// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const loopback = require('../'); const GeoPoint = loopback.GeoPoint; describe('GeoPoint', function() { describe('geoPoint.distanceTo(geoPoint, options)', function() { it('Get the distance to another `GeoPoint`', function() { const here = new GeoPoint({lat: 10, lng: 10}); const there = new GeoPoint({lat: 5, lng: 5}); const distance = here.distanceTo(there, {type: 'meters'}); assert.equal(Math.floor(distance), 782777); }); }); describe('GeoPoint.distanceBetween(a, b, options)', function() { it('Get the distance between two points', function() { const here = new GeoPoint({lat: 10, lng: 10}); const there = new GeoPoint({lat: 5, lng: 5}); const distance = GeoPoint.distanceBetween(here, there, {type: 'feet'}); assert.equal(Math.floor(distance), 2568169); }); }); describe('GeoPoint()', function() { it('Create from string', function() { const point = new GeoPoint('1.234,5.678'); assert.equal(point.lat, 1.234); assert.equal(point.lng, 5.678); const point2 = new GeoPoint('1.222, 5.333'); assert.equal(point2.lat, 1.222); assert.equal(point2.lng, 5.333); const point3 = new GeoPoint('1.333, 5.111'); assert.equal(point3.lat, 1.333); assert.equal(point3.lng, 5.111); }); it('Serialize as string', function() { const str = '1.234,5.678'; const point = new GeoPoint(str); assert.equal(point.toString(), str); }); it('Create from array', function() { const point = new GeoPoint([5.555, 6.777]); assert.equal(point.lat, 5.555); assert.equal(point.lng, 6.777); }); it('Create as Model property', function() { const Model = loopback.createModel('geo-model', { geo: {type: 'GeoPoint'}, }); const m = new Model({ geo: '1.222,3.444', }); assert(m.geo instanceof GeoPoint); assert.equal(m.geo.lat, 1.222); assert.equal(m.geo.lng, 3.444); }); }); });