--- title: ldapjs brand: spartan markdown2extras: wiki-tables logo-color: green logo-font-family: google:Aldrich, Verdana, sans-serif header-font-family: google:Aldrich, Verdana, sans-serif --- # Overview This page contains a (hopefully) growing list of sample code to get you started with ldapjs. # In-memory server var ldap = require('ldapjs'); ///--- Shared handlers function authorize(req, res, next) { if (!req.connection.ldap.bindDN.equals('cn=root')) return next(new ldap.InsufficientAccessRightsError()); return next(); } ///--- Globals var SUFFIX = 'o=joyent'; var db = {}; var server = ldap.createServer(); server.bind('cn=root', function(req, res, next) { if (req.dn.toString() !== 'cn=root' || req.credentials !== 'secret') return next(new ldap.InvalidCredentialsError()); res.end(); return next(); }); server.add(SUFFIX, authorize, function(req, res, next) { var dn = req.dn.toString(); if (db[dn]) return next(new ldap.EntryAlreadyExistsError(dn)); db[dn] = req.toObject().attributes; res.end(); return next(); }); server.bind(SUFFIX, function(req, res, next) { var dn = req.dn.toString(); if (!db[dn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(dn)); if (!dn[dn].userpassword) return next(new ldap.NoSuchAttributeError('userPassword')); if (db[dn].userpassword !== req.credentials) return next(new ldap.InvalidCredentialsError()); res.end(); return next(); }); server.compare(SUFFIX, authorize, function(req, res, next) { var dn = req.dn.toString(); if (!db[dn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(dn)); if (!db[dn][req.attribute]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchAttributeError(req.attribute)); var matches = false; var vals = db[dn][req.attribute]; for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) { if (vals[i] === req.value) { matches = true; break; } } res.end(matches); return next(); }); server.del(SUFFIX, authorize, function(req, res, next) { var dn = req.dn.toString(); if (!db[dn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(dn)); delete db[dn]; res.end(); return next(); }); server.modify(SUFFIX, authorize, function(req, res, next) { var dn = req.dn.toString(); if (!req.changes.length) return next(new ldap.ProtocolError('changes required')); if (!db[dn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(dn)); var entry = db[dn]; for (var i = 0; i < req.changes.length; i++) { mod = req.changes[i].modification; switch (req.changes[i].operation) { case 'replace': if (!entry[mod.type]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchAttributeError(mod.type)); if (!mod.vals || !mod.vals.length) { delete entry[mod.type]; } else { entry[mod.type] = mod.vals; } break; case 'add': if (!entry[mod.type]) { entry[mod.type] = mod.vals; } else { mod.vals.forEach(function(v) { if (entry[mod.type].indexOf(v) === -1) entry[mod.type].push(v); }); } break; case 'delete': if (!entry[mod.type]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchAttributeError(mod.type)); delete entry[mod.type]; break; } } res.end(); return next(); }); server.search(SUFFIX, authorize, function(req, res, next) { var dn = req.dn.toString(); if (!db[dn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(dn)); var scopeCheck; switch (req.scope) { case 'base': if (req.filter.matches(db[dn])) { res.send({ dn: dn, attributes: db[dn] }); } res.end(); return next(); case 'one': scopeCheck = function(k) { if (req.dn.equals(k)) return true; var parent = ldap.parseDN(k).parent(); return (parent ? parent.equals(req.dn) : false); }; break; case 'sub': scopeCheck = function(k) { return (req.dn.equals(k) || req.dn.parentOf(k)); }; break; } Object.keys(db).forEach(function(key) { if (!scopeCheck(key)) return; if (req.filter.matches(db[key])) { res.send({ dn: key, attributes: db[key] }); } }); res.end(); return next(); }); ///--- Fire it up server.listen(1389, function() { console.log('LDAP server up at: %s', server.url); }); # /etc/passwd server var fs = require('fs'); var ldap = require('ldapjs'); var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; ///--- Shared handlers function authorize(req, res, next) { if (!req.connection.ldap.bindDN.equals('cn=root')) return next(new ldap.InsufficientAccessRightsError()); return next(); } function loadPasswdFile(req, res, next) { fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', 'utf8', function(err, data) { if (err) return next(new ldap.OperationsError(err.message)); req.users = {}; var lines = data.split('\n'); for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { if (!lines[i] || /^#/.test(lines[i])) continue; var record = lines[i].split(':'); if (!record || !record.length) continue; req.users[record[0]] = { dn: 'cn=' + record[0] + ', ou=users, o=myhost', attributes: { cn: record[0], uid: record[2], gid: record[3], description: record[4], homedirectory: record[5], shell: record[6] || '', objectclass: 'unixUser' } }; } return next(); }); } var pre = [authorize, loadPasswdFile]; ///--- Mainline var server = ldap.createServer(); server.bind('cn=root', function(req, res, next) { if (req.dn.toString() !== 'cn=root' || req.credentials !== 'secret') return next(new ldap.InvalidCredentialsError()); res.end(); return next(); }); server.add('ou=users, o=myhost', pre, function(req, res, next) { if (!req.dn.rdns[0].cn) return next(new ldap.ConstraintViolationError('cn required')); if (req.users[req.dn.rdns[0].cn]) return next(new ldap.EntryAlreadyExistsError(req.dn.toString())); var entry = req.toObject().attributes; if (entry.objectclass.indexOf('unixUser') === -1) return next(new ldap.ConstraintViolation('entry must be a unixUser')); var opts = ['-m']; if (entry.description) { opts.push('-c'); opts.push(entry.description[0]); } if (entry.homedirectory) { opts.push('-d'); opts.push(entry.homedirectory[0]); } if (entry.gid) { opts.push('-g'); opts.push(entry.gid[0]); } if (entry.shell) { opts.push('-s'); opts.push(entry.shell[0]); } if (entry.uid) { opts.push('-u'); opts.push(entry.uid[0]); } opts.push(entry.cn[0]); var useradd = spawn('useradd', opts); var messages = []; useradd.stdout.on('data', function(data) { messages.push(data.toString()); }); useradd.stderr.on('data', function(data) { messages.push(data.toString()); }); useradd.on('exit', function(code) { if (code !== 0) { var msg = '' + code; if (messages.length) msg += ': ' + messages.join(); return next(new ldap.OperationsError(msg)); } res.end(); return next(); }); }); server.modify('ou=users, o=myhost', pre, function(req, res, next) { if (!req.dn.rdns[0].cn || !req.users[req.dn.rdns[0].cn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(req.dn.toString())); if (!req.changes.length) return next(new ldap.ProtocolError('changes required')); var user = req.users[req.dn.rdns[0].cn].attributes; var mod; for (var i = 0; i < req.changes.length; i++) { mod = req.changes[i].modification; switch (req.changes[i].operation) { case 'replace': if (mod.type !== 'userpassword' || !mod.vals || !mod.vals.length) return next(new ldap.UnwillingToPerformError('only password updates ' + 'allowed')); break; case 'add': case 'delete': return next(new ldap.UnwillingToPerformError('only replace allowed')); } } var passwd = spawn('chpasswd', ['-c', 'MD5']); passwd.stdin.end(user.cn + ':' + mod.vals[0], 'utf8'); passwd.on('exit', function(code) { if (code !== 0) return next(new ldap.OperationsError('' + code)); res.end(); return next(); }); }); server.del('ou=users, o=myhost', pre, function(req, res, next) { if (!req.dn.rdns[0].cn || !req.users[req.dn.rdns[0].cn]) return next(new ldap.NoSuchObjectError(req.dn.toString())); var userdel = spawn('userdel', ['-f', req.dn.rdns[0].cn]); var messages = []; userdel.stdout.on('data', function(data) { messages.push(data.toString()); }); userdel.stderr.on('data', function(data) { messages.push(data.toString()); }); userdel.on('exit', function(code) { if (code !== 0) { var msg = '' + code; if (messages.length) msg += ': ' + messages.join(); return next(new ldap.OperationsError(msg)); } res.end(); return next(); }); }); server.search('o=myhost', pre, function(req, res, next) { Object.keys(req.users).forEach(function(k) { if (req.filter.matches(req.users[k].attributes)) res.send(req.users[k]); }); res.end(); return next(); }); // LDAP "standard" listens on 389, but whatever. server.listen(1389, '', function() { console.log('/etc/passwd LDAP server up at: %s', server.url); });