555 lines
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555 lines
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* Module dependencies.
var async = require('async');
var pathToRegExp = require('path-to-regexp');
var debug = require('debug')('loopback:security:acl:route');
var loopback = require('../../lib/loopback');
var Principal = require('../../lib/access-context').Principal;
var Role;
var ACL;
* Export the middleware.
module.exports = acl;
* Normalize the http verb to lower case
* @param {String} verb HTTP verb/method
* @returns {String|*}
* @private
function normalizeVerb(verb) {
verb = verb.toLowerCase();
if (verb === 'del') {
verb = 'delete';
return verb;
* Normalize items to string[]
* @param {String|String[]} items
* @returns {String[]}
* @private
function normalizeList(items) {
if (!items) {
return [];
var list;
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
list = [].concat(items);
} else if (typeof items === 'string') {
list = items.split(/[\s,]+/g).filter(Boolean);
} else {
throw new Error('Invalid items: ' + items);
return list;
function toLowerCase(m) {
return m && m.toLowerCase();
* Normalize the scopes object into an array of routes sorted by its
* path/methods
* ```json
* {
* "scope1": [{"methods": "get", path: "/:user/profile"}, "/order"],
* "scope2": [{"methods": "post", path: "/:user/profile"}]
* }
* ```
* @param {Object} scopes Scope mappings
* @returns {Array}
* @private
function normalizeScopeMappings(scopes) {
var routes = [];
for (var s in scopes) {
var routeList = scopes[s];
debug('Scope: %s, routes: %j', s, routeList);
if (Array.isArray(routeList)) {
for (var i = 0, n = routeList.length; i < n; i++) {
var route = routeList[i];
var methods = normalizeList(route.methods);
if (methods.length === 0) {
methods = ['all'];
methods = methods.map(normalizeVerb);
var routeDef = {
scope: s,
methods: methods,
path: route.path,
regexp: pathToRegExp(route.path, [], {end: false})
debug('Route: %j', routeDef);
return routes;
* Normalize and sort ACL entries
* @param {Object[]} acls An array of ACLs
* @returns {*|Array}
* @private
function normalizeACLs(acls) {
acls = acls || [];
for (var i = 0, n = acls.length; i < n; i++) {
var acl = acls[i];
if (acl.role) {
acl.principalType = Principal.ROLE;
acl.principalId = acl.role;
delete acl.role;
acl.scopes = normalizeList(acl.scopes);
return acls;
* Find matching ACLs for the given scopes
* @param {Object[]} acls An array of acl entries
* @param {Object[]} scopes An array of scopes
* @returns {Object[]} ACLs matching one of the scopes
* @private
function matchACLs(acls, scopes) {
var matchedACLs = [];
if (Array.isArray(scopes) && Array.isArray(acls)) {
for (var i = 0, n = scopes.length; i < n; i++) {
var s = scopes[i];
for (var j = 0, k = acls.length; j < k; j++) {
var acl = acls[j];
debug('Checking ACL %j against scope %s', acl, s);
var aclScopes = acl.scopes || [];
if (typeof aclScopes === 'string') {
aclScopes = normalizeList(aclScopes);
if (aclScopes.indexOf(s) !== -1) {
debug('Matched ACL for scope: %j', s, acl);
return matchedACLs;
* Try to find out the protected resource scopes for the given request
* @param {Request} req loopback Request
* @param {Function} cb Callback function
* @returns {*}
* @private
function identifyScopes(req, scopes, cb) {
var routes = normalizeScopeMappings(scopes);
var matchedScopes = findMatchedScopes(req, routes);
debug('Matched scopes: %j', matchedScopes);
return process.nextTick(function() {
cb(null, matchedScopes);
* Try to find out the principals for the given request
* @param {Request} req HTTP request object
* @private
function identifyPrincipals(req) {
var principals = [{
principalType: Principal.ROLE,
principalId: '$everyone'
if (req.accessToken) {
if (req.accessToken.userId != null) {
principalType: Principal.USER,
principalId: req.accessToken.userId
principalType: Principal.ROLE,
principalId: '$authenticated'
var appId = req.accessToken.appId || req.accessToken.clientId;
if (appId != null) {
principalType: Principal.APP,
principalId: appId
} else {
principalType: Principal.ROLE,
principalId: '$unauthenticated'
debug('Principals: %j', principals);
return principals;
* Find matched scopes for the given routes
* @param {Request} req HTTP request object
* @param {Object[]} routes An array of routes (methods, path)
* @returns {Array} Scopes matching the request
* @private
function findMatchedScopes(req, routes) {
var matchedScopes = [];
var method = req.method.toLowerCase();
var url = req.originalUrl || req.url;
for (var i = 0, n = routes.length; i < n; i++) {
var route = routes[i];
debug('Matching %s %s against %j', method, url, route);
if (route.methods.indexOf('all') !== -1 ||
route.methods.indexOf(method) !== -1) {
debug('url: %s, regexp: %s', url, route.regexp);
var index = url.indexOf('?');
if (index !== -1) {
url = url.substring(0, index);
if (route.regexp.test(url)) {
return matchedScopes;
* Calculate the ACL score based on its specifics of principalType and
* permission
* @param {Object} acl ACL rule
* @returns {number}
* @private
function getACLScore(acl) {
var score = 0;
switch (acl.principalType) {
case ACL.USER:
score += 4;
case ACL.APP:
score += 3;
case ACL.ROLE:
score += 2;
score += 1;
score = score * 8;
if (acl.principalType === ACL.ROLE) {
switch (acl.principalId) {
score += 2;
case Role.EVERYONE:
score += 1;
score += 3;
score = score * 8;
switch (acl.permission) {
score += 1;
score += 2;
score += 3;
case ACL.DENY:
score += 4;
return score;
function sortACLs(acl1, acl2) {
// Descending order of scores
var b = getACLScore(acl1);
var a = getACLScore(acl2);
return a === b ? 0 : (a > b ? 1 : -1);
* Compare two routes
* @param {Object} a The first route {verb: 'get', path: '/:id'}
* @param [Object} b The second route {verb: 'get', path: '/findOne'}
* @returns {number} 1: r1 comes after 2, -1: r1 comes before r2, 0: equal
* @private
function sortRoutes(a, b) {
var methods1 = normalizeList(a.methods).map(toLowerCase).sort().join(',');
var methods2 = normalizeList(b.methods).map(toLowerCase).sort().join(',');
// Normalize the verbs
var verb1 = methods1;
var verb2 = methods2;
// Sort by path part by part using the / delimiter
// For example '/:id' will become ['', ':id'], '/findOne' will become
// ['', 'findOne']
var p1 = a.path.split('/');
var p2 = b.path.split('/');
var len = Math.min(p1.length, p2.length);
// Loop through the parts and decide which path should come first
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// Empty part has lower weight
if (p1[i] === '' && p2[i] !== '') {
return 1;
} else if (p1[i] !== '' && p2[i] === '') {
return -1;
// Wildcard has lower weight
if (p1[i][0] === ':' && p2[i][0] !== ':') {
return 1;
} else if (p1[i][0] !== ':' && p2[i][0] === ':') {
return -1;
// Now the regular string comparision
if (p1[i] > p2[i]) {
return 1;
} else if (p1[i] < p2[i]) {
return -1;
// Both paths have the common parts. The longer one should come before the
// shorter one
if (p1.length === p2.length) {
// First sort by verb
if (verb1 > verb2) {
return -1;
} else if (verb1 < verb2) {
return 1;
} else {
return p2.length > p1.length ? 1 : -1;
* Check the http request against route based ACLs
* ```js
* app.use(loopback.acl(
* {
* scopes: {
* "catalog": [{
* "methods": "GET",
* "path": "/api/catalog"
* }],
* "order": [{
* "methods": "ALL",
* "path": "/api/orders"
* }],
* "cancelOrder": [{
* "methods": "delete",
* "path": "/api/orders/:id"
* }],
* "deleteEntities": [
* {
* "methods": ["delete"],
* "path": "/api/:model"
* }
* ]
* },
* acls: [
* {
* role: '$everyone',
* scopes: ['catalog'],
* permission: 'ALLOW'
* },
* {
* role: '$unauthenticated',
* scopes: ['order'],
* permission: 'DENY'
* },
* {
* role: '$everyone',
* scopes: ['deleteEntities'],
* permission: 'DENY'
* },
* {
* principalType: 'ROLE',
* principalId: 'admin',
* scopes: ['deleteEntities'],
* permission: 'ALLOW'
* },
* {
* principalType: 'ROLE',
* principalId: 'cs',
* scopes: ['cancelOrder'],
* permission: 'ALLOW'
* }
* ],
* roles: {
* admin: [
* {principalType: 'USER', principalId: 'mary'}
* ],
* demo: [
* {principalType: 'USER', principalId: 'john'},
* {principalType: 'APP', principalId: 'demo-app'}]
* }
* ));
* ```
* @options {Object} [options]
* @property {Object} [scopes] Object of scope mappings.
* @property {Array} [acls] Array of ACLs.
* @property {Array} [roles] Object of Role mappings.
* @property {Boolean} [ignoreACLsFromDB] Ignore ACLs from databases
* @property {Function} [identifyScopes] A custom function to identify scopes
* from the http request
* @property {Function} [hasPrincipal] A custom function to check if a http
* request matches the given principal
* @header loopback.acl([options])
function acl(options) {
options = options || {};
var scopes = options.scopes;
var acls = options.acls;
var roles = options.roles || {};
var registry;
var aclModel;
Role = loopback.Role;
ACL = loopback.ACL;
return function(req, res, next) {
if (!(options.scopes || options.acls ||
options.checkACLs || options.identifyScopes)) {
return next();
if (!registry) {
// Get the registry
if (req.app) {
registry = req.app.registry;
} else {
registry = loopback.registry;
aclModel = registry.getModelByType(loopback.ACL);
var identifyScopesFunc = identifyScopes;
if (typeof options.identifyScopes === 'function') {
identifyScopesFunc = options.identifyScopes;
var hasPrincipalFunc;
if (typeof options.hasPrincipal === 'function') {
hasPrincipalFunc = options.hasPrincipal;
} else {
// List principals from the req
var principals = identifyPrincipals(req);
hasPrincipalFunc = function(req, principalType, principalId, cb) {
principalType = principalType || Principal.ROLE;
for (var i = 0, n = principals.length; i < n; i++) {
if (principals[i].principalType === principalType &&
principals[i].principalId == principalId) {
debug('Principal %s:%s found for role %s',
principals[i].principalType, principals[i].principalId, role);
return cb(null, true);
if (principalType === Principal.ROLE) {
// Check the roles definitions
var appId = req.accessToken && req.accessToken.appId;
var userId = req.accessToken && req.accessToken.userId;
if (appId == null && userId == null) return cb(null, false);
var role = principalId;
var principalsInRole = roles[role];
if (Array.isArray(principalsInRole)) {
for (i = 0, n = principalsInRole.length; i < n; i++) {
if ((principalsInRole[i].principalType === Principal.APP &&
principalsInRole[i].principalId == appId) ||
(principalsInRole[i].principalType === Principal.USER &&
principalsInRole[i].principalId == userId)) {
debug('Principal %s:%s found for role %s',
principalsInRole[i].principalId, role);
return cb(null, true);
if (!options.ignoreACLsFromDB) {
// Checks the roleMapping model
aclModel.isMappedToRole(Principal.USER, userId, role, function(err, yes) {
if (err) return cb(err);
if (yes) return cb(null, true);
aclModel.isMappedToRole(Principal.APP, appId, role, function(err, yes) {
cb(err, yes);
} else {
return cb(null, false);
function checkACLs(req, scopes, cb) {
acls = normalizeACLs(acls);
var matchedACLs = matchACLs(acls, scopes);
var error;
async.detectSeries(matchedACLs, function(acl, done) {
hasPrincipalFunc(req, acl.principalType, acl.principalId,
function(err, yes) {
if (err) {
error = err;
return done(true);
if (!yes) return done(false); // Continue
if (acl.permission === 'ALLOW') {
debug('Request is allowed by ACL: %j', acl);
return done(true);
} else {
error = new Error('Authorization failed');
error.statusCode = 403;
debug('Request is denied by ACL: %j', acl);
return done(true);
}, function(result) {
cb(error, result);
var checkACLsFunc = checkACLs;
if (typeof options.checkACLs === 'function') {
checkACLsFunc = options.checkACLs;
identifyScopesFunc(req, scopes, function(err, matchedScopes) {
if (err) return next(err);
checkACLsFunc(req, matchedScopes, next);