///--- Globals var parseDN = require('./dn').parse; var EntryChangeNotificationControl = require('./controls').EntryChangeNotificationControl; ///--- API // Cache used to store connected persistent search clients function PersistentSearch() { this.clientList = []; } module.exports = PersistentSearch; PersistentSearch.prototype.addClient = function(req, res, callback) { if (typeof(req) !== 'object') throw new TypeError('req must be an object'); if (typeof(res) !== 'object') throw new TypeError('res must be an object'); if (callback && typeof(callback) !== 'function') throw new TypeError('callback must be a function'); var log = req.log; var client = {}; client.req = req; client.res = res; log.debug('%s storing client', req.logId); this.clientList.push(client); log.debug('%s stored client', req.logId); log.debug('%s total number of clients %s', req.logId, this.clientList.length); if (callback) callback(client); }; PersistentSearch.prototype.removeClient = function(req, res, callback) { if (typeof(req) !== 'object') throw new TypeError('req must be an object'); if (typeof(res) !== 'object') throw new TypeError('res must be an object'); if (callback && typeof(callback) !== 'function') throw new TypeError('callback must be a function'); var log = req.log; log.debug('%s removing client', req.logId); var client = {}; client.req = req; client.res = res; // remove the client if it exists this.clientList.forEach(function(element, index, array) { if (element.req === client.req) { log.debug('%s removing client from list', req.logId); array.splice(index, 1); } }); log.debug('%s number of persistent search clients %s', req.logId, this.clientList.length); if (callback) callback(client); }; getOperationType = function(requestType) { switch (requestType) { case 'AddRequest': case 'add': return 1; case 'DeleteRequest': case 'delete': return 2; case 'ModifyRequest': case 'modify': return 4; case 'ModifyDNRequest': case 'modrdn': return 8; default: throw new TypeError('requestType %s, is an invalid request type', request); } }; PersistentSearch.getEntryChangeNotificationControl = function(req, obj, callback) { console.log('getEntryChangeNotificationControl', obj); // if we want to return a ECNC if (req.persistentSearch.value.returnECs) { var attrs = obj.attributes; var value = {}; value.changeType = getOperationType(attrs.changetype); // if it's a modDN request, fill in the previous DN if (value.changeType === 8 && attrs.previousDN) { value.previousDN = attrs.previousDN; } value.changeNumber = attrs.changenumber; return new EntryChangeNotificationControl({ value: value }); } else { return false; } }; PersistentSearch.checkChangeType = function(req, requestType) { return (req.persistentSearch.value.changeTypes & getOperationType(requestType)); };