methods can be exposed to clients. A remote method must accept a callback with the conventional `fn(err, result, ...)` signature. ##### asteroid.remoteMethod(Model, fn, [options]); Expose a remote method. Product.stats = function(fn) { myApi.getStats('products', fn); } asteroid.remoteMethod( Product, Product.stats, { returns: {arg: 'stats', type: 'array'}, http: {path: '/info', verb: 'get'} } ); **Options** - **accepts** - (optional) an arguments description specifying the remote method's arguments. A - **returns** - (optional) an arguments description specifying the remote methods callback arguments. - **http** - (advanced / optional, object) http routing info - **http.path** - the relative path the method will be exposed at. May be a path fragment (eg. '/:myArg') which will be populated by an arg of the same name in the accepts description. - **http.verb** - (get, post, put, del, all) - the route verb the method will be available from. **Argument Description** An arguments description defines either a single argument as an object or an ordered set of arguments as an array. // examples {arg: 'myArg', type: 'number'} [ {arg: 'arg1', type: 'number', required: true}, {arg: 'arg2', type: 'array'} ] **Types** Each argument may define any of the [asteroid types](#asteroid-types). **Notes:** - The callback is an assumed argument and does not need to be specified in the accepts array. - The err argument is also assumed and does not need to be specified in the returns array. #### Hooks Run a function before or after a model method is called. User.before('save', function(user, next) { console.log('about to save', user); next(); }); Prevent the method from being called by proding an error. User.before('delete', function(user, next) { // prevent all delete calls next(new Error('deleting is disabled')); }); #### Remote Hooks Run a function before or after a remote method is called by a client. User.beforeRemote('save', function(ctx, user, next) { if(ctx.user.id === user.id) { next(); } else { next(new Error('must be logged in to update')) } }); #### Context Remote hooks are provided with a Context `ctx` that contains raw access to the transport specific objects. The `ctx` object also has a set of consistent apis that are consistent across transports. ##### ctx.me The id of the user calling the method remotely. **Note:** this is undefined if a user is not logged in. ##### Rest When [asteroid.rest](#asteroidrest) is used the following `ctx` properties are available. ###### ctx.req The express ServerRequest object. [See full documentation](http://expressjs.com/api.html#req). ###### ctx.res The express ServerResponse object. [See full documentation](http://expressjs.com/api.html#res). Access the raw `req` object for the remote method call. #### Relationships ##### Model.hasMany(Model) Define a "one to many" relationship. // by referencing model Book.hasMany(Chapter); // specify the name Book.hasMany('chapters', {model: Chapter}); Query and create the related models. Book.create(function(err, book) { // using 'chapters' scope for build: var c = book.chapters.build({name: 'Chapter 1'}); // same as: c = new Chapter({name: 'Chapter 1', bookId: book.id}); // using 'chapters' scope for create: book.chapters.create(); // same as: Chapter.create({bookId: book.id}); // using scope for querying: book.chapters(function(err, chapters) { /* all chapters with bookId = book.id */ }); book.chapters({where: {name: 'test'}, function(err, chapters) { // all chapters with bookId = book.id and name = 'test' }); }); ##### Model.hasAndBelongsToMany() TODO: implement / document #### Model.availableHooks() Return a list of available hooks. console.log(User.availableHooks()); // ['save', ...] #### Shared Methods Any static or instance method can be decorated as `shared`. These methods are exposed over the provided transport (eg. [asteroid.rest](#rest)). #### Model.availableMethods() Returns the currently available api of a model as well as descriptions of any modified behavior or methods from attached data sources. User.attachTo(oracle); console.log(User.availableMethods()); Output: { 'User.all': { accepts: [{arg: 'filter', type: 'object', description: '...'}], returns: [{arg: 'users', type: ['User']}] }, 'User.find': { accepts: [{arg: 'id', type: 'any'}], returns: [{arg: 'items', type: 'User'}] }, ... } ### Data Source An Asteroid `DataSource` provides [Models](#model) with the ability to manipulate data. Attaching a `DataSource` to a `Model` adds [instance methods](#instance-methods) and [static methods](#static-methods) to the `Model`. The added methods may be [remote methods](#remote-methods). Define a data source for persisting models. var oracle = asteroid.createDataSource({ adapter: 'oracle', host: '111.22.333.44', database: 'MYDB', username: 'username', password: 'password' }); #### dataSource.createModel(name, options, settings) Define a model and attach it to a `DataSource`. var Color = oracle.createModel('color', {name: String}); #### dataSource.discover(options, fn) Discover an object containing properties and settings for an existing data source. oracle.discover({owner: 'MYORG'}, function(err, tables) { var productSchema = tables.PRODUCTS; var ProductModel = oracle.createModel('product', productSchema.properties, productSchema.settings); }); #### dataSource.discoverSync(options) Synchronously discover an object containing properties and settings for an existing data source tables or collections. var tables = oracle.discover({owner: 'MYORG'}); var productSchema = tables.PRODUCTS; var ProductModel = oracle.createModel('product', productSchema.properties, productSchema.settings); #### dataSource.discoverModels(options, fn) Discover a set of models based on tables or collections in a data source. oracle.discoverModels({owner: 'MYORG'}, function(err, models) { var ProductModel = models.Product; }); **Note:** The `models` will contain all properties and settings discovered from the data source. It will also automatically discover and create relationships. #### dataSource.discoverModelsSync(options) Synchronously Discover a set of models based on tables or collections in a data source. var models = oracle.discoverModels({owner: 'MYORG'}); var ProductModel = models.Product; #### Adapters Create a data source with a specific adapter. var memory = asteroid.createDataSource({ adapter: require('asteroid-memory') }); **Available Adapters** - [Oracle](http://github.com/strongloop/asteroid-adapters/oracle) - [In Memory](http://github.com/strongloop/asteroid-adapters/memory) **Installing Adapters** Include the adapter in your package.json dependencies and run `npm install`. ### GeoPoint Embed a latitude / longitude point in a [Model](#model). var CoffeeShop = asteroid.createModel('coffee-shop', { location: 'GeoPoint' }); Asteroid Model's with a GeoPoint property and an attached DataSource may be queried using geo spatial filters and sorting. Find the 3 nearest coffee shops. CoffeeShop.attach(oracle); var here = new GeoPoint({lat: 10.32424, long: 5.84978}); CoffeeShop.all({where: {location: {near: here}}}, function(err, nearbyShops) { console.info(nearbyShops); // [CoffeeShop, ...] }); #### geoPoint.distanceTo(geoPoint, options) Get the distance to another `GeoPoint`. var here = new GeoPoint({lat: 10, long: 10}); var there = new GeoPoint({lat: 5, long: 5}); console.log(here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'miles'})); // 438 #### GeoPoint.distanceBetween(a, b, options) Get the distance between two points. GeoPoint.distanceBetween(here, there, {type: 'miles'}) // 438 #### Distance Types - `miles` - `radians` - `kilometers` #### geoPoint.lat The latitude point in degrees. Range: -90 to 90. #### geoPoint.long The longitude point in degrees. Range: -180 to 180. ### Asteroid Types Various APIs in Asteroid accept type descriptions (eg. [remote methods](#remote-methods), [asteroid.createModel()](#model)). The following is a list of supported types. - `null` - JSON null - `Boolean` - JSON boolean - `Number` - JSON number - `String` - JSON string - `Object` - JSON object - `Array` - JSON array - `Date` - a JavaScript date object - `Buffer` - a node.js Buffer object - [GeoPoint](#geopoint) - an asteroid GeoPoint object. ### Rest Middleware Expose models over rest using the `asteroid.rest` middleware. app.use(asteroid.rest()); ### SocketIO Middleware **Not Available** **Coming Soon** - Expose models over socket.io using the `asteroid.sio()` middleware. app.use(asteroid.sio);