// Copyright IBM Corp. 2015,2019. All Rights Reserved. // Node module: loopback // This file is licensed under the MIT License. // License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const expect = require('./helpers/expect'); const loopback = require('../'); describe('Registry', function() { describe('createModel', function() { it('should throw error upon extending non-exist base model', function() { const app = loopback(); const props = {}; const opts = {base: 'nonexistent'}; expect(function() { app.registry.createModel('aModel', props, opts); }) .to.throw(/model\s`aModel`(.*)unknown\smodel\s`nonexistent`/); }); }); describe('one per app', function() { it('should allow two apps to reuse the same model name', function(done) { const appFoo = loopback(); const appBar = loopback(); const modelName = 'MyModel'; const subModelName = 'Sub' + modelName; const settings = {base: 'PersistedModel'}; appFoo.set('perAppRegistries', true); appBar.set('perAppRegistries', true); const dsFoo = appFoo.dataSource('dsFoo', {connector: 'memory'}); const dsBar = appFoo.dataSource('dsBar', {connector: 'memory'}); const FooModel = appFoo.registry.createModel(modelName, {}, settings); appFoo.model(FooModel, {dataSource: dsFoo}); const FooSubModel = appFoo.registry.createModel(subModelName, {}, settings); appFoo.model(FooSubModel, {dataSource: dsFoo}); const BarModel = appBar.registry.createModel(modelName, {}, settings); appBar.model(BarModel, {dataSource: dsBar}); const BarSubModel = appBar.registry.createModel(subModelName, {}, settings); appBar.model(BarSubModel, {dataSource: dsBar}); FooModel.hasMany(FooSubModel); BarModel.hasMany(BarSubModel); expect(appFoo.models[modelName]).to.not.equal(appBar.models[modelName]); BarModel.create({name: 'bar'}, function(err, bar) { assert(!err); bar.subMyModels.create({parent: 'bar'}, function(err) { assert(!err); FooSubModel.find(function(err, foos) { assert(!err); expect(foos).to.eql([]); BarSubModel.find(function(err, bars) { assert(!err); expect(bars.map(function(f) { return f.parent; })).to.eql(['bar']); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); });