// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage, Inc. All rights reserved. const assert = require('assert-plus') const util = require('util') // var asn1 = require('asn1') const LDAPMessage = require('./message') const Attribute = require('../attribute') const Protocol = require('../protocol') const lassert = require('../assert') /// --- Globals // var BerWriter = asn1.BerWriter /// --- API function SearchEntry (options) { options = options || {} assert.object(options) lassert.optionalStringDN(options.objectName) options.protocolOp = Protocol.LDAP_REP_SEARCH_ENTRY LDAPMessage.call(this, options) this.objectName = options.objectName || null this.setAttributes(options.attributes || []) } util.inherits(SearchEntry, LDAPMessage) Object.defineProperties(SearchEntry.prototype, { type: { get: function getType () { return 'SearchEntry' }, configurable: false }, _dn: { get: function getDN () { return this.objectName }, configurable: false }, object: { get: function getObject () { const obj = { dn: this.dn.toString(), controls: [] } this.attributes.forEach(function (a) { if (a.vals && a.vals.length) { if (a.vals.length > 1) { obj[a.type] = a.vals.slice() } else { obj[a.type] = a.vals[0] } } else { obj[a.type] = [] } }) this.controls.forEach(function (element, index, array) { obj.controls.push(element.json) }) return obj }, configurable: false }, raw: { get: function getRaw () { const obj = { dn: this.dn.toString(), controls: [] } this.attributes.forEach(function (a) { if (a.buffers && a.buffers.length) { if (a.buffers.length > 1) { obj[a.type] = a.buffers.slice() } else { obj[a.type] = a.buffers[0] } } else { obj[a.type] = [] } }) this.controls.forEach(function (element, index, array) { obj.controls.push(element.json) }) return obj }, configurable: false } }) SearchEntry.prototype.addAttribute = function (attr) { if (!attr || typeof (attr) !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('attr (attribute) required') } this.attributes.push(attr) } SearchEntry.prototype.toObject = function () { return this.object } SearchEntry.prototype.fromObject = function (obj) { if (typeof (obj) !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('object required') } const self = this if (obj.controls) { this.controls = obj.controls } if (obj.attributes) { obj = obj.attributes } this.attributes = [] Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (k) { self.attributes.push(new Attribute({ type: k, vals: obj[k] })) }) return true } SearchEntry.prototype.setAttributes = function (obj) { if (typeof (obj) !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('object required') } if (Array.isArray(obj)) { obj.forEach(function (a) { if (!Attribute.isAttribute(a)) { throw new TypeError('entry must be an Array of Attributes') } }) this.attributes = obj } else { const self = this self.attributes = [] Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (k) { const attr = new Attribute({ type: k }) if (Array.isArray(obj[k])) { obj[k].forEach(function (v) { attr.addValue(v.toString()) }) } else { attr.addValue(obj[k].toString()) } self.attributes.push(attr) }) } } SearchEntry.prototype._json = function (j) { assert.ok(j) j.objectName = this.objectName.toString() j.attributes = [] this.attributes.forEach(function (a) { j.attributes.push(a.json || a) }) return j } SearchEntry.prototype._parse = function (ber) { assert.ok(ber) this.objectName = ber.readString() assert.ok(ber.readSequence()) const end = ber.offset + ber.length while (ber.offset < end) { const a = new Attribute() a.parse(ber) this.attributes.push(a) } return true } SearchEntry.prototype._toBer = function (ber) { assert.ok(ber) const formattedObjectName = this.objectName.format({ skipSpace: true }) ber.writeString(formattedObjectName) ber.startSequence() this.attributes.forEach(function (a) { // This may or may not be an attribute ber = Attribute.toBer(a, ber) }) ber.endSequence() return ber } /// --- Exports module.exports = SearchEntry