var Change; var TestModel; describe('Change', function(){ beforeEach(function() { var memory = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Memory }); TestModel = loopback.DataModel.extend('chtest', {}, { trackChanges: true }); this.modelName = TestModel.modelName; TestModel.attachTo(memory); Change = TestModel.getChangeModel(); }); beforeEach(function(done) { var test = this; = { foo: 'bar' }; TestModel.create(, function(err, model) { if(err) return done(err); test.model = model; test.modelId =; test.revisionForModel = Change.revisionForInst(model); done(); }); }); describe('', function () { it('should be a hash of the modelName and modelId', function () { var change = new Change({ rev: 'abc', modelName: 'foo', modelId: 'bar' }); var hash = Change.hash([change.modelName, change.modelId].join('-')); assert.equal(, hash); }); }); describe('Change.rectifyModelChanges(modelName, modelIds, callback)', function () { describe('using an existing untracked model', function () { beforeEach(function(done) { var test = this; Change.rectifyModelChanges(this.modelName, [this.modelId], function(err, trackedChanges) { if(err) return done(err); test.trackedChanges = trackedChanges; done(); }); }); it('should create an entry', function () { assert(Array.isArray(this.trackedChanges)); assert.equal(this.trackedChanges[0].modelId, this.modelId); }); it('should only create one change', function (done) { Change.count(function(err, count) { assert.equal(count, 1); done(); }); }); }); }); describe('Change.findOrCreate(modelName, modelId, callback)', function () { describe('when a change doesnt exist', function () { beforeEach(function(done) { var test = this; Change.findOrCreate(this.modelName, this.modelId, function(err, result) { if(err) return done(err); test.result = result; done(); }); }); it('should create an entry', function (done) { var test = this; Change.findById(, function(err, change) { assert.equal(,; done(); }); }); }); describe('when a change does exist', function () { beforeEach(function(done) { var test = this; Change.create({ modelName: test.modelName, modelId: test.modelId }, function(err, change) { test.existingChange = change; done(); }); }); beforeEach(function(done) { var test = this; Change.findOrCreate(this.modelName, this.modelId, function(err, result) { if(err) return done(err); test.result = result; done(); }); }); it('should find the entry', function (done) { var test = this; assert.equal(,; done(); }); }); }); describe('change.rectify(callback)', function () { it('should create a new change with the correct revision', function (done) { var test = this; var change = new Change({ modelName: this.modelName, modelId: this.modelId }); change.rectify(function(err, ch) { assert.equal(ch.rev, test.revisionForModel); done(); }); }); }); describe('change.currentRevision(callback)', function () { it('should get the correct revision', function (done) { var test = this; var change = new Change({ modelName: this.modelName, modelId: this.modelId }); change.currentRevision(function(err, rev) { assert.equal(rev, test.revisionForModel); done(); }); }); }); describe('Change.hash(str)', function () { // todo(ritch) test other hashing algorithms it('should hash the given string', function () { var str = 'foo'; var hash = Change.hash(str); assert(hash !== str); assert(typeof hash === 'string'); }); }); describe('Change.revisionForInst(inst)', function () { it('should return the same revision for the same data', function () { var a = { b: { b: ['c', 'd'], c: ['d', 'e'] } }; var b = { b: { c: ['d', 'e'], b: ['c', 'd'] } }; var aRev = Change.revisionForInst(a); var bRev = Change.revisionForInst(b); assert.equal(aRev, bRev); }); }); describe('Change.type()', function () { it('CREATE', function () { var change = new Change({ rev: this.revisionForModel }); assert.equal(Change.CREATE, change.type()); }); it('UPDATE', function () { var change = new Change({ rev: this.revisionForModel, prev: this.revisionForModel }); assert.equal(Change.UPDATE, change.type()); }); it('DELETE', function () { var change = new Change({ prev: this.revisionForModel }); assert.equal(Change.DELETE, change.type()); }); it('UNKNOWN', function () { var change = new Change(); assert.equal(Change.UNKNOWN, change.type()); }); }); describe('change.getModelCtor()', function () { it('should get the correct model class', function () { var change = new Change({ modelName: this.modelName }); assert.equal(change.getModelCtor(), TestModel); }); }); describe('change.equals(otherChange)', function () { it('should return true when the change is equal', function () { var change = new Change({ rev: this.revisionForModel }); var otherChange = new Change({ rev: this.revisionForModel }); assert.equal(change.equals(otherChange), true); }); }); describe('change.isBasedOn(otherChange)', function () { it('should return true when the change is based on the other', function () { var change = new Change({ prev: this.revisionForModel }); var otherChange = new Change({ rev: this.revisionForModel }); assert.equal(change.isBasedOn(otherChange), true); }); }); describe('Change.diff(modelName, since, remoteChanges, callback)', function () { beforeEach(function(done) { Change.create([ {rev: 'foo', modelName: this.modelName, modelId: 9, checkpoint: 1}, {rev: 'bar', modelName: this.modelName, modelId: 10, checkpoint: 1}, {rev: 'bat', modelName: this.modelName, modelId: 11, checkpoint: 1}, ], done); }); it('should return delta and conflict lists', function (done) { var remoteChanges = [ // an update => should result in a delta {rev: 'foo2', prev: 'foo', modelName: this.modelName, modelId: 9, checkpoint: 1}, // no change => should not result in a delta / conflict {rev: 'bar', prev: 'bar', modelName: this.modelName, modelId: 10, checkpoint: 1}, // a conflict => should result in a conflict {rev: 'bat2', prev: 'bat0', modelName: this.modelName, modelId: 11, checkpoint: 1}, ]; Change.diff(this.modelName, 0, remoteChanges, function(err, diff) { assert.equal(diff.deltas.length, 1); assert.equal(diff.conflicts.length, 1); done(); }); }); }); });