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// Copyright IBM Corp. 2014,2018. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
'use strict';
const loopback = require('../../lib/loopback');
const debug = require('debug')('loopback:security:role');
const assert = require('assert');
const async = require('async');
const utils = require('../../lib/utils');
const ctx = require('../../lib/access-context');
const AccessContext = ctx.AccessContext;
const Principal = ctx.Principal;
const RoleMapping = loopback.RoleMapping;
assert(RoleMapping, 'RoleMapping model must be defined before Role model');
* The Role model
* @class Role
* @header Role object
module.exports = function(Role) {
Role.resolveRelatedModels = function() {
if (!this.userModel) {
const reg = this.registry;
this.roleMappingModel = reg.getModelByType('RoleMapping');
this.userModel = reg.getModelByType('User');
this.applicationModel = reg.getModelByType('Application');
// Set up the connection to users/applications/roles once the model
Role.once('dataSourceAttached', function(roleModel) {
['users', 'applications', 'roles'].forEach(function(rel) {
* Fetch all users assigned to this role
* @function Role.prototype#users
* @param {object} [query] query object passed to model find call
* @callback {Function} [callback] The callback function
* @param {String|Error} err The error string or object
* @param {Array} list The list of users.
* @promise
* Fetch all applications assigned to this role
* @function Role.prototype#applications
* @param {object} [query] query object passed to model find call
* @callback {Function} [callback] The callback function
* @param {String|Error} err The error string or object
* @param {Array} list The list of applications.
* @promise
* Fetch all roles assigned to this role
* @function Role.prototype#roles
* @param {object} [query] query object passed to model find call
* @callback {Function} [callback] The callback function
* @param {String|Error} err The error string or object
* @param {Array} list The list of roles.
* @promise
Role.prototype[rel] = function(query, callback) {
if (!callback) {
if (typeof query === 'function') {
callback = query;
query = {};
} else {
callback = utils.createPromiseCallback();
query = query || {};
query.where = query.where || {};
const relsToModels = {
users: roleModel.userModel,
applications: roleModel.applicationModel,
roles: roleModel,
const ACL = loopback.ACL;
const relsToTypes = {
users: ACL.USER,
applications: ACL.APP,
roles: ACL.ROLE,
let principalModel = relsToModels[rel];
let principalType = relsToTypes[rel];
// redefine user model and user type if user principalType is custom (available and not "USER")
const isCustomUserPrincipalType = rel === 'users' &&
query.where.principalType &&
query.where.principalType !== RoleMapping.USER;
if (isCustomUserPrincipalType) {
const registry = this.constructor.registry;
principalModel = registry.findModel(query.where.principalType);
principalType = query.where.principalType;
// make sure we don't keep principalType in userModel query
delete query.where.principalType;
if (principalModel) {
listByPrincipalType(this, principalModel, principalType, query, callback);
} else {
process.nextTick(function() {
callback(null, []);
return callback.promise;
* Fetch all models assigned to this role
* @private
* @param {object} Context role context
* @param {*} model model type to fetch
* @param {String} [principalType] principalType used in the rolemapping for model
* @param {object} [query] query object passed to model find call
* @param {Function} [callback] callback function called with `(err, models)` arguments.
function listByPrincipalType(context, model, principalType, query, callback) {
if (callback === undefined && typeof query === 'function') {
callback = query;
query = {};
query = query || {};
where: {roleId: context.id, principalType: principalType},
}, function(err, mappings) {
if (err) {
return callback(err);
const ids = mappings.map(function(m) {
return m.principalId;
query.where = query.where || {};
query.where.id = {inq: ids};
model.find(query, function(err, models) {
callback(err, models);
// Special roles
Role.OWNER = '$owner'; // owner of the object
Role.RELATED = '$related'; // any User with a relationship to the object
Role.AUTHENTICATED = '$authenticated'; // authenticated user
Role.UNAUTHENTICATED = '$unauthenticated'; // authenticated user
Role.EVERYONE = '$everyone'; // everyone
* Add custom handler for roles.
* @param {String} role Name of role.
* @param {Function} resolver Function that determines
* if a principal is in the specified role.
* Should provide a callback or return a promise.
Role.registerResolver = function(role, resolver) {
if (!Role.resolvers) {
Role.resolvers = {};
Role.resolvers[role] = resolver;
Role.registerResolver(Role.OWNER, function(role, context, callback) {
if (!context || !context.model || !context.modelId) {
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, false);
const modelClass = context.model;
const modelId = context.modelId;
const user = context.getUser();
const userId = user && user.id;
const principalType = user && user.principalType;
const opts = {accessToken: context.accessToken};
Role.isOwner(modelClass, modelId, userId, principalType, opts, callback);
function isUserClass(modelClass) {
if (!modelClass) return false;
const User = modelClass.modelBuilder.models.User;
if (!User) return false;
return modelClass == User || modelClass.prototype instanceof User;
* Check if two user IDs matches
* @param {*} id1
* @param {*} id2
* @returns {boolean}
function matches(id1, id2) {
if (id1 === undefined || id1 === null || id1 === '' ||
id2 === undefined || id2 === null || id2 === '') {
return false;
// The id can be a MongoDB ObjectID
return id1 === id2 || id1.toString() === id2.toString();
* Check if a given user ID is the owner the model instance.
* @param {Function} modelClass The model class
* @param {*} modelId The model ID
* @param {*} userId The user ID
* @param {String} principalType The user principalType (optional)
* @options {Object} options
* @property {accessToken} The access token used to authorize the current user.
* @callback {Function} [callback] The callback function
* @param {String|Error} err The error string or object
* @param {Boolean} isOwner True if the user is an owner.
* @promise
Role.isOwner = function isOwner(modelClass, modelId, userId, principalType, options, callback) {
const _this = this;
if (!callback && typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
} else if (!callback && typeof principalType === 'function') {
callback = principalType;
principalType = undefined;
options = {};
principalType = principalType || Principal.USER;
assert(modelClass, 'Model class is required');
if (!callback) callback = utils.createPromiseCallback();
debug('isOwner(): %s %s userId: %s principalType: %s',
modelClass && modelClass.modelName, modelId, userId, principalType);
// Resolve isOwner false if userId is missing
if (!userId) {
debug('isOwner(): no user id was set, returning false');
process.nextTick(function() {
callback(null, false);
return callback.promise;
// At this stage, principalType is valid in one of 2 following condition:
// 1. the app has a single user model and principalType is 'USER'
// 2. the app has multiple user models and principalType is not 'USER'
// multiple user models
const isMultipleUsers = _isMultipleUsers();
const isPrincipalTypeValid =
(!isMultipleUsers && principalType === Principal.USER) ||
(isMultipleUsers && principalType !== Principal.USER);
debug('isOwner(): isMultipleUsers?', isMultipleUsers,
'isPrincipalTypeValid?', isPrincipalTypeValid);
// Resolve isOwner false if principalType is invalid
if (!isPrincipalTypeValid) {
process.nextTick(function() {
callback(null, false);
return callback.promise;
// Is the modelClass User or a subclass of User?
if (isUserClass(modelClass)) {
const userModelName = modelClass.modelName;
// matching ids is enough if principalType is USER or matches given user model name
if (principalType === Principal.USER || principalType === userModelName) {
process.nextTick(function() {
callback(null, matches(modelId, userId));
return callback.promise;
// otherwise continue with the regular owner resolution
modelClass.findById(modelId, options, function(err, inst) {
if (err || !inst) {
debug('Model not found for id %j', modelId);
return callback(err, false);
debug('Model found: %j', inst);
const ownerRelations = modelClass.settings.ownerRelations;
if (!ownerRelations) {
return legacyOwnershipCheck(inst);
} else {
return checkOwnership(inst);
return callback.promise;
// NOTE Historically, for principalType USER, we were resolving isOwner()
// as true if the model has "userId" or "owner" property matching
// id of the current user (principalId), even though there was no
// belongsTo relation set up.
// Additionaly, the original implementation did not support the
// possibility for a model to have multiple related users: when
// testing belongsTo relations, the first related user failing the
// ownership check induced the whole isOwner() to resolve as false.
// This behaviour will be pruned at next LoopBack major release.
function legacyOwnershipCheck(inst) {
const ownerId = inst.userId || inst.owner;
if (principalType === Principal.USER && ownerId && 'function' !== typeof ownerId) {
return callback(null, matches(ownerId, userId));
// Try to follow belongsTo
for (const r in modelClass.relations) {
const rel = modelClass.relations[r];
// relation should be belongsTo and target a User based class
const belongsToUser = rel.type === 'belongsTo' && isUserClass(rel.modelTo);
if (!belongsToUser) {
// checking related user
const relatedUser = rel.modelTo;
const userModelName = relatedUser.modelName;
const isMultipleUsers = _isMultipleUsers(relatedUser);
// a relation can be considered for isOwner resolution if:
// 1. the app has a single user model and principalType is 'USER'
// 2. the app has multiple user models and principalType is the related user model name
if ((!isMultipleUsers && principalType === Principal.USER) ||
(isMultipleUsers && principalType === userModelName)) {
debug('Checking relation %s to %s: %j', r, userModelName, rel);
debug('No matching belongsTo relation found for model %j - user %j principalType %j',
modelId, userId, principalType);
callback(null, false);
function processRelatedUser(err, user) {
if (err || !user) return callback(err, false);
debug('User found: %j', user.id);
callback(null, matches(user.id, userId));
function checkOwnership(inst) {
const ownerRelations = inst.constructor.settings.ownerRelations;
// collecting related users
const relWithUsers = [];
for (const r in modelClass.relations) {
const rel = modelClass.relations[r];
// relation should be belongsTo and target a User based class
if (rel.type !== 'belongsTo' || !isUserClass(rel.modelTo)) {
// checking related user
const relatedUser = rel.modelTo;
const userModelName = relatedUser.modelName;
const isMultipleUsers = _isMultipleUsers(relatedUser);
// a relation can be considered for isOwner resolution if:
// 1. the app has a single user model and principalType is 'USER'
// 2. the app has multiple user models and principalType is the related user model name
// In addition, if an array of relations if provided with the ownerRelations option,
// then the given relation name is further checked against this array
if ((!isMultipleUsers && principalType === Principal.USER) ||
(isMultipleUsers && principalType === userModelName)) {
debug('Checking relation %s to %s: %j', r, userModelName, rel);
if (ownerRelations === true) {
} else if (Array.isArray(ownerRelations) && ownerRelations.indexOf(r) !== -1) {
if (relWithUsers.length === 0) {
debug('No matching belongsTo relation found for model %j and user: %j principalType: %j',
modelId, userId, principalType);
return callback(null, false);
// check related users: someSeries is used to avoid spamming the db
async.someSeries(relWithUsers, processRelation, callback);
function processRelation(r, cb) {
inst[r](function processRelatedUser(err, user) {
if (err || !user) return cb(err, false);
debug('User found: %j (through %j)', user.id, r);
cb(null, matches(user.id, userId));
// A helper function to check if the app user config is multiple users or
// single user. It can be used with or without a reference user model.
// In case no user model is provided, we use the registry to get any of the
// user model by type. The relation with AccessToken is used to check
// if polymorphism is used, and thus if multiple users.
function _isMultipleUsers(userModel) {
const oneOfUserModels = userModel || _this.registry.getModelByType('User');
const accessTokensRel = oneOfUserModels.relations.accessTokens;
return !!(accessTokensRel && accessTokensRel.polymorphic);
Role.registerResolver(Role.AUTHENTICATED, function(role, context, callback) {
if (!context) {
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, false);
Role.isAuthenticated(context, callback);
* Check if the user ID is authenticated
* @param {Object} context The security context.
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function.
* @param {Error} err Error object.
* @param {Boolean} isAuthenticated True if the user is authenticated.
* @promise
Role.isAuthenticated = function isAuthenticated(context, callback) {
if (!callback) callback = utils.createPromiseCallback();
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, context.isAuthenticated());
return callback.promise;
Role.registerResolver(Role.UNAUTHENTICATED, function(role, context, callback) {
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, !context || !context.isAuthenticated());
Role.registerResolver(Role.EVERYONE, function(role, context, callback) {
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, true); // Always true
* Check if a given principal is in the specified role.
* @param {String} role The role name.
* @param {Object} context The context object.
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function.
* @param {Error} err Error object.
* @param {Boolean} isInRole True if the principal is in the specified role.
* @promise
Role.isInRole = function(role, context, callback) {
context.registry = this.registry;
if (!(context instanceof AccessContext)) {
context = new AccessContext(context);
if (!callback) {
callback = utils.createPromiseCallback();
// historically, isInRole is returning the Role instance instead of true
// we are preserving that behaviour for callback-based invocation,
// but fixing it when invoked in Promise mode
callback.promise = callback.promise.then(function(isInRole) {
return !!isInRole;
debug('isInRole(): %s', role);
const resolver = Role.resolvers[role];
if (resolver) {
debug('Custom resolver found for role %s', role);
const promise = resolver(role, context, callback);
if (promise && typeof promise.then === 'function') {
function(result) { callback(null, result); },
return callback.promise;
if (context.principals.length === 0) {
debug('isInRole() returns: false');
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, false);
return callback.promise;
const inRole = context.principals.some(function(p) {
const principalType = p.type || undefined;
const principalId = p.id || undefined;
// Check if it's the same role
return principalType === RoleMapping.ROLE && principalId === role;
if (inRole) {
debug('isInRole() returns: %j', inRole);
process.nextTick(function() {
if (callback) callback(null, true);
return callback.promise;
const roleMappingModel = this.roleMappingModel;
this.findOne({where: {name: role}}, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
if (callback) callback(err);
if (!result) {
if (callback) callback(null, false);
debug('Role found: %j', result);
// Iterate through the list of principals
async.some(context.principals, function(p, done) {
const principalType = p.type || undefined;
let principalId = p.id || undefined;
const roleId = result.id.toString();
const principalIdIsString = typeof principalId === 'string';
if (principalId !== null && principalId !== undefined && !principalIdIsString) {
principalId = principalId.toString();
if (principalType && principalId) {
roleMappingModel.findOne({where: {roleId: roleId,
principalType: principalType, principalId: principalId}},
function(err, result) {
debug('Role mapping found: %j', result);
done(!err && result); // The only arg is the result
} else {
process.nextTick(function() {
}, function(inRole) {
debug('isInRole() returns: %j', inRole);
if (callback) callback(null, inRole);
return callback.promise;
* List roles for a given principal.
* @param {Object} context The security context.
* @callback {Function} callback Callback function.
* @param {Error} err Error object.
* @param {String[]} roles An array of role IDs
* @promise
Role.getRoles = function(context, options, callback) {
if (!callback) {
if (typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = {};
} else {
callback = utils.createPromiseCallback();
if (!options) options = {};
context.registry = this.registry;
if (!(context instanceof AccessContext)) {
context = new AccessContext(context);
const roles = [];
const addRole = function(role) {
if (role && roles.indexOf(role) === -1) {
const self = this;
// Check against the smart roles
const inRoleTasks = [];
Object.keys(Role.resolvers).forEach(function(role) {
inRoleTasks.push(function(done) {
self.isInRole(role, context, function(err, inRole) {
if (debug.enabled) {
debug('In role %j: %j', role, inRole);
if (!err && inRole) {
} else {
done(err, null);
const roleMappingModel = this.roleMappingModel;
context.principals.forEach(function(p) {
// Check against the role mappings
const principalType = p.type || undefined;
let principalId = p.id == null ? undefined : p.id;
if (typeof principalId !== 'string' && principalId != null) {
principalId = principalId.toString();
// Add the role itself
if (principalType === RoleMapping.ROLE && principalId) {
if (principalType && principalId) {
// Please find() treat undefined matches all values
inRoleTasks.push(function(done) {
const filter = {where: {principalType: principalType, principalId: principalId}};
if (options.returnOnlyRoleNames === true) {
filter.include = ['role'];
roleMappingModel.find(filter, function(err, mappings) {
debug('Role mappings found: %s %j', err, mappings);
if (err) {
if (done) done(err);
mappings.forEach(function(m) {
let role;
if (options.returnOnlyRoleNames === true) {
role = m.toJSON().role.name;
} else {
role = m.roleId;
if (done) done();
async.parallel(inRoleTasks, function(err, results) {
debug('getRoles() returns: %j %j', err, roles);
if (callback) callback(err, roles);
return callback.promise;
Role.validatesUniquenessOf('name', {message: 'already exists'});