/** * Module Dependencies. */ var Model = require('../loopback').Model , loopback = require('../loopback') , mailer = require('nodemailer') , assert = require('assert'); /** * Default Email properties. */ var properties = { to: {type: String, required: true}, from: {type: String, required: true}, subject: {type: String, required: true}, text: {type: String}, html: {type: String} }; /** * Extends from the built in `loopback.Model` type. */ var Email = module.exports = Model.extend('email', properties); /*! * Setup the Email class after extension. */ Email.setup = function (settings) { settings = settings || this.settings; var transports = settings.transports || []; transports.forEach(this.setupTransport.bind(this)); } /** * Add a transport to the available transports. See https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer#setting-up-a-transport-method. * * Example: * * Email.setupTransport({ * type: 'SMTP', * host: "smtp.gmail.com", // hostname * secureConnection: true, // use SSL * port: 465, // port for secure SMTP * auth: { * user: "gmail.user@gmail.com", * pass: "userpass" * } * }); * */ Email.setupTransport = function (setting) { var Email = this; Email.transports = Email.transports || []; Email.transportsIndex = Email.transportsIndex || {}; var transport = mailer.createTransport(setting.type, setting); Email.transportsIndex[setting.type] = transport; Email.transports.push(transport); } /** * Send an email with the given `options`. * * Example Options: * * { * from: "Fred Foo ✔ ", // sender address * to: "bar@blurdybloop.com, baz@blurdybloop.com", // list of receivers * subject: "Hello ✔", // Subject line * text: "Hello world ✔", // plaintext body * html: "Hello world ✔" // html body * } * * See https://github.com/andris9/Nodemailer for other supported options. * * @param {Object} options * @param {Function} callback Called after the e-mail is sent or the sending failed */ Email.send = function (options, fn) { var transport = this.transportsIndex[options.transport || 'SMTP'] || this.transports[0]; assert(transport, 'You must supply an Email.settings.transports array containing at least one transport'); transport.sendMail(options, fn); } /** * Access the node mailer object. * * Email.mailer * // or * var email = new Email({to: 'foo@bar.com', from: 'bar@bat.com'}); * email.mailer */ Email.mailer = Email.prototype.mailer = mailer; /** * Send an email instance using `Email.send()`. */ Email.prototype.send = function (fn) { this.constructor.send(this, fn); }