const fs = require('fs/promises') const path = require('path') const marked = require('marked') const fm = require('front-matter') function tocHTML (toc) { let html = '\n' return html } function markdownTOC (markdown) { const tokens = marked.lexer(markdown) const slugger = new marked.Slugger() const toc = [] let currentHeading let ignoreFirst = true for (const token of tokens) { if (token.type === 'heading') { if (token.depth === 1) { if (ignoreFirst) { ignoreFirst = false continue } currentHeading = { text: token.text, slug: slugger.slug(token.text), children: [] } toc.push(currentHeading) } else if (token.depth === 2) { if (!currentHeading) { continue } currentHeading.children.push({ text: token.text, slug: slugger.slug(token.text) }) } } } return { toc: tocHTML(toc), html: marked.parser(tokens) } } function createHTML (header, footer, text) { const { attributes, body } = fm(text) for (const prop in attributes) { header = header.replace(new RegExp(`%\\(${prop}\\)s`, 'ig'), attributes[prop]) footer = footer.replace(new RegExp(`%\\(${prop}\\)s`, 'ig'), attributes[prop]) } const { toc, html } = markdownTOC(body) header = header.replace(/%\(toc_html\)s/ig, toc) return header + html + footer } async function createDocs () { const docs = path.join(__dirname, 'docs') const dist = path.join(docs, 'dist') await fs.rmdir(dist, { recursive: true }) await fs.mkdir(dist) const header = await fs.readFile(path.join(docs, 'branding', ''), { encoding: 'utf8' }) const footer = await fs.readFile(path.join(docs, 'branding', ''), { encoding: 'utf8' }) const files = await fs.readdir(docs) for (const file of files) { if (!file.endsWith('.md')) { continue } const text = await fs.readFile(path.join(docs, file), { encoding: 'utf8' }) const html = createHTML(header, footer, text) await fs.writeFile(path.join(dist, file.replace(/md$/, 'html')), html) } const dest = path.join(dist, 'media') const src = path.join(docs, 'branding', 'media') await fs.mkdir(dest) await fs.mkdir(path.join(dest, 'css')) await fs.mkdir(path.join(dest, 'img')) await fs.copyFile(path.join(src, 'css', 'style.css'), path.join(dest, 'css', 'style.css')) await fs.copyFile(path.join(src, 'img', 'logo.svg'), path.join(dest, 'img', 'logo.svg')) } createDocs()