'use strict' const util = require('util') const assert = require('assert') const tap = require('tap') const uuid = require('uuid') const vasync = require('vasync') const { getSock } = require('./utils') const ldap = require('../lib') const { Attribute, Change } = ldap const SUFFIX = 'dc=test' const LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = process.env.LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT || 0 const BIND_DN = 'cn=root' const BIND_PW = 'secret' tap.beforeEach((done, t) => { t.context.socketPath = getSock() t.context.server = ldap.createServer() const server = t.context.server server.bind(BIND_DN, function (req, res, next) { if (req.credentials !== BIND_PW) { return next(new ldap.InvalidCredentialsError('Invalid password')) } res.end() return next() }) server.add(SUFFIX, function (req, res, next) { res.end() return next() }) server.compare(SUFFIX, function (req, res, next) { res.end(req.value === 'test') return next() }) server.del(SUFFIX, function (req, res, next) { res.end() return next() }) // LDAP whoami server.exop('', function (req, res, next) { res.value = 'u:xxyyz@EXAMPLE.NET' res.end() return next() }) server.modify(SUFFIX, function (req, res, next) { res.end() return next() }) server.modifyDN(SUFFIX, function (req, res, next) { res.end() return next() }) server.modifyDN('cn=issue-480', function (req, res, next) { assert(req.newRdn.toString().length > 132) res.end() return next() }) server.search('dc=slow', function (req, res, next) { res.send({ dn: 'dc=slow', attributes: { you: 'wish', this: 'was', faster: '.' } }) setTimeout(function () { res.end() next() }, 250) }) server.search('dc=timeout', function (req, res, next) { // Cause the client to timeout by not sending a response. }) server.search(SUFFIX, function (req, res, next) { if (req.dn.equals('cn=ref,' + SUFFIX)) { res.send(res.createSearchReference('ldap://localhost')) } else if (req.dn.equals('cn=bin,' + SUFFIX)) { res.send(res.createSearchEntry({ objectName: req.dn, attributes: { 'foo;binary': 'wr0gKyDCvCA9IMK+', gb18030: Buffer.from([0xB5, 0xE7, 0xCA, 0xD3, 0xBB, 0xFA]), objectclass: 'binary' } })) } else { var e = res.createSearchEntry({ objectName: req.dn, attributes: { cn: ['unit', 'test'], SN: 'testy' } }) res.send(e) res.send(e) } res.end() return next() }) server.search('cn=sizelimit', function (req, res, next) { const sizeLimit = 200 for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { if (req.sizeLimit > 0 && i >= req.sizeLimit) { break } else if (i > sizeLimit) { res.end(ldap.LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) return next() } res.send({ dn: util.format('o=%d, cn=sizelimit', i), attributes: { o: [i], objectclass: ['pagedResult'] } }) } res.end() return next() }) server.search('cn=paged', function (req, res, next) { const min = 0 const max = 1000 function sendResults (start, end) { start = (start < min) ? min : start end = (end > max || end < min) ? max : end let i for (i = start; i < end; i++) { res.send({ dn: util.format('o=%d, cn=paged', i), attributes: { o: [i], objectclass: ['pagedResult'] } }) } return i } let cookie = null let pageSize = 0 req.controls.forEach(function (control) { if (control.type === ldap.PagedResultsControl.OID) { pageSize = control.value.size cookie = control.value.cookie } }) if (cookie && Buffer.isBuffer(cookie)) { // Do simple paging let first = min if (cookie.length !== 0) { first = parseInt(cookie.toString(), 10) } const last = sendResults(first, first + pageSize) let resultCookie if (last < max) { resultCookie = Buffer.from(last.toString()) } else { resultCookie = Buffer.from('') } res.controls.push(new ldap.PagedResultsControl({ value: { size: pageSize, // correctness not required here cookie: resultCookie } })) res.end() next() } else { // don't allow non-paged searches for this test endpoint next(new ldap.UnwillingToPerformError()) } }) server.search('cn=sssvlv', function (req, res, next) { const min = 0 const max = 100 const results = [] let o = 'aa' for (let i = min; i < max; i++) { results.push({ dn: util.format('o=%s, cn=sssvlv', o), attributes: { o: [o], objectclass: ['sssvlvResult'] } }) o = ((parseInt(o, 36) + 1).toString(36)).replace(/0/g, 'a') } function sendResults (start, end, sortBy, sortDesc) { start = (start < min) ? min : start end = (end > max || end < min) ? max : end const sorted = results.sort((a, b) => { if (a.attributes[sortBy][0] < b.attributes[sortBy][0]) { return sortDesc ? 1 : -1 } else if (a.attributes[sortBy][0] > b.attributes[sortBy][0]) { return sortDesc ? -1 : 1 } return 0 }) for (let i = start; i < end; i++) { res.send(sorted[i]) } } let sortBy = null let sortDesc = null let afterCount = null let targetOffset = null req.controls.forEach(function (control) { if (control.type === ldap.ServerSideSortingRequestControl.OID) { sortBy = control.value[0].attributeType sortDesc = control.value[0].reverseOrder } if (control.type === ldap.VirtualListViewRequestControl.OID) { afterCount = control.value.afterCount targetOffset = control.value.targetOffset } }) if (sortBy) { if (afterCount && targetOffset) { sendResults(targetOffset - 1, (targetOffset + afterCount), sortBy, sortDesc) } else { sendResults(min, max, sortBy, sortDesc) } res.end() next() } else { next(new ldap.UnwillingToPerformError()) } }) server.search('cn=pagederr', function (req, res, next) { let cookie = null req.controls.forEach(function (control) { if (control.type === ldap.PagedResultsControl.OID) { cookie = control.value.cookie } }) if (cookie && Buffer.isBuffer(cookie) && cookie.length === 0) { // send first "page" res.send({ dn: util.format('o=result, cn=pagederr'), attributes: { o: 'result', objectclass: ['pagedResult'] } }) res.controls.push(new ldap.PagedResultsControl({ value: { size: 2, cookie: Buffer.from('a') } })) res.end() return next() } else { // send error instead of second page res.end(ldap.LDAP_SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED) return next() } }) server.search('dc=empty', function (req, res, next) { res.send({ dn: 'dc=empty', attributes: { member: [], 'member;range=0-1': ['cn=user1, dc=empty', 'cn=user2, dc=empty'] } }) res.end() return next() }) server.search('cn=busy', function (req, res, next) { next(new ldap.BusyError('too much to do')) }) server.search('', function (req, res, next) { if (req.dn.toString() === '') { res.send({ dn: '', attributes: { objectclass: ['RootDSE', 'top'] } }) res.end() } else { // Turn away any other requests (since '' is the fallthrough route) res.errorMessage = 'No tree found for: ' + req.dn.toString() res.end(ldap.LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) } return next() }) server.unbind(function (req, res, next) { res.end() return next() }) server.listen(t.context.socketPath, function () { const client = ldap.createClient({ connectTimeout: parseInt(LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10), socketPath: t.context.socketPath }) t.context.client = client client.on('connect', () => done()) }) }) tap.afterEach((done, t) => { t.context.client.unbind((err) => { t.error(err) t.context.server.close(() => done()) }) }) tap.test('createClient', t => { t.test('requires an options object', async t => { const match = /options.+required/ t.throws(() => ldap.createClient(), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient([]), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient(''), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient(42), match) }) t.test('url must be a string', async t => { const match = /options\.url \(string\) required/ t.throws(() => ldap.createClient({ url: {} }), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient({ url: [] }), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient({ url: 42 }), match) }) t.test('socketPath must be a string', async t => { const match = /options\.socketPath must be a string/ t.throws(() => ldap.createClient({ socketPath: {} }), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient({ socketPath: [] }), match) t.throws(() => ldap.createClient({ socketPath: 42 }), match) }) t.test('cannot supply both url and socketPath', async t => { t.throws( () => ldap.createClient({ url: 'foo', socketPath: 'bar' }), /options\.url \^ options\.socketPath \(String\) required/ ) }) t.test('must supply at least url or socketPath', async t => { t.throws( () => ldap.createClient({}), /options\.url \^ options\.socketPath \(String\) required/ ) }) // TODO: this test is really flaky. It would be better if we could validate // the options _withouth_ having to connect to a server. // t.test('attaches a child function to logger', async t => { // /* eslint-disable-next-line */ // let client // const logger = Object.create(require('abstract-logging')) // const socketPath = getSock() // const server = ldap.createServer() // server.listen(socketPath, () => {}) // t.tearDown(() => { // client.unbind(() => server.close()) // }) // client = ldap.createClient({ socketPath, log: logger }) // t.ok(logger.child) // t.true(typeof client.log.child === 'function') // }) t.end() }) tap.test('simple bind failure', function (t) { t.context.client.bind(BIND_DN, uuid(), function (err, res) { t.ok(err) t.notOk(res) t.ok(err instanceof ldap.InvalidCredentialsError) t.ok(err instanceof Error) t.ok(err.dn) t.ok(err.message) t.ok(err.stack) t.end() }) }) tap.test('simple bind success', function (t) { t.context.client.bind(BIND_DN, BIND_PW, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('simple anonymous bind (empty credentials)', function (t) { t.context.client.bind('', '', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('auto-bind bad credentials', function (t) { const clt = ldap.createClient({ socketPath: t.context.socketPath, bindDN: BIND_DN, bindCredentials: 'totallybogus' }) clt.once('error', function (err) { t.equal(err.code, ldap.LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS) t.ok(clt._socket.destroyed, 'expect socket to be destroyed') clt.destroy() t.end() }) }) tap.test('auto-bind success', function (t) { const clt = ldap.createClient({ socketPath: t.context.socketPath, bindDN: BIND_DN, bindCredentials: BIND_PW }) clt.once('connect', function () { t.ok(clt) clt.destroy() t.end() }) }) tap.test('add success', function (t) { const attrs = [ new Attribute({ type: 'cn', vals: ['test'] }) ] t.context.client.add('cn=add, ' + SUFFIX, attrs, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('add success with object', function (t) { const entry = { cn: ['unit', 'add'], sn: 'test' } t.context.client.add('cn=add, ' + SUFFIX, entry, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('compare success', function (t) { t.context.client.compare('cn=compare, ' + SUFFIX, 'cn', 'test', function (err, matched, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(matched) t.ok(res) t.end() }) }) tap.test('compare false', function (t) { t.context.client.compare('cn=compare, ' + SUFFIX, 'cn', 'foo', function (err, matched, res) { t.error(err) t.notOk(matched) t.ok(res) t.end() }) }) tap.test('compare bad suffix', function (t) { t.context.client.compare('cn=' + uuid(), 'cn', 'foo', function (err, matched, res) { t.ok(err) t.ok(err instanceof ldap.NoSuchObjectError) t.notOk(matched) t.notOk(res) t.end() }) }) tap.test('delete success', function (t) { t.context.client.del('cn=delete, ' + SUFFIX, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.end() }) }) tap.test('delete with control (GH-212)', function (t) { const control = new ldap.Control({ type: '', criticality: false }) t.context.client.del('cn=delete, ' + SUFFIX, control, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.end() }) }) tap.test('exop success', function (t) { t.context.client.exop('', function (err, value, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(value) t.ok(res) t.equal(value, 'u:xxyyz@EXAMPLE.NET') t.end() }) }) tap.test('exop invalid', function (t) { t.context.client.exop('', function (err, res) { t.ok(err) t.ok(err instanceof ldap.ProtocolError) t.notOk(res) t.end() }) }) tap.test('bogus exop (GH-17)', function (t) { t.context.client.exop('cn=root', function (err) { t.ok(err) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify success', function (t) { const change = new Change({ type: 'Replace', modification: new Attribute({ type: 'cn', vals: ['test'] }) }) t.context.client.modify('cn=modify, ' + SUFFIX, change, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify change plain object success', function (t) { const change = new Change({ type: 'Replace', modification: { cn: 'test' } }) t.context.client.modify('cn=modify, ' + SUFFIX, change, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) // https://github.com/ldapjs/node-ldapjs/pull/435 tap.test('can delete attributes', function (t) { const change = new Change({ type: 'Delete', modification: { cn: null } }) t.context.client.modify('cn=modify,' + SUFFIX, change, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify array success', function (t) { const changes = [ new Change({ operation: 'Replace', modification: new Attribute({ type: 'cn', vals: ['test'] }) }), new Change({ operation: 'Delete', modification: new Attribute({ type: 'sn' }) }) ] t.context.client.modify('cn=modify, ' + SUFFIX, changes, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify change plain object success (GH-31)', function (t) { const change = { type: 'replace', modification: { cn: 'test', sn: 'bar' } } t.context.client.modify('cn=modify, ' + SUFFIX, change, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify DN new RDN only', function (t) { t.context.client.modifyDN('cn=old, ' + SUFFIX, 'cn=new', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify DN new superior', function (t) { t.context.client.modifyDN('cn=old, ' + SUFFIX, 'cn=new, dc=foo', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('modify DN excessive length (GH-480)', function (t) { t.context.client.modifyDN('cn=issue-480', 'cn=a292979f2c86d513d48bbb9786b564b3c5228146e5ba46f404724e322544a7304a2b1049168803a5485e2d57a544c6a0d860af91330acb77e5907a9e601ad1227e80e0dc50abe963b47a004f2c90f570450d0e920d15436fdc771e3bdac0487a9735473ed3a79361d1778d7e53a7fb0e5f01f97a75ef05837d1d5496fc86968ff47fcb64', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) tap.test('search basic', function (t) { t.context.client.search('cn=test, ' + SUFFIX, '(objectclass=*)', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) let gotEntry = 0 res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t.ok(entry) t.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t.equal(entry.dn.toString(), 'cn=test, ' + SUFFIX) t.ok(entry.attributes) t.ok(entry.attributes.length) t.equal(entry.attributes[0].type, 'cn') t.equal(entry.attributes[1].type, 'SN') t.ok(entry.object) gotEntry++ }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.equal(gotEntry, 2) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('search sizeLimit', function (t) { t.test('over limit', function (t2) { t.context.client.search('cn=sizelimit', {}, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('error', function (error) { t2.equal(error.name, 'SizeLimitExceededError') t2.end() }) }) }) t.test('under limit', function (t2) { const limit = 100 t.context.client.search('cn=sizelimit', { sizeLimit: limit }, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) let count = 0 res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { count++ }) res.on('end', function () { t2.pass() t2.equal(count, limit) t2.end() }) res.on('error', t2.error.bind(t)) }) }) t.end() }) tap.test('search paged', { timeout: 10000 }, function (t) { t.test('paged - no pauses', function (t2) { let countEntries = 0 let countPages = 0 t.context.client.search('cn=paged', { paged: { pageSize: 100 } }, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', entryListener) res.on('page', pageListener) res.on('error', (err) => t2.error(err)) res.on('end', function () { t2.equal(countEntries, 1000) t2.equal(countPages, 10) t2.end() }) t2.tearDown(() => { res.removeListener('searchEntry', entryListener) res.removeListener('page', pageListener) }) function entryListener () { countEntries += 1 } function pageListener () { countPages += 1 } }) }) t.test('paged - pauses', function (t2) { let countPages = 0 t.context.client.search('cn=paged', { paged: { pageSize: 100, pagePause: true } }, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('page', pageListener) res.on('error', (err) => t2.error(err)) res.on('end', function () { t2.equal(countPages, 9) t2.end() }) function pageListener (result, cb) { countPages++ // cancel after 9 to verify callback usage if (countPages === 9) { // another page should never be encountered res.removeListener('page', pageListener) .on('page', t2.fail.bind(null, 'unexpected page')) return cb(new Error()) } return cb() } }) }) t.test('paged - no support (err handled)', function (t2) { t.context.client.search(SUFFIX, { paged: { pageSize: 100 } }, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('pageError', t2.ok.bind(t2)) res.on('end', function () { t2.pass() t2.end() }) }) }) t.test('paged - no support (err not handled)', function (t2) { t.context.client.search(SUFFIX, { paged: { pageSize: 100 } }, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('end', t2.fail.bind(t2)) res.on('error', function (error) { t2.ok(error) t2.end() }) }) }) t.test('paged - redundant control', function (t2) { try { t.context.client.search(SUFFIX, { paged: { pageSize: 100 } }, new ldap.PagedResultsControl(), function (err) { t.error(err) t2.fail() }) } catch (e) { t2.ok(e) t2.end() } }) t.test('paged - handle later error', function (t2) { let countEntries = 0 let countPages = 0 t.context.client.search('cn=pagederr', { paged: { pageSize: 1 } }, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', function () { t2.ok(++countEntries) }) res.on('page', function () { t2.ok(++countPages) }) res.on('error', function (error) { t2.ok(error) t2.equal(countEntries, 1) t2.equal(countPages, 1) t2.end() }) res.on('end', function () { t2.fail('should not be reached') }) }) }) t.end() }) tap.test('search - sssvlv', { timeout: 10000 }, function (t) { t.test('ssv - asc', function (t2) { let preventry = null const sssrcontrol = new ldap.ServerSideSortingRequestControl( { value: { attributeType: 'o', orderingRule: 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch', reverseOrder: false } } ) t.context.client.search('cn=sssvlv', {}, sssrcontrol, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t2.ok(entry) t2.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t2.ok(entry.attributes) t2.ok(entry.attributes.length) if (preventry != null) { t2.ok(entry.attributes[0]._vals[0] >= preventry.attributes[0]._vals[0]) } preventry = entry }) res.on('error', (err) => t2.error(err)) res.on('end', function () { t2.end() }) }) }) t.test('ssv - desc', function (t2) { let preventry = null const sssrcontrol = new ldap.ServerSideSortingRequestControl( { value: { attributeType: 'o', orderingRule: 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch', reverseOrder: true } } ) t.context.client.search('cn=sssvlv', {}, sssrcontrol, function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t2.ok(entry) t2.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t2.ok(entry.attributes) t2.ok(entry.attributes.length) if (preventry != null) { t2.ok(entry.attributes[0]._vals[0] <= preventry.attributes[0]._vals[0]) } preventry = entry }) res.on('error', (err) => t2.error(err)) res.on('end', function () { t2.end() }) }) }) t.test('vlv - first page', function (t2) { const sssrcontrol = new ldap.ServerSideSortingRequestControl( { value: { attributeType: 'o', orderingRule: 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch', reverseOrder: false } } ) const vlvrcontrol = new ldap.VirtualListViewRequestControl( { value: { beforeCount: 0, afterCount: 9, targetOffset: 1, contentCount: 0 } } ) let count = 0 let preventry = null t.context.client.search('cn=sssvlv', {}, [sssrcontrol, vlvrcontrol], function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t2.ok(entry) t2.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t2.ok(entry.attributes) t2.ok(entry.attributes.length) if (preventry != null) { t2.ok(entry.attributes[0]._vals[0] >= preventry.attributes[0]._vals[0]) } preventry = entry count++ }) res.on('error', (err) => t2.error(err)) res.on('end', function (result) { t2.equals(count, 10) t2.end() }) }) }) t.test('vlv - last page', function (t2) { const sssrcontrol = new ldap.ServerSideSortingRequestControl( { value: { attributeType: 'o', orderingRule: 'caseIgnoreOrderingMatch', reverseOrder: false } } ) const vlvrcontrol = new ldap.VirtualListViewRequestControl( { value: { beforeCount: 0, afterCount: 9, targetOffset: 91, contentCount: 0 } } ) let count = 0 let preventry = null t.context.client.search('cn=sssvlv', {}, [sssrcontrol, vlvrcontrol], function (err, res) { t2.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t2.ok(entry) t2.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t2.ok(entry.attributes) t2.ok(entry.attributes.length) if (preventry != null) { t2.ok(entry.attributes[0]._vals[0] >= preventry.attributes[0]._vals[0]) } preventry = entry count++ }) res.on('error', (err) => t2.error(err)) res.on('end', function (result) { t2.equals(count, 10) t2.end() }) }) }) t.end() }) tap.test('search referral', function (t) { t.context.client.search('cn=ref, ' + SUFFIX, '(objectclass=*)', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) let gotEntry = 0 let gotReferral = false res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { gotEntry++ }) res.on('searchReference', function (referral) { gotReferral = true t.ok(referral) t.ok(referral instanceof ldap.SearchReference) t.ok(referral.uris) t.ok(referral.uris.length) }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.equal(gotEntry, 0) t.ok(gotReferral) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('search rootDSE', function (t) { t.context.client.search('', '(objectclass=*)', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t.ok(entry) t.equal(entry.dn.toString(), '') t.ok(entry.attributes) t.ok(entry.object) }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('search empty attribute', function (t) { t.context.client.search('dc=empty', '(objectclass=*)', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) let gotEntry = 0 res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { var obj = entry.toObject() t.equal('dc=empty', obj.dn) t.ok(obj.member) t.equal(obj.member.length, 0) t.ok(obj['member;range=0-1']) t.ok(obj['member;range=0-1'].length) gotEntry++ }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.equal(gotEntry, 1) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('GH-21 binary attributes', function (t) { t.context.client.search('cn=bin, ' + SUFFIX, '(objectclass=*)', function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) let gotEntry = 0 const expect = Buffer.from('\u00bd + \u00bc = \u00be', 'utf8') const expect2 = Buffer.from([0xB5, 0xE7, 0xCA, 0xD3, 0xBB, 0xFA]) res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t.ok(entry) t.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t.equal(entry.dn.toString(), 'cn=bin, ' + SUFFIX) t.ok(entry.attributes) t.ok(entry.attributes.length) t.equal(entry.attributes[0].type, 'foo;binary') t.equal(entry.attributes[0].vals[0], expect.toString('base64')) t.equal(entry.attributes[0].buffers[0].toString('base64'), expect.toString('base64')) t.ok(entry.attributes[1].type, 'gb18030') t.equal(entry.attributes[1].buffers.length, 1) t.equal(expect2.length, entry.attributes[1].buffers[0].length) for (var i = 0; i < expect2.length; i++) { t.equal(expect2[i], entry.attributes[1].buffers[0][i]) } t.ok(entry.object) gotEntry++ }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.equal(gotEntry, 1) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('GH-23 case insensitive attribute filtering', function (t) { const opts = { filter: '(objectclass=*)', attributes: ['Cn'] } t.context.client.search('cn=test, ' + SUFFIX, opts, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) let gotEntry = 0 res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t.ok(entry) t.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t.equal(entry.dn.toString(), 'cn=test, ' + SUFFIX) t.ok(entry.attributes) t.ok(entry.attributes.length) t.equal(entry.attributes[0].type, 'cn') t.ok(entry.object) gotEntry++ }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.equal(gotEntry, 2) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('GH-24 attribute selection of *', function (t) { const opts = { filter: '(objectclass=*)', attributes: ['*'] } t.context.client.search('cn=test, ' + SUFFIX, opts, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) let gotEntry = 0 res.on('searchEntry', function (entry) { t.ok(entry) t.ok(entry instanceof ldap.SearchEntry) t.equal(entry.dn.toString(), 'cn=test, ' + SUFFIX) t.ok(entry.attributes) t.ok(entry.attributes.length) t.equal(entry.attributes[0].type, 'cn') t.equal(entry.attributes[1].type, 'SN') t.ok(entry.object) gotEntry++ }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.fail(err) }) res.on('end', function (res) { t.ok(res) t.ok(res instanceof ldap.SearchResponse) t.equal(res.status, 0) t.equal(gotEntry, 2) t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('idle timeout', function (t) { t.context.client.idleTimeout = 250 function premature () { t.error(true) } t.context.client.on('idle', premature) t.context.client.search('dc=slow', 'objectclass=*', function (err, res) { t.error(err) res.on('searchEntry', function (res) { t.ok(res) }) res.on('error', function (err) { t.error(err) }) res.on('end', function () { var late = setTimeout(function () { t.fail('too late') }, 500) // It's ok to go idle now t.context.client.removeListener('idle', premature) t.context.client.on('idle', function () { clearTimeout(late) t.context.client.removeAllListeners('idle') t.context.client.idleTimeout = 0 t.end() }) }) }) }) tap.test('setup action', function (t) { const setupClient = ldap.createClient({ connectTimeout: parseInt(LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10), socketPath: t.context.socketPath }) setupClient.on('setup', function (clt, cb) { clt.bind(BIND_DN, BIND_PW, function (err, res) { t.error(err) cb(err) }) }) setupClient.search(SUFFIX, { scope: 'base' }, function (err, res) { t.error(err) t.ok(res) res.on('end', function () { setupClient.destroy() t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('setup reconnect', function (t) { const rClient = ldap.createClient({ connectTimeout: parseInt(LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10), socketPath: t.context.socketPath, reconnect: true }) rClient.on('setup', function (clt, cb) { clt.bind(BIND_DN, BIND_PW, function (err, res) { t.error(err) cb(err) }) }) function doSearch (_, cb) { rClient.search(SUFFIX, { scope: 'base' }, function (err, res) { t.error(err) res.on('end', function () { cb() }) }) } vasync.pipeline({ funcs: [ doSearch, function cleanDisconnect (_, cb) { t.ok(rClient.connected) rClient.once('close', function (err) { t.error(err) t.equal(rClient.connected, false) cb() }) rClient.unbind() }, doSearch, function simulateError (_, cb) { const msg = 'fake socket error' rClient.once('error', function (err) { t.equal(err.message, msg) t.ok(err) }) rClient.once('close', function () { // can't test had_err because the socket error is being faked cb() }) rClient._socket.emit('error', new Error(msg)) }, doSearch ] }, function (err) { t.error(err) rClient.destroy() t.end() }) }) tap.test('setup abort', function (t) { const setupClient = ldap.createClient({ connectTimeout: parseInt(LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10), socketPath: t.context.socketPath, reconnect: true }) const message = "It's a trap!" setupClient.on('setup', function (clt, cb) { // simulate failure t.ok(clt) cb(new Error(message)) }) setupClient.on('setupError', function (err) { t.ok(true) t.equal(err.message, message) setupClient.destroy() t.end() }) }) tap.test('abort reconnect', function (t) { const abortClient = ldap.createClient({ connectTimeout: parseInt(LDAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10), socketPath: 'an invalid path', reconnect: true }) var retryCount = 0 abortClient.on('connectError', function () { ++retryCount }) abortClient.once('connectError', function () { t.ok(true) abortClient.once('destroy', function () { t.ok(retryCount < 3) t.end() }) abortClient.destroy() }) }) tap.test('reconnect max retries', function (t) { const RETRIES = 5 const rClient = ldap.createClient({ connectTimeout: 100, socketPath: 'an invalid path', reconnect: { failAfter: RETRIES, // Keep the test duration low initialDelay: 10, maxDelay: 100 } }) let count = 0 rClient.on('connectError', function () { count++ }) rClient.on('error', function (err) { t.ok(err) t.equal(count, RETRIES) rClient.destroy() t.end() }) }) tap.test('reconnect on server close', function (t) { const clt = ldap.createClient({ socketPath: t.context.socketPath, reconnect: true }) clt.on('setup', function (sclt, cb) { sclt.bind(BIND_DN, BIND_PW, function (err, res) { t.error(err) cb(err) }) }) clt.once('connect', function () { t.ok(clt._socket) clt.once('connect', function () { t.ok(true, 'successful reconnect') clt.destroy() t.end() }) // Simulate server-side close clt._socket.destroy() }) }) tap.test('no auto-reconnect on unbind', function (t) { const clt = ldap.createClient({ socketPath: t.context.socketPath, reconnect: true }) clt.on('setup', function (sclt, cb) { sclt.bind(BIND_DN, BIND_PW, function (err, res) { t.error(err) cb(err) }) }) clt.once('connect', function () { clt.once('connect', function () { t.error(new Error('client should not reconnect')) }) clt.once('close', function () { t.ok(true, 'initial close') setImmediate(function () { t.ok(!clt.connected, 'should not be connected') t.ok(!clt.connecting, 'should not be connecting') clt.destroy() t.end() }) }) clt.unbind() }) }) tap.test('abandon (GH-27)', function (t) { // FIXME: test abandoning a real request t.context.client.abandon(401876543, function (err) { t.error(err) t.end() }) }) tap.test('search timeout (GH-51)', function (t) { t.context.client.timeout = 250 t.context.client.search('dc=timeout', 'objectclass=*', function (err, res) { t.error(err) res.on('error', function () { t.end() }) }) }) tap.test('resultError handling', function (t) { const client = t.context.client vasync.pipeline({ funcs: [errSearch, cleanSearch] }, function (err) { t.error(err) client.removeListener('resultError', error1) client.removeListener('resultError', error2) t.end() }) function errSearch (_, cb) { client.once('resultError', error1) client.search('cn=busy', {}, function (err, res) { t.error(err) res.once('error', function (error) { t.equal(error.name, 'BusyError') cb() }) }) } function cleanSearch (_, cb) { client.on('resultError', error2) client.search(SUFFIX, {}, function (err, res) { t.error(err) res.once('end', function () { t.pass() cb() }) }) } function error1 (error) { t.equal(error.name, 'BusyError') } function error2 () { t.fail('should not get error') } }) tap.test('connection refused', function (t) { const client = ldap.createClient({ url: 'ldap://' }) client.bind('cn=root', 'secret', function (err, res) { t.true(err) t.type(err, Error) t.equals(err.code, 'ECONNREFUSED') t.false(res) t.end() }) })