2019-09-30, Version 3.3.0 ========================= * fix: handle Error objects with circular properties (dkrantsberg) * chore: update copyrights years (Agnes Lin) 2018-08-30, Version 3.2.0 ========================= * Add type definition and writeErrorToResponse (shimks) 2018-07-16, Version 3.1.0 ========================= * [WebFM] cs/pl/ru translation (candytangnb) 2018-06-11, Version 3.0.0 ========================= * Allow safeFields to work with arrays (shimks) * run lint (shimks) * drop node 4 from travis and update dependencies (shimks) 2018-03-05, Version 2.3.2 ========================= * Undefined safeFields revert to data #71 (Zak Barbuto) 2018-01-25, Version 2.3.1 ========================= * Escape strings in HTML output (XSS fix) (Zachery Metcalf) * Update LICENSE.md (Diana Lau) 2017-10-13, Version 2.3.0 ========================= * update strong-globalize to 3.1.0 (shimks) * CODEOWNERS: add zbarbuto (Miroslav Bajtoš) * Update Issue and PR Templates (#59) (Sakib Hasan) * fixed json typo of server/middleware.json (karanssj4) * Add CODEOWNER file (Diana Lau) 2017-07-20, Version 2.2.0 ========================= * Add new option: negotiateContentType (Raj) 2017-04-18, Version 2.1.0 ========================= * Bump js2xmlparser dependency to version 3.0.0 (Matthew O'Donoghue) 2017-03-22, Version 2.0.0 ========================= * Fix markdown formatting in README (Miroslav Bajtoš) * Fix the order of arguments in the jsdoc comment. (Charlie Schliesser) * Update readme with added XML support (David Cheung) * Add a machine-readable "code" property (Zak Barbuto) * Upgrade dependencies to their latest versions (Miroslav Bajtoš) * Describe "safeFields" option in README (Zak Barbuto) * Drop support for Node v0.10/v0.12 (Miroslav Bajtoš) 2017-01-30, Version 1.2.1 ========================= * Stop adding safeFields to original options arg (Miroslav Bajtoš) 2017-01-30, Version 1.2.0 ========================= * Support options.safeFields (Zak Barbuto) * Readme cleanup (#36) (Rand McKinney) * xml support added (Ahmet Ozisik) * Update paid support URL (Siddhi Pai) * Downstream ignore dashboard-controller (Simon Ho) * Update pt translation file (Candy) * Make the examples more clear (Amir Jafarian) * Fix readme (Amir Jafarian) 2016-10-07, Version 1.1.1 ========================= * Update pt translation file (Candy) * Update translation files - round#2 (Candy) * globalization: add translated strings (gunjpan) 2016-09-05, Version 1.1.0 ========================= * Fix minor Syntax error (Loay) * Globalize strong-error-handler (David Cheung) * Update eslint infrastructure (Loay) * Add documentation (Loay) * Improve grammar in readme. (Richard Pringle) * Test with express instead of http server (David Cheung) * HTML response for accepted headers (David Cheung) 2016-05-26, Version 1.0.1 ========================= * Remove statusCode from details in Array errors (David Cheung) 2016-05-20, Version 1.0.0 ========================= * First release!