describe('asteroid', function() { describe('asteroid.remoteMethod(Model, fn, [options]);', function() { it("Expose a remote method.", function(done) { /* example - Product.stats = function(fn) { myApi.getStats('products', fn); } asteroid.remoteMethod( Product, Product.stats, { returns: {arg: 'stats', type: 'array'}, http: {path: '/info', verb: 'get'} } ); // examples {arg: 'myArg', type: 'number'} [ {arg: 'arg1', type: 'number', required: true}, {arg: 'arg2', type: 'array'} ] User.before('save', function(user, next) { console.log('about to save', user); next(); }); User.before('delete', function(user, next) { // prevent all delete calls next(new Error('deleting is disabled')); }); User.beforeRemote('save', function(ctx, user, next) { if( === { next(); } else { next(new Error('must be logged in to update')) } }); */ done(new Error('test not implemented')); }); }); });