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829 lines
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// Copyright IBM Corp. 2016,2018. All Rights Reserved.
// Node module: loopback
// This file is licensed under the MIT License.
// License text available at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
'use strict';
var expect = require('./helpers/expect');
var loopback = require('../');
var ctx = require('../lib/access-context');
var extend = require('util')._extend;
var AccessContext = ctx.AccessContext;
var Principal = ctx.Principal;
var Promise = require('bluebird');
const waitForEvent = require('./helpers/wait-for-event');
const supertest = require('supertest');
const loggers = require('./helpers/error-loggers');
const logServerErrorsOtherThan = loggers.logServerErrorsOtherThan;
describe('Multiple users with custom principalType', function() {
var commonCredentials = {email: 'foo@bar.com', password: 'bar'};
var app, OneUser, AnotherUser, AccessToken, Role,
userFromOneModel, userFromAnotherModel, userRole, userOneBaseContext;
beforeEach(function setupAppAndModels() {
// create a local app object that does not share state with other tests
app = loopback({localRegistry: true, loadBuiltinModels: true});
app.set('_verifyAuthModelRelations', false);
app.set('remoting', {errorHandler: false});
app.dataSource('db', {connector: 'memory'});
var userModelOptions = {
base: 'User',
// forceId is set to false for the purpose of updating the same affected user within the
// `Email Update` test cases.
forceId: false,
// Speed up the password hashing algorithm for tests
saltWorkFactor: 4,
// create and attach 2 User-based models
OneUser = createUserModel(app, 'OneUser', userModelOptions);
AnotherUser = createUserModel(app, 'AnotherUser', userModelOptions);
AccessToken = app.registry.getModel('AccessToken');
app.model(AccessToken, {dataSource: 'db'});
Role = app.registry.getModel('Role');
app.model(Role, {dataSource: 'db'});
// Update AccessToken and Users to bind them through polymorphic relations
AccessToken.belongsTo('user', {idName: 'id', polymorphic: {idType: 'string',
foreignKey: 'userId', discriminator: 'principalType'}});
OneUser.hasMany('accessTokens', {polymorphic: {foreignKey: 'userId',
discriminator: 'principalType'}});
AnotherUser.hasMany('accessTokens', {polymorphic: {foreignKey: 'userId',
discriminator: 'principalType'}});
app.enableAuth({dataSource: 'db'});
app.use(loopback.token({model: AccessToken}));
// create one user per user model to use them throughout the tests
return Promise.all([
Role.create({name: 'userRole'}),
.spread(function(u1, u2, r) {
userFromOneModel = u1;
userFromAnotherModel = u2;
userRole = r;
userOneBaseContext = {
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
principalId: userFromOneModel.id,
describe('User.login', function() {
it('works for one user model and valid credentials', function() {
return OneUser.login(commonCredentials)
.then(function(accessToken) {
assertGoodToken(accessToken, userFromOneModel);
it('works for a second user model and valid credentials', function() {
return AnotherUser.login(commonCredentials)
.then(function(accessToken) {
assertGoodToken(accessToken, userFromAnotherModel);
it('fails when credentials are not correct', function() {
return OneUser.login({email: 'foo@bar.com', password: 'invalid'})
function onSuccess() {
throw new Error('OneUser.login() should have failed');
function onError(err) {
expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'LOGIN_FAILED');
function assertGoodToken(accessToken, user) {
if (accessToken instanceof AccessToken) {
accessToken = accessToken.toJSON();
expect(accessToken.id, 'token id').to.have.lengthOf(64);
expect(accessToken).to.have.property('userId', user.id);
expect(accessToken).to.have.property('principalType', user.constructor.definition.name);
describe('User.logout', function() {
it('logs out a user from user model 1 without logging out user from model 2',
function() {
var tokenOfOneUser;
return Promise.all([
.spread(function(t1, t2) {
tokenOfOneUser = t1;
return OneUser.logout(tokenOfOneUser.id);
.then(function() {
return AccessToken.find({});
.then(function(allTokens) {
var data = allTokens.map(function(token) {
return {userId: token.userId, principalType: token.principalType};
// no token for userFromAnotherModel
{userId: userFromAnotherModel.id, principalType: 'AnotherUser'},
describe('Password Reset', function() {
describe('User.resetPassword(options)', function() {
var options = {
email: 'foo@bar.com',
redirect: 'http://foobar.com/reset-password',
it('creates a temp accessToken to allow a user to change password',
function() {
return Promise.all([
OneUser.resetPassword({email: options.email}),
function waitForResetRequestAndVerify() {
return waitForEvent(OneUser, 'resetPasswordRequest')
.then(function(info) {
assertGoodToken(info.accessToken, userFromOneModel);
return info.accessToken.user.getAsync();
.then(function(user) {
expect(user).to.have.property('id', userFromOneModel.id);
expect(user).to.have.property('email', userFromOneModel.email);
describe('AccessToken (session) invalidation when changing email', function() {
var anotherUserFromOneModel;
it('impact only the related user', function() {
return OneUser.create({email: 'original@example.com', password: 'bar'})
.then(function(u) {
anotherUserFromOneModel = u;
return Promise.all([
OneUser.login({email: 'original@example.com', password: 'bar'}),
.then(function() {
return anotherUserFromOneModel.updateAttribute('email', 'updated@example.com');
.then(function() {
// we need to sort on principalType to ensure stability in results' order
return AccessToken.find({'order': 'principalType ASC'});
.then(function(allTokens) {
var data = allTokens.map(function(token) {
return {userId: token.userId, principalType: token.principalType};
// no token for anotherUserFromOneModel
{userId: userFromAnotherModel.id, principalType: 'AnotherUser'},
{userId: userFromOneModel.id, principalType: 'OneUser'},
describe('AccessContext', function() {
var ThirdUser, userFromThirdModel, accessContext;
beforeEach(function() {
accessContext = new AccessContext({registry: OneUser.registry});
describe('getUser()', function() {
it('returns correct principalType', () => {
return Promise.all([
]).spread((userOneToken, userTwoToken) => {
let context = new AccessContext({
registry: OneUser.registry,
accessToken: userOneToken,
id: userFromOneModel.id,
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
context = new AccessContext({
registry: AnotherUser.registry,
accessToken: userTwoToken,
id: userFromAnotherModel.id,
principalType: AnotherUser.modelName,
it('another getUser test', () => {
{type: Principal.ROLE},
{type: Principal.APP},
{type: Principal.SCOPE},
{type: OneUser.modelName, id: userFromOneModel.id},
const user = accessContext.getUser();
id: userFromOneModel.id,
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
it('returns user although principals contain non USER principals',
function() {
return Promise.try(function() {
{type: Principal.ROLE},
{type: Principal.APP},
{type: Principal.SCOPE},
{type: OneUser.modelName, id: userFromOneModel.id},
var user = accessContext.getUser();
id: userFromOneModel.id,
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
it('returns user although principals contain invalid principals',
function() {
return Promise.try(function() {
{type: 'AccessToken'},
{type: 'invalidModelName'},
{type: OneUser.modelName, id: userFromOneModel.id},
var user = accessContext.getUser();
id: userFromOneModel.id,
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
it('supports any level of built-in User model inheritance',
function() {
ThirdUser = createUserModel(app, 'ThirdUser', {base: 'OneUser'});
return ThirdUser.create(commonCredentials)
.then(function(userFromThirdModel) {
accessContext.addPrincipal(ThirdUser.modelName, userFromThirdModel.id);
var user = accessContext.getUser();
id: userFromThirdModel.id,
principalType: ThirdUser.modelName,
// helper
function addToAccessContext(list) {
list.forEach(function(principal) {
accessContext.addPrincipal(principal.type, principal.id);
describe('Role model', function() {
var RoleMapping, ACL, user;
beforeEach(function() {
ACL = app.registry.getModel('ACL');
app.model(ACL, {dataSource: 'db'});
RoleMapping = app.registry.getModel('RoleMapping');
app.model(RoleMapping, {dataSource: 'db'});
describe('role.users()', function() {
it('returns users when using custom user principalType', function() {
return userRole.principals.create(
{principalType: OneUser.modelName, principalId: userFromOneModel.id})
.then(function() {
return userRole.users({where: {principalType: OneUser.modelName}});
.then(function(userIds) {
it('returns empty array when using invalid principalType', function() {
return userRole.principals.create(
{principalType: 'invalidModelName', principalId: userFromOneModel.id})
.then(function() {
return userRole.users({where: {principalType: 'invalidModelName'}});
.then(function(users) {
describe('principal.user()', function() {
it('returns the correct user instance', function() {
return userRole.principals.create(
{principalType: OneUser.modelName, principalId: userFromOneModel.id})
.then(function(principal) {
return principal.user();
.then(function(user) {
expect(user).to.have.property('id', userFromOneModel.id);
it('returns null when created with invalid principalType', function() {
return userRole.principals.create(
{principalType: 'invalidModelName', principalId: userFromOneModel.id})
.then(function(principal) {
return principal.user();
.then(function(user) {
describe('isInRole() & getRole()', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
return userRole.principals.create({principalType: OneUser.modelName,
principalId: userFromOneModel.id});
it('supports isInRole()', function() {
return Role.isInRole('userRole', userOneBaseContext)
.then(function(isInRole) {
it('supports getRoles()', function() {
return Role.getRoles(
.then(function(roles) {
describe('built-in role resolvers', function() {
it('supports $authenticated', function() {
return Role.isInRole(Role.AUTHENTICATED, userOneBaseContext)
.then(function(isInRole) {
it('supports $unauthenticated', function() {
return Role.isInRole(Role.UNAUTHENTICATED, userOneBaseContext)
.then(function(isInRole) {
describe('$owner', function() {
it('supports legacy behavior with relations', function() {
var Album = app.registry.createModel('Album', {
name: String,
userId: Number,
}, {
relations: {
user: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'OneUser',
foreignKey: 'userId',
app.model(Album, {dataSource: 'db'});
return Album.create({name: 'album', userId: userFromOneModel.id})
.then(function(album) {
var validContext = {
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
principalId: userFromOneModel.id,
model: Album,
id: album.id,
return Role.isInRole(Role.OWNER, validContext);
.then(function(isOwner) {
// With multiple users config, we cannot resolve a user based just on
// his id, as many users from different models could have the same id.
it('legacy behavior resolves false without belongsTo relation', function() {
var Album = app.registry.createModel('Album', {
name: String,
userId: Number,
owner: Number,
app.model(Album, {dataSource: 'db'});
return Album.create({
name: 'album',
userId: userFromOneModel.id,
owner: userFromOneModel.id,
.then(function(album) {
var authContext = {
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
principalId: userFromOneModel.id,
model: Album,
id: album.id,
return Role.isInRole(Role.OWNER, authContext);
.then(function(isOwner) {
it('legacy behavior resolves false if owner has incorrect principalType', function() {
var Album = app.registry.createModel('Album', {
name: String,
userId: Number,
}, {
relations: {
user: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'OneUser',
foreignKey: 'userId',
app.model(Album, {dataSource: 'db'});
return Album.create({name: 'album', userId: userFromOneModel.id})
.then(function(album) {
var invalidPrincipalTypes = [
var invalidContexts = invalidPrincipalTypes.map(principalType => {
return {
principalId: userFromOneModel.id,
model: Album,
id: album.id,
return Promise.map(invalidContexts, context => {
return Role.isInRole(Role.OWNER, context)
.then(isOwner => {
return {
principalType: context.principalType,
.then(result => {
{principalType: 'invalidContextName', isOwner: false},
{principalType: 'USER', isOwner: false},
{principalType: AnotherUser.modelName, isOwner: false},
it.skip('resolves the owner using the corrent belongsTo relation',
function() {
// passing {ownerRelations: true} will enable the new $owner role resolver
// with any belongsTo relation allowing to resolve truthy
var Message = createModelWithOptions(
{ownerRelations: true}
var messages = [
{content: 'firstMessage', customerId: userFromOneModel.id},
content: 'secondMessage',
customerId: userFromOneModel.id,
shopKeeperId: userFromAnotherModel.id,
// this is the incriminated message where two foreignKeys have the
// same id but points towards two different user models. Although
// customers should come from userFromOneModel and shopKeeperIds should
// come from userFromAnotherModel. The inverted situation still resolves
// isOwner true for both the customer and the shopKeeper
content: 'thirdMessage',
customerId: userFromAnotherModel.id,
shopKeeperId: userFromOneModel.id,
{content: 'fourthMessage', customerId: userFromAnotherModel.id},
{content: 'fifthMessage'},
return Promise.map(messages, msg => {
return Message.create(msg);
.then(messages => {
return Promise.all([
isOwnerForMessage(userFromOneModel, messages[0]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromAnotherModel, messages[0]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromOneModel, messages[1]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromAnotherModel, messages[1]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromOneModel, messages[2]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromAnotherModel, messages[2]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromAnotherModel, messages[3]),
isOwnerForMessage(userFromOneModel, messages[4]),
.then(result => {
{userFrom: 'OneUser', msg: 'firstMessage', isOwner: true},
{userFrom: 'AnotherUser', msg: 'firstMessage', isOwner: false},
{userFrom: 'OneUser', msg: 'secondMessage', isOwner: true},
{userFrom: 'AnotherUser', msg: 'secondMessage', isOwner: true},
// these 2 tests fail because we cannot resolve ownership with
// multiple owners on a single model instance with a classic
// belongsTo relation, we need to use belongsTo with polymorphic
// discriminator to distinguish between the 2 models
{userFrom: 'OneUser', msg: 'thirdMessage', isOwner: false},
{userFrom: 'AnotherUser', msg: 'thirdMessage', isOwner: false},
{userFrom: 'AnotherUser', msg: 'fourthMessage', isOwner: false},
{userFrom: 'OneUser', msg: 'fifthMessage', isOwner: false},
// helpers
function isOwnerForMessage(user, msg) {
var accessContext = {
principalType: user.constructor.modelName,
principalId: user.id,
model: msg.constructor,
id: msg.id,
return Role.isInRole(Role.OWNER, accessContext)
.then(isOwner => {
return {
userFrom: user.constructor.modelName,
msg: msg.content,
function createModelWithOptions(name, options) {
var baseOptions = {
relations: {
sender: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'OneUser',
foreignKey: 'customerId',
receiver: {
type: 'belongsTo',
model: 'AnotherUser',
foreignKey: 'shopKeeperId',
options = extend(baseOptions, options);
var Model = app.registry.createModel(
{content: String, senderType: String},
app.model(Model, {dataSource: 'db'});
return Model;
describe('isMappedToRole()', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
return userRole.principals.create(userOneBaseContext);
it('resolves user by id using custom user principalType', function() {
return ACL.resolvePrincipal(OneUser.modelName, userFromOneModel.id)
.then(function(principal) {
it('throws error with code \'INVALID_PRINCIPAL_TYPE\' when principalType is incorrect',
function() {
return ACL.resolvePrincipal('incorrectPrincipalType', userFromOneModel.id)
function onSuccess() {
throw new Error('ACL.resolvePrincipal() should have failed');
function onError(err) {
expect(err).to.have.property('statusCode', 400);
expect(err).to.have.property('code', 'INVALID_PRINCIPAL_TYPE');
it('reports isMappedToRole by user.username using custom user principalType',
function() {
return ACL.isMappedToRole(OneUser.modelName, userFromOneModel.username, 'userRole')
.then(function(isMappedToRole) {
describe('setPassword', () => {
let resetToken;
it('sets password when the access token belongs to the user', () => {
return supertest(app)
.set('Authorization', resetToken.id)
.send({newPassword: 'new-pass'})
.then(() => {
return supertest(app)
.send({email: commonCredentials.email, password: 'new-pass'})
it('fails when the access token belongs to a different user mode', () => {
logServerErrorsOtherThan(403, app);
return supertest(app)
.set('Authorization', resetToken.id)
.send({newPassword: 'new-pass'})
.then(() => {
return supertest(app)
function givenResetPasswordTokenForOneUser() {
return Promise.all([
OneUser.resetPassword({email: commonCredentials.email}),
waitForEvent(OneUser, 'resetPasswordRequest'),
.spread((reset, info) => resetToken = info.accessToken);
describe('changePassword', () => {
let token;
it('changes password when the access token belongs to the user', () => {
return supertest(app)
.set('Authorization', token.id)
oldPassword: commonCredentials.password,
newPassword: 'new-pass',
.then(() => {
return supertest(app)
.send({email: commonCredentials.email, password: 'new-pass'})
it('fails when the access token belongs to a different user mode', () => {
logServerErrorsOtherThan(403, app);
return supertest(app)
.set('Authorization', token.id)
oldPassword: commonCredentials.password,
newPassword: 'new-pass',
.then(() => {
return supertest(app)
function givenTokenForOneUser() {
return OneUser.login(commonCredentials).then(t => token = t);
describe('authorization', () => {
it('allows users belonging to authorized role', () => {
logServerErrorsOtherThan(200, app);
return userFromOneModel.createAccessToken()
.then(token => {
return supertest(app)
.set('Authorization', token.id)
.expect(200, []);
it('rejects other users', () => {
logServerErrorsOtherThan(401, app);
return userFromAnotherModel.createAccessToken()
.then(token => {
return supertest(app)
.set('Authorization', token.id)
function givenProductModelAllowingOnlyUserRoleAccess() {
const Product = app.registry.createModel({
name: 'Product',
acls: [
'principalType': 'ROLE',
'principalId': '$everyone',
'permission': 'DENY',
'principalType': 'ROLE',
'principalId': userRole.name,
'permission': 'ALLOW',
app.model(Product, {dataSource: 'db'});
return userRole.principals.create({
principalType: OneUser.modelName,
principalId: userFromOneModel.id,
// helpers
function createUserModel(app, name, options) {
var model = app.registry.createModel(Object.assign({name: name}, options));
app.model(model, {dataSource: 'db'});
model.setMaxListeners(0); // allow many User.afterRemote's to be called
return model;
function waitForEvent(emitter, name) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
emitter.once(name, resolve);
function getIds(array) {
return array.map(function(it) { return it.id; });