/*! * Module Dependencies. */ var registry = require('../registry'); var assert = require('assert'); var SharedClass = require('strong-remoting').SharedClass; var extend = require('util')._extend; var stringUtils = require('underscore.string'); /** * The base class for **all models**. * * **Inheriting from `Model`** * * ```js * var properties = {...}; * var options = {...}; * var MyModel = loopback.Model.extend('MyModel', properties, options); * ``` * * **Options** * * - `trackChanges` - If true, changes to the model will be tracked. **Required * for replication.** * * **Events** * * #### Event: `changed` * * Emitted after a model has been successfully created, saved, or updated. * * ```js * MyModel.on('changed', function(inst) { * console.log('model with id %s has been changed', inst.id); * // => model with id 1 has been changed * }); * ``` * * #### Event: `deleted` * * Emitted after an individual model has been deleted. * * ```js * MyModel.on('deleted', function(inst) { * console.log('model with id %s has been deleted', inst.id); * // => model with id 1 has been deleted * }); * ``` * * #### Event: `deletedAll` * * Emitted after an individual model has been deleted. * * ```js * MyModel.on('deletedAll', function(where) { * if(where) { * console.log('all models where', where, 'have been deleted'); * // => all models where * // => {price: {gt: 100}} * // => have been deleted * } * }); * ``` * * #### Event: `attached` * * Emitted after a `Model` has been attached to an `app`. * * #### Event: `dataSourceAttached` * * Emitted after a `Model` has been attached to a `DataSource`. * * @class * @param {Object} data * @property {String} modelName The name of the model * @property {DataSource} dataSource */ var Model = module.exports = registry.modelBuilder.define('Model'); /*! * Called when a model is extended. */ Model.setup = function () { var ModelCtor = this; var options = this.settings; // create a sharedClass var sharedClass = ModelCtor.sharedClass = new SharedClass( ModelCtor.modelName, ModelCtor, options.remoting ); // support remoting prototype methods ModelCtor.sharedCtor = function (data, id, fn) { var ModelCtor = this; if(typeof data === 'function') { fn = data; data = null; id = null; } else if (typeof id === 'function') { fn = id; if(typeof data !== 'object') { id = data; data = null; } else { id = null; } } if(id && data) { var model = new ModelCtor(data); model.id = id; fn(null, model); } else if(data) { fn(null, new ModelCtor(data)); } else if(id) { ModelCtor.findById(id, function (err, model) { if(err) { fn(err); } else if(model) { fn(null, model); } else { err = new Error('could not find a model with id ' + id); err.statusCode = 404; fn(err); } }); } else { fn(new Error('must specify an id or data')); } } var idDesc = ModelCtor.modelName + ' id'; ModelCtor.sharedCtor.accepts = [ {arg: 'id', type: 'any', required: true, http: {source: 'path'}, description: idDesc} // {arg: 'instance', type: 'object', http: {source: 'body'}} ]; ModelCtor.sharedCtor.http = [ {path: '/:id'} ]; ModelCtor.sharedCtor.returns = {root: true}; // before remote hook ModelCtor.beforeRemote = function (name, fn) { var self = this; if(this.app) { var remotes = this.app.remotes(); var className = self.modelName; remotes.before(className + '.' + name, function (ctx, next) { fn(ctx, ctx.result, next); }); } else { var args = arguments; this.once('attached', function () { self.beforeRemote.apply(self, args); }); } }; // after remote hook ModelCtor.afterRemote = function (name, fn) { var self = this; if(this.app) { var remotes = this.app.remotes(); var className = self.modelName; remotes.after(className + '.' + name, function (ctx, next) { fn(ctx, ctx.result, next); }); } else { var args = arguments; this.once('attached', function () { self.afterRemote.apply(self, args); }); } }; // resolve relation functions sharedClass.resolve(function resolver(define) { var relations = ModelCtor.relations; if (!relations) { return; } // get the relations for (var relationName in relations) { var relation = relations[relationName]; if (relation.type === 'belongsTo') { ModelCtor.belongsToRemoting(relationName, relation, define) } else if (relation.type === 'hasOne') { ModelCtor.hasOneRemoting(relationName, relation, define) } else if ( relation.type === 'hasMany' || relation.type === 'embedsMany' || relation.type === 'referencesMany') { ModelCtor.hasManyRemoting(relationName, relation, define); ModelCtor.scopeRemoting(relationName, relation, define); } else { ModelCtor.scopeRemoting(relationName, relation, define); } } }); return ModelCtor; }; /*! * Get the reference to ACL in a lazy fashion to avoid race condition in require */ var _aclModel = null; Model._ACL = function getACL(ACL) { if(ACL !== undefined) { // The function is used as a setter _aclModel = ACL; } if(_aclModel) { return _aclModel; } var aclModel = require('./acl').ACL; _aclModel = registry.getModelByType(aclModel); return _aclModel; }; /** * Check if the given access token can invoke the method * * @param {AccessToken} token The access token * @param {*} modelId The model ID. * @param {SharedMethod} sharedMethod The method in question * @callback {Function} callback The callback function * @param {String|Error} err The error object * @param {Boolean} allowed True if the request is allowed; false otherwise. */ Model.checkAccess = function(token, modelId, sharedMethod, callback) { var ANONYMOUS = require('./access-token').ANONYMOUS; token = token || ANONYMOUS; var aclModel = Model._ACL(); aclModel.checkAccessForContext({ accessToken: token, model: this, property: sharedMethod.name, method: sharedMethod.name, sharedMethod: sharedMethod, modelId: modelId, accessType: this._getAccessTypeForMethod(sharedMethod) }, function(err, accessRequest) { if(err) return callback(err); callback(null, accessRequest.isAllowed()); }); }; /*! * Determine the access type for the given `RemoteMethod`. * * @api private * @param {RemoteMethod} method */ Model._getAccessTypeForMethod = function(method) { if(typeof method === 'string') { method = {name: method}; } assert( typeof method === 'object', 'method is a required argument and must be a RemoteMethod object' ); var ACL = Model._ACL(); switch(method.name) { case'create': return ACL.WRITE; case 'updateOrCreate': return ACL.WRITE; case 'upsert': return ACL.WRITE; case 'exists': return ACL.READ; case 'findById': return ACL.READ; case 'find': return ACL.READ; case 'findOne': return ACL.READ; case 'destroyById': return ACL.WRITE; case 'deleteById': return ACL.WRITE; case 'removeById': return ACL.WRITE; case 'count': return ACL.READ; default: return ACL.EXECUTE; } } /** * Get the `Application` the Model is attached to. * * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err * @param {Application} app * @end */ Model.getApp = function(callback) { var Model = this; if(this.app) { callback(null, this.app); } else { Model.once('attached', function() { assert(Model.app); callback(null, Model.app); }); } } /** * Enable remote invocation for the method with the given name. * See [Remote methods and hooks](http://docs.strongloop.com/display/LB/Remote+methods+and+hooks for more information. * Static method example: * ```js * Model.myMethod(); * Model.remoteMethod('myMethod'); * ``` * * @param {String} name The name of the method. * @param {Object} options The remoting options. */ Model.remoteMethod = function(name, options) { if(options.isStatic === undefined) { options.isStatic = true; } this.sharedClass.defineMethod(name, options); } Model.belongsToRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) { var fn = this.prototype[relationName]; var pathName = (relation.options.http && relation.options.http.path) || relationName; define('__get__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName}, accepts: {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}}, description: 'Fetches belongsTo relation ' + relationName, returns: {arg: relationName, type: relation.modelTo.modelName, root: true} }, fn); } Model.hasOneRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) { var fn = this.prototype[relationName]; var pathName = (relation.options.http && relation.options.http.path) || relationName; define('__get__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName}, accepts: {arg: 'refresh', type: 'boolean', http: {source: 'query'}}, description: 'Fetches hasOne relation ' + relationName, returns: {arg: relationName, type: relation.modelTo.modelName, root: true} }, fn); } Model.hasManyRemoting = function (relationName, relation, define) { var pathName = (relation.options.http && relation.options.http.path) || relationName; var toModelName = relation.modelTo.modelName; var findByIdFunc = this.prototype['__findById__' + relationName]; define('__findById__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName + '/:fk'}, accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any', description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true, http: {source: 'path'}}, description: 'Find a related item by id for ' + relationName, returns: {arg: 'result', type: toModelName, root: true} }, findByIdFunc); var destroyByIdFunc = this.prototype['__destroyById__' + relationName]; define('__destroyById__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName + '/:fk'}, accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any', description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true, http: {source: 'path'}}, description: 'Delete a related item by id for ' + relationName, returns: {} }, destroyByIdFunc); var updateByIdFunc = this.prototype['__updateById__' + relationName]; define('__updateById__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'put', path: '/' + pathName + '/:fk'}, accepts: [ {arg: 'fk', type: 'any', description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true, http: {source: 'path'}}, {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}} ], description: 'Update a related item by id for ' + relationName, returns: {arg: 'result', type: toModelName, root: true} }, updateByIdFunc); if (relation.modelThrough || relation.type === 'referencesMany') { var modelThrough = relation.modelThrough || relation.modelTo; var addFunc = this.prototype['__link__' + relationName]; define('__link__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'put', path: '/' + pathName + '/rel/:fk'}, accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any', description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true, http: {source: 'path'}}, description: 'Add a related item by id for ' + relationName, returns: {arg: relationName, type: modelThrough.modelName, root: true} }, addFunc); var removeFunc = this.prototype['__unlink__' + relationName]; define('__unlink__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName + '/rel/:fk'}, accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any', description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true, http: {source: 'path'}}, description: 'Remove the ' + relationName + ' relation to an item by id', returns: {} }, removeFunc); // FIXME: [rfeng] How to map a function with callback(err, true|false) to HEAD? // true --> 200 and false --> 404? var existsFunc = this.prototype['__exists__' + relationName]; define('__exists__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'head', path: '/' + pathName + '/rel/:fk'}, accepts: {arg: 'fk', type: 'any', description: 'Foreign key for ' + relationName, required: true, http: {source: 'path'}}, description: 'Check the existence of ' + relationName + ' relation to an item by id', returns: {arg: 'exists', type: 'boolean', root: true}, rest: { // After hook to map exists to 200/404 for HEAD after: function(ctx, cb) { if(ctx.result === false) { var modelName = ctx.method.sharedClass.name; var id = ctx.getArgByName('id'); var msg = 'Unknown "' + modelName + '" id "' + id + '".'; var error = new Error(msg); error.statusCode = error.status = 404; cb(error); } else { cb(); } } } }, existsFunc); } }; Model.scopeRemoting = function(relationName, relation, define) { var pathName = (relation.options.http && relation.options.http.path) || relationName; var toModelName = relation.modelTo.modelName; define('__get__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'get', path: '/' + pathName}, accepts: {arg: 'filter', type: 'object'}, description: 'Queries ' + relationName + ' of ' + this.modelName + '.', returns: {arg: relationName, type: [toModelName], root: true} }); define('__create__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'post', path: '/' + pathName}, accepts: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, http: {source: 'body'}}, description: 'Creates a new instance in ' + relationName + ' of this model.', returns: {arg: 'data', type: toModelName, root: true} }); define('__delete__' + relationName, { isStatic: false, http: {verb: 'delete', path: '/' + pathName}, description: 'Deletes all ' + relationName + ' of this model.' }); }; Model.nestRemoting = function(relationName, options, cb) { if (typeof options === 'function' && !cb) { cb = options; options = {}; } options = options || {}; var regExp = /^__([^_]+)__([^_]+)$/; var relation = this.relations[relationName]; if (relation && relation.modelTo && relation.modelTo.sharedClass) { var self = this; var sharedClass = this.sharedClass; var sharedToClass = relation.modelTo.sharedClass; var toModelName = relation.modelTo.modelName; var pathName = options.pathName || relation.options.path || relationName; var paramName = options.paramName || 'nk'; var http = [].concat(sharedToClass.http || [])[0]; if (relation.multiple) { var httpPath = pathName + '/:' + paramName; var acceptArgs = [ { arg: paramName, type: 'any', http: { source: 'path' }, description: 'Foreign key for ' + relation.name, required: true } ]; } else { var httpPath = pathName; var acceptArgs = []; } // A method should return the method name to use, if it is to be // included as a nested method - a falsy return value will skip. var filter = cb || options.filterMethod || function(method, relation) { var matches = method.name.match(regExp); if (matches) { return '__' + matches[1] + '__' + relation.name + '__' + matches[2]; } }; sharedToClass.methods().forEach(function(method) { var methodName; if (!method.isStatic && (methodName = filter(method, relation))) { var prefix = relation.multiple ? '__findById__' : '__get__'; var getterName = options.getterName || (prefix + relationName); var getterFn = relation.modelFrom.prototype[getterName]; if (typeof getterFn !== 'function') { throw new Error('Invalid remote method: `' + getterName + '`'); } var nestedFn = relation.modelTo.prototype[method.name]; if (typeof nestedFn !== 'function') { throw new Error('Invalid remote method: `' + method.name + '`'); } var opts = {}; opts.accepts = acceptArgs.concat(method.accepts || []); opts.returns = [].concat(method.returns || []); opts.description = method.description; opts.rest = extend({}, method.rest || {}); opts.rest.delegateTo = method.name; opts.http = []; var routes = [].concat(method.http || []); routes.forEach(function(route) { if (route.path) { var copy = extend({}, route); copy.path = httpPath + route.path; opts.http.push(copy); } }); if (relation.multiple) { sharedClass.defineMethod(methodName, opts, function(fkId) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var last = args[args.length - 1]; var cb = typeof last === 'function' ? last : null; this[getterName](fkId, function(err, inst) { if (err && cb) return cb(err); if (inst instanceof relation.modelTo) { nestedFn.apply(inst, args); } else if (cb) { cb(err, null); } }); }, method.isStatic); } else { sharedClass.defineMethod(methodName, opts, function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); var last = args[args.length - 1]; var cb = typeof last === 'function' ? last : null; this[getterName](function(err, inst) { if (err && cb) return cb(err); if (inst instanceof relation.modelTo) { nestedFn.apply(inst, args); } else if (cb) { cb(err, null); } }); }, method.isStatic); } } }); if (options.hooks === false) return; // don't inherit before/after hooks self.once('mounted', function(app, sc, remotes) { var listenerTree = extend({}, remotes.listenerTree || {}); listenerTree.before = listenerTree.before || {}; listenerTree.after = listenerTree.after || {}; var beforeListeners = remotes.listenerTree.before[toModelName] || {}; var afterListeners = remotes.listenerTree.after[toModelName] || {}; sharedClass.methods().forEach(function(method) { var delegateTo = method.rest && method.rest.delegateTo; if (delegateTo) { var before = method.isStatic ? beforeListeners : beforeListeners['prototype']; var after = method.isStatic ? afterListeners : afterListeners['prototype']; var m = method.isStatic ? method.name : 'prototype.' + method.name; if (before[delegateTo]) { self.beforeRemote(m, function(ctx, result, next) { before[delegateTo]._listeners.call(null, ctx, next); }); } if (after[delegateTo]) { self.afterRemote(m, function(ctx, result, next) { after[delegateTo]._listeners.call(null, ctx, next); }); } } }); }); } else { throw new Error('Relation `' + relationName + '` does not exist for model `' + this.modelName + '`'); } }; // setup the initial model Model.setup();