/*! * Module Dependencies. */ var loopback = require('../../lib/loopback'); var path = require('path'); var SALT_WORK_FACTOR = 10; var crypto = require('crypto'); var bcrypt; try { // Try the native module first bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); // Browserify returns an empty object if (bcrypt && typeof bcrypt.compare !== 'function') { bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); } } catch (err) { // Fall back to pure JS impl bcrypt = require('bcryptjs'); } var DEFAULT_TTL = 1209600; // 2 weeks in seconds var DEFAULT_RESET_PW_TTL = 15 * 60; // 15 mins in seconds var DEFAULT_MAX_TTL = 31556926; // 1 year in seconds var assert = require('assert'); var debug = require('debug')('loopback:user'); /** * Built-in User model. * Extends LoopBack [PersistedModel](#persistedmodel-new-persistedmodel). * * Default `User` ACLs. * * - DENY EVERYONE `*` * - ALLOW EVERYONE `create` * - ALLOW OWNER `deleteById` * - ALLOW EVERYONE `login` * - ALLOW EVERYONE `logout` * - ALLOW EVERYONE `findById` * - ALLOW OWNER `updateAttributes` * * @property {String} username Must be unique * @property {String} password Hidden from remote clients * @property {String} email Must be valid email * @property {Boolean} emailVerified Set when a user's email has been verified via `confirm()` * @property {String} verificationToken Set when `verify()` is called * * @class User * @inherits {PersistedModel} */ module.exports = function(User) { /** * Create access token for the logged in user. This method can be overridden to * customize how access tokens are generated * * @param {Number} ttl The requested ttl * @callack {Function} cb The callback function * @param {String|Error} err The error string or object * @param {AccessToken} token The generated access token object */ User.prototype.createAccessToken = function(ttl, cb) { var userModel = this.constructor; ttl = Math.min(ttl || userModel.settings.ttl, userModel.settings.maxTTL); this.accessTokens.create({ ttl: ttl }, cb); }; function splitPrincipal(name, realmDelimiter) { var parts = [null, name]; if (!realmDelimiter) { return parts; } var index = name.indexOf(realmDelimiter); if (index !== -1) { parts[0] = name.substring(0, index); parts[1] = name.substring(index + realmDelimiter.length); } return parts; } /** * Normalize the credentials * @param {Object} credentials The credential object * @param {Boolean} realmRequired * @param {String} realmDelimiter The realm delimiter, if not set, no realm is needed * @returns {Object} The normalized credential object */ User.normalizeCredentials = function(credentials, realmRequired, realmDelimiter) { var query = {}; credentials = credentials || {}; if (!realmRequired) { if (credentials.email) { query.email = credentials.email; } else if (credentials.username) { query.username = credentials.username; } } else { if (credentials.realm) { query.realm = credentials.realm; } var parts; if (credentials.email) { parts = splitPrincipal(credentials.email, realmDelimiter); query.email = parts[1]; if (parts[0]) { query.realm = parts[0]; } } else if (credentials.username) { parts = splitPrincipal(credentials.username, realmDelimiter); query.username = parts[1]; if (parts[0]) { query.realm = parts[0]; } } } return query; }; /** * Login a user by with the given `credentials`. * * ```js * User.login({username: 'foo', password: 'bar'}, function (err, token) { * console.log(token.id); * }); * ``` * * @param {Object} credentials username/password or email/password * @param {String[]|String} [include] Optionally set it to "user" to include * the user info * @callback {Function} callback Callback function * @param {Error} err Error object * @param {AccessToken} token Access token if login is successful */ User.login = function(credentials, include, fn) { var self = this; if (typeof include === 'function') { fn = include; include = undefined; } include = (include || ''); if (Array.isArray(include)) { include = include.map(function(val) { return val.toLowerCase(); }); } else { include = include.toLowerCase(); } var realmDelimiter; // Check if realm is required var realmRequired = !!(self.settings.realmRequired || self.settings.realmDelimiter); if (realmRequired) { realmDelimiter = self.settings.realmDelimiter; } var query = self.normalizeCredentials(credentials, realmRequired, realmDelimiter); if (realmRequired && !query.realm) { var err1 = new Error('realm is required'); err1.statusCode = 400; err1.code = 'REALM_REQUIRED'; return fn(err1); } if (!query.email && !query.username) { var err2 = new Error('username or email is required'); err2.statusCode = 400; err2.code = 'USERNAME_EMAIL_REQUIRED'; return fn(err2); } self.findOne({where: query}, function(err, user) { var defaultError = new Error('login failed'); defaultError.statusCode = 401; defaultError.code = 'LOGIN_FAILED'; if (err) { debug('An error is reported from User.findOne: %j', err); fn(defaultError); } else if (user) { user.hasPassword(credentials.password, function(err, isMatch) { if (err) { debug('An error is reported from User.hasPassword: %j', err); fn(defaultError); } else if (isMatch) { if (self.settings.emailVerificationRequired && !user.emailVerified) { // Fail to log in if email verification is not done yet debug('User email has not been verified'); err = new Error('login failed as the email has not been verified'); err.statusCode = 401; err.code = 'LOGIN_FAILED_EMAIL_NOT_VERIFIED'; return fn(err); } else { user.createAccessToken(credentials.ttl, function(err, token) { if (err) return fn(err); if (Array.isArray(include) ? include.indexOf('user') !== -1 : include === 'user') { // NOTE(bajtos) We can't set token.user here: // 1. token.user already exists, it's a function injected by // "AccessToken belongsTo User" relation // 2. ModelBaseClass.toJSON() ignores own properties, thus // the value won't be included in the HTTP response // See also loopback#161 and loopback#162 token.__data.user = user; } fn(err, token); }); } } else { debug('The password is invalid for user %s', query.email || query.username); fn(defaultError); } }); } else { debug('No matching record is found for user %s', query.email || query.username); fn(defaultError); } }); }; /** * Logout a user with the given accessToken id. * * ```js * User.logout('asd0a9f8dsj9s0s3223mk', function (err) { * console.log(err || 'Logged out'); * }); * ``` * * @param {String} accessTokenID * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err */ User.logout = function(tokenId, fn) { this.relations.accessTokens.modelTo.findById(tokenId, function(err, accessToken) { if (err) { fn(err); } else if (accessToken) { accessToken.destroy(fn); } else { fn(new Error('could not find accessToken')); } }); }; /** * Compare the given `password` with the users hashed password. * * @param {String} password The plain text password * @returns {Boolean} */ User.prototype.hasPassword = function(plain, fn) { if (this.password && plain) { bcrypt.compare(plain, this.password, function(err, isMatch) { if (err) return fn(err); fn(null, isMatch); }); } else { fn(null, false); } }; /** * Verify a user's identity by sending them a confirmation email. * * ```js * var options = { * type: 'email', * to: user.email, * template: 'verify.ejs', * redirect: '/' * }; * * user.verify(options, next); * ``` * * @options {Object} options * @property {String} type Must be 'email'. * @property {String} to Email address to which verification email is sent. * @property {String} from Sender email addresss, for example * `'noreply@myapp.com'`. * @property {String} subject Subject line text. * @property {String} text Text of email. * @property {String} template Name of template that displays verification * page, for example, `'verify.ejs'. * @property {String} redirect Page to which user will be redirected after * they verify their email, for example `'/'` for root URI. */ User.prototype.verify = function(options, fn) { var user = this; var userModel = this.constructor; assert(typeof options === 'object', 'options required when calling user.verify()'); assert(options.type, 'You must supply a verification type (options.type)'); assert(options.type === 'email', 'Unsupported verification type'); assert(options.to || this.email, 'Must include options.to when calling user.verify() or the user must have an email property'); assert(options.from, 'Must include options.from when calling user.verify() or the user must have an email property'); options.redirect = options.redirect || '/'; options.template = path.resolve(options.template || path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'templates', 'verify.ejs')); options.user = this; options.protocol = options.protocol || 'http'; var app = userModel.app; options.host = options.host || (app && app.get('host')) || 'localhost'; options.port = options.port || (app && app.get('port')) || 3000; options.restApiRoot = options.restApiRoot || (app && app.get('restApiRoot')) || '/api'; options.verifyHref = options.verifyHref || options.protocol + '://' + options.host + ':' + options.port + options.restApiRoot + userModel.http.path + userModel.sharedClass.find('confirm', true).http.path + '?uid=' + options.user.id + '&redirect=' + options.redirect; // Email model var Email = options.mailer || this.constructor.email || loopback.getModelByType(loopback.Email); crypto.randomBytes(64, function(err, buf) { if (err) { fn(err); } else { user.verificationToken = buf.toString('hex'); user.save(function(err) { if (err) { fn(err); } else { sendEmail(user); } }); } }); // TODO - support more verification types function sendEmail(user) { options.verifyHref += '&token=' + user.verificationToken; options.text = options.text || 'Please verify your email by opening this link in a web browser:\n\t{href}'; options.text = options.text.replace('{href}', options.verifyHref); var template = loopback.template(options.template); Email.send({ to: options.to || user.email, from: options.from, subject: options.subject || 'Thanks for Registering', text: options.text, html: template(options), headers: options.headers || {} }, function(err, email) { if (err) { fn(err); } else { fn(null, {email: email, token: user.verificationToken, uid: user.id}); } }); } }; /** * Confirm the user's identity. * * @param {Any} userId * @param {String} token The validation token * @param {String} redirect URL to redirect the user to once confirmed * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err */ User.confirm = function(uid, token, redirect, fn) { this.findById(uid, function(err, user) { if (err) { fn(err); } else { if (user && user.verificationToken === token) { user.verificationToken = undefined; user.emailVerified = true; user.save(function(err) { if (err) { fn(err); } else { fn(); } }); } else { if (user) { err = new Error('Invalid token: ' + token); err.statusCode = 400; err.code = 'INVALID_TOKEN'; } else { err = new Error('User not found: ' + uid); err.statusCode = 404; err.code = 'USER_NOT_FOUND'; } fn(err); } } }); }; /** * Create a short lived acess token for temporary login. Allows users * to change passwords if forgotten. * * @options {Object} options * @prop {String} email The user's email address * @callback {Function} callback * @param {Error} err */ User.resetPassword = function(options, cb) { var UserModel = this; var ttl = UserModel.settings.resetPasswordTokenTTL || DEFAULT_RESET_PW_TTL; options = options || {}; if (typeof options.email === 'string') { UserModel.findOne({ where: {email: options.email} }, function(err, user) { if (err) { cb(err); } else if (user) { // create a short lived access token for temp login to change password // TODO(ritch) - eventually this should only allow password change user.accessTokens.create({ttl: ttl}, function(err, accessToken) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { cb(); UserModel.emit('resetPasswordRequest', { email: options.email, accessToken: accessToken, user: user }); } }); } else { cb(); } }); } else { var err = new Error('email is required'); err.statusCode = 400; err.code = 'EMAIL_REQUIRED'; cb(err); } }; /*! * Hash the plain password */ User.hashPassword = function(plain) { this.validatePassword(plain); var salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(this.settings.saltWorkFactor || SALT_WORK_FACTOR); return bcrypt.hashSync(plain, salt); }; User.validatePassword = function(plain) { if (typeof plain === 'string' && plain) { return true; } var err = new Error('Invalid password: ' + plain); err.statusCode = 422; throw err; }; /*! * Setup an extended user model. */ User.setup = function() { // We need to call the base class's setup method User.base.setup.call(this); var UserModel = this; // max ttl this.settings.maxTTL = this.settings.maxTTL || DEFAULT_MAX_TTL; this.settings.ttl = this.settings.ttl || DEFAULT_TTL; UserModel.setter.password = function(plain) { this.$password = this.constructor.hashPassword(plain); }; // Make sure emailVerified is not set by creation UserModel.beforeRemote('create', function(ctx, user, next) { var body = ctx.req.body; if (body && body.emailVerified) { body.emailVerified = false; } next(); }); UserModel.remoteMethod( 'login', { description: 'Login a user with username/email and password', accepts: [ {arg: 'credentials', type: 'object', required: true, http: {source: 'body'}}, {arg: 'include', type: 'string', http: {source: 'query' }, description: 'Related objects to include in the response. ' + 'See the description of return value for more details.'} ], returns: { arg: 'accessToken', type: 'object', root: true, description: 'The response body contains properties of the AccessToken created on login.\n' + 'Depending on the value of `include` parameter, the body may contain ' + 'additional properties:\n\n' + ' - `user` - `{User}` - Data of the currently logged in user. (`include=user`)\n\n' }, http: {verb: 'post'} } ); UserModel.remoteMethod( 'logout', { description: 'Logout a user with access token', accepts: [ {arg: 'access_token', type: 'string', required: true, http: function(ctx) { var req = ctx && ctx.req; var accessToken = req && req.accessToken; var tokenID = accessToken && accessToken.id; return tokenID; }, description: 'Do not supply this argument, it is automatically extracted ' + 'from request headers.' } ], http: {verb: 'all'} } ); UserModel.remoteMethod( 'confirm', { description: 'Confirm a user registration with email verification token', accepts: [ {arg: 'uid', type: 'string', required: true}, {arg: 'token', type: 'string', required: true}, {arg: 'redirect', type: 'string', required: true} ], http: {verb: 'get', path: '/confirm'} } ); UserModel.remoteMethod( 'resetPassword', { description: 'Reset password for a user with email', accepts: [ {arg: 'options', type: 'object', required: true, http: {source: 'body'}} ], http: {verb: 'post', path: '/reset'} } ); UserModel.on('attached', function() { UserModel.afterRemote('confirm', function(ctx, inst, next) { if (ctx.req) { ctx.res.redirect(ctx.req.param('redirect')); } else { next(new Error('transport unsupported')); } }); }); // default models assert(loopback.Email, 'Email model must be defined before User model'); UserModel.email = loopback.Email; assert(loopback.AccessToken, 'AccessToken model must be defined before User model'); UserModel.accessToken = loopback.AccessToken; // email validation regex var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; UserModel.validatesFormatOf('email', {with: re, message: 'Must provide a valid email'}); // FIXME: We need to add support for uniqueness of composite keys in juggler if (!(UserModel.settings.realmRequired || UserModel.settings.realmDelimiter)) { UserModel.validatesUniquenessOf('email', {message: 'Email already exists'}); UserModel.validatesUniquenessOf('username', {message: 'User already exists'}); } return UserModel; }; /*! * Setup the base user. */ User.setup(); };