docs for dns, errors, filters and server, and minor fixes found along the way
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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ LDAP, so if you're not, hit the [guide]( first.
# Create a client
The code to create a new client liiks like:
The code to create a new client looks like:
var client = ldap.createClient({
url: 'ldap://'
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# Overview
This documents the ldapjs DN API; this assumes that you are familiar with
LDAP, so if you're not, hit the [guide]( first.
DNs are LDAP distinguished names, and are composed of a set of RDNs (relative
distinguished names). [RFC2253]( has the
complete specification, but basically an RDN is an attribute value assertion
with `=` as the seperator, like: `cn=foo` where 'cn' is 'commonName' and 'foo'
is the value. You can have compound RDNs by using the `+` character:
`cn=foo+sn=bar`. As stated above, DNs are a set of RDNs, typically separated
with the `,` character, like: `cn=foo, ou=people, o=example`. This uniquely
identifies an entry in the tree, and is read "bottom up".
# parseDN(dnString)
The `parseDN` API converts a string representation of a DN into an ldapjs DN
object; in most cases this will be handled for you under the covers of the
ldapjs framework, but if you need it, it's there.
var parseDN = require('ldapjs').parseDN;
var dn = parseDN('cn=foo+sn=bar, ou=people, o=example');
# DN
The DN object is largely what you'll be interacting with, since all the server
APIs are setup to give you a DN object.
## childOf(dn)
Returns a boolean indicating whether 'this' is a child of the passed in dn. The
`dn` argument can be either a string or a DN.
server.add('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
if (req.dn.childOf('ou=people, o=example')) {
} else {
## parentOf(dn)
The inverse of `childOf`; returns a boolean on whether or not `this` is a parent
of the passed in dn. Like `childOf`, can take either a string or a DN.
server.add('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
var dn = parseDN('ou=people, o=example');
if (dn.parentOf(req.dn)) {
} else {
## equals(dn)
Returns a boolean indicating whether `this` is equivalent to the passed in `dn`
argument. `dn` can be a string or a DN.
server.add('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
if (req.dn.equals('cn=foo, ou=people, o=example')) {
} else {
## parent()
Returns a DN object that is the direct parent of `this`. If there is no parent
this can return `null` (e.g. `parseDN('o=example').parent()` will return null).
## toString()
Returns the string representation of `this`.
server.add('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
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# Overview
This documents the ldapjs Errors API; this assumes that you are familiar with
LDAP, so if you're not, hit the [guide]( first.
All errors in the ldapjs framework extend from an abstract error type called
`LDAPError`. In addition to the properties listed below, all errors will have
a `stack` property correctly set.
In general, you'll be using the errors in ldapjs like:
var ldap = require('ldapjs');
var db = {};
server.add('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
var parent = req.dn.parent();
if (parent) {
if (!db[parent.toString()])
return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(parent.toString()));
if (db[req.dn.toString()])
return next(new ldap.EntryAlreadyExistsError(req.dn.toString()));
I.e., if you just pass them into the `next()` handler, ldapjs will automatically
return the appropriate LDAP error message, and stop the handler chain.
All errors will have the following properties:
## code
Returns the LDAP status code associated with this error.
## name
The name of this error.
## message
The message that will be returned to the client.
# Complete list of LDAPError subclasses
* OperationsError
* ProtocolError
* TimeLimitExceededError
* SizeLimitExceededError
* CompareFalseError
* CompareTrueError
* AuthMethodNotSupportedError
* StrongAuthRequiredError
* ReferralError
* AdminLimitExceededError
* UnavailableCriticalExtensionError
* ConfidentialityRequiredError
* SaslBindInProgressError
* NoSuchAttributeError
* UndefinedAttributeTypeError
* InappropriateMatchingError
* ConstraintViolationError
* AttributeOrValueExistsError
* InvalidAttriubteSyntaxError
* NoSuchObjectError
* AliasProblemError
* InvalidDnSyntaxError
* AliasDerefProblemError
* InappropriateAuthenticationError
* InvalidCredentialsError
* InsufficientAccessRightsError
* BusyError
* UnavailableError
* UnwillingToPerformError
* LoopDetectError
* NamingViolationError
* ObjectclassViolationError
* NotAllowedOnNonLeafError
* NotAllowedOnRdnError
* EntryAlreadyExistsError
* ObjectclassModsProhibitedError
* AffectsMultipleDsasError
* OtherError
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# Overview
This documents the ldapjs server API; this assumes that you are familiar with
LDAP, so if you're not, hit the [guide]( first.
LDAP search filters are really the backbone of LDAP search operations, and
ldapjs tries to get you in "easy" with them if your dataset is small, and also
lets you introspect them if you want to write a "query planner". For reference,
make sure to read over [RFC2254](, as this
explains the LDAPv3 text filter representation.
Basically, ldapjs gives you a distinct object type mapping to each filter that
is context-sensitive. However, _all_ filters have a `matches()` api on them, if
that's all you need. Most filters will have an `attribute` property on them,
since "simple" filters all operate on an attribute/value assertion. The
"complex" filters are really aggregations of other filters (i.e. 'and'), and so
these don't provide that property.
All Filters in the ldapjs framework extend from `Filter`, which wil have the
property `type` available; this will return a string name for the filter, and
will be one of:
* _equal:_ an `EqualityFilter`
* _present:_ a `PresenceFilter`
* _substring:_ a `SubstringFilter`
* _ge:_ a `GreaterThanEqualsFilter`
* _le:_ a `LessThanEqualsFilter`
* _and:_ an `AndFilter`
* _or:_ an `OrFilter`
* _not:_ a `NotFilter`
* _approx:_ an `ApproximateMatchFilter` (quasi-supported in ldapjs)
* _ext:_ an `ExtensibleMatchFilter` (not supported in ldapjs)
# parseFilter(filterString)
Parses an [RFC2254]( filter string into an
ldapjs object(s). If the filter is "complex", it will be a "tree" of objects.
For example:
var parseFilter = require('ldapjs').parseFilter;
var f = parseFilter('(objectclass=*)');
Is a "simple" filter, and would just return a `PresenceFilter` object. However,
var f = parseFilter('(&(employeeType=manager)(l=Seattle))');
Would return an `AndFilter`, which would have a `filters` array of two
`EqualityFilter` objects.
Note that `parseFilter` will throw if an invalid string is passed in
(that is, a syntactically invalid string). All filter objects in th
# EqualityFilter
The equality filter is used to check exact matching of attribute/value
assertions. This object will have an `attribute` and `value` property, and the
`name` proerty will be `equal`.
The string syntax for an equality filter is `(attr=value)`.
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object has a
key matching `attribute` and a value matching `value`.
var f = new EqualityFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo'
f.matches({cn: 'foo'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'bar'}); => false
Note that "strict" equality matching is used, and by default everything in
ldapjs (and LDAP) is a UTF-8 string. If you want comparison of numbers, or
something else, you'll need to use a middleware interceptor that transforms
values of objects.
# PresenceFilter
The presence filter is used to check if an object has an attribute at all, with
any value. This object will have an `attribute` property, and the `name`
property will be `present`.
The string syntax for a presence filter is `(attr=*)`.
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object has a
key matching `attribute`.
var f = new PresenceFilter({
attribute: 'cn'
f.matches({cn: 'foo'}); => true
f.matches({sn: 'foo'}); => false
# SubstringFilter
The substring filter is used to do wildcard matching of a string value. This
object will have an `attribute` property and then it will have an `initial`
property, which is the prefix match, an `any` which will be an array of strings
that are to be found _somewhere_ in the target string, and a `final` property,
which will be the suffix match of the string. `any` and `final` are both
optional. The `name` property will be `substring`.
The string syntax for a presence filter is `(attr=foo*bar*cat*dog)`, which would
map to:
initial: 'foo',
any: ['bar', 'cat'],
final: 'dog'
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object has a
key matching `attribute` and the "regex" matches the value
var f = new SubstringFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
initial: 'foo',
any: ['bar'],
final: 'baz'
f.matches({cn: 'foobigbardogbaz'}); => true
f.matches({sn: 'fobigbardogbaz'}); => false
# GreaterThanEqualsFilter
The ge filter is used to do comparisons and ordering based on the value type. As
mentioned elsewhere, by default everything in LDAP and ldapjs is a string, so
this filter's `matches()` would be using lexicographical ordering of strings.
If you wanted `>=` semantics over numeric values, you would need to add some
middleware to convert values before comparison (and the value of the filter).
Note that the ldapjs schema middleware will do this.
The GreaterThanEqualsFilter will have an `attribute` property, a `value`
property and the `name` property will be `ge`.
The string syntax for a ge filter is:
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object has a
key matching `attribute` and the value is `>=` this filter's `value`.
var f = new GreaterThanEqualsFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo',
f.matches({cn: 'foobar'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'abc'}); => false
# LessThanEqualsFilter
The le filter is used to do comparisons and ordering based on the value type. As
mentioned elsewhere, by default everything in LDAP and ldapjs is a string, so
this filter's `matches()` would be using lexicographical ordering of strings.
If you wanted `<=` semantics over numeric values, you would need to add some
middleware to convert values before comparison (and the value of the filter).
Note that the ldapjs schema middleware will do this.
The string syntax for a le filter is:
The LessThanEqualsFilter will have an `attribute` property, a `value`
property and the `name` property will be `le`.
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object has a
key matching `attribute` and the value is `<=` this filter's `value`.
var f = new LessThanEqualsFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo',
f.matches({cn: 'abc'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'foo'}); => false
# AndFilter
The and filter is a complex filter that simply contains "child" filters. The
object will have a `filters` property which is an array of `Filter` objects. The
`name` property will be `and`.
The string syntax for an and filter is (assuming below we're and'ing two
equality filters):
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object matches all
the filters in the `filters` array.
var f = new AndFilter({
filters: [
new EqualityFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo'
new EqualityFilter({
attribute: 'sn',
value: 'bar'
f.matches({cn: 'foo', sn: 'bar'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'foo', sn: 'baz'}); => false
# OrFilter
The or filter is a complex filter that simply contains "child" filters. The
object will have a `filters` property which is an array of `Filter` objects. The
`name` property will be `or`.
The string syntax for an or filter is (assuming below we're or'ing two
equality filters):
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object matches *any*
of the filters in the `filters` array.
var f = new OrFilter({
filters: [
new EqualityFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo'
new EqualityFilter({
attribute: 'sn',
value: 'bar'
f.matches({cn: 'foo', sn: 'baz'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'bar', sn: 'baz'}); => false
# NotFilter
The not filter is a complex filter that contains a single "child" filter. The
object will have a `filter` property which is an instance of a `Filter` object.
The `name` property will be `not`.
The string syntax for a not filter is (assuming below we're not'ing an
equality filter):
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object does not match
the filter in the `filter` property.
var f = new NotFilter({
filter: new EqualityFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo'
f.matches({cn: 'bar'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'foo'}); => false
# ApproximateFilter
The approximate filter is used to check "approximate" matching of
attribute/value assertions. This object will have an `attribute` and
`value` property, and the `name` proerty will be `approx`.
As a side point, this is a useless filter. It's really only here if you have
some whacky client that's sending this. It just does an exact match (which
is what ActiveDirectory does too).
The string syntax for an equality filter is `(attr~=value)`.
The `matches()` method will return true IFF the passed in object has a
key matching `attribute` and a value exactly matching `value`.
var f = new ApproximateFilter({
attribute: 'cn',
value: 'foo'
f.matches({cn: 'foo'}); => true
f.matches({cn: 'bar'}); => false
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# Overview
This documents the ldapjs server API; this assumes that you are familiar with
LDAP, so if you're not, hit the [guide]( first.
# Create a server
The code to create a new server looks like:
var server = ldap.createServer();
Full list of options:
* _log4js:_ You can optionally pass in a log4js instance that the client will
get a logger from. You'll need to set the level to `TRACE` To get any output
from the client.
* _certificate:_ A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate; will cause this server to
run in TLS mode.
* _key:_ A PEM-encoded private key that corresponds to _certificate_ for SSL.
## Properties on server
### maxConnections
Set this property to reject connections when the server's connection count gets
### connections (getter only)
The number of concurrent connections on the server.
### url
Returns the fully qualified URL this server is listening on. For example:
`ldaps://`. If you haven't yet called `listen`, it will always
return `ldap://localhost:389`.
### Event: 'close'
`function() {}`
Emitted when the server closes.
## Listening for requests
The LDAP server API wraps up and mirrors the node
[listen]( family of
After calling `listen`, the property `url` on the server object itself will be
server.listen(389, '', function() {
console.log(LDAP server listening at: ' + server.url);
### Port and Host
`listen(port, [host], [callback])`
Begin accepting connections on the specified port and host. If the host is
omitted, the server will accept connections directed to any IPv4 address
This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be called when
the server has been bound.
### Unix Domain Socket
`listen(path, [callback])`
Start a UNIX socket server listening for connections on the given path.
This function is asynchronous. The last parameter callback will be called when
the server has been bound.
### File descriptor
Start a server listening for connections on the given file descriptor.
This file descriptor must have already had the `bind(2)` and `listen(2)` system
calls invoked on it. Additionally, it must be set non-blocking; try
`fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK)`.
# Routes
The LDAP server API is meant to be the LDAP-equivalent of the express/sinatra
paradigm of programming. Essentially every method is of the form
`OP(req, res, next)` where OP is one of bind, add, del, etc. You can chain
handlers together by calling `next()` and ordering your functions in the
definition of the route. For example:
function authorize(req, res, next) {
if (!req.connection.ldap.bindDN.equals('cn=root'))
return next(new ldap.InsufficientAccessRightsError());
return next();
||||'o=example', authorize, function(req, res, next) { ... });
Note that ldapjs is also slightly different, since it's often going to be backed
to a DB-like entity, in that it also has an API where you can pass in a
'backend' object. This is necessary if there are persistent connection pools,
caching, etc. that need to be placed in an object.
For example [ldapjs-riak]( is a
complete implementation of the LDAP protocol over
[Riak]( Getting an LDAP
server up with riak looks like:
var ldap = require('ldapjs');
var ldapRiak = require('ldapjs-riak');
var server = ldap.createServer();
var backend = ldapRiak.createBackend({
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8098,
"bucket": "example",
"indexes": ["l", "cn"],
"uniqueIndexes": ["uid"],
"numConnections": 5
Basically, the first parameter to an ldapjs route is always the point in the
tree to mount the handler chain at. The second argument is _optionally_ a
backend object, if applicable. After that you can pass in an arbitrary
combination of functions in the form `f(req, res, next)` or Arrays of functions
of the same signature (ldapjs will unroll them).
Unlike HTTP, LDAP operations do not have a heterogenous format, so each
operation in the rest of the document includes documentation for the
request/response objects appropriate to that operation type.
## Common Request Elements
All request objects has the `dn` getter on it, which is "context-sensitive"
and returns the point in the tree that the operation wants to operate on. The
LDAP protocol itself sadly doesn't define operations this way, and has a unique
name for just about every op. So, ldapjs calls it `dn`. The DN object itself
is documented at [DN](/dn.html).
All requests have an optional array of `Control` objects. `Control` will have
the properties `type` (string), `criticality` (boolean), and optionally a string
All request objects will have a `connection` object, which is the `net.Socket`
associated to this request. Off the `connection` object is an `ldap` object.
The most important property to pay attention to there is the `bindDN` property
which will be an instance of an `ldap.DN` object. This is what the client
authenticated as on this connection. If the client didn't bind, then a DN object
will be there defaulted to `cn=anonymous`.
Additionally, request will have a `logId` parameter you can use to uniquely
identify the request/connection pair in logs (includes the LDAP messageID).
## Common Response Elements
All response objects will have an `end` method on them. By default, calling
`res.end()` with no arguments will return SUCCESS (0x00) to the client
(with the exception of `compare` which will return COMPARE_TRUE (0x06)). You
can pass in a status code to the `end()` method to return an alternate status
However, it's more common/easier to use the `return next(new LDAPError())`
pattern, since ldapjs will fill in the extra LDAPResult fields like matchedDN
and error message for you.
## Errors
ldapjs includes an exception hierarchy that directly corresponds to the RFC list
of error codes. The complete list is documented in [errors](/errors.html). But
the paradigm is something defined like CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION in the RFC would be
`ConstraintViolationError` in ldapjs. Upon calling `next(new LDAPError())`,
ldapjs will _stop_ calling your handler chain. For example:
function(req, res, next) { return next(); },
function(req, res, next) { return next(new ldap.OperationsError()); },
function(req, res, next) { res.end(); }
In the code snipped above, the third handler would never get invoked.
# Bind
Adds a mount in the tree to perform LDAP binds with. Example:
server.bind('ou=people, o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('bind DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
console.log('bind PW: ' + req.credentials);
## BindRequest
BindRequest objects have the following properties:
### version
The LDAP protocol version the client is requesting to run this connection on.
Note that ldapjs only supports LDAP version 3.
### name
The DN the client is attempting to bind as (note this is the same as the `dn`
### authentication
The method of authentication. Right now only `simple` is supported.
### credentials
The credentials to go with the `name/authentication` pair. For `simple`, this
will be the plain-text password.
## BindResponse
No extra methods above an `LDAPResult` API call.
# Add
Adds a mount in the tree to perform LDAP adds with. Example:
server.add('ou=people, o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
console.log('Entry attributes: ' + req.toObject().attributes);
## AddRequest
AddRequest objects have the following properties:
### entry
The DN the client is attempting to add (note this is the same as the `dn`
### attributes
The set of attributes in this entry. Note that this will be an array of
`Attribute` objects (which have a type and an array of values). This directly
maps to how the request came in off the wire. It's likely you'll want to use
`toObject()` and iterate that way, since that will transform an AddRequest into
a standard JavaScript object.
### toObject()
This operation will return a plain JavaScript object from the request that looks
dn: 'cn=foo, o=example', // string, not DN object
attributes: {
cn: ['foo'],
sn: ['bar'],
objectclass: ['person', 'top']
## AddResponse
No extra methods above an `LDAPResult` API call.
# Search
Adds a handler for the LDAP search operation. Example:
||||'o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('base object: ' + req.dn.toString());
console.log('scope: ' + req.scope);
console.log('filter: ' + req.filter.toString());
this.derefAliases = options.derefAliases || Protocol.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES;
this.sizeLimit = options.sizeLimit || 0;
this.timeLimit = options.timeLimit || 00;
this.typesOnly = options.typesOnly || false;
this.filter = options.filter || null;
this.attributes = options.attributes ? options.attributes.slice(0) : [];
## SearchRequest
SearchRequest objects have the following properties:
### baseObject
The DN the client is attempting to start the search at (equivalent to `dn`).
### scope
(string) one of:
* base
* one
* sub
### derefAliases
Will be an integer (defined in the LDAP protocol). Defaults to '0' (meaning
never deref).
### sizeLimit
The number of entries to return. Defaults to '0' (unlimited). ldapjs doesn't
currently automatically enforce this, but probably will at some point.
### timeLimit
Maximum amount of time the server should take in sending search entries.
Defaults to '0' (unlimited).
### typesOnly
Whether to return only the names of attributes, and not the values. Defaults to
false. Note that ldapjs will take care of this for you.
### filter
The [filter](/filters.html) object that the client requested. Notably this has
a `matches()` api on it that you can leverage. For an example of introspecting
a filter, take a look at the ldapjs-riak source.
### attributes
An optional list of attributes to restrict the returned result sets to. ldapjs
will automatically handle this for you.
## SearchResponse
### send(entry)
Allows you to send a `SearchEntry` object. Note that you do not need to
explicitly pass in a `SearchEntry` object, and can instead just send a plain
JavaScript object that matches the format used from `AddRequest.toObject()`.
||||'o=example', function(req, res, next) {
var obj = {
dn: 'o=example',
attributes: {
objectclass: ['top', 'organization'],
o: ['example']
if (req.filter.matches(obj))
# modify
Allows you to handle an LDAP modify operation. Example:
server.modify('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
req.changes.forEach(function(c) {
console.log(' operation: ' + c.operation);
console.log(' modification: ' + c.modification.toString());
## ModifyRequest
ModifyRequest objects have the following properties:
### object
The DN the client is attempting to update (note this is the same as the `dn`
### changes
An array of `Change` objects the client is attempting to perform. See below for
details on the `Change` object.
## Change
The Change object will have the following properties:
### operation
A string, and will be one of: 'add', 'delete', 'replace'.
### modification
Will be an `Attribute` object, which will have a 'type' (string) field, and
'vals', which will be an array of string values.
## ModifyResponse
No extra methods above an `LDAPResult` API call.
# del
Allows you to handle an LDAP delete operation. Example:
server.delete('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
## DeleteRequest
### entry
The DN the client is attempting to delete (note this is the same as the `dn`
## DeleteResponse
No extra methods above an `LDAPResult` API call.
# compare
Allows you to handle an LDAP compare operation. Example:
||||'o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
console.log('attribute name: ' + req.attribute);
console.log('attribute value: ' + req.value);
res.end(req.value === 'foo');
## CompareRequest
### entry
The DN the client is attempting to compare (note this is the same as the `dn`
### attribute
Will be the string name of the attribute to compare values of.
### value
The string value of the attribute to compare.
## CompareResponse
The `end()` method for compare takes a boolean, as opposed to a numeric code
(note you can still pass in a numeric LDAP status code if you want). Beyond
that, there are no extra methods above an `LDAPResult` API call.
# modifyDN
Allows you to handle an LDAP modifyDN operation. Example:
server.modifyDN('o=example', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
console.log('new RDN: ' + req.newRdn.toString());
console.log('deleteOldRDN: ' + req.deleteOldRdn);
console.log('new superior: ' +
(req.newSuperior ? req.newSuperior.toString() : ''));
## ModifyDNRequest
### entry
The DN the client is attempting to rename (note this is the same as the `dn`
### newRdn
The leaf RDN the client wants to rename this entry to. This will be a DN object.
### deleteOldRdn
boolean. Whether or not to delete the old RDN (i.e., rename vs copy). Defaults
to true.
### newSuperior
Optional (DN). If the modifyDN operation wishes to relocate the entry in the
tree, the newSuperior field will contain the new parent.
## ModifyDNResponse
No extra methods above an `LDAPResult` API call.
# exop
Allows you to handle an LDAP extended operation. Extended operations are pretty
much arbitrary extensions, by definition. Typically the extended 'name' is an
OID, but ldapjs makes no such restrictions; it just needs to be a string. Note
that unlike the other operations, extended operations don't map to any location
in the tree, so routing here will be exact match, as opposed to subtree.
// LDAP whoami
server.exop('', function(req, res, next) {
console.log('name: ' +;
console.log('value: ' + req.value);
res.value = 'u:xxyyz@EXAMPLE.NET';
return next();
## ExtendedRequest
### name
String. Will always be a match to the route-defined name. But the client
includes this in their requests.
### value
Optional string. The arbitrary blob the client sends for this extended
## ExtendedResponse
### name
The name of the extended operation. ldapjs will automatically set this.
### value
The arbitrary (string) value to send back as part of the response.
# unbind
ldapjs by default provides an unbind handler that just disconnects the client
and cleans up any internals (in ldapjs core). You can override this handler
if you need to clean up any items in your backend, for example.
server.unbind(function(req, res, next) {
Note that the LDAP unbind operation actually doesn't send any response (by
definition in the RFC), so the UnbindResponse is really just a stub that
ultimately calls `net.Socket.end()` for you. There are no properties available
on either the request or response objects, except of course for `end()` on the
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ function ModifyDNRequest(options) {
this.entry = options.entry || null;
this.newRdn = options.newRdn || null;
this.deleteOldRdn = options.deleteOldRdn || false;
this.deleteOldRdn = options.deleteOldRdn || true;
this.newSuperior = options.newSuperior || null;
var self = this;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ function SearchRequest(options) {
this.scope = options.scope || 'base';
this.derefAliases = options.derefAliases || Protocol.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES;
this.sizeLimit = options.sizeLimit || 0;
this.timeLimit = options.timeLimit || 00;
this.timeLimit = options.timeLimit || 0;
this.typesOnly = options.typesOnly || false;
this.filter = options.filter || null;
this.attributes = options.attributes ? options.attributes.slice(0) : [];
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ var asn1 = require('asn1');
var LDAPMessage = require('./message');
var LDAPResult = require('./result');
var DN = require('../dn').DN;
var Protocol = require('../protocol');
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ function UnbindRequest(options) {
|||, options);
this.__defineGetter__('type', function() { return 'UnbindRequest'; });
this.__defineGetter__('_dn', function() { return ''; });
this.__defineGetter__('_dn', function() { return new DN([{}]); });
util.inherits(UnbindRequest, LDAPMessage);
module.exports = UnbindRequest;
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ function Server(options) {
c.ldap.__defineGetter__('bindDN', function() {
return c.ldap._bindDN || 'cn=anonymous';
return c.ldap._bindDN || new DN([{cn: 'anonymous'}]);
c.ldap.__defineSetter__('bindDN', function(val) {
if (!(val instanceof DN))
Reference in New Issue