// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage, Inc. All rights reserved. var assert = require('assert'); var util = require('util'); var asn1 = require('asn1'); var LDAPMessage = require('./message'); var Protocol = require('../protocol'); var dtrace = require('../dtrace').serverProvider(); ///--- Globals var Ber = asn1.Ber; var BerWriter = asn1.BerWriter; ///--- API function LDAPResult(options) { if (options) { if (typeof(options) !== 'object') throw new TypeError('options (object) required'); if (options.status && typeof(options.status) !== 'number') throw new TypeError('options.status must be a number'); if (options.matchedDN && typeof(options.matchedDN) !== 'string') throw new TypeError('options.matchedDN must be a string'); if (options.errorMessage && typeof(options.errorMessage) !== 'string') throw new TypeError('options.errorMessage must be a string'); if (options.referrals) { if (!(options.referrals instanceof Array)) throw new TypeError('options.referrrals must be an array[string]'); options.referrals.forEach(function(r) { if (typeof(r) !== 'string') throw new TypeError('options.referrals must be an array[string]'); }); } } else { options = {}; } LDAPMessage.call(this, options); this.status = options.status || 0; // LDAP SUCCESS this.matchedDN = options.matchedDN || ''; this.errorMessage = options.errorMessage || ''; this.referrals = options.referrals || []; this.__defineGetter__('type', function() { return 'LDAPResult'; }); } util.inherits(LDAPResult, LDAPMessage); module.exports = LDAPResult; LDAPResult.prototype.end = function(status) { assert.ok(this.connection); if (typeof(status) === 'number') this.status = status; var ber = this.toBer(); if (this.log.isDebugEnabled()) this.log.debug('%s: sending: %j', this.connection.ldap.id, this.json); try { var self = this; this.connection.write(ber); dtrace.fire('result', function() { return [self.status, (self.matchedDN || ''), (self.errorMessage || ''), (self.connection ? self.connection.remoteAddress : ''), (self.connection ? self.connection.ldap.bindDN.toString() : ''), (self.requestDN ? self.requestDN.toString() : '')]; }); } catch (e) { this.log.warn('%s failure to write message %j: %s', this.connection.ldap.id, this.json, e.toString()); } }; LDAPResult.prototype._parse = function(ber) { assert.ok(ber); this.status = ber.readEnumeration(); this.matchedDN = ber.readString(); this.errorMessage = ber.readString(); var t = ber.peek(); if (t === Protocol.LDAP_REP_REFERRAL) { var end = ber.offset + ber.length; while (ber.offset < end) this.referrals.push(ber.readString()); } return true; }; LDAPResult.prototype._toBer = function(ber) { assert.ok(ber); ber.writeEnumeration(this.status); ber.writeString(this.matchedDN || ''); ber.writeString(this.errorMessage || ''); if (this.referrals.length) { ber.startSequence(Protocol.LDAP_REP_REFERRAL); ber.writeStringArray(this.referrals); ber.endSequence(); } return ber; }; LDAPResult.prototype._json = function(j) { assert.ok(j); j.status = this.status; j.matchedDN = this.matchedDN; j.errorMessage = this.errorMessage; j.referrals = this.referrals; return j; };