var assert = require('assert'); var loopback = require('../index'); var acl = require('../lib/models/acl'); var Scope = acl.Scope; var ACL = acl.ACL; var ScopeACL = acl.ScopeACL; var User = loopback.User; function checkResult(err, result) { // console.log(err, result); assert(!err); } describe('security scopes', function () { it("should allow access to models for the given scope by wildcard", function () { var ds = loopback.createDataSource({connector: loopback.Memory}); Scope.attachTo(ds); ACL.attachTo(ds); // console.log(Scope.relations); Scope.create({name: 'user', description: 'access user information'}, function (err, scope) { // console.log(scope); ACL.create({principalType: ACL.SCOPE, principalId:, model: 'user', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW}, function (err, resource) { // console.log(resource); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', ACL.ALL, ACL.ALL, checkResult); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', 'name', ACL.ALL, checkResult); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', 'name', ACL.READ, checkResult); }); }); }); it("should allow access to models for the given scope", function () { var ds = loopback.createDataSource({connector: loopback.Memory}); Scope.attachTo(ds); ACL.attachTo(ds); // console.log(Scope.relations); Scope.create({name: 'user', description: 'access user information'}, function (err, scope) { // console.log(scope); ACL.create({principalType: ACL.SCOPE, principalId:, model: 'user', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.READ, permission: ACL.ALLOW}, function (err, resource) { ACL.create({principalType: ACL.SCOPE, principalId:, model: 'user', property: 'name', accessType: ACL.WRITE, permission: ACL.DENY}, function (err, resource) { // console.log(resource); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', ACL.ALL, ACL.ALL, function (err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', 'name', ACL.ALL, function (err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', 'name', ACL.READ, function (err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.ALLOW); }); Scope.checkPermission('user', 'user', 'name', ACL.WRITE, function (err, perm) { assert(perm.permission === ACL.DENY); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe('security ACLs', function () { it("should allow access to models for the given principal by wildcard", function () { var ds = loopback.createDataSource({connector: loopback.Memory}); ACL.attachTo(ds); ACL.create({principalType: 'user', principalId: 'u001', model: 'user', property: ACL.ALL, accessType: ACL.ALL, permission: ACL.ALLOW}, function (err, acl) { ACL.checkPermission('user', 'u001', 'user', 'u001', ACL.READ, checkResult); }); }); });