// Copyright IBM Corp. 2017,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const expect = require('./helpers/expect'); const errorHandler = require('strong-error-handler'); const loopback = require('../'); const Promise = require('bluebird'); const request = require('supertest'); const waitForEvent = require('./helpers/wait-for-event'); describe('User.password', () => { const credentials = {email: 'test@example.com', password: 'pass'}; let app, User, testUser, regularToken, resetToken; context('restrict reset password token scope', () => { beforeEach(givenAppWithRestrictionEnabled); context('using regular access token', () => { beforeEach(givenRegularAccessToken); it('allows patching user name', () => { return changeName(regularToken).expect(200); }); it('allows patching user password', () => { return patchPassword(regularToken).expect(200); }); it('allows changing user password', () => { return changePassword(regularToken).expect(204); }); it('denies resetting user password', () => { return resetPassword(regularToken).expect(401); }); }); context('using password-reset token', () => { beforeEach(givenResetPasswordToken); it('denies patching user name', () => { return changeName(resetToken).expect(401); }); it('denies patching user password', () => { return patchPassword(resetToken).expect(401); }); it('denies changing user password', () => { return changePassword(resetToken).expect(401); }); it('allows resetting user password', () => { return resetPassword(resetToken).expect(204); }); }); function givenAppWithRestrictionEnabled() { return givenAppWithUser({restrictResetPasswordTokenScope: true}); } }); context('reject password changes via patch or replace', () => { beforeEach(givenAppWithRejectionEnabled); beforeEach(givenRegularAccessToken); it('allows patching user name', () => { return changeName(regularToken).expect(200); }); it('denies patching user password', () => { return patchPassword(regularToken).expect(401); }); it('allows changing user password', () => { return changePassword(regularToken).expect(204); }); it('denies setPassword-like call with non-password changes', () => { return patchNameAndPasswordDirectly().then( function onSuccess() { throw new Error('patchAttributes() should have failed'); }, function onError(err) { expect(err.message).to.match(/Invalid use.*options.setPassword/); }, ); }); function givenAppWithRejectionEnabled() { return givenAppWithUser({rejectPasswordChangesViaPatchOrReplace: true}); } }); context('all feature flags disabled', () => { beforeEach(givenAppWithNoRestrictions); context('using regular access token', () => { beforeEach(givenRegularAccessToken); it('allows changing user name', () => { return changeName(regularToken).expect(200); }); it('allows patching user password', () => { return patchPassword(regularToken).expect(200); }); it('allows changing user password', () => { return changePassword(regularToken).expect(204); }); it('allows resetting user password', () => { return resetPassword(regularToken).expect(204); }); }); context('using password-reset token', () => { beforeEach(givenResetPasswordToken); it('allows changing user name', () => { return changeName(resetToken).expect(200); }); it('allows patching user password', () => { return patchPassword(resetToken).expect(200); }); it('allows changing user password', () => { return changePassword(resetToken).expect(204); }); it('allows resetting user password', () => { return resetPassword(resetToken).expect(204); }); }); it('allows setPassword-like call with non-password changes', () => { return patchNameAndPasswordDirectly().then(() => { // test passed }); }); function givenAppWithNoRestrictions() { return givenAppWithUser({ rejectPasswordChangesViaPatchOrReplace: false, restrictResetPasswordTokenScope: false, }); } }); function givenAppWithUser(userSettings) { app = loopback({localRegistry: true, loadBuiltinModels: true}); app.set('remoting', {rest: {handleErrors: false}}); app.dataSource('db', {connector: 'memory'}); userSettings = Object.assign({ name: 'PwdUser', base: 'User', properties: { name: 'string', }, // Speed up the password hashing algorithm for tests saltWorkFactor: 4, http: {path: '/users'}, }, userSettings); User = app.registry.createModel(userSettings); app.model(User, {dataSource: 'db'}); const AccessToken = app.registry.getModel('AccessToken'); AccessToken.settings.relations.user.model = User.modelName; app.enableAuth({dataSource: 'db'}); app.use(loopback.token()); app.use(loopback.rest()); app.use(function logUnexpectedError(err, req, res, next) { const statusCode = err.statusCode || err.status; if (statusCode > 400 && statusCode !== 401) { console.log('Unexpected error for %s %s: %s %s', req.method, req.path, statusCode, err.stack || err); } next(err); }); app.use(errorHandler({debug: true, log: false})); return User.create(credentials) .then(u => { testUser = u; return u.setAttribute('emailVerified', true); }); } function givenRegularAccessToken() { return User.login(credentials).then(t => regularToken = t); } function givenResetPasswordToken() { return Promise.all([ User.resetPassword({email: credentials.email}), waitForEvent(User, 'resetPasswordRequest'), ]) .spread((reset, info) => resetToken = info.accessToken); } function changeName(token) { return request(app).patch(`/users/${testUser.id}`) .set('Authorization', token.id) .send({name: 'New Name'}); } function patchPassword(token) { return request(app).patch(`/users/${testUser.id}`) .set('Authorization', token.id) .send({password: 'new-pass'}); } function changePassword(token) { return request(app).post('/users/change-password') .set('Authorization', token.id) .send({oldPassword: credentials.password, newPassword: 'new-pass'}); } function resetPassword(token) { return request(app).post('/users/reset-password') .set('Authorization', token.id) .send({newPassword: 'new-pass'}); } function patchNameAndPasswordDirectly() { return testUser.patchAttributes( {password: 'new-pass', name: 'New Name'}, {setPassword: true}, ); } });