// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const utils = require('../../lib/utils'); /*! * Application management functions */ const crypto = require('crypto'); function generateKey(hmacKey, algorithm, encoding) { hmacKey = hmacKey || 'loopback'; algorithm = algorithm || 'sha1'; encoding = encoding || 'hex'; const hmac = crypto.createHmac(algorithm, hmacKey); const buf = crypto.randomBytes(32); hmac.update(buf); const key = hmac.digest(encoding); return key; } /** * Manage client applications and organize their users. * * @property {String} id Generated ID. * @property {String} name Name; required. * @property {String} description Text description * @property {String} icon String Icon image URL. * @property {String} owner User ID of the developer who registers the application. * @property {String} email E-mail address * @property {Boolean} emailVerified Whether the e-mail is verified. * @property {String} url OAuth 2.0 application URL. * @property {String}[] callbackUrls The OAuth 2.0 code/token callback URL. * @property {String} status Status of the application; Either `production`, `sandbox` (default), or `disabled`. * @property {Date} created Date Application object was created. Default: current date. * @property {Date} modified Date Application object was modified. Default: current date. * * @property {Object} pushSettings.apns APNS configuration, see the options * below and also * https://github.com/argon/node-apn/blob/master/doc/apn.markdown * @property {Boolean} pushSettings.apns.production Whether to use production Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) servers to send push notifications. * If true, uses `gateway.push.apple.com:2195` and `feedback.push.apple.com:2196`. * If false, uses `gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com:2195` and `feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com:2196` * @property {String} pushSettings.apns.certData The certificate data loaded from the cert.pem file (APNS). * @property {String} pushSettings.apns.keyData The key data loaded from the key.pem file (APNS). * @property {String} pushSettings.apns.pushOptions.gateway (APNS). * @property {Number} pushSettings.apns.pushOptions.port (APNS). * @property {String} pushSettings.apns.feedbackOptions.gateway (APNS). * @property {Number} pushSettings.apns.feedbackOptions.port (APNS). * @property {Boolean} pushSettings.apns.feedbackOptions.batchFeedback (APNS). * @property {Number} pushSettings.apns.feedbackOptions.interval (APNS). * @property {String} pushSettings.gcm.serverApiKey: Google Cloud Messaging API key. * * @property {Boolean} authenticationEnabled * @property {Boolean} anonymousAllowed * @property {Array} authenticationSchemes List of authentication schemes * (see below). * @property {String} authenticationSchemes.scheme Scheme name. * Supported values: `local`, `facebook`, `google`, * `twitter`, `linkedin`, `github`. * @property {Object} authenticationSchemes.credential * Scheme-specific credentials. * * @class Application * @inherits {PersistedModel} */ module.exports = function(Application) { /*! * A hook to generate keys before creation * @param next */ Application.observe('before save', function(ctx, next) { if (!ctx.instance) { // Partial update - don't generate new keys // NOTE(bajtos) This also means that an atomic updateOrCreate // will not generate keys when a new record is creatd return next(); } const app = ctx.instance; app.created = app.modified = new Date(); if (!app.id) { app.id = generateKey('id', 'md5'); } app.clientKey = generateKey('client'); app.javaScriptKey = generateKey('javaScript'); app.restApiKey = generateKey('restApi'); app.windowsKey = generateKey('windows'); app.masterKey = generateKey('master'); next(); }); /** * Register a new application * @param {String} owner Owner's user ID. * @param {String} name Name of the application * @param {Object} options Other options * @callback {Function} callback Callback function * @param {Error} err * @promise */ Application.register = function(owner, name, options, cb) { assert(owner, 'owner is required'); assert(name, 'name is required'); if (typeof options === 'function' && !cb) { cb = options; options = {}; } cb = cb || utils.createPromiseCallback(); const props = {owner: owner, name: name}; for (const p in options) { if (!(p in props)) { props[p] = options[p]; } } this.create(props, cb); return cb.promise; }; /** * Reset keys for the application instance * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err */ Application.prototype.resetKeys = function(cb) { this.clientKey = generateKey('client'); this.javaScriptKey = generateKey('javaScript'); this.restApiKey = generateKey('restApi'); this.windowsKey = generateKey('windows'); this.masterKey = generateKey('master'); this.modified = new Date(); this.save(cb); }; /** * Reset keys for a given application by the appId * @param {Any} appId * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err * @promise */ Application.resetKeys = function(appId, cb) { cb = cb || utils.createPromiseCallback(); this.findById(appId, function(err, app) { if (err) { if (cb) cb(err, app); return; } app.resetKeys(cb); }); return cb.promise; }; /** * Authenticate the application id and key. * * @param {Any} appId * @param {String} key * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err * @param {String} matched The matching key; one of: * - clientKey * - javaScriptKey * - restApiKey * - windowsKey * - masterKey * @promise */ Application.authenticate = function(appId, key, cb) { cb = cb || utils.createPromiseCallback(); this.findById(appId, function(err, app) { if (err || !app) { cb(err, null); return cb.promise; } let result = null; const keyNames = ['clientKey', 'javaScriptKey', 'restApiKey', 'windowsKey', 'masterKey']; for (let i = 0; i < keyNames.length; i++) { if (app[keyNames[i]] === key) { result = { application: app, keyType: keyNames[i], }; break; } } cb(null, result); }); return cb.promise; }; };