// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage, Inc. All rights reserved. const assert = require('assert-plus') const util = require('util') const asn1 = require('@ldapjs/asn1') const LDAPMessage = require('./message') // var LDAPResult = require('./result') const dn = require('../dn') const filters = require('../filters') const Protocol = require('@ldapjs/protocol') /// --- Globals const Ber = asn1.Ber /// --- API function SearchRequest (options) { options = options || {} assert.object(options) options.protocolOp = Protocol.operations.LDAP_REQ_SEARCH LDAPMessage.call(this, options) if (options.baseObject !== undefined) { this.baseObject = options.baseObject } else { this.baseObject = dn.parse('') } this.scope = options.scope || 'base' this.derefAliases = options.derefAliases || Protocol.search.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES this.sizeLimit = options.sizeLimit || 0 this.timeLimit = options.timeLimit || 0 this.typesOnly = options.typesOnly || false this.filter = options.filter || null this.attributes = options.attributes ? options.attributes.slice(0) : [] } util.inherits(SearchRequest, LDAPMessage) Object.defineProperties(SearchRequest.prototype, { type: { get: function getType () { return 'SearchRequest' }, configurable: false }, _dn: { get: function getDN () { return this.baseObject }, configurable: false }, scope: { get: function getScope () { switch (this._scope) { case Protocol.search.SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT: return 'base' case Protocol.search.SCOPE_ONE_LEVEL: return 'one' case Protocol.search.SCOPE_SUBTREE: return 'sub' default: throw new Error(this._scope + ' is an invalid search scope') } }, set: function setScope (val) { if (typeof (val) === 'string') { switch (val) { case 'base': this._scope = Protocol.search.SCOPE_BASE_OBJECT break case 'one': this._scope = Protocol.search.SCOPE_ONE_LEVEL break case 'sub': this._scope = Protocol.search.SCOPE_SUBTREE break default: throw new Error(val + ' is an invalid search scope') } } else { this._scope = val } }, configurable: false } }) SearchRequest.prototype._parse = function (ber) { assert.ok(ber) this.baseObject = ber.readString() this.scope = ber.readEnumeration() this.derefAliases = ber.readEnumeration() this.sizeLimit = ber.readInt() this.timeLimit = ber.readInt() this.typesOnly = ber.readBoolean() this.filter = filters.parse(ber) // look for attributes if (ber.peek() === 0x30) { ber.readSequence() const end = ber.offset + ber.length while (ber.offset < end) { this.attributes.push(ber.readString().toLowerCase()) } } return true } SearchRequest.prototype._toBer = function (ber) { assert.ok(ber) // Format only with commas, since that is what RFC 4514 mandates. // There's a gotcha here: even though it's called baseObject, // it can be a string or a DN object. const formattedDN = dn.DN.isDN(this.baseObject) ? this.baseObject.format({ skipSpace: true }) : this.baseObject.toString() ber.writeString(formattedDN) ber.writeEnumeration(this._scope) ber.writeEnumeration(this.derefAliases) ber.writeInt(this.sizeLimit) ber.writeInt(this.timeLimit) ber.writeBoolean(this.typesOnly) const f = this.filter || new filters.PresenceFilter({ attribute: 'objectclass' }) ber = f.toBer(ber) ber.startSequence(Ber.Sequence | Ber.Constructor) if (this.attributes && this.attributes.length) { this.attributes.forEach(function (a) { ber.writeString(a) }) } ber.endSequence() return ber } SearchRequest.prototype._json = function (j) { assert.ok(j) j.baseObject = this.baseObject j.scope = this.scope j.derefAliases = this.derefAliases j.sizeLimit = this.sizeLimit j.timeLimit = this.timeLimit j.typesOnly = this.typesOnly j.filter = this.filter.toString() j.attributes = this.attributes return j } /// --- Exports module.exports = SearchRequest