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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <folly/CppAttributes.h>
#include <folly/Function.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
namespace folly {
class CancellationCallback;
class CancellationSource;
struct OperationCancelled : public std::exception {
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return "coroutine operation cancelled";
namespace detail {
class CancellationState;
struct CancellationStateTokenDeleter {
void operator()(CancellationState*) noexcept;
struct CancellationStateSourceDeleter {
void operator()(CancellationState*) noexcept;
using CancellationStateTokenPtr =
std::unique_ptr<CancellationState, CancellationStateTokenDeleter>;
using CancellationStateSourcePtr =
std::unique_ptr<CancellationState, CancellationStateSourceDeleter>;
} // namespace detail
// A CancellationToken is an object that can be passed into an function or
// operation that allows the caller to later request that the operation be
// cancelled.
// A CancellationToken object can be obtained by calling the .getToken()
// method on a CancellationSource or by copying another CancellationToken
// object. All CancellationToken objects obtained from the same original
// CancellationSource object all reference the same underlying cancellation
// state and will all be cancelled together.
// If your function needs to be cancellable but does not need to request
// cancellation then you should take a CancellationToken as a parameter.
// If your function needs to be able to request cancellation then you
// should instead take a CancellationSource as a parameter.
class CancellationToken {
// Constructs to a token that can never be cancelled.
// Pass a default-constructed CancellationToken into an operation that
// you never intend to cancel. These objects are very cheap to create.
CancellationToken() noexcept = default;
// Construct a copy of the token that shares the same underlying state.
CancellationToken(const CancellationToken& other) noexcept;
CancellationToken(CancellationToken&& other) noexcept;
CancellationToken& operator=(const CancellationToken& other) noexcept;
CancellationToken& operator=(CancellationToken&& other) noexcept;
// Query whether someone has called .requestCancellation() on an instance
// of CancellationSource object associated with this CancellationToken.
bool isCancellationRequested() const noexcept;
// Query whether this CancellationToken can ever have cancellation requested
// on it.
// This will return false if the CancellationToken is not associated with a
// CancellationSource object. eg. because the CancellationToken was
// default-constructed, has been moved-from or because the last
// CancellationSource object associated with the underlying cancellation state
// has been destroyed and the operation has not yet been cancelled and so
// never will be.
// Implementations of operations may be able to take more efficient code-paths
// if they know they can never be cancelled.
bool canBeCancelled() const noexcept;
void swap(CancellationToken& other) noexcept;
friend bool operator==(
const CancellationToken& a,
const CancellationToken& b) noexcept;
friend class CancellationCallback;
friend class CancellationSource;
explicit CancellationToken(detail::CancellationStateTokenPtr state) noexcept;
detail::CancellationStateTokenPtr state_;
bool operator==(
const CancellationToken& a,
const CancellationToken& b) noexcept;
bool operator!=(
const CancellationToken& a,
const CancellationToken& b) noexcept;
// A CancellationSource object provides the ability to request cancellation of
// operations that an associated CancellationToken was passed to.
// Example usage:
// CancellationSource cs;
// Future<void> f = startSomeOperation(cs.getToken());
// // Later...
// cs.requestCancellation();
class CancellationSource {
// Construct to a new, independent cancellation source.
// Construct a new reference to the same underlying cancellation state.
// Either the original or the new copy can be used to request cancellation
// of associated work.
CancellationSource(const CancellationSource& other) noexcept;
// This leaves 'other' in an empty state where 'requestCancellation()' is a
// no-op and 'canBeCancelled()' returns false.
CancellationSource(CancellationSource&& other) noexcept;
CancellationSource& operator=(const CancellationSource& other) noexcept;
CancellationSource& operator=(CancellationSource&& other) noexcept;
// Construct a CancellationSource that cannot be cancelled.
// This factory function can be used to obtain a CancellationSource that
// is equivalent to a moved-from CancellationSource object without needing
// to allocate any shared-state.
static CancellationSource invalid() noexcept;
// Query if cancellation has already been requested on this CancellationSource
// or any other CancellationSource object copied from the same original
// CancellationSource object.
bool isCancellationRequested() const noexcept;
// Query if cancellation can be requested through this CancellationSource
// object. This will only return false if the CancellationSource object has
// been moved-from.
bool canBeCancelled() const noexcept;
// Obtain a CancellationToken linked to this CancellationSource.
// This token can be passed into cancellable operations to allow the caller
// to later request cancellation of that operation.
CancellationToken getToken() const noexcept;
// Request cancellation of work associated with this CancellationSource.
// This will ensure subsequent calls to isCancellationRequested() on any
// CancellationSource or CancellationToken object associated with the same
// underlying cancellation state to return true.
// If this is the first call to requestCancellation() on any
// CancellationSource object with the same underlying state then this call
// will also execute the callbacks associated with any CancellationCallback
// objects that were constructed with an associated CancellationToken.
// Note that it is possible that another thread may be concurrently
// registering a callback with CancellationCallback. This method guarantees
// that either this thread will see the callback registration and will
// ensure that the callback is called, or the CancellationCallback constructor
// will see the cancellation-requested signal and will execute the callback
// inline inside the constructor.
// Returns the previous state of 'isCancellationRequested()'. i.e.
// - 'true' if cancellation had previously been requested.
// - 'false' if this was the first call to request cancellation.
bool requestCancellation() const noexcept;
void swap(CancellationSource& other) noexcept;
friend bool operator==(
const CancellationSource& a,
const CancellationSource& b) noexcept;
explicit CancellationSource(
detail::CancellationStateSourcePtr&& state) noexcept;
detail::CancellationStateSourcePtr state_;
bool operator==(
const CancellationSource& a,
const CancellationSource& b) noexcept;
bool operator!=(
const CancellationSource& a,
const CancellationSource& b) noexcept;
class CancellationCallback {
using VoidFunction = folly::Function<void()>;
// Constructing a CancellationCallback object registers the callback
// with the specified CancellationToken such that the callback will be
// executed if the corresponding CancellationSource object has the
// requestCancellation() method called on it.
// If the CancellationToken object already had cancellation requested
// then the callback will be executed inline on the current thread before
// the constructor returns. Otherwise, the callback will be executed on
// in the execution context of the first thread to call requestCancellation()
// on a corresponding CancellationSource.
// The callback object must not throw any unhandled exceptions. Doing so
// will result in the program terminating via std::terminate().
template <
typename Callable,
std::is_constructible<VoidFunction, Callable>::value,
int> = 0>
CancellationCallback(CancellationToken&& ct, Callable&& callable);
template <
typename Callable,
std::is_constructible<VoidFunction, Callable>::value,
int> = 0>
CancellationCallback(const CancellationToken& ct, Callable&& callable);
// Deregisters the callback from the CancellationToken.
// If cancellation has been requested concurrently on another thread and the
// callback is currently executing then the destructor will block until after
// the callback has returned (otherwise it might be left with a dangling
// reference).
// You should generally try to implement your callback functions to be lock
// free to avoid deadlocks between the callback executing and the
// CancellationCallback destructor trying to deregister the callback.
// If the callback has not started executing yet then the callback will be
// deregistered from the CancellationToken before the destructor completes.
// Once the destructor returns you can be guaranteed that the callback will
// not be called by a subsequent call to 'requestCancellation()' on a
// CancellationSource associated with the CancellationToken passed to the
// constructor.
// Not copyable/movable
CancellationCallback(const CancellationCallback&) = delete;
CancellationCallback(CancellationCallback&&) = delete;
CancellationCallback& operator=(const CancellationCallback&) = delete;
CancellationCallback& operator=(CancellationCallback&&) = delete;
friend class detail::CancellationState;
void invokeCallback() noexcept;
CancellationCallback* next_;
// Pointer to the pointer that points to this node in the linked list.
// This could be the 'next_' of a previous CancellationCallback or could
// be the 'head_' pointer of the CancellationState.
// If this node is inserted in the list then this will be non-null.
CancellationCallback** prevNext_;
detail::CancellationState* state_;
VoidFunction callback_;
// Pointer to a flag stored on the stack of the caller to invokeCallback()
// that is used to indicate to the caller of invokeCallback() that the
// destructor has run and it is no longer valid to access the callback
// object.
bool* destructorHasRunInsideCallback_;
// Flag used to signal that the callback has completed executing on another
// thread and it is now safe to exit the destructor.
std::atomic<bool> callbackCompleted_;
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/CancellationToken-inl.h>