## Bundled Models The Loopback library is unopinioned in the way you define your app's data and logic. Loopback also bundles useful pre-built models for common use cases. - User - register and authenticate users of your app locally or against 3rd party services. - Email - send emails to your app users using smtp or 3rd party services. Defining a model with `loopback.createModel()` is really just extending the base `loopback.Model` type using `loopback.Model.extend()`. The bundled models extend from the base `loopback.Model` allowing you to extend them arbitrarily. ### User Model Register and authenticate users of your app locally or against 3rd party services. #### Define a User Model Extend a vanilla Loopback model using the built in User model. ```js // create a data source var memory = loopback.memory(); // define a User model var User = loopback.User.extend('user'); // attach to the memory connector User.attachTo(memory); // also attach the session model to a data source User.session.attachTo(memory); // expose over the app's api app.model(User); ``` **Note:** By default the `loopback.User` model uses the `loopback.Session` model to persist sessions. You can change this by setting the `session` property. **Note:** You must attach both the `User` and `User.session` model's to a data source! #### User Creation Create a user like any other model. ```js // username and password are not required User.create({email: 'foo@bar.com', password: 'bar'}, function(err, user) { console.log(user); }); ``` #### Login a User Create a session for a user using the local auth strategy. **Node.js** ```js User.login({username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}, function(err, session) { console.log(session); }); ``` **REST** You must provide a username and password over rest. To ensure these values are encrypted, include these as part of the body and make sure you are serving your app over https (through a proxy or using the https node server). ``` POST /users/login ... { "email": "foo@bar.com", "password": "bar" } ... 200 OK { "sid": "1234abcdefg", "uid": "123" } ``` #### Logout a User **Node.js** ```js // login a user and logout User.login({"email": "foo@bar.com", "password": "bar"}, function(err, session) { User.logout(session.id, function(err) { // user logged out }); }); // logout a user (server side only) User.findOne({email: 'foo@bar.com'}, function(err, user) { user.logout(); }); ``` **REST** ``` POST /users/logout ... { "sid": "" } ``` #### Verify Email Addresses Require a user to verify their email address before being able to login. This will send an email to the user containing a link to verify their address. Once the user follows the link they will be redirected to `/` and be able to login normally. ```js // first setup the mail datasource (see #mail-model for more info) var mail = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Mail, transports: [{ type: 'smtp', host: 'smtp.gmail.com', secureConnection: true, port: 465, auth: { user: 'you@gmail.com', pass: 'your-password' } }] }); User.email.attachTo(mail); User.requireEmailVerfication = true; User.afterRemote('create', function(ctx, user, next) { var options = { type: 'email', to: user.email, from: 'noreply@myapp.com', subject: 'Thanks for Registering at FooBar', text: 'Please verify your email address!' template: 'verify.ejs', redirect: '/' }; user.verify(options, next); }); ``` #### Send Reset Password Email Send an email to the user's supplied email address containing a link to reset their password. ```js User.reset(email, function(err) { console.log('email sent'); }); ``` #### Remote Password Reset The password reset email will send users to a page rendered by loopback with fields required to reset the user's password. You may customize this template by defining a `resetTemplate` setting. ```js User.settings.resetTemplate = 'reset.ejs'; ``` #### Remote Password Reset Confirmation Confirm the password reset. ```js User.confirmReset(token, function(err) { console.log(err || 'your password was reset'); }); ``` ### Session Model Identify users by creating sessions when they connect to your loopback app. By default the `loopback.User` model uses the `loopback.Session` model to persist sessions. You can change this by setting the `session` property. ```js // define a custom session model var MySession = loopback.Session.extend('my-session'); // define a custom User model var User = loopback.User.extend('user'); // use the custom session model User.session = MySession; // attach both Session and User to a data source User.attachTo(loopback.memory()); MySession.attachTo(loopback.memory()); ``` ### Email Model Send emails from your loopback app. ```js // extend a one-off model for sending email var MyEmail = loopback.Email.extend('my-email'); // create a mail data source var mail = loopback.createDataSource({ connector: loopback.Mail, transports: [{ type: 'smtp', host: 'smtp.gmail.com', secureConnection: true, port: 465, auth: { user: 'you@gmail.com', pass: 'your-password' } }] }); // attach the model MyEmail.attachTo(mail); // send an email MyEmail.send({ to: 'foo@bar.com', from: 'you@gmail.com', subject: 'my subject', text: 'my text', html: 'my html' }, function(err, mail) { console.log('email sent!'); }); ``` > NOTE: the mail connector uses [nodemailer](http://www.nodemailer.com/). See > the [nodemailer docs](http://www.nodemailer.com/) for more info.