/*jshint -W030 */ var async = require('async'); var path = require('path'); var http = require('http'); var loopback = require('../'); var PersistedModel = loopback.PersistedModel; var describe = require('./util/describe'); var it = require('./util/it'); describe('app', function() { describe.onServer('.middleware(phase, handler)', function() { var app; var steps; beforeEach(function setup() { app = loopback(); steps = []; }); it('runs middleware in phases', function(done) { var PHASES = [ 'initial', 'session', 'auth', 'parse', 'routes', 'files', 'final' ]; PHASES.forEach(function(name) { app.middleware(name, namedHandler(name)); }); app.use(namedHandler('main')); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql([ 'initial', 'session', 'auth', 'parse', 'main', 'routes', 'files', 'final' ]); done(); }); }); it('supports `before:` and `after:` prefixes', function(done) { app.middleware('routes:before', namedHandler('routes:before')); app.middleware('routes:after', namedHandler('routes:after')); app.use(namedHandler('main')); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(['routes:before', 'main', 'routes:after']); done(); }); }); it('injects error from previous phases into the router', function(done) { var expectedError = new Error('expected error'); app.middleware('initial', function(req, res, next) { steps.push('initial'); next(expectedError); }); // legacy solution for error handling app.use(function errorHandler(err, req, res, next) { expect(err).to.equal(expectedError); steps.push('error'); next(); }); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(['initial', 'error']); done(); }); }); it('passes unhandled error to callback', function(done) { var expectedError = new Error('expected error'); app.middleware('initial', function(req, res, next) { next(expectedError); }); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { expect(err).to.equal(expectedError); done(); }); }); it('passes errors to error handlers in the same phase', function(done) { var expectedError = new Error('this should be handled by middleware'); var handledError; app.middleware('initial', function(req, res, next) { // continue in the next tick, this verifies that the next // handler waits until the previous one is done process.nextTick(function() { next(expectedError); }); }); app.middleware('initial', function(err, req, res, next) { handledError = err; next(); }); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(handledError).to.equal(expectedError); done(); }); }); it('scopes middleware to a string path', function(done) { app.middleware('initial', '/scope', pathSavingHandler()); async.eachSeries( ['/', '/scope', '/scope/item', '/other'], function(url, next) { executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, url, next); }, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(['/scope', '/scope/item']); done(); }); }); it('scopes middleware to a regex path', function(done) { app.middleware('initial', /^\/(a|b)/, pathSavingHandler()); async.eachSeries( ['/', '/a', '/b', '/c'], function(url, next) { executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, url, next); }, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(['/a', '/b']); done(); }); }); it('scopes middleware to a list of scopes', function(done) { app.middleware('initial', ['/scope', /^\/(a|b)/], pathSavingHandler()); async.eachSeries( ['/', '/a', '/b', '/c', '/scope', '/other'], function(url, next) { executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, url, next); }, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(['/a', '/b', '/scope']); done(); }); }); function namedHandler(name) { return function(req, res, next) { steps.push(name); next(); }; } function pathSavingHandler() { return function(req, res, next) { steps.push(req.url); next(); }; } }); describe.onServer('.middlewareFromConfig', function() { it('provides API for loading middleware from JSON config', function(done) { var steps = []; var expectedConfig = { key: 'value' }; var handlerFactory = function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments); return function(req, res, next) { steps.push(args); next(); }; }; // Config as an object (single arg) app.middlewareFromConfig(handlerFactory, { enabled: true, phase: 'session', params: expectedConfig }); // Config as a value (single arg) app.middlewareFromConfig(handlerFactory, { enabled: true, phase: 'session:before', params: 'before' }); // Config as a list of args app.middlewareFromConfig(handlerFactory, { enabled: true, phase: 'session:after', params: ['after', 2] }); // Disabled by configuration app.middlewareFromConfig(handlerFactory, { enabled: false, phase: 'initial', params: null }); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql([ ['before'], [expectedConfig], ['after', 2] ]); done(); }); }); it('scopes middleware to a list of scopes', function(done) { var steps = []; app.middlewareFromConfig( function factory() { return function(req, res, next) { steps.push(req.url); next(); }; }, { phase: 'initial', paths: ['/scope', /^\/(a|b)/] }); async.eachSeries( ['/', '/a', '/b', '/c', '/scope', '/other'], function(url, next) { executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, url, next); }, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(['/a', '/b', '/scope']); done(); }); }); }); describe.onServer('.defineMiddlewarePhases(nameOrArray)', function() { var app; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); }); it('adds the phase just before `routes` by default', function(done) { app.defineMiddlewarePhases('custom'); verifyMiddlewarePhases(['custom', 'routes'], done); }); it('merges phases adding to the start of the list', function(done) { app.defineMiddlewarePhases(['first', 'routes', 'subapps']); verifyMiddlewarePhases([ 'first', 'initial', // this was the original first phase 'routes', 'subapps' ], done); }); it('merges phases preserving the order', function(done) { app.defineMiddlewarePhases([ 'initial', 'postinit', 'preauth', // add 'auth', 'routes', 'subapps', // add 'final', 'last' // add ]); verifyMiddlewarePhases([ 'initial', 'postinit', 'preauth', // new 'auth', 'routes', 'subapps', // new 'files', 'final', 'last' // new ], done); }); it('throws helpful error on ordering conflict', function() { app.defineMiddlewarePhases(['first', 'second']); expect(function() { app.defineMiddlewarePhases(['second', 'first']); }) .to.throw(/ordering conflict.*first.*second/); }); function verifyMiddlewarePhases(names, done) { var steps = []; names.forEach(function(it) { app.middleware(it, function(req, res, next) { steps.push(it); next(); }); }); executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, function(err) { if (err) return done(err); expect(steps).to.eql(names); done(); }); } }); describe('app.model(Model)', function() { var app; var db; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); db = loopback.createDataSource({connector: loopback.Memory}); }); it('Expose a `Model` to remote clients', function() { var Color = PersistedModel.extend('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); Color.attachTo(db); expect(app.models()).to.eql([Color]); }); it('uses singlar name as app.remoteObjects() key', function() { var Color = PersistedModel.extend('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); Color.attachTo(db); expect(app.remoteObjects()).to.eql({ color: Color }); }); it('uses singular name as shared class name', function() { var Color = PersistedModel.extend('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); Color.attachTo(db); var classes = app.remotes().classes().map(function(c) {return c.name;}); expect(classes).to.contain('color'); }); it('registers existing models to app.models', function() { var Color = db.createModel('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); expect(Color.app).to.be.equal(app); expect(Color.shared).to.equal(true); expect(app.models.color).to.equal(Color); expect(app.models.Color).to.equal(Color); }); it('emits a `modelRemoted` event', function() { var Color = PersistedModel.extend('color', {name: String}); Color.shared = true; var remotedClass; app.on('modelRemoted', function(sharedClass) { remotedClass = sharedClass; }); app.model(Color); expect(remotedClass).to.exist; expect(remotedClass).to.eql(Color.sharedClass); }); it.onServer('updates REST API when a new model is added', function(done) { app.use(loopback.rest()); request(app).get('/colors').expect(404, function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); var Color = PersistedModel.extend('color', {name: String}); app.model(Color); Color.attachTo(db); request(app).get('/colors').expect(200, done); }); }); it('accepts null dataSource', function() { app.model('MyTestModel', { dataSource: null }); }); it('should not require dataSource', function() { app.model('MyTestModel', {}); }); }); describe('app.model(name, config)', function() { var app; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' }); }); it('Sugar for defining a fully built model', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db' }); var Foo = app.models.foo; var f = new Foo(); assert(f instanceof loopback.Model); }); it('interprets extra first-level keys as options', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db', base: 'User' }); expect(app.models.foo.definition.settings.base).to.equal('User'); }); it('prefers config.options.key over config.key', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db', base: 'User', options: { base: 'Application' } }); expect(app.models.foo.definition.settings.base).to.equal('Application'); }); it('honors config.public options', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db', public: false }); expect(app.models.foo.app).to.equal(app); expect(app.models.foo.shared).to.equal(false); }); it('defaults config.public to be true', function() { app.model('foo', { dataSource: 'db' }); expect(app.models.foo.app).to.equal(app); expect(app.models.foo.shared).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('app.model(ModelCtor, config)', function() { it('attaches the model to a datasource', function() { app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' }); var TestModel = loopback.Model.extend('TestModel'); // TestModel was most likely already defined in a different test, // thus TestModel.dataSource may be already set delete TestModel.dataSource; app.model(TestModel, { dataSource: 'db' }); expect(app.models.TestModel.dataSource).to.equal(app.dataSources.db); }); }); describe('app.models', function() { it('is unique per app instance', function() { app.dataSource('db', { connector: 'memory' }); var Color = app.model('Color', { dataSource: 'db' }); expect(app.models.Color).to.equal(Color); var anotherApp = loopback(); expect(anotherApp.models.Color).to.equal(undefined); }); }); describe('app.dataSources', function() { it('is unique per app instance', function() { app.dataSource('ds', { connector: 'memory' }); expect(app.datasources.ds).to.not.equal(undefined); var anotherApp = loopback(); expect(anotherApp.datasources.ds).to.equal(undefined); }); }); describe('app.dataSource', function() { it('looks up the connector in `app.connectors`', function() { app.connector('custom', loopback.Memory); app.dataSource('custom', { connector: 'custom' }); expect(app.dataSources.custom.name).to.equal(loopback.Memory.name); }); }); describe.onServer('listen()', function() { it('starts http server', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 0); app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.status(200).send('OK'); }); var server = app.listen(); expect(server).to.be.an.instanceOf(require('http').Server); request(server) .get('/') .expect(200, done); }); it('updates port on `listening` event', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 0); app.listen(function() { expect(app.get('port'), 'port').to.not.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('updates `url` on `listening` event', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 0); app.set('host', undefined); app.listen(function() { var host = process.platform === 'win32' ? 'localhost' : app.get('host'); var expectedUrl = 'http://' + host + ':' + app.get('port') + '/'; expect(app.get('url'), 'url').to.equal(expectedUrl); done(); }); }); it('forwards to http.Server.listen on more than one arg', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 1); app.listen(0, '', function() { expect(app.get('port'), 'port').to.not.equal(0).and.not.equal(1); expect(this.address().address).to.equal(''); done(); }); }); it('forwards to http.Server.listen when the single arg is not a function', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.set('port', 1); app.listen(0).on('listening', function() { expect(app.get('port'), 'port') .to.not.equal(0).and.not.equal(1); done(); }); } ); it('uses app config when no parameter is supplied', function(done) { var app = loopback(); // Http listens on all interfaces by default // Custom host serves as an indicator whether // the value was used by app.listen app.set('host', ''); app.listen() .on('listening', function() { expect(this.address().address).to.equal(''); done(); }); }); }); describe.onServer('enableAuth', function() { it('should set app.isAuthEnabled to true', function() { expect(app.isAuthEnabled).to.not.equal(true); app.enableAuth(); expect(app.isAuthEnabled).to.equal(true); }); }); describe.onServer('app.get(\'/\', loopback.status())', function() { it('should return the status of the application', function(done) { var app = loopback(); app.get('/', loopback.status()); request(app) .get('/') .expect(200) .end(function(err, res) { if (err) return done(err); assert.equal(typeof res.body, 'object'); assert(res.body.started); // The number can be 0 assert(res.body.uptime !== undefined); var elapsed = Date.now() - Number(new Date(res.body.started)); // elapsed should be a positive number... assert(elapsed >= 0); // less than 100 milliseconds assert(elapsed < 100); done(); }); }); }); describe('app.connectors', function() { it('is unique per app instance', function() { app.connectors.foo = 'bar'; var anotherApp = loopback(); expect(anotherApp.connectors.foo).to.equal(undefined); }); it('includes Remote connector', function() { expect(app.connectors.remote).to.equal(loopback.Remote); }); it('includes Memory connector', function() { expect(app.connectors.memory).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); }); describe('app.connector', function() { // any connector will do it('adds the connector to the registry', function() { app.connector('foo-bar', loopback.Memory); expect(app.connectors['foo-bar']).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); it('adds a classified alias', function() { app.connector('foo-bar', loopback.Memory); expect(app.connectors.FooBar).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); it('adds a camelized alias', function() { app.connector('FOO-BAR', loopback.Memory); expect(app.connectors.FOOBAR).to.equal(loopback.Memory); }); }); describe('app.settings', function() { it('can be altered via `app.set(key, value)`', function() { app.set('write-key', 'write-value'); expect(app.settings).to.have.property('write-key', 'write-value'); }); it('can be read via `app.get(key)`', function() { app.settings['read-key'] = 'read-value'; expect(app.get('read-key')).to.equal('read-value'); }); it('is unique per app instance', function() { var app1 = loopback(); var app2 = loopback(); expect(app1.settings).to.not.equal(app2.settings); app1.set('key', 'value'); expect(app2.get('key'), 'app2 value').to.equal(undefined); }); }); it('exposes loopback as a property', function() { var app = loopback(); expect(app.loopback).to.equal(loopback); }); describe('normalizeHttpPath option', function() { var app; var db; beforeEach(function() { app = loopback(); db = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory }); }); it.onServer('normalizes the http path', function(done) { var UserAccount = PersistedModel.extend( 'UserAccount', { name: String }, { remoting: { normalizeHttpPath: true } }); app.model(UserAccount); UserAccount.attachTo(db); app.use(loopback.rest()); request(app).get('/user-accounts').expect(200, done); }); }); }); function executeMiddlewareHandlers(app, urlPath, callback) { var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) { app.handle(req, res, callback); }); if (callback === undefined && typeof urlPath === 'function') { callback = urlPath; urlPath = '/test/url'; } request(server) .get(urlPath) .end(function(err) { if (err) return callback(err); }); }