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* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <deque>
#include <utility>
#include <folly/Portability.h>
#include <folly/Range.h>
#include <folly/experimental/Instructions.h>
#include <folly/io/IOBuf.h>
#include <folly/io/IOBufQueue.h>
// A 128-bit integer type is needed for fast division.
namespace folly {
namespace qms_detail {
using UInt64InverseType = __uint128_t;
} // namespace qms_detail
* A space-efficient static data structure to store a non-decreasing sequence of
* b-bit integers. If the integers are uniformly distributed lookup is O(1)-time
* and performs a single random memory lookup with high probability.
* Space for n keys is bounded by (5 + b - log(n / loadFactor)) / loadFactor
* bits per element, which makes it particularly efficient for very dense
* sets. Note that 1 bit is taken up by the user-provided block payloads, and 1
* depends on how close the table size is to a power of 2. Experimentally,
* performance is good up to load factor 95%.
* Lookup returns a range of positions in the table. The intended use case is to
* store hashes, as the first layer of a multi-layer hash table. If b is sized
* to floor(log(n)) + k, the probability of a false positive (a non-empty range
* is returned for a non-existent key) is approximately 2^-k, which makes it
* competitive with a Bloom filter for low FP probabilities, with the additional
* benefit that it also returns a range of positions to restrict the search in
* subsequent layers.
* The data structure is inspired by the Rank-Select Quotient Filter
* introduced in
* Prashant Pandey, Michael A. Bender, Rob Johnson and Robert Patro,
* A General-Purpose Counting Filter: Making Every Bit Count, SIGMOD, 2017
* Besides being static, QuotientMultiSet differs from the data structure from
* the paper in the following ways:
* - The table size can be arbitrary, rather than just powers-of-2. This can
* waste up to a bit for each residual, but it prevents 2x overhead when the
* desired table size is slightly larger than a power of 2.
* - Within each block all the holes are moved at the end. This enables
* efficient iteration, and makes the returned positions a contiguous range
* for each block, which allows to use them to index into a secondary data
* structure. An arbitrary 64-bit payload can be attached to each block; for
* example, this can be used to store the number of elements up to that block,
* so that positions can be translated to the element rank. Alternatively, the
* payload can be used to address blocks in the secondary data structure.
* - Correctness does not depend on the keys being uniformly distributed.
* However, performance does, as for arbitrary keys the worst-case lookup time
* can be linear.
* Implemented by Matt Ma based on a prototype by Giuseppe Ottaviano and
* Sebastiano Vigna.
* Data layout:
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Block | Block | Block | Block | ... | Block |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* / |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Payload | Occupieds | Offset | Runends | Remainders * 64 |
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Each block contains 64 slots. Keys mapping to the same slot are stored
* contiguously in a run. The occupieds and runends bitvectors are the
* concatenation of the corresponding words in each block.
* - Occupieds bit indicates whether there is a key mapping to this quotient.
* - Offset stores the position of the runend of the first run in this block.
* - Runends bit indicates whether the slot is the end of some run. 1s in
* occupieds and runends bits are in 1-1 correspondence: the i-th 1 in the
* runends vector marks the run end of the i-th 1 in the occupieds.
template <class Instructions = compression::instructions::Default>
class QuotientMultiSet final {
explicit QuotientMultiSet(StringPiece data);
// Each block contains 64 elements.
static constexpr size_t kBlockSize = 64;
// Position range of given key. End is not included. Range can be empty if the
// key is not found, in which case the values of begin and end are
// unspecified.
struct SlotRange {
size_t begin = 0;
size_t end = 0;
explicit operator bool() const {
DCHECK_LE(begin, end);
return begin < end;
class Iterator;
// Get the position range for the given key.
SlotRange equalRange(uint64_t key) const;
// Get payload of given block.
uint64_t getBlockPayload(uint64_t blockIndex) const;
friend class QuotientMultiSetBuilder;
// Metadata to describe a quotient table.
struct Metadata;
// Block contains payload, occupieds, runends, offsets and 64 remainders.
struct Block;
using BlockPtr = std::unique_ptr<Block, decltype(free)*>;
const Block* getBlock(size_t blockIndex) const {
return Block::get(data_ + blockIndex * blockSize_);
FOLLY_ALWAYS_INLINE std::pair<uint64_t, const Block*> findRunend(
uint64_t occupiedRank,
uint64_t startPos) const;
const Metadata* metadata_;
const char* data_;
// Total number of blocks.
size_t numBlocks_;
size_t numSlots_;
// Number of bytes per block.
size_t blockSize_;
// Divisor for mapping from keys to slots.
uint64_t divisor_;
// fraction_ = 1 / divisor_.
qms_detail::UInt64InverseType fraction_;
// Number of key bits.
size_t keyBits_;
uint64_t maxKey_;
// Number of remainder bits.
size_t remainderBits_;
uint64_t remainderMask_;
template <class Instructions>
class QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>::Iterator {
explicit Iterator(const QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>* qms);
// Advance to the next key.
bool next();
// Skip forward to the first key >= the given key.
bool skipTo(uint64_t key);
bool done() const {
return pos_ == qms_->numSlots_;
// Return current key.
uint64_t key() const {
return key_;
// Return current position in quotient multiset.
size_t pos() const {
return pos_;
// Position the iterator at the end and return false.
// Shortcut for use when implementing doNext, etc: return setEnd();
bool setEnd() {
pos_ = qms_->numSlots_;
return false;
// Move to next occupied.
bool nextOccupied();
const QuotientMultiSet<Instructions>* qms_;
uint64_t key_;
// State members for the quotient occupied position.
// Block index of key_'s occupied slot.
size_t occBlockIndex_;
// Block offset of key_'s occupied slot.
uint64_t occOffsetInBlock_;
// Occupied words of the occupiedBlock_ after quotientBlockOffset_.
uint64_t occWord_;
// Block of the current occupied slot.
const Block* occBlock_;
// State member for the actual key position.
// Position of the current key_.
size_t pos_;
* Class to build a QuotientMultiSet.
* The builder requires inserting elements in non-decreasing order.
* Example usage:
* QuotientMultiSetBuilder builder(...);
* while (...) {
* if (builder.insert(key)) {
* builder.setBlockPayload(payload);
* }
* if (builder.numReadyBlocks() > N) {
* buff = builder.flush();
* write(buff);
* }
* }
* buff = builder.close();
* write(buff)
class QuotientMultiSetBuilder final {
size_t keyBits,
size_t expectedElements,
double loadFactor = kDefaultMaxLoadFactor);
using Metadata = QuotientMultiSet<>::Metadata;
using Block = QuotientMultiSet<>::Block;
// Keeps load factor <= 0.95.
constexpr static double kDefaultMaxLoadFactor = 0.95;
constexpr static size_t kBlockSize = QuotientMultiSet<>::kBlockSize;
// Returns whether the key's slot is in a newly created block.
// Only allows insert keys in nondecreasing order.
bool insert(uint64_t key);
// Set payload of the latest created block.
// Can only be called immediately after an add() that returns true.
void setBlockPayload(uint64_t payload);
// Return all ready blocks till now. The ownership of these blocks will be
// transferred to the caller.
void flush(IOBufQueue& buff);
// Return all remaining blocks since last flush call and the final quotient
// table metadata. The ownership of these blocks will be transferred to the
// caller.
void close(folly::IOBufQueue& buff);
size_t numReadyBlocks() {
return readyBlocks_;
using BlockPtr = QuotientMultiSet<>::BlockPtr;
struct BlockWithState {
BlockWithState(BlockPtr ptr, size_t idx)
: block(std::move(ptr)), index(idx), ready(false) {}
BlockPtr block;
size_t index;
bool ready;
// Allocate space for blocks until limitIndex (included).
bool maybeAllocateBlocks(size_t limitIndex);
// Close the previous run.
void closePreviousRun();
// Move ready blocks to given IOBufQueue.
void moveReadyBlocks(IOBufQueue& buff);
// Get block for given block index.
BlockWithState& getBlock(uint64_t blockIndex) {
CHECK_GE(blockIndex, blocks_.front().index);
return blocks_[blockIndex - blocks_.front().index];
// Number of key bits.
const size_t keyBits_;
const uint64_t maxKey_;
// Total number of blocks.
size_t numBlocks_ = 0;
// Number of bytes per block.
size_t blockSize_ = 0;
// Divisor for mapping from keys to slots.
uint64_t divisor_;
// fraction_ = 1 / divisor_.
qms_detail::UInt64InverseType fraction_;
// Number of remainder bits.
uint64_t remainderBits_;
size_t numKeys_ = 0;
size_t numRuns_ = 0;
uint64_t prevKey_ = 0;
// Next slot to be used.
size_t nextSlot_ = 0;
// The actual start of previous run.
size_t prevRunStart_ = 0;
// The quotient of previous run.
size_t prevOccupiedQuotient_ = 0;
// Number of ready blocks in deque.
size_t readyBlocks_ = 0;
// Contains blocks since last flush call.
std::deque<BlockWithState> blocks_;
IOBufQueue buff_;
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/experimental/QuotientMultiSet-inl.h>