'use strict' const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') const { test } = require('tap') const { BerReader, BerWriter } = require('asn1') const { Attribute, Change } = require('../lib') test('new no args', function (t) { t.ok(new Change()) t.end() }) test('new with args', function (t) { const change = new Change({ operation: 'add', modification: new Attribute({ type: 'cn', vals: ['foo', 'bar'] }) }) t.ok(change) t.equal(change.operation, 'add') t.equal(change.modification.type, 'cn') t.equal(change.modification.vals.length, 2) t.equal(change.modification.vals[0], 'foo') t.equal(change.modification.vals[1], 'bar') t.end() }) test('new with args and buffer', function (t) { const img = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/imgs/test.jpg')) const change = new Change({ operation: 'add', modification: { thumbnailPhoto: img } }) t.ok(change) t.equal(change.operation, 'add') t.equal(change.modification.type, 'thumbnailPhoto') t.equal(change.modification.vals.length, 1) t.equal(change.modification.buffers[0].compare(img), 0) t.end() }) test('validate fields', function (t) { const c = new Change() t.ok(c) t.throws(function () { c.operation = 'bogus' }) t.throws(function () { c.modification = { too: 'many', fields: 'here' } }) c.modification = { foo: ['bar', 'baz'] } t.ok(c.modification) t.end() }) test('GH-31 (multiple attributes per Change)', function (t) { t.throws(function () { const c = new Change({ operation: 'replace', modification: { cn: 'foo', sn: 'bar' } }) t.notOk(c) }) t.end() }) test('toBer', function (t) { const change = new Change({ operation: 'Add', modification: new Attribute({ type: 'cn', vals: ['foo', 'bar'] }) }) t.ok(change) const ber = new BerWriter() change.toBer(ber) const reader = new BerReader(ber.buffer) t.ok(reader.readSequence()) t.equal(reader.readEnumeration(), 0x00) t.ok(reader.readSequence()) t.equal(reader.readString(), 'cn') t.equal(reader.readSequence(), 0x31) // lber set t.equal(reader.readString(), 'foo') t.equal(reader.readString(), 'bar') t.end() }) test('parse', function (t) { const ber = new BerWriter() ber.startSequence() ber.writeEnumeration(0x00) ber.startSequence() ber.writeString('cn') ber.startSequence(0x31) ber.writeStringArray(['foo', 'bar']) ber.endSequence() ber.endSequence() ber.endSequence() const change = new Change() t.ok(change) t.ok(change.parse(new BerReader(ber.buffer))) t.equal(change.operation, 'add') t.equal(change.modification.type, 'cn') t.equal(change.modification.vals.length, 2) t.equal(change.modification.vals[0], 'foo') t.equal(change.modification.vals[1], 'bar') t.end() }) test('apply - replace', function (t) { let res const single = new Change({ operation: 'replace', modification: { type: 'cn', vals: ['new'] } }) const twin = new Change({ operation: 'replace', modification: { type: 'cn', vals: ['new', 'two'] } }) const empty = new Change({ operation: 'replace', modification: { type: 'cn', vals: [] } }) // plain res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new']) // multiple res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old', 'also'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new']) // empty res = Change.apply(empty, { cn: ['existing'] }) t.equal(res.cn, undefined) t.ok(Object.keys(res).indexOf('cn') === -1) // absent res = Change.apply(single, { dn: ['otherjunk'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new']) // scalar formatting "success" res = Change.apply(single, { cn: 'old' }, true) t.equal(res.cn, 'new') // scalar formatting "failure" res = Change.apply(twin, { cn: 'old' }, true) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new', 'two']) t.end() }) test('apply - add', function (t) { let res const single = new Change({ operation: 'add', modification: { type: 'cn', vals: ['new'] } }) // plain res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['old', 'new']) // multiple res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old', 'also'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['old', 'also', 'new']) // absent res = Change.apply(single, { dn: ['otherjunk'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new']) // scalar formatting "success" res = Change.apply(single, { }, true) t.equal(res.cn, 'new') // scalar formatting "failure" res = Change.apply(single, { cn: 'old' }, true) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['old', 'new']) // duplicate add res = Change.apply(single, { cn: 'new' }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new']) t.end() }) test('apply - delete', function (t) { let res const single = new Change({ operation: 'delete', modification: { type: 'cn', vals: ['old'] } }) // plain res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old', 'new'] }) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['new']) // empty res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old'] }) t.equal(res.cn, undefined) t.ok(Object.keys(res).indexOf('cn') === -1) // scalar formatting "success" res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old', 'one'] }, true) t.equal(res.cn, 'one') // scalar formatting "failure" res = Change.apply(single, { cn: ['old', 'several', 'items'] }, true) t.deepEqual(res.cn, ['several', 'items']) // absent res = Change.apply(single, { dn: ['otherjunk'] }) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.cn, undefined) t.end() })