# Copyright (c) 2012, Joyent, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Makefile: basic Makefile for template API service
# This Makefile is a template for new repos. It contains only repo-specific
# logic and uses included makefiles to supply common targets (javascriptlint,
# jsstyle, restdown, etc.), which are used by other repos as well. You may well
# need to rewrite most of this file, but you shouldn't need to touch the
# included makefiles.
# If you find yourself adding support for new targets that could be useful for
# other projects too, you should add these to the original versions of the
# included Makefiles (in eng.git) so that other teams can use them too.

# Tools
NPM		:= npm
TAP		:= ./node_modules/.bin/tap

# Files
DOC_FILES	 =	client.md	\
			dn.md		\
			errors.md	\
			examples.md	\
			filters.md      \
                        guide.md        \
                        index.md        \
                        persistent_search.md    \

JS_FILES	:= $(shell find lib test -name '*.js') $(shell find bin -name 'ldapjs-*')
JSL_CONF_NODE	 = tools/jsl.node.conf
JSSTYLE_FLAGS    = -f tools/jsstyle.conf

CLEAN_FILES	+= node_modules $(SHRINKWRAP) cscope.files

include ./tools/mk/Makefile.defs

# Repo-specific targets
.PHONY: all
all: $(TAP) $(REPO_DEPS)
	$(NPM) rebuild

$(TAP): | $(NPM_EXEC)
	$(NPM) install

CLEAN_FILES += $(TAP) ./node_modules/tap

.PHONY: test
test: $(TAP)
	$(TAP) test/*.test.js
	$(TAP) test/filters/*.test.js
	$(TAP) test/controls/*.test.js
	$(TAP) test/messages/*.test.js

include ./tools/mk/Makefile.deps
include ./tools/mk/Makefile.targ