// Copyright 2011 Mark Cavage, Inc. All rights reserved. const assert = require('assert') const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter const net = require('net') const tls = require('tls') const util = require('util') // var asn1 = require('asn1') const VError = require('verror').VError const dn = require('./dn') const dtrace = require('./dtrace') const errors = require('./errors') const Protocol = require('./protocol') const Parser = require('./messages').Parser const AbandonResponse = require('./messages/abandon_response') const AddResponse = require('./messages/add_response') const BindResponse = require('./messages/bind_response') const CompareResponse = require('./messages/compare_response') const DeleteResponse = require('./messages/del_response') const ExtendedResponse = require('./messages/ext_response') // var LDAPResult = require('./messages/result') const ModifyResponse = require('./messages/modify_response') const ModifyDNResponse = require('./messages/moddn_response') const SearchRequest = require('./messages/search_request') const SearchResponse = require('./messages/search_response') const UnbindResponse = require('./messages/unbind_response') /// --- Globals // var Ber = asn1.Ber // var BerReader = asn1.BerReader const DN = dn.DN // var sprintf = util.format /// --- Helpers function mergeFunctionArgs (argv, start, end) { assert.ok(argv) if (!start) { start = 0 } if (!end) { end = argv.length } const handlers = [] for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { if (argv[i] instanceof Array) { const arr = argv[i] for (let j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) { if (!(arr[j] instanceof Function)) { throw new TypeError('Invalid argument type: ' + typeof (arr[j])) } handlers.push(arr[j]) } } else if (argv[i] instanceof Function) { handlers.push(argv[i]) } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid argument type: ' + typeof (argv[i])) } } return handlers } function getResponse (req) { assert.ok(req) let Response switch (req.protocolOp) { case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_BIND: Response = BindResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ABANDON: Response = AbandonResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ADD: Response = AddResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_COMPARE: Response = CompareResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_DELETE: Response = DeleteResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_EXTENSION: Response = ExtendedResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODIFY: Response = ModifyResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODRDN: Response = ModifyDNResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_SEARCH: Response = SearchResponse break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_UNBIND: Response = UnbindResponse break default: return null } assert.ok(Response) const res = new Response({ messageID: req.messageID, log: req.log, attributes: ((req instanceof SearchRequest) ? req.attributes : undefined) }) res.connection = req.connection res.logId = req.logId return res } function defaultHandler (req, res, next) { assert.ok(req) assert.ok(res) assert.ok(next) res.matchedDN = req.dn.toString() res.errorMessage = 'Server method not implemented' res.end(errors.LDAP_OTHER) return next() } function defaultNoOpHandler (req, res, next) { assert.ok(req) assert.ok(res) assert.ok(next) res.end() return next() } function noSuffixHandler (req, res, next) { assert.ok(req) assert.ok(res) assert.ok(next) res.errorMessage = 'No tree found for: ' + req.dn.toString() res.end(errors.LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) return next() } function noExOpHandler (req, res, next) { assert.ok(req) assert.ok(res) assert.ok(next) res.errorMessage = req.requestName + ' not supported' res.end(errors.LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR) return next() } function fireDTraceProbe (req, res) { assert.ok(req) req._dtraceId = res._dtraceId = dtrace._nextId() const probeArgs = [ req._dtraceId, req.connection.remoteAddress || 'localhost', req.connection.ldap.bindDN.toString(), req.dn.toString() ] let op switch (req.protocolOp) { case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ABANDON: op = 'abandon' break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ADD: op = 'add' probeArgs.push(req.attributes.length) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_BIND: op = 'bind' break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_COMPARE: op = 'compare' probeArgs.push(req.attribute) probeArgs.push(req.value) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_DELETE: op = 'delete' break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_EXTENSION: op = 'exop' probeArgs.push(req.name) probeArgs.push(req.value) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODIFY: op = 'modify' probeArgs.push(req.changes.length) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODRDN: op = 'modifydn' probeArgs.push(req.newRdn.toString()) probeArgs.push((req.newSuperior ? req.newSuperior.toString() : '')) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_SEARCH: op = 'search' probeArgs.push(req.scope) probeArgs.push(req.filter.toString()) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_UNBIND: op = 'unbind' break default: break } res._dtraceOp = op dtrace.fire('server-' + op + '-start', function () { return probeArgs }) } /// --- API /** * Constructs a new server that you can call .listen() on, in the various * forms node supports. You need to first assign some handlers to the various * LDAP operations however. * * The options object currently only takes a certificate/private key, and a * bunyan logger handle. * * This object exposes the following events: * - 'error' * - 'close' * * @param {Object} options (optional) parameterization object. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input. */ function Server (options) { if (options) { if (typeof (options) !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('options (object) required') } if (typeof (options.log) !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('options.log must be an object') } if (options.certificate || options.key) { if (!(options.certificate && options.key) || (typeof (options.certificate) !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(options.certificate)) || (typeof (options.key) !== 'string' && !Buffer.isBuffer(options.key))) { throw new TypeError('options.certificate and options.key ' + '(string or buffer) are both required for TLS') } } } else { options = {} } const self = this EventEmitter.call(this, options) this._chain = [] this.log = options.log this.strictDN = (options.strictDN !== undefined) ? options.strictDN : true const log = this.log function setupConnection (c) { assert.ok(c) if (c.type === 'unix') { c.remoteAddress = self.server.path c.remotePort = c.fd } else if (c.socket) { // TLS c.remoteAddress = c.socket.remoteAddress c.remotePort = c.socket.remotePort } const rdn = new dn.RDN({ cn: 'anonymous' }) c.ldap = { id: c.remoteAddress + ':' + c.remotePort, config: options, _bindDN: new DN([rdn]) } c.addListener('timeout', function () { log.trace('%s timed out', c.ldap.id) c.destroy() }) c.addListener('end', function () { log.trace('%s shutdown', c.ldap.id) }) c.addListener('error', function (err) { log.warn('%s unexpected connection error', c.ldap.id, err) self.emit('clientError', err) c.destroy() }) c.addListener('close', function (closeError) { log.trace('%s close; had_err=%j', c.ldap.id, closeError) c.end() }) c.ldap.__defineGetter__('bindDN', function () { return c.ldap._bindDN }) c.ldap.__defineSetter__('bindDN', function (val) { if (!(val instanceof DN)) { throw new TypeError('DN required') } c.ldap._bindDN = val return val }) return c } function newConnection (c) { setupConnection(c) log.trace('new connection from %s', c.ldap.id) dtrace.fire('server-connection', function () { return [c.remoteAddress] }) c.parser = new Parser({ log: options.log }) c.parser.on('message', function (req) { req.connection = c req.logId = c.ldap.id + '::' + req.messageID req.startTime = new Date().getTime() if (log.debug()) { log.debug('%s: message received: req=%j', c.ldap.id, req.json) } const res = getResponse(req) if (!res) { log.warn('Unimplemented server method: %s', req.type) c.destroy() return false } // parse string DNs for routing/etc try { switch (req.protocolOp) { case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_BIND: req.name = dn.parse(req.name) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ADD: case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_COMPARE: case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_DELETE: req.entry = dn.parse(req.entry) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODIFY: req.object = dn.parse(req.object) break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODRDN: req.entry = dn.parse(req.entry) // TODO: handle newRdn/Superior break case Protocol.LDAP_REQ_SEARCH: req.baseObject = dn.parse(req.baseObject) break default: break } } catch (e) { if (self.strictDN) { return res.end(errors.LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX) } } res.connection = c res.logId = req.logId res.requestDN = req.dn const chain = self._getHandlerChain(req, res) let i = 0 return (function messageIIFE (err) { function sendError (err) { res.status = err.code || errors.LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR res.matchedDN = req.suffix ? req.suffix.toString() : '' res.errorMessage = err.message || '' return res.end() } function after () { if (!self._postChain || !self._postChain.length) { return } function next () {} // stub out next for the post chain self._postChain.forEach(function (c) { c.call(self, req, res, next) }) } if (err) { log.trace('%s sending error: %s', req.logId, err.stack || err) self.emit('clientError', err) sendError(err) return after() } try { const next = messageIIFE if (chain.handlers[i]) { return chain.handlers[i++].call(chain.backend, req, res, next) } if (req.protocolOp === Protocol.LDAP_REQ_BIND && res.status === 0) { c.ldap.bindDN = req.dn } return after() } catch (e) { if (!e.stack) { e.stack = e.toString() } log.error('%s uncaught exception: %s', req.logId, e.stack) return sendError(new errors.OperationsError(e.message)) } }()) }) c.parser.on('error', function (err, message) { self.emit('error', new VError(err, 'Parser error for %s', c.ldap.id)) if (!message) { return c.destroy() } const res = getResponse(message) if (!res) { return c.destroy() } res.status = 0x02 // protocol error res.errorMessage = err.toString() return c.end(res.toBer()) }) c.on('data', function (data) { if (log.trace()) { log.trace('data on %s: %s', c.ldap.id, util.inspect(data)) } c.parser.write(data) }) } // end newConnection this.routes = {} if ((options.cert || options.certificate) && options.key) { options.cert = options.cert || options.certificate this.server = tls.createServer(options, newConnection) } else { this.server = net.createServer(newConnection) } this.server.log = options.log this.server.ldap = { config: options } this.server.on('close', function () { self.emit('close') }) this.server.on('error', function (err) { self.emit('error', err) }) } util.inherits(Server, EventEmitter) Object.defineProperties(Server.prototype, { maxConnections: { get: function getMaxConnections () { return this.server.maxConnections }, set: function setMaxConnections (val) { this.server.maxConnections = val }, configurable: false }, connections: { get: function getConnections () { return this.server.connections }, configurable: false }, name: { get: function getName () { return 'LDAPServer' }, configurable: false }, url: { get: function getURL () { let str const addr = this.server.address() if (!addr) { return null } if (!addr.family) { str = 'ldapi://' str += this.host.replace(/\//g, '%2f') return str } if (this.server instanceof tls.Server) { str = 'ldaps://' } else { str = 'ldap://' } str += this.host + ':' + this.port return str }, configurable: false } }) module.exports = Server /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP add method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.add = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ADD, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP bind method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.bind = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_BIND, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP compare method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.compare = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_COMPARE, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP delete method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.del = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_DELETE, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP exop method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name OID to assign this handler chain to. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input. */ Server.prototype.exop = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_EXTENSION, name, args, true) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP modify method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.modify = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODIFY, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP modifyDN method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.modifyDN = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_MODRDN, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP search method. * * Note that this is of the form f(name, [function]) where the second...N * arguments can all either be functions or arrays of functions. * * @param {String} name the DN to mount this handler chain at. * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.search = function (name) { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_SEARCH, name, args) } /** * Adds a handler (chain) for the LDAP unbind method. * * This method is different than the others and takes no mount point, as unbind * is a connection-wide operation, not constrianed to part of the DIT. * * @return {Server} this so you can chain calls. * @throws {TypeError} on bad input */ Server.prototype.unbind = function () { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0) return this._mount(Protocol.LDAP_REQ_UNBIND, 'unbind', args, true) } Server.prototype.use = function use () { const args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments) const chain = mergeFunctionArgs(args, 0, args.length) const self = this chain.forEach(function (c) { self._chain.push(c) }) } Server.prototype.after = function () { if (!this._postChain) { this._postChain = [] } const self = this mergeFunctionArgs(arguments).forEach(function (h) { self._postChain.push(h) }) } // All these just reexpose the requisite net.Server APIs Server.prototype.listen = function (port, host, callback) { if (typeof (port) !== 'number' && typeof (port) !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('port (number or path) required') } if (typeof (host) === 'function') { callback = host host = '' } if (typeof (port) === 'string' && /^[0-9]+$/.test(port)) { // Disambiguate between string ports and file paths port = parseInt(port, 10) } const self = this function cbListen () { if (typeof (port) === 'number') { self.host = self.address().address self.port = self.address().port } else { self.host = port self.port = self.server.fd } if (typeof (callback) === 'function') { callback() } } if (typeof (port) === 'number') { return this.server.listen(port, host, cbListen) } else { return this.server.listen(port, cbListen) } } Server.prototype.listenFD = function (fd) { this.host = 'unix-domain-socket' this.port = fd return this.server.listenFD(fd) } Server.prototype.close = function (callback) { return this.server.close(callback) } Server.prototype.address = function () { return this.server.address() } Server.prototype.getConnections = function (callback) { return this.server.getConnections(callback) } Server.prototype._getRoute = function (_dn, backend) { assert.ok(dn) if (!backend) { backend = this } let name if (_dn instanceof dn.DN) { name = _dn.toString() } else { name = _dn } if (!this.routes[name]) { this.routes[name] = {} this.routes[name].backend = backend this.routes[name].dn = _dn // Force regeneration of the route key cache on next request this._routeKeyCache = null } return this.routes[name] } Server.prototype._sortedRouteKeys = function _sortedRouteKeys () { // The filtered/sorted route keys are cached to prevent needlessly // regenerating the list for every incoming request. if (!this._routeKeyCache) { const self = this const reversedRDNsToKeys = {} // Generate mapping of reversedRDNs(DN) -> routeKey Object.keys(this.routes).forEach(function (key) { const _dn = self.routes[key].dn // Ignore non-DN routes such as exop or unbind if (_dn instanceof dn.DN) { const reversed = _dn.clone() reversed.rdns.reverse() reversedRDNsToKeys[reversed.format()] = key } }) const output = [] // Reverse-sort on reversedRDS(DN) in order to output routeKey list. // This will place more specific DNs in front of their parents: // 1. dc=test, dc=domain, dc=sub // 2. dc=test, dc=domain // 3. dc=other, dc=foobar Object.keys(reversedRDNsToKeys).sort().reverse().forEach(function (_dn) { output.push(reversedRDNsToKeys[_dn]) }) this._routeKeyCache = output } return this._routeKeyCache } Server.prototype._getHandlerChain = function _getHandlerChain (req, res) { assert.ok(req) fireDTraceProbe(req, res) const self = this const routes = this.routes let route // check anonymous bind if (req.protocolOp === Protocol.LDAP_REQ_BIND && req.dn.toString() === '' && req.credentials === '') { return { backend: self, handlers: [defaultNoOpHandler] } } const op = '0x' + req.protocolOp.toString(16) // Special cases are exops, unbinds and abandons. Handle those first. if (req.protocolOp === Protocol.LDAP_REQ_EXTENSION) { route = routes[req.requestName] if (route) { return { backend: route.backend, handlers: (route[op] ? route[op] : [noExOpHandler]) } } else { return { backend: self, handlers: [noExOpHandler] } } } else if (req.protocolOp === Protocol.LDAP_REQ_UNBIND) { route = routes.unbind if (route) { return { backend: route.backend, handlers: route[op] } } else { return { backend: self, handlers: [defaultNoOpHandler] } } } else if (req.protocolOp === Protocol.LDAP_REQ_ABANDON) { return { backend: self, handlers: [defaultNoOpHandler] } } // Otherwise, match via DN rules assert.ok(req.dn) const keys = this._sortedRouteKeys() let fallbackHandler = [noSuffixHandler] // invalid DNs in non-strict mode are routed to the default handler const testDN = (typeof (req.dn) === 'string') ? '' : req.dn for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { const suffix = keys[i] route = routes[suffix] assert.ok(route.dn) // Match a valid route or the route wildcard ('') if (route.dn.equals(testDN) || route.dn.parentOf(testDN) || suffix === '') { if (route[op]) { // We should be good to go. req.suffix = route.dn return { backend: route.backend, handlers: route[op] } } else { if (suffix === '') { break } else { // We found a valid suffix but not a valid operation. // There might be a more generic suffix with a legitimate operation. fallbackHandler = [defaultHandler] } } } } return { backend: self, handlers: fallbackHandler } } Server.prototype._mount = function (op, name, argv, notDN) { assert.ok(op) assert.ok(name !== undefined) assert.ok(argv) if (typeof (name) !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('name (string) required') } if (!argv.length) { throw new Error('at least one handler required') } let backend = this let index = 0 if (typeof (argv[0]) === 'object' && !Array.isArray(argv[0])) { backend = argv[0] index = 1 } const route = this._getRoute(notDN ? name : dn.parse(name), backend) const chain = this._chain.slice() argv.slice(index).forEach(function (a) { chain.push(a) }) route['0x' + op.toString(16)] = mergeFunctionArgs(chain) return this }