// Copyright IBM Corp. 2015,2018. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const expect = require('./helpers/expect'); const sinon = require('sinon'); const loopback = require('../'); describe('PersistedModel.createChangeStream()', function() { describe('configured to source changes locally', function() { before(function() { const test = this; const app = loopback({localRegistry: true}); const ds = app.dataSource('ds', {connector: 'memory'}); const Score = app.registry.createModel('Score'); this.Score = app.model(Score, { dataSource: 'ds', changeDataSource: false, // use only local observers }); }); afterEach(verifyObserversRemoval); it('should detect create', function(done) { const Score = this.Score; Score.createChangeStream(function(err, changes) { changes.on('data', function(change) { expect(change.type).to.equal('create'); changes.destroy(); done(); }); Score.create({team: 'foo'}); }); }); it('should detect update', function(done) { const Score = this.Score; Score.create({team: 'foo'}, function(err, newScore) { Score.createChangeStream(function(err, changes) { changes.on('data', function(change) { expect(change.type).to.equal('update'); changes.destroy(); done(); }); newScore.updateAttributes({ bat: 'baz', }); }); }); }); it('should detect delete', function(done) { const Score = this.Score; Score.create({team: 'foo'}, function(err, newScore) { Score.createChangeStream(function(err, changes) { changes.on('data', function(change) { expect(change.type).to.equal('remove'); changes.destroy(); done(); }); newScore.remove(); }); }); }); it('should apply "where" and "fields" to create events', function() { const Score = this.Score; const data = [ {team: 'baz', player: 'baz', value: 1}, {team: 'bar', player: 'baz', value: 2}, {team: 'foo', player: 'bar', value: 3}, ]; const options = {where: {player: 'bar'}, fields: ['team', 'value']}; const changes = []; let changeStream; return Score.createChangeStream(options) .then(stream => { changeStream = stream; changeStream.on('data', function(change) { changes.push(change); }); return Score.create(data); }) .then(scores => { changeStream.destroy(); expect(changes).to.have.length(1); expect(changes[0]).to.have.property('type', 'create'); expect(changes[0].data).to.eql({ 'team': 'foo', value: 3, }); }); }); it('should not emit changes after destroy', function(done) { const Score = this.Score; const spy = sinon.spy(); Score.createChangeStream(function(err, changes) { changes.on('data', function() { spy(); changes.destroy(); }); Score.create({team: 'foo'}) .then(() => Score.deleteAll()) .then(() => { expect(spy.calledOnce); done(); }); }); }); function verifyObserversRemoval() { const Score = this.Score; expect(Score._observers['after save']).to.be.empty(); expect(Score._observers['after delete']).to.be.empty(); } }); // TODO(ritch) implement multi-server support describe.skip('configured to source changes using pubsub', function() { before(function() { const test = this; const app = loopback({localRegistry: true}); const db = app.dataSource('ds', {connector: 'memory'}); const ps = app.dataSource('ps', { host: 'localhost', port: '12345', connector: 'pubsub', pubsubAdapter: 'mqtt', }); this.Score = app.model('Score', { dataSource: 'db', changeDataSource: 'ps', }); }); it('should detect a change', function(done) { const Score = this.Score; Score.createChangeStream(function(err, changes) { changes.on('data', function(change) { done(); }); }); }); }); });