* Install dependencies by following this [guide](https://github.com/wix/Detox/blob/master/docs/Introduction.GettingStarted.md#step-1-install-dependencies) (only Step 1).
* Build app with detox: `detox build -c ios.sim.release`
* Open Simulator which is used in tests (check in package.json under detox section) from Xcode and make sure that software keyboard is being displayed. To toggle keyboard press `cmd+K`.
* Build app with detox: `detox build -c android.emu.debug`
* Run: `react-native start`
* Run Android emulator with name `ANDROID_API_28` via Android studio or `cd /Users/USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/ && ./emulator -avd ANDROID_API_28`
Note: if you need to run tests on different Android emulator then simply change emulator name in ./package.json detox configurations