'use strict' const logger = require('../logger') const Client = require('./client') module.exports = { Client, createClient: function createClient (options) { if (isObject(options) === false) throw TypeError('options (object) required') if (options.url && typeof options.url !== 'string' && !Array.isArray(options.url)) throw TypeError('options.url (string|array) required') if (options.socketPath && typeof options.socketPath !== 'string') throw TypeError('options.socketPath must be a string') if ((options.url && options.socketPath) || !(options.url || options.socketPath)) throw TypeError('options.url ^ options.socketPath (String) required') if (!options.log) options.log = logger if (isObject(options.log) !== true) throw TypeError('options.log must be an object') if (!options.log.child) options.log.child = function () { return options.log } return new Client(options) } } function isObject (input) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(input) === '[object Object]' }