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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <folly/Conv.h>
#include <folly/Optional.h>
#include <folly/functional/Invoke.h>
#include <tuple>
namespace folly {
* Given a map and a key, return the value corresponding to the key in the map,
* or a given default value if the key doesn't exist in the map.
template <typename Map, typename Key>
typename Map::mapped_type get_default(const Map& map, const Key& key) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
return (pos != map.end()) ? (pos->second) : (typename Map::mapped_type{});
template <
class Map,
typename Key = typename Map::key_type,
typename Value = typename Map::mapped_type,
typename std::enable_if<!is_invocable_v<Value>>::type* = nullptr>
typename Map::mapped_type
get_default(const Map& map, const Key& key, Value&& dflt) {
using M = typename Map::mapped_type;
auto pos = map.find(key);
return (pos != map.end()) ? (pos->second) : M(std::forward<Value>(dflt));
* Give a map and a key, return the value corresponding to the key in the map,
* or a given default value if the key doesn't exist in the map.
template <
class Map,
typename Key = typename Map::key_type,
typename Func,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
is_invocable_r_v<typename Map::mapped_type, Func>>::type>
typename Map::mapped_type
get_default(const Map& map, const Key& key, Func&& dflt) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
return pos != map.end() ? pos->second : dflt();
* Given a map and a key, return the value corresponding to the key in the map,
* or throw an exception of the specified type.
template <
class E = std::out_of_range,
class Map,
typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
const typename Map::mapped_type& get_or_throw(
const Map& map,
const Key& key,
const std::string& exceptionStrPrefix = std::string()) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
if (pos != map.end()) {
return pos->second;
throw_exception<E>(folly::to<std::string>(exceptionStrPrefix, key));
template <
class E = std::out_of_range,
class Map,
typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
typename Map::mapped_type& get_or_throw(
Map& map,
const Key& key,
const std::string& exceptionStrPrefix = std::string()) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
if (pos != map.end()) {
return pos->second;
throw_exception<E>(folly::to<std::string>(exceptionStrPrefix, key));
* Given a map and a key, return a Optional<V> if the key exists and None if the
* key does not exist in the map.
template <class Map, typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
folly::Optional<typename Map::mapped_type> get_optional(
const Map& map,
const Key& key) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
if (pos != map.end()) {
return folly::Optional<typename Map::mapped_type>(pos->second);
} else {
return folly::none;
* Given a map and a key, return a reference to the value corresponding to the
* key in the map, or the given default reference if the key doesn't exist in
* the map.
template <class Map, typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
const typename Map::mapped_type& get_ref_default(
const Map& map,
const Key& key,
const typename Map::mapped_type& dflt) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
return (pos != map.end() ? pos->second : dflt);
* Passing a temporary default value returns a dangling reference when it is
* returned. Lifetime extension is broken by the indirection.
* The caller must ensure that the default value outlives the reference returned
* by get_ref_default().
template <class Map, typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
const typename Map::mapped_type& get_ref_default(
const Map& map,
const Key& key,
typename Map::mapped_type&& dflt) = delete;
template <class Map, typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
const typename Map::mapped_type& get_ref_default(
const Map& map,
const Key& key,
const typename Map::mapped_type&& dflt) = delete;
* Given a map and a key, return a reference to the value corresponding to the
* key in the map, or the given default reference if the key doesn't exist in
* the map.
template <
class Map,
typename Key = typename Map::key_type,
typename Func,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
is_invocable_r_v<const typename Map::mapped_type&, Func>>::type,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
const typename Map::mapped_type&
get_ref_default(const Map& map, const Key& key, Func&& dflt) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
return (pos != map.end() ? pos->second : dflt());
* Given a map and a key, return a pointer to the value corresponding to the
* key in the map, or nullptr if the key doesn't exist in the map.
template <class Map, typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
const typename Map::mapped_type* get_ptr(const Map& map, const Key& key) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
return (pos != map.end() ? &pos->second : nullptr);
* Non-const overload of the above.
template <class Map, typename Key = typename Map::key_type>
typename Map::mapped_type* get_ptr(Map& map, const Key& key) {
auto pos = map.find(key);
return (pos != map.end() ? &pos->second : nullptr);
// TODO: Remove the return type computations when clang 3.5 and gcc 5.1 are
// the minimum supported versions.
namespace detail {
template <
class T,
size_t pathLength,
class = typename std::enable_if<(pathLength > 0)>::type>
struct NestedMapType {
using type = typename NestedMapType<T, pathLength - 1>::type::mapped_type;
template <class T>
struct NestedMapType<T, 1> {
using type = typename T::mapped_type;
template <typename... KeysDefault>
struct DefaultType;
template <typename Default>
struct DefaultType<Default> {
using type = Default;
template <typename Key, typename... KeysDefault>
struct DefaultType<Key, KeysDefault...> {
using type = typename DefaultType<KeysDefault...>::type;
template <class... KeysDefault>
auto extract_default(const KeysDefault&... keysDefault) ->
typename DefaultType<KeysDefault...>::type const& {
return std::get<sizeof...(KeysDefault) - 1>(std::tie(keysDefault...));
} // namespace detail
* Given a map of maps and a path of keys, return a Optional<V> if the nested
* key exists and None if the nested keys does not exist in the map.
template <class Map, class Key1, class Key2, class... Keys>
auto get_optional(
const Map& map,
const Key1& key1,
const Key2& key2,
const Keys&... keys)
-> folly::Optional<
typename detail::NestedMapType<Map, 2 + sizeof...(Keys)>::type> {
auto pos = map.find(key1);
return pos != map.end() ? get_optional(pos->second, key2, keys...)
: folly::none;
* Given a map of maps and a path of keys, return a pointer to the nested value,
* or nullptr if the key doesn't exist in the map.
template <class Map, class Key1, class Key2, class... Keys>
auto get_ptr(
const Map& map,
const Key1& key1,
const Key2& key2,
const Keys&... keys) ->
typename detail::NestedMapType<Map, 2 + sizeof...(Keys)>::type const* {
auto pos = map.find(key1);
return pos != map.end() ? get_ptr(pos->second, key2, keys...) : nullptr;
template <class Map, class Key1, class Key2, class... Keys>
auto get_ptr(Map& map, const Key1& key1, const Key2& key2, const Keys&... keys)
-> typename detail::NestedMapType<Map, 2 + sizeof...(Keys)>::type* {
auto pos = map.find(key1);
return pos != map.end() ? get_ptr(pos->second, key2, keys...) : nullptr;
* Given a map and a path of keys, return the value corresponding to the nested
* value, or a given default value if the path doesn't exist in the map.
* The default value is the last parameter, and is copied when returned.
template <
class Map,
class Key1,
class Key2,
class... KeysDefault,
typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(KeysDefault) != 0>::type>
auto get_default(
const Map& map,
const Key1& key1,
const Key2& key2,
const KeysDefault&... keysDefault) ->
typename detail::NestedMapType<Map, 1 + sizeof...(KeysDefault)>::type {
if (const auto* ptr = get_ptr(map, key1)) {
return get_default(*ptr, key2, keysDefault...);
return detail::extract_default(keysDefault...);
* Given a map and a path of keys, return a reference to the value corresponding
* to the nested value, or the given default reference if the path doesn't exist
* in the map.
* The default value is the last parameter, and must be a lvalue reference.
template <
class Map,
class Key1,
class Key2,
class... KeysDefault,
typename = typename std::enable_if<sizeof...(KeysDefault) != 0>::type,
typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_lvalue_reference<
typename detail::DefaultType<KeysDefault...>::type>::value>::type>
auto get_ref_default(
const Map& map,
const Key1& key1,
const Key2& key2,
KeysDefault&&... keysDefault) ->
typename detail::NestedMapType<Map, 1 + sizeof...(KeysDefault)>::type
const& {
if (const auto* ptr = get_ptr(map, key1)) {
return get_ref_default(*ptr, key2, keysDefault...);
return detail::extract_default(keysDefault...);
} // namespace folly