// Copyright IBM Corp. 2013,2016. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT var it = require('./util/it'); var describe = require('./util/describe'); var Domain = require('domain'); var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; describe('loopback', function() { var nameCounter = 0; var uniqueModelName; beforeEach(function() { uniqueModelName = 'TestModel-' + (++nameCounter); }); describe('exports', function() { it('ValidationError', function() { expect(loopback.ValidationError).to.be.a('function') .and.have.property('name', 'ValidationError'); }); it.onServer('includes `faviconFile`', function() { var file = loopback.faviconFile; expect(file, 'faviconFile').to.not.equal(undefined); expect(require('fs').existsSync(loopback.faviconFile), 'file exists') .to.equal(true); }); it.onServer('has `getCurrentContext` method', function() { expect(loopback.getCurrentContext).to.be.a('function'); }); it.onServer('exports all expected properties', function() { var EXPECTED = [ 'ACL', 'AccessToken', 'Application', 'Change', 'Checkpoint', 'Connector', 'DataSource', 'Email', 'GeoPoint', 'Mail', 'Memory', 'Model', 'PersistedModel', 'Remote', 'Role', 'RoleMapping', 'Route', 'Router', 'Scope', 'User', 'ValidationError', 'application', 'arguments', 'caller', 'configureModel', 'context', 'createContext', 'createDataSource', 'createModel', 'defaultDataSources', 'errorHandler', 'favicon', 'faviconFile', 'findModel', 'getCurrentContext', 'getModel', 'getModelByType', 'isBrowser', 'isServer', 'length', 'memory', 'modelBuilder', 'name', 'prototype', 'query', 'registry', 'remoteMethod', 'request', 'response', 'rest', 'runInContext', 'static', 'status', 'template', 'token', 'urlNotFound', 'version', ]; var actual = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(loopback); actual.sort(); expect(actual).to.eql(EXPECTED); }); }); describe('loopback(options)', function() { it('supports localRegistry:true', function() { var app = loopback({ localRegistry: true }); expect(app.registry).to.not.equal(loopback.registry); }); it('does not load builtin models into the local registry', function() { var app = loopback({ localRegistry: true }); expect(app.registry.findModel('User')).to.equal(undefined); }); it('supports loadBuiltinModels:true', function() { var app = loopback({ localRegistry: true, loadBuiltinModels: true }); expect(app.registry.findModel('User')) .to.have.property('modelName', 'User'); }); }); describe('loopback.createDataSource(options)', function() { it('Create a data source with a connector.', function() { var dataSource = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory, }); assert(dataSource.connector); }); }); describe('data source created by loopback', function() { it('should create model extending Model by default', function() { var dataSource = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory, }); var m1 = dataSource.createModel('m1', {}); assert(m1.prototype instanceof loopback.Model); }); }); describe('model created by loopback', function() { it('should extend from Model by default', function() { var m1 = loopback.createModel('m1', {}); assert(m1.prototype instanceof loopback.Model); }); }); describe('loopback.remoteMethod(Model, fn, [options]);', function() { it('Setup a remote method.', function() { var Product = loopback.createModel('product', { price: Number }); Product.stats = function(fn) { // ... }; loopback.remoteMethod( Product.stats, { returns: { arg: 'stats', type: 'array' }, http: { path: '/info', verb: 'get' }, } ); assert.equal(Product.stats.returns.arg, 'stats'); assert.equal(Product.stats.returns.type, 'array'); assert.equal(Product.stats.http.path, '/info'); assert.equal(Product.stats.http.verb, 'get'); assert.equal(Product.stats.shared, true); }); }); describe('loopback.createModel(name, properties, options)', function() { describe('options.base', function() { it('should extend from options.base', function() { var MyModel = loopback.createModel('MyModel', {}, { foo: { bar: 'bat', }, }); var MyCustomModel = loopback.createModel('MyCustomModel', {}, { base: 'MyModel', foo: { bat: 'baz', }, }); assert(MyCustomModel.super_ === MyModel); assert.deepEqual(MyCustomModel.settings.foo, { bar: 'bat', bat: 'baz' }); assert(MyCustomModel.super_.modelName === MyModel.modelName); }); }); describe('loopback.getModel and getModelByType', function() { it('should be able to get model by name', function() { var MyModel = loopback.createModel('MyModel', {}, { foo: { bar: 'bat', }, }); var MyCustomModel = loopback.createModel('MyCustomModel', {}, { base: 'MyModel', foo: { bat: 'baz', }, }); assert(loopback.getModel('MyModel') === MyModel); assert(loopback.getModel('MyCustomModel') === MyCustomModel); assert(loopback.findModel('Invalid') === undefined); assert(loopback.getModel(MyModel) === MyModel); }); it('should be able to get model by type', function() { var MyModel = loopback.createModel('MyModel', {}, { foo: { bar: 'bat', }, }); var MyCustomModel = loopback.createModel('MyCustomModel', {}, { base: 'MyModel', foo: { bat: 'baz', }, }); assert(loopback.getModelByType(MyModel) === MyCustomModel); assert(loopback.getModelByType(MyCustomModel) === MyCustomModel); }); it('should throw when the model does not exist', function() { expect(function() { loopback.getModel(uniqueModelName); }) .to.throw(Error, new RegExp('Model not found: ' + uniqueModelName)); }); }); it('configures remote methods', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName, {}, { methods: { staticMethod: { isStatic: true, http: { path: '/static' }, }, instanceMethod: { isStatic: false, http: { path: '/instance' }, }, }, }); var methodNames = TestModel.sharedClass.methods().map(function(m) { return m.stringName.replace(/^[^.]+\./, ''); // drop the class name }); expect(methodNames).to.include.members([ 'staticMethod', 'prototype.instanceMethod', ]); }); }); describe('loopback.createModel(config)', function() { it('creates the model', function() { var model = loopback.createModel({ name: uniqueModelName, }); expect(model.prototype).to.be.instanceof(loopback.Model); }); it('interprets extra first-level keys as options', function() { var model = loopback.createModel({ name: uniqueModelName, base: 'User', }); expect(model.prototype).to.be.instanceof(loopback.User); }); it('prefers config.options.key over config.key', function() { var model = loopback.createModel({ name: uniqueModelName, base: 'User', options: { base: 'Application', }, }); expect(model.prototype).to.be.instanceof(loopback.Application); }); }); describe('loopback.configureModel(ModelCtor, config)', function() { it('adds new relations', function() { var model = loopback.Model.extend(uniqueModelName); loopback.configureModel(model, { dataSource: null, relations: { owner: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User', }, }, }); expect(model.settings.relations).to.have.property('owner'); }); it('updates existing relations', function() { var model = loopback.Model.extend(uniqueModelName, {}, { relations: { owner: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User', }, }, }); loopback.configureModel(model, { dataSource: false, relations: { owner: { model: 'Application', }, }, }); expect(model.settings.relations.owner).to.eql({ type: 'belongsTo', model: 'Application', }); }); it('updates relations before attaching to a dataSource', function() { var db = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory }); var model = loopback.Model.extend(uniqueModelName); // This test used to work because User model was already attached // by other tests via `loopback.autoAttach()` // Now that autoAttach is gone, it turns out the tested functionality // does not work exactly as intended. To keep this change narrowly // focused on removing autoAttach, we are attaching the User model // to simulate the old test setup. loopback.User.attachTo(db); loopback.configureModel(model, { dataSource: db, relations: { owner: { type: 'belongsTo', model: 'User', }, }, }); var owner = model.prototype.owner; expect(owner, 'model.prototype.owner').to.be.a('function'); expect(owner._targetClass).to.equal('User'); }); it('adds new acls', function() { var model = loopback.Model.extend(uniqueModelName, {}, { acls: [ { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'DENY', }, ], }); loopback.configureModel(model, { dataSource: null, acls: [ { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: 'admin', permission: 'ALLOW', }, ], }); expect(model.settings.acls).eql([ { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'DENY', }, { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: 'admin', permission: 'ALLOW', }, ]); }); it('updates existing acls', function() { var model = loopback.Model.extend(uniqueModelName, {}, { acls: [ { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'DENY', }, ], }); loopback.configureModel(model, { dataSource: null, acls: [ { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'ALLOW', }, ], }); expect(model.settings.acls).eql([ { property: 'find', accessType: 'EXECUTE', principalType: 'ROLE', principalId: '$everyone', permission: 'ALLOW', }, ]); }); it('updates existing settings', function() { var model = loopback.Model.extend(uniqueModelName, {}, { ttl: 10, emailVerificationRequired: false, }); var baseName = model.settings.base.name; loopback.configureModel(model, { dataSource: null, options: { ttl: 20, realmRequired: true, base: 'X', }, }); expect(model.settings).to.have.property('ttl', 20); expect(model.settings).to.have.property('emailVerificationRequired', false); expect(model.settings).to.have.property('realmRequired', true); // configureModel MUST NOT change Model's base class expect(model.settings.base.name).to.equal(baseName); }); it('configures remote methods', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName); loopback.configureModel(TestModel, { dataSource: null, methods: { staticMethod: { isStatic: true, http: { path: '/static' }, }, instanceMethod: { isStatic: false, http: { path: '/instance' }, }, }, }); var methodNames = TestModel.sharedClass.methods().map(function(m) { return m.stringName.replace(/^[^.]+\./, ''); // drop the class name }); expect(methodNames).to.include.members([ 'staticMethod', 'prototype.instanceMethod', ]); }); }); describe('loopback object', function() { it('inherits properties from express', function() { var express = require('express'); for (var i in express) { expect(loopback).to.have.property(i, express[i]); } }); it('exports all built-in models', function() { var expectedModelNames = [ 'Email', 'User', 'Application', 'AccessToken', 'Role', 'RoleMapping', 'ACL', 'Scope', 'Change', 'Checkpoint', ]; expect(Object.keys(loopback)).to.include.members(expectedModelNames); expectedModelNames.forEach(function(name) { expect(loopback[name], name).to.be.a('function'); expect(loopback[name].modelName, name + '.modelName').to.eql(name); }); }); }); describe('new remote method configuration', function() { function getAllMethodNamesWithoutClassName(TestModel) { return TestModel.sharedClass.methods().map(function(m) { return m.stringName.replace(/^[^.]+\./, ''); // drop the class name }); } it('treats method names that don\'t start with "prototype." as "isStatic:true"', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName); loopback.configureModel(TestModel, { dataSource: null, methods: { staticMethod: { http: { path: '/static' }, }, }, }); var methodNames = getAllMethodNamesWithoutClassName(TestModel); expect(methodNames).to.include('staticMethod'); }); it('treats method names starting with "prototype." as "isStatic:false"', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName); loopback.configureModel(TestModel, { dataSource: null, methods: { 'prototype.instanceMethod': { http: { path: '/instance' }, }, }, }); var methodNames = getAllMethodNamesWithoutClassName(TestModel); expect(methodNames).to.include('prototype.instanceMethod'); }); it('throws an error when "isStatic:true" and method name starts with "prototype."', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName); expect(function() { loopback.configureModel(TestModel, { dataSource: null, methods: { 'prototype.instanceMethod': { isStatic: true, http: { path: '/instance' }, }, }, }); }).to.throw(Error, new Error('Remoting metadata for' + TestModel.modelName + ' "isStatic" does not match new method name-based style.')); }); it('use "isStatic:true" if method name does not start with "prototype."', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName); loopback.configureModel(TestModel, { dataSource: null, methods: { staticMethod: { isStatic: true, http: { path: '/static' }, }, }, }); var methodNames = getAllMethodNamesWithoutClassName(TestModel); expect(methodNames).to.include('staticMethod'); }); it('use "isStatic:false" if method name starts with "prototype."', function() { var TestModel = loopback.createModel(uniqueModelName); loopback.configureModel(TestModel, { dataSource: null, methods: { 'prototype.instanceMethod': { isStatic: false, http: { path: '/instance' }, }, }, }); var methodNames = getAllMethodNamesWithoutClassName(TestModel); expect(methodNames).to.include('prototype.instanceMethod'); }); }); });