--- title: ldapjs brand: spartan markdown2extras: wiki-tables logo-color: green logo-font-family: google:Aldrich, Verdana, sans-serif header-font-family: google:Aldrich, Verdana, sans-serif --- # Overview This documents the ldapjs Errors API; this assumes that you are familiar with LDAP, so if you're not, hit the [guide](http://ldapjs.org/guide.html) first. All errors in the ldapjs framework extend from an abstract error type called `LDAPError`. In addition to the properties listed below, all errors will have a `stack` property correctly set. In general, you'll be using the errors in ldapjs like: var ldap = require('ldapjs'); var db = {}; server.add('o=example', function(req, res, next) { var parent = req.dn.parent(); if (parent) { if (!db[parent.toString()]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(parent.toString())); } if (db[req.dn.toString()]) return next(new ldap.EntryAlreadyExistsError(req.dn.toString())); ... }); I.e., if you just pass them into the `next()` handler, ldapjs will automatically return the appropriate LDAP error message, and stop the handler chain. All errors will have the following properties: ## code Returns the LDAP status code associated with this error. ## name The name of this error. ## message The message that will be returned to the client. # Complete list of LDAPError subclasses * OperationsError * ProtocolError * TimeLimitExceededError * SizeLimitExceededError * CompareFalseError * CompareTrueError * AuthMethodNotSupportedError * StrongAuthRequiredError * ReferralError * AdminLimitExceededError * UnavailableCriticalExtensionError * ConfidentialityRequiredError * SaslBindInProgressError * NoSuchAttributeError * UndefinedAttributeTypeError * InappropriateMatchingError * ConstraintViolationError * AttributeOrValueExistsError * InvalidAttriubteSyntaxError * NoSuchObjectError * AliasProblemError * InvalidDnSyntaxError * AliasDerefProblemError * InappropriateAuthenticationError * InvalidCredentialsError * InsufficientAccessRightsError * BusyError * UnavailableError * UnwillingToPerformError * LoopDetectError * NamingViolationError * ObjectclassViolationError * NotAllowedOnNonLeafError * NotAllowedOnRdnError * EntryAlreadyExistsError * ObjectclassModsProhibitedError * AffectsMultipleDsasError * OtherError