2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/SDWebImage_logo.png" title = "SDWebImage logo" float = left >
< / p >
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
This library provides an async image downloader with cache support. For convenience, we added categories for UI elements like `UIImageView` , `UIButton` , `MKAnnotationView` .
## Features
- [x] Categories for `UIImageView` , `UIButton` , `MKAnnotationView` adding web image and cache management
- [x] An asynchronous image downloader
- [x] An asynchronous memory + disk image caching with automatic cache expiration handling
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- [x] A background image decompression to avoid frame rate drop
- [x] [Progressive image loading ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#progressive-animation ) (including animated image, like GIF showing in Web browser)
- [x] [Thumbnail image decoding ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#thumbnail-decoding-550 ) to save CPU && Memory for large images
- [x] [Extendable image coder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#custom-coder-420 ) to support massive image format, like WebP
- [x] [Full-stack solution for animated images ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#animated-image-50 ) which keep a balance between CPU && Memory
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- [x] [Customizable and composable transformations ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#transformer-50 ) can be applied to the images right after download
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- [x] [Customizable and multiple caches system ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#custom-cache-50 )
- [x] [Customizable and multiple loaders system ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#custom-loader-50 ) to expand the capabilities, like [Photos Library ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePhotosPlugin )
- [x] [Image loading indicators ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/How-to-use#use-view-indicator-50 )
- [x] [Image loading transition animation ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#image-transition-430 )
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- [x] A guarantee that the same URL won't be downloaded several times
- [x] A guarantee that bogus URLs won't be retried again and again
- [x] A guarantee that main thread will never be blocked
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- [x] Modern Objective-C and better Swift support
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- [x] Performances!
## Supported Image Formats
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- Image formats supported by Apple system (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, HEIC, ...), including GIF/APNG/HEIC animation
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- WebP format, including animated WebP (use the [SDWebImageWebPCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageWebPCoder ) project)
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- Support extendable coder plugins for new image formats like BPG, AVIF. And vector format like PDF, SVG. See all the list in [Image coder plugin List ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Coder-Plugin-List )
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2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
## Additional modules and Ecosystem
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
In order to keep SDWebImage focused and limited to the core features, but also allow extensibility and custom behaviors, during the 5.0 refactoring we focused on modularizing the library.
As such, we have moved/built new modules to [SDWebImage org ](https://github.com/SDWebImage ).
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
#### SwiftUI
[SwiftUI ](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/swiftui/ ) is an innovative UI framework written in Swift to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms.
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
We support SwiftUI by building a brand new framework called [SDWebImageSwiftUI ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageSwiftUI ), which is built on top of SDWebImage core functions (caching, loading and animation).
The new framework introduce two View structs `WebImage` and `AnimatedImage` for SwiftUI world, `ImageIndicator` modifier for any View, `ImageManager` observable object for data source. Supports iOS 13+/macOS 10.15+/tvOS 13+/watchOS 6+ and Swift 5.1. Have a nice try and provide feedback!
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
#### Coders for additional image formats
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
- [SDWebImageWebPCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageWebPCoder ) - coder for WebP format. Based on [libwebp ](https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp )
- [SDWebImageHEIFCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageHEIFCoder ) - coder for HEIF format, iOS 8+/macOS 10.10+ support. Based on [libheif ](https://github.com/strukturag/libheif )
- [SDWebImageBPGCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageBPGCoder ) - coder for BPG format. Based on [libbpg ](https://github.com/mirrorer/libbpg )
- [SDWebImageFLIFCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageFLIFCoder ) - coder for FLIF format. Based on [libflif ](https://github.com/FLIF-hub/FLIF )
- [SDWebImageAVIFCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageAVIFCoder ) - coder for AVIF (AV1-based) format. Based on [libavif ](https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/libavif )
- [SDWebImagePDFCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePDFCoder ) - coder for PDF vector format. Using built-in frameworks
- [SDWebImageSVGCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageSVGCoder ) - coder for SVG vector format. Using built-in frameworks
- [SDWebImageLottieCoder ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottieCoder ) - coder for Lottie animation format. Based on [rlottie ](https://github.com/Samsung/rlottie )
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- and more from community!
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
#### Custom Caches
- [SDWebImageYYPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageYYPlugin ) - plugin to support caching images with [YYCache ](https://github.com/ibireme/YYCache )
- [SDWebImagePINPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePINPlugin ) - plugin to support caching images with [PINCache ](https://github.com/pinterest/PINCache )
#### Custom Loaders
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- [SDWebImagePhotosPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImagePhotosPlugin ) - plugin to support loading images from Photos (using `Photos.framework` )
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- [SDWebImageLinkPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLinkPlugin ) - plugin to support loading images from rich link url, as well as `LPLinkView` (using `LinkPresentation.framework` )
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
#### Integration with 3rd party libraries
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
- [SDWebImageLottiePlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottiePlugin ) - plugin to support [Lottie-iOS ](https://github.com/airbnb/lottie-ios ), vector animation rending with remote JSON files
- [SDWebImageSVGKitPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageLottiePlugin ) - plugin to support [SVGKit ](https://github.com/SVGKit/SVGKit ), SVG rendering using Core Animation, iOS 8+/macOS 10.10+ support
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- [SDWebImageFLPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageFLPlugin ) - plugin to support [FLAnimatedImage ](https://github.com/Flipboard/FLAnimatedImage ) as the engine for animated GIFs
- [SDWebImageYYPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageYYPlugin ) - plugin to integrate [YYImage ](https://github.com/ibireme/YYImage ) & [YYCache ](https://github.com/ibireme/YYCache ) for image rendering & caching
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
#### Community driven popular libraries
- [FirebaseUI ](https://github.com/firebase/FirebaseUI-iOS ) - Firebase Storage binding for query images, based on SDWebImage loader system
- [react-native-fast-image ](https://github.com/DylanVann/react-native-fast-image ) - React Native fast image component, based on SDWebImage Animated Image solution
- [flutter_image_compress ](https://github.com/OpenFlutter/flutter_image_compress ) - Flutter compresses image plugin, based on SDWebImage WebP coder plugin
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
#### Make our lives easier
- [libwebp-Xcode ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/libwebp-Xcode ) - A wrapper for [libwebp ](https://chromium.googlesource.com/webm/libwebp ) + an Xcode project.
- [libheif-Xcode ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/libheif-Xcode ) - A wrapper for [libheif ](https://github.com/strukturag/libheif ) + an Xcode project.
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
- [libavif-Xcode ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/libavif-Xcode ) - A wrapper for [libavif ](https://github.com/AOMediaCodec/libavif ) + an Xcode project.
- and more third-party C/C++ image codec libraries with CocoaPods/Carthage/SwiftPM support.
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
You can use those directly, or create similar components of your own, by using the customizable architecture of SDWebImage.
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
## Requirements
- iOS 8.0 or later
- tvOS 9.0 or later
- watchOS 2.0 or later
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- macOS 10.10 or later (10.15 for Catalyst)
2019-10-07 20:56:30 +00:00
- Xcode 10.0 or later
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
#### Backwards compatibility
- For iOS 7, macOS 10.9 or Xcode < 8 , use [any 4.x version up to 4.4.6 ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.4.6 )
- For macOS 10.8, use [any 4.x version up to 4.3.0 ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/releases/tag/4.3.0 )
- For iOS 5 and 6, use [any 3.x version up to 3.7.6 ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/tag/3.7.6 )
- For iOS < 5.0 , please use the last [2.0 version ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/tree/2.0-compat ).
## Getting Started
- Read this Readme doc
- Read the [How to use section ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage#how-to-use )
- Read the [Latest Documentation ](https://sdwebimage.github.io/ ) and [CocoaDocs for old version ](http://cocoadocs.org/docsets/SDWebImage/ )
- Try the example by downloading the project from Github or even easier using CocoaPods try `pod try SDWebImage`
- Read the [Installation Guide ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Installation-Guide )
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- Read the [SDWebImage 5.0 Migration Guide ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/blob/master/Docs/SDWebImage-5.0-Migration-guide.md ) to get an idea of the changes from 4.x to 5.x
- Read the [SDWebImage 4.0 Migration Guide ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/blob/master/Docs/SDWebImage-4.0-Migration-guide.md ) to get an idea of the changes from 3.x to 4.x
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- Read the [Common Problems ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Common-Problems ) to find the solution for common problems
- Go to the [Wiki Page ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki ) for more information such as [Advanced Usage ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage )
## Who Uses It
- Find out [who uses SDWebImage ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Who-Uses-SDWebImage ) and add your app to the list.
## Communication
- If you **need help** , use [Stack Overflow ](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sdwebimage ). (Tag 'sdwebimage')
- If you'd like to **ask a general question** , use [Stack Overflow ](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/sdwebimage ).
- If you **found a bug** , open an issue.
- If you **have a feature request** , open an issue.
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
- If you **need IRC channel** , use [Gitter ](https://gitter.im/SDWebImage/community ).
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
## Contribution
- If you **want to contribute** , read the [Contributing Guide ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md )
- For **development contribution guide** , read the [How-To-Contribute ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/How-to-Contribute )
Merge beta into master (#2445)
* [FIX] Close tablet modal (#1773)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Setting not present (#1775)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Thread header (#1776)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Keyboard tracking loses input ref (#1784)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Mark message as unread (#1785)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Log server version (#1786)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add loading message on long running tasks (#1798)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Switch Apple account on Fastlane (#1810)
* [FIX] Watermelon throwing "Cannot update a record with pending updates" (#1754)
* [FIX] Detox tests (#1790)
* [CHORE] Use markdown preview on RoomView Header (#1807)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] LoginSignup blink services (#1809)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Request user presence on demand (#1813)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove all invited users when create a channel (#1814)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Pop from room which you have been removed (#1819)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Room Info styles (#1820)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Add missing German keys (#1800)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Empty mentions for @all and @here when real name is enabled (#1822)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Markdown added to Storybook (#1812)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Room View header title (#1827)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Storybook snapshots (#1831)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Mentions (#1829)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Thread message not found (#1830)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Separate delete and remove channel (#1832)
* Rename to delete room
* Separate delete and remove channel
* handleRemoved -> handleRoomRemoved
* [FIX] Navigate to RoomsList & Handle tablet case
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Filter system messages per room (#1815)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] e2e tests (#1838)
* [FIX] Consecutive clear cache calls freezing app (#1851)
* Bump version to 4.5.1 (#1853)
* [FIX][iOS] Ignore silent mode on audio player (#1862)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Create App Group property on Info.plist (#1858)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Make username clickable on message (#1618)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Show proper error message on profile (#1768)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Show toast when a message is starred/unstarred (#1616)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Incorrect size params to avatar endpoint (#1875)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove unrecognized emoji flags on android (#1887)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove react-native global installs (#1886)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Emojis transparent on android (#1881)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 (#1876)
Bumps [acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn) from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/compare/5.7.3...5.7.4)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.0 (#1911)
* [FIX] Encode Image URI (#1909)
* [FIX] Encode Image URI
* [FIX] Check if Image is Valid
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Adaptive Icons (#1904)
* Remove unnecessary stuff from debug build
* Adaptive icon for experimental app
* [FIX] Stop showing message on leave channel (#1896)
* [FIX] Leave room don't show 'was removed' message
* [FIX] Remove duplicated code
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Added missing German translations(#1900)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Linkedin OAuth login (#1913)
* [CHORE] Fix typo in CreateChannel View (#1930)
* [FIX] Respect protocol in HTTP Auth IPs (#1933)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Use new LinkedIn OAuth url (#1935)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Use storyboard on splash screen (#1939)
* Update react-native-bootsplash
* iOS
* Fix android
* [FIX] Check if avatar exists before create Icon (#1927)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Ignore self typing event (#1950)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change default directory listing to Users (#1948)
* fix: change default directory listing to Users
* follow server settings
* Fix state to props
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Onboarding layout (#1954)
* Onboarding texts
* OnboardingView
* FormContainer
* Minor fixes
* NewServerView
* Remove code
* Refactor
* WorkspaceView
* Stash
* Login with email working
* Login with
* Join open
* Revert "Login with"
This reverts commit d05dc507d2e9a2db76d433b9b1f62192eba35dbd.
* Fix create account styles
* Register
* Refactor
* LoginServices component
* Refactor
* Multiple servers
* Remove native images
* Refactor styles
* Fix testid
* Fix add server on tablet
* i18n
* Fix close modal
* Fix TOTP
* [FIX] Registration disabled
* [FIX] Login Services separator
* Fix logos
* Fix AppVersion name
* I18n
* Minor fixes
* [FIX] Custom Fields
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Create discussions (#1942)
* [WIP][NEW] Create Discussion
* [FIX] Clear multiselect & Translations
* [NEW] Create Discussion at MessageActions
* [NEW] Disabled Multiselect
* [FIX] Initial channel
* [NEW] Create discussion on MessageBox Actions
* [FIX] Crashing on edit name
* [IMPROVEMENT] New message layout
* [NEW] Avatars on MultiSelect
* [FIX] Select Users
* [FIX] Add redirect and Handle tablet
* [IMPROVEMENT] Split CreateDiscussionView
* [FIX] Create a discussion inner discussion
* [FIX] Create a discussion
* [I18N] Add pt-br
* Change icons
* [FIX] Nav to discussion & header title
* Fix header
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Load messages (#1910)
* Create updateLastOpen param on readMessages
* Remove InteractionManager from load messages
* [NEW] Custom Status (#1811)
* [NEW] Custom Status
* [FIX] Subscribe to changes
* [FIX] Improve code using Banner component
* [IMPROVEMENT] Toggle modal
* [NEW] Edit custom status from Sidebar
* [FIX] Modal when tablet
* [FIX] Styles
* [FIX] Switch to react-native-promp-android
* [FIX] Custom Status UI
* [TESTS] E2E Custom Status
* Fix banner
* Fix banner
* Fix subtitle
* status text
* Fix topic header
* Fix RoomActionsView topic
* Fix header alignment on Android
* [FIX] RoomInfo crashes when without statusText
* [FIX] Use users.setStatus
* [FIX] Remove customStatus of ProfileView
* [FIX] Room View Thread Header
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] UI issues of Create Discussion View (#1965)
* [NEW] Direct Message between multiple users (#1958)
* [WIP] DM between multiple users
* [WIP][NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve createChannel Sagas
* [IMPROVEMENT] Selected Users view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Room Actions of Group DM
* [NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [NEW] Group DM avatar
* [FIX] Directory border
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use isGroupChat
* [CHORE] Remove legacy getRoomMemberId
* [NEW] RoomTypeIcon
* [FIX] No use legacy method on RoomInfoView
* [FIX] Blink header when create new DM
* [FIX] Only show create direct message option when allowed
* [FIX] RoomInfoView
* pt-BR
* Few fixes
* Create button name
* Show create button only after a user is selected
* Fix max users issues
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Add server and hide login (#1968)
* Navigate to new server workspace from ServerDropdown if there's no token
* Hide login button based on login services and Accounts_ShowFormLogin setting
* [FIX] Lint
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MultiSelect Keyboard behavior (Android) (#1969)
* fixed-modal-position
* made-changes
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Bottom border style on DirectoryView (#1963)
* [FIX] Border style
* [FIX] Refactoring
* [FIX] fix color of border
* Undo
Co-authored-by: Aroo <azhaubassar@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Clear settings on server change (#1967)
* [FIX] Deeplinking without RoomId (#1925)
* [FIX] Deeplinking without rid
* [FIX] Join channel
* [FIX] Deep linking without rid
* Update app/lib/methods/canOpenRoom.js
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Two Factor authentication via email (#1961)
* First api call working
* [NEW] REST API Post wrapper 2FA
* [NEW] Send 2FA on Email
* [I18n] Add translations
* [NEW] Translations & Cancel totp
* [CHORE] Totp -> TwoFactor
* [NEW] Two Factor by email
* [NEW] Tablet Support
* [FIX] Text colors
* [NEW] Password 2fa
* [FIX] Encrypt password on 2FA
* [NEW] MethodCall2FA
* [FIX] Password fallback
* [FIX] Wrap all post/methodCall with 2fa
* [FIX] Wrap missed function
* few fixes
* [FIX] Use new TOTP on Login
* [improvement] 2fa methodCall
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Correct message for manual approval user Registration (#1906)
* [FIX] Correct message for manual approval from admin shown on Registeration
* lint fix - added semicolon
* Updated the translations
* [FIX] Translations
* i18n to match server
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Direct Message between multiple users REST (#1974)
* [FIX] Investigate app losing connection issues (#1890)
* [WIP] Reopen without timeOut & ping with 5 sec & Fix Unsubscribe
* [FIX] Remove duplicated close
* [FIX] Use no-dist lib
* [FIX] Try minor fix
* [FIX] Try reopen connection when app was put on foreground
* [FIX] Remove timeout
* [FIX] Build
* [FIX] Patch
* [FIX] Snapshot
* [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease time to reopen
* [FIX] Some fixes
* [FIX] Update sdk version
* [FIX] Subscribe Room Once
* [CHORE] Update sdk
* [FIX] Subscribe Room
* [FIX] Try to resend missed subs
* [FIX] Users never show status when start app without network
* [FIX] Subscribe to room
* [FIX] Multiple servers
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [FIX] Don't duplicate streams on subscribeAll
* [FIX] Server version when start the app offline
* [FIX] Server version cached
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code
* [FIX] Offline server version
* [FIX] Subscribe before connect
* [FIX] Remove unncessary props
* [FIX] Update sdk
* [FIX] User status & Unsubscribe Typing
* [FIX] Typing at incorrect room
* [FIX] Multiple Servers
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [REVERT] Undo some changes on SDK
* [CHORE] Update sdk to prevent incorrect subscribes
* [FIX] Prevent no reconnect
* [FIX] Remove close on open
* [FIX] Clear typing when disconnect/connect to SDK
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* Update SDK
* fix merge develop
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Single message thread inserting thread without rid (#1999)
* [FIX] ThreadMessagesView crashing on load (#1997)
* [FIX] Saml (#1996)
* [FIX] SAML incorrect close
* [FIX] Pathname
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change user own status (#1995)
* [FIX] Change user own status
* [IMPROVEMENT] Set activeUsers
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume (#1998)
* [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume
* Fix room date on RoomItem
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change notifications preferences (#2000)
* [FIX] Change notifications preferences
* [IMPROVEMENT] Picker View
* [I18N] Translations
* [FIX] Picker Selection
* [FIX] List border
* [FIX] Prevent crash
* [FIX] Not-Pref tablet
* [FIX] Use same style of LanguageView
* [IMPROVEMENT] Send listItem title
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.1 (#2001)
* [FIX] DM header blink (#2011)
* [FIX] Split get settings into two requests (#2017)
* [FIX] Split get settings into two requests
* [FIX] Clear settings only when change server
* [IMPROVEMENT] Move the way to clear settings
* [REVERT] Revert some changes
* [FIX] Server Icon
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Invite Links (#2007)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read only channel/broadcast (#1951)
* [FIX] Read only channel/broadcast
* [FIX] Roles missing
* [FIX] Check roles to readOnly
* [FIX] Can post
* [FIX] Respect post-readonly permission
* [FIX] Search a room readOnly
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Cas auth (#2024)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Login TOTP Compatibility to older servers (#2018)
* [FIX] Login TOTP Compatibility to older servers
* [FIX] Android crashes if use double negation
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.4 (#2029)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Lint (#2030)
* [FIX] UIKit with only one block (#2022)
* [FIX] Message with only one block
* [FIX] Update headers
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.7.0 (#2035)
* [FIX] Action Tint Color on Black theme (#2081)
* [FIX] Prevent crash when thread is not found (#2080)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Prevent double click (#2079)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Show slash commands when disconnected (#2078)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Backhandler onboarding (#2077)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Respect UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars setting (#2076)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] RoomsList update sometimes isn't fired (#2071)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Stop inserting last message as message object from rooms stream if room is focused (#2069)
* [IMPROVEMENT] No insert last message if the room is focused
* fix discussion/threads
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Hide system messages (#2067)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Pending update (#2066)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Prevent crash when room.uids was not inserted yet (#2055)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FEATURE] Save video (#2063)
* added-feature-save-video
* fix sha256
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Send totp-code to meteor call (#2050)
* fixed-issue
* removed-variable-name-errors
* reverted-last-commit
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessageBox mention shouldn't show group DMs (#2049)
* fixed-issue
* [FIX] Filter users only if it's not a group chat
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] AttachmentView (Android)(Tablet) (#2047)
* [fix]Tablet attachment View and Room Navigation
* fix weird navigation and margin bottom
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Allow special chars in Filename (#2020)
* fixed-filename-issue
* improve
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Recorded audio on Android doesn't play on iOS (#2073)
* react-native-video -> expo-av
* remove react-native-video
* Add audio mode
* update mocks
* [FIX] Loading bigger than play/pause
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Message Touchable (#2082)
* [FIX] Avatar touchable
* [IMPROVEMENT] onLongPress on all Message Touchables
* [IMPROVEMENT] User & baseUrl on MessageContext
* [FIX] Context Access
* [FIX] BaseURL
* Fix User
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ReactionsModal (#2085)
* [NEW] Delete Server (#1975)
* [NEW] Delete server
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Revert removed function
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
* pods
* i18n
* Revert "pods"
This reverts commit 2854a1650538159aeeafe90fdb2118d12b76a82f.
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Change server while connecting/updating (#1981)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Change server while connecting
* [FIX] Not login/reconnect to previous server
* [FIX] Abort all fetch while connecting
* [FIX] Abort sdk fetch
* [FIX] Patch-package
* Add comments
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Keep screen awake while recording/playing some audio (#2089)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Keep screen awake while recording/playing some audio
* [FIX] Add expo-keep-awake mock
* [FIX] UIKit crashing when UIKitModal receive update event (#2088)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Close announcement banner (#2064)
* [NEW] Created new field in subscription table
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] New field added to obeserver in room view
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Added icon and new design to banner
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Close banner function works
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] closed banner status now update correctly
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* improve banner style
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Update all dependencies (#2008)
* Android RN 62
* First steps iOS
* Second step iOS
* iOS compiling
* "New" build system
* Finish iOS
* Flipper
* Update to RN 0.62.1
* expo libs
* Hermes working
* Fix lint
* Fix android build
* Patches
* Dev patches
* Patch WatermelonDB: https://github.com/Nozbe/WatermelonDB/pull/660
* Fix jitsi
* Update several minors
* Update dev minors and lint
* react-native-keyboard-input
* Few updates
* device info
* react-native-fast-image
* Navigation bar color
* react-native-picker-select
* webview
* reactotron-react-native
* Watermelondb
* RN 0.62.2
* Few updates
* Fix selection
* update gems
* remove lib
* finishing
* tests
* Use node 10
* Re-enable app bundle
* iOS build
* Update jitsi ios
* [NEW] Passcode and biometric unlock (#2059)
* Update expo libs
* Configure expo-local-authentication
* ScreenLockedView
* Authenticate server change
* Auth on app resume
* localAuthentication util
* Add servers.lastLocalAuthenticatedSession column
* Save last session date on background
* Use our own version of app state redux
* Fix libs
* Remove inactive
* ScreenLockConfigView
* Apply on saved data
* Auto lock option label
* Starting passcode
* Basic passcode flow working
* Change passcode
* Check if biometry is enrolled
* Use fork
* Migration
* Patch expo-local-authentication
* Use async storage
* Styling
* Timer
* Refactor
* Lock orientation portrait when not on tablet
* share extension
* Deep linking
* Share extension
* Refactoring passcode
* use state
* Stash
* Refactor
* Change passcode
* Animate dots on error
* Matching passcodes
* Shake
* Remove lib
* Delete button
* Fade animation on modal
* Refactoring
* ItemInfo
* I18n
* I18n
* Remove unnecessary prop
* Save biometry column
* Raise time to lock to 30 seconds
* Vibrate on wrong confirmation passcode
* Reset attempts and save last authentication on local passcode confirmation
* Remove inline style
* Save last auth
* Fix header blink
* Change function name
* Fix android modal
* Fix vibration permission
* PasscodeEnter calls biometry
* Passcode on the state
* Biometry button on PasscodeEnter
* Show whole passcode
* Secure passcode
* Save passcode with promise to prevent empty passcodes and immediately lock
* Patch expo-local-authentication
* I18n
* Fix biometry being called every time
* Blur screen on app inactive
* Revert "Blur screen on app inactive"
This reverts commit a4ce812934adcf6cf87eb1a92aec9283e2f26753.
* Remove immediately because of how Activities work on Android
* Pods
* New layout
* stash
* Layout refactored
* Fix icons
* Force set passcode from server
* Lint
* Improve permission message
* Forced passcode subtitle
* Disable based on admin's choice
* Require local authentication on login success
* Refactor
* Update tests
* Update react-native-device-info to fix notch
* Lint
* Fix modal
* Fix icons
* Fix min auto lock time
* Review
* keep enabled on mobile
* fix forced by admin when enable unlock with passcode
* use DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK when manual enable screenLock
* fix check has passcode
* request biometry on first password
* reset auto time lock when disabled on server
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Messages View (#2090)
* [FIX] Messages View
* [FIX] Opening PDF from Files View
* [FIX] Audio
* [FIX] SearchMessagesView
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Big names overflow (#2072)
* [FIX] Big names overflow
* [FIX] Message time
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Some alignments
* fix user item overflow
* some adjustments
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Avatar of message as an emoji (#2038)
* fixed-issue
* removed-hardcoded-emoji
* Merge develop
* replaced markdown with emoji componenent
* made-changes
* use avatar onPress
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Livechat (#2004)
* [WIP][NEW] Livechat info/actions
* [IMPROVEMENT] RoomActionsView
* [NEW] Visitor Navigation
* [NEW] Get Department REST
* [FIX] Borders
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor RoomInfo View
* [FIX] Error while navigate from mention -> roomInfo
* [NEW] Livechat Fields
* [NEW] Close Livechat
* [WIP] Forward livechat
* [NEW] Return inquiry
* [WIP] Comment when close livechat
* [WIP] Improve roomInfo
* [IMPROVEMENT] Forward room
* [FIX] Department picker
* [FIX] Picker without results
* [FIX] Superfluous argument
* [FIX] Check permissions on RoomActionsView
* [FIX] Livechat permissions
* [WIP] Show edit to livechat
* [I18N] Add pt-br translations
* [WIP] Livechat Info
* [IMPROVEMENT] Livechat info
* [WIP] Livechat Edit
* [WIP] Livechat edit
* [WIP] Livechat Edit
* [WIP] Livechat edit scroll
* [FIX] Edit customFields
* [FIX] Clean livechat customField
* [FIX] Visitor Navigation
* [NEW] Next input logic LivechatEdit
* [FIX] Add livechat data to subscription
* [FIX] Revert change
* [NEW] Livechat user Status
* [WIP] Livechat tags
* [NEW] Edit livechat tags
* [FIX] Prevent some crashes
* [FIX] Forward
* [FIX] Return Livechat error
* [FIX] Prevent livechat info crash
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use input style on forward chat
* OnboardingSeparator -> OrSeparator
* [FIX] Go to next input
* [NEW] Added some icons
* [NEW] Livechat close
* [NEW] Forward Room Action
* [FIX] Livechat edit style
* [FIX] Change status logic
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary logic
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code
* [CHORE] Remove unecessary case
* [FIX] Superfluous argument
* [IMPROVEMENT] Submit livechat edit
* [CHORE] Remove textInput type
* [FIX] Livechat edit
* [FIX] Livechat Edit
* [FIX] Use same effect
* [IMPROVEMENT] Tags input
* [FIX] Add empty tag
* Fix minor issues
* Fix typo
* insert livechat room data to our room object
* review
* add method calls server version
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Delete Subs (#2091)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android build (#2094)
* [FIX] Blink header DM (#2093)
* [FIX] Blink header DM
* Remove query
* [FIX] Push RoomInfoView
* remove unnecessary try/catch
* [FIX] RoomInfo > Message (Tablet)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Default biometry enabled (#2095)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Enable navigating to a room from auth deep linking (#2115)
* Wait for login success to navigate
* Enable auth and room deep linking at the same time
* [FIX] NewMessageView Press Item should open DM (#2116)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Roles throwing error (#2110)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Wait attach activity before changeNavigationBarColor (#2111)
* [FIX] Wait attach activity before changeNavigationBarColor
* Remove timeout and add try/catch
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] UIKit crash when some app send a list (#2117)
* [FIX] StoryBook
* [FIX] UIKit crash when some app send a list
* [CHORE] Update snapshot
* [CHORE] Remove token & id
* [FIX] Change bar color while no activity attached (#2130)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Screen Lock options i18n (#2120)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Added missing German translation strings (#2105)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Sometimes SDK is null when try to connect (#2131)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Autocomplete position on Android (#2106)
* [FIX] Autocomplete position on Android
* [FIX] Set selection to 0 when needed
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Revert "[FIX] Autocomplete position on Android (#2106)" (#2136)
This reverts commit e8c38d6f6f69ae396a4aae6e37336617da739a6d.
* [FIX] Here and all mentions shouldn't refer to users (#2137)
* [FIX] No send data to bugsnag if it's an aborted request (#2133)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Update and separate E2E tests (#2126)
* Tests passing until roomslist
* create room
* roominfo
* change server
* broadcast
* profile
* custom status
* forgot password
* working
* room and onboarding
* Tests separated
* config.yml refactor
* Revert "config.yml refactor"
This reverts commit 0e984d3029e47612726bf199553f7abdf24843e5.
* CI
* lint
* CI refactor
* Onboarding tests
* npx detox
* Add all tests
* Save brew cache
* mac-env executor
* detox-test command
* Update readme
* Remove folder
* [FIX] Screen Lock Time respect local value (#2141)
* [FIX] Screen Lock Time respect local value
* [FIX] Enable biometry at the first passcode change
* Bump version to 4.8.0 (#2147)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor icon package (#2146)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor Icon Package
* some size fixes
* [CHORE] Update WatermelonDB to 0.16.2 (#2166)
* [CHORE] Update WatermelonDB to 0.16.2
* Patch watermelon
* Markdown linting for e2e README (#2173)
* Markdown linting for e2e README
* Running a subset of tests
* [FIX] Load messages when hideSystemMessages is enabled (#2101)
* [WIP] Load messages when hideSystemMessages is enabled
* Improve method name
* Minor improvements
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Respect server HideSystemMessages (#2175)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Screen Lock (#2177)
* [FIX] Screen Lock
* improve variable name
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Load messages issue when trying to get ts from empty results (#2185)
* [FIX] Show registration form when add server by a invite link (#2187)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] 2FA email - send code again (#2188)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Update react-navigation to v5 (#2154)
* react-navigation v5 installed
* compiling
* Outside working
* InsideStack compiling
* Switch stack
* Starting room
* RoomView header
* SafeAreaView
* Slide from right stack animation
* stash
* Fix params
* Create channel
* inapp notification
* Custom status
* Add server working
* Refactor appStart
* Attachment
* in-app notification
* AuthLoadingView
* Remove compat
* Navigation
* Outside animations
* Fix new server icon
* block modal
* AttachmentView header
* Remove unnecessary code
* SelectedUsersView header
* StatusView
* CreateDiscussionView
* RoomInfoView
* RoomInfoEditView style
* RoomMembersView
* RoomsListView header
* RoomView header
* Share extension
* getParam
* Focus/blur
* Trying to fix inapp
* Lint
* Simpler app container
* Update libs
* Revert "Simpler app container"
This reverts commit 1e49d80bb49481c34f415831b9da5e9d53e66057.
* Load messages faster
* Fix safearea on ReactionsModal
* Update safe area to v3
* lint
* Fix transition
* stash - drawer replace working
* stash - modal nav
* RoomActionsView as tablet modal
* RoomStack
* Stop showing RoomView header when there's no room
* Custom Header and different navigation based on stack
* Refactor setHeader
* MasterDetailContext
* RoomView header
* Fix isMasterDetail rule
* KeyCommands kind of working
* Create channel on tablet
* RoomView sCU
* Remove withSplit
* Settings opening as modal
* Settings
* StatusView headerLeft
* Admin panel
* TwoFactor style
* DirectoryView
* ServerDropdown and SortDropdown animations
* ThreadMessagesView
* Navigate to empty RoomView on server switch when in master detail
* ProfileView header
* Fix navigation issues
* Nav to any room info on tablet
* Room info
* Refactoring
* Fix rooms search
* Roomslist commands
* SearchMessagesView close modal
* Key commands
* Fix undefined subscription
* Disallow navigate to focused room
* isFocused state on RoomsListView
* Blur text inputs when focus is lost
* Replace animation
* Default nav theme
* Refactoring
* Always open Attachment with close modal button
* ModalContainer backdrop following themes
* Screen tracking
* Refactor get active route for in-app notification
* Only mark room as focused when in master detail layout
* Lint
* Open modals as fade from bottom on Android
* typo
* Fixing tests
* Fix in-app update
* Fixing goRoom issues
* Refactor stack names
* Fix unreadsCount
* Fix stack
* Fix header animation
* Refactor ShareNavigation
* Refactor navigation theme
* Make sure title is set
* Fix create discussion navigation
* Remove unused variable
* Create discussions from actions fixed
* Layout animation
* Screen lock on share extension
* Unnecessary change
* Admin border
* Set header after state callback
* Fix key commands on outside stack
* Fix back button pressed
* Remove layout animations from Android
* Tweak animations on Android
* Disable swipe gesture to open drawer
* Fix current item on RoomsListView
* Fix add server
* Fix drawer
* Fix broadcast
* LayoutAnimation instead of Transitions
* Fix onboarding back press
* Fix assorted tests
* Create discussion fix
* RoomInfoView header
* Drawer active item
* [NEW] Action Sheet (#2114)
* [WIP] New Action Sheet
* [NEW] Header Indicator
* [IMPROVEMENT] Header Logic
* [NEW] Use EventEmitter to show ActionSheet for while
* [FIX] Animation
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use provider
* [FIX] Add callback
* [FIX] Message Actions
* [FIX] Add MessageActions icons
* [NEW] MessageErrorActions
* [FIX] Adjust height
* [FIX] Close/Reopen
* [CHORE] Remove react-native-action-sheet
* [CHORE] Move ActionSheet
* [FIX] Reply Message
* [IMPROVEMENT] Hide ActionSheet logic
* [WIP] Custom MessageActions Header
* [IMPROVEMENT] MessageActions Header
* [IMPROVEMENT] Enable Scroll
* [FIX] Scroll on Android
* Move to react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* Stash
* Refactor actions
* Revert some changes
* Trying react-native-modalize
* Back to HOC
* ActionSheet style
* HOC Header
* Reaction actionSheet
* Fix messageBox actions
* Fix add reaction
* Change to flatListProps
* fix modalize android scroll
* Use react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* [NEW] BottomSheet dismissable & [FIX] Android not opening
* [NEW] Show emojis based on screen width
* [WIP] Adjust to content height
* [IMPROVEMENT] Responsible
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use alert instead actionSheet at NewServerView
* [FIX] Handle tablet cases
* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove actionSheet of RoomMembersView
* [IMPROVEMENT] Min snap distance when its portrait
* [CHORE] Remove unused Components
* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove duplicated add-reaction
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor Icon Package
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use new icons
* [FIX] Select message at MessageActions before getOptions
* [FIX] Custom header height
* [CHORE] Remove patch & [FIX] Tablet bottom sheet
* [FIX] Use ListItem height to BottomSheet Height
* Some fixes
* [FIX] Custom MessageActions header
* [FIX] Android height adjust
* [IMPROVEMENT] Item touchable & [FIX] Respect pin permission
* [IMPROVEMENT] More than one snap point
* some size fixes
* improve code
* hide horizontal scroll indicator
* [FIX] Focus MessageBox on edit message
* [FIX] Ripple color
* [IMPROVEMENT] Backdrop must keep same opacity after 50% of the screen
* [TEST] Change animation config
* [IMPROVEMENT] BackHandler should close the ActionSheet
* [CHORE] Add react-native-safe-area-context
* [FIX] Provide a bottom padding at notch devices
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve backdrop input/output range
* [FIX] Weird Android Snap behavior
* [PATCH] React-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* [CI] Re-run build
* [FIX] Landscape android
* [IMPROVEMENT] Cover 50% of the screen at the landscape mode
* [FIX] Adjust emoji content to width size
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use hooks library
* [IMPROVEMENT] Close the actionSheet when orientation change
* deactivate safe-area-context for while
* [REVERT] Re-add react-native-safe-area-context (3.0.2)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use focused background
* [TESTS] E2E Tests updated to new BottomSheet
* [NEW] Add cancel button
* [FIX] Cancel button at android
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use cancelable bottom sheet at room members view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use better function names
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use getItemLayout
* [FIX][TEMP] Animation
* Review
* Build
* Header keyExtractor
* Rename function
* Tweak animation
* Refactoring
* useTheme
* Refactoring
* TestIDs
* Refactor
* Remove old lib
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Add fastlane to android module and configure CI (#2100)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use react-native-notifier for in-app notifications (#2139)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Create DimensionsContext (#2098)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove duplicated sCU condition (#2194)
* [FIX] The auto translate toggle don't save right state (#2142)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Increase "content_hash_max_items" on Watchman (#2181)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] IFrame authentication (#2184)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Send multiple attachments (#2162)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Omnichannel Status Toggle (#2217)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Typing when UI_Use_Real_Name is enabled (#2216)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Logout failing after #2217 (#2222)
* [CHORE] Add wrapper to make Meteor methods calls over REST (#2104)
* [WIP] Use rest instead methodCall
* [WIP] Some method calls using wrapper
* [WIP] Wrap all necessary methodCalls
* fix
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Mark thread as read on open (#2225)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Mark a thread as read
* Use methodCallWrapper
* Check server version
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read receipt icon on action sheet (#2237)
* [FIX] Handle TypeErrors on navigationRef and draftMessage due to null properties (#2232)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android crashing when restoring from background (#2238)
* [FIX] Send thread attachment (#2242)
* [FIX] Iframe auth Login Button (#2241)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Audio Recording (#2240)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Expo-av audio recorder (#2195)
* [NEW] MessageBox: Expo-av audio recorder
* Refactor MessageBox to accommodate recording button even when recording
* Rename Recording.js -> RecordAudio.js as we could implement video recording in the future
* RecordAudio: Introduce cancel and send buttons
* RecordAudio: Introduce recorderBusy state, refactor MessageBox, remove useless SafeAreaView
* RecordAudio: Better audio quality 🎉, stop recording on unmount
* RecordAudio: Use FileSystem from expo-file-system instead of RNFetchBlob
* chore: flush out react-native-audio
* fix(MessageBox): bring back some missed styles during refactor
* refactor(RecordAudio): use class component
* refactor(RecordAudio): recorder busy to class property, styling changes
* recorder initialisation changes
* fix(RecordAudio): missing await in isRecordingPermissionGranted
* fix(RecordAudio): set isRecording = false on cancel/finish, refactor perms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Unified header UX (#2234)
* Change drawer icon
* Removed iOS variation
* Patch to react-navigation-header-buttons... easier to patch then to overwrite its behaviour :(
* Correctly position title
* Header subtitle
* Layout
* Alignment
* RoomView header
* Renamed RoomHeaderLeft to LeftButtons
* RoomView back button
* Search icon on RoomView
* Refactor
* Fix header on tablet
* Fix search messages close button on tablet
* Search key command
* Network status on RoomView header subtitle
* Update tests
* Scale content
* SearchBox cancel color
* Bump version to 4.9.0 (#2248)
* [FIX] Check for UI_Use_Real_Name when sorting rooms (#2230)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Emoji keyboard not showing custom and frequently used emojis on Share Extension (#2251)
* [FIX] Scroll to top crashing when ref is undefined (#2252)
* [FIX] Check if exists scroll ref
* Remove scrollTo
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] AttachmentView crashing during title decode (#2253)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Command previews crashing when API returns an error (#2254)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ThreadMessagesView throwing error when subscription wasn't found (#2255)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Register crashing when error data is undefined (#2256)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Get active route returning undefined (#2257)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ImageViewer not recognising gestures after zoomed (#2261)
* [FIX] Zoomed in images must react to gestures
* AnimatedFastImage -> AnimatedImage
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android stack animation throwing illegal node ID (#2260)
* [FIX] Navigation object undefined when tapping sidebar's user header on tablet (#2259)
* [FIX] Action sheet cutting emojis on the header (#2263)
* [FIX] Action sheet cutting emojis on the header
* fix tablet case
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Mime type check crashing the app (#2264)
* [FIX] Notification preferences update crashing the app (#2262)
* [FIX] Create discussion not working from MessageActions (#2265)
* [FIX] getSettings not catching errors (#2271)
* [REGRESSION] Jitsi Call doesn't send message link (#2277)
* [FIX] Messages hidden behind MessageBox (#2281)
* fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (#2275)
The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:
- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-JPEGJS-570039
- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-LODASH-567746
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Add missing german strings (#2278)
* cleaned mixed usage of "du" and "Sie"
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] CircleCI Upgrades (#2269)
* Upgrade nvm
* Upgrade XCode
* Use nvm's default installed version of node (LTS)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Sign in with Apple (#2282)
* Add expo-apple-authentication
* Button
* Create new provisioning profiles
* Login with Apple
* Change provisioning profile
* Button color based on theme
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessageBox not being shown on ShareView when Preview is a video (#2283)
* Wrap video preview with ScrollView so Messagebox is shown properly
* Fix border color
* [TESTS] Test in docker (#2290)
* Add docker env with orchestration
* Update detox, update mocha config format
* One simulator at a time - mocha won't run parallel
* Docker runner, with test changes to match RC data
* Better error trapping in infrastructure control script
* Swap user provisioning from Mongo to RC API to work against existing servers
* Add docker to e2e readme
* Stop using example.com for emails
* Default detox to the tests directory
* Add working configs for both run scenarios
* Add some optional forcing of data.js version for Docker
* [CHORE] Consistent Rocket.Chat Branding (#2293)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.10.0 (#2305)
* [FIX] Room Info actions doesn't check permissions/settings enabled (#2292)
* [FIX] Show Call Button only when Jitsi Enabled (RoomInfoView)
* [FIX] Show user info
* [FIX] Show message button only if it's possible
* [FIX] Create direct only when needed
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read receipts on tablet (#2297)
* fixes not working read receipts on tablet (#2295)
* fixing last commit it to make it work on both tablet and phone
* fix missing close button on tablet's modal view
* Update app/views/ReadReceiptView/index.js
* remove unnecessary param
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache (#2300)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache
* use fork instead
* react-native-fast-image -> @rocket.chat/react-native-fast-image
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] In-app notification tap when deep in the stack not redirecting to the room (#2302)
* [FIX] Markdown preview causes app stuck (#2303)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Update commonmark libs (#2306)
* [CHORE] Update commonmark fork and relateds
* [CHORE] Update commonmark.js
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump lodash from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19 (#2310)
Bumps [lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash) from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/compare/4.17.16...4.17.19)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* [FIX] MessagesView duplicating content (#2307)
* Fix Pagination duplicacy
* Fix MessageView Duplicate Content
* [FIX] Return fetch func
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* Update dependencies (#2301)
* Update RN to 0.63.0-rc.1
* Updating
* Fix keyboard
* Fix native stuff on Messagebox
* Update to RN 0.63.1
* Update pods
* Update patches
* Update minors
* Majors
* Remove base-64 in favour of js-base64
* others
* Pods
* Flipper
* Yarn
* Fix setInput
* [IMPROVEMENT] Native sort and limit queries (#2249)
* Update WatermelonDB to 0.18.0
* Low onEndReachedThreshold
* Query experiment
* Query or fetch data
* Reorder class functions
* Reset variables
* Hide system messages
* Change this.count behaviour
* Starting on RoomsListView
* unsubscribeQuery
* onEndReached
* Separate queries
* Reusable where clause
* Refactoring
* Refactor RoomItem to accept item as prop
* Comment RoomItem tests just so jest passes
* Fix alert and status
* onPress
* Unnecessary diff
* react-fast-compare
* Native limit on ShareListView
* Tweak item description
* Lint
* Fix on foreground crash
* Suggested changes
* [FIX] Style not being applied on RoomsListView header subtitle (#2319)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template (#1893)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template
* Few changes
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Revert "[CHORE] Update commonmark.js " (#2331)
* [TESTS] Idempotence for e2e tests (#2308)
* Idempotence for Assorted
* Idempotence for Onboarding
* Idempotence for Rooms
* Remove redundant expects
* Fixes and improvements
* Remove unneeded sleeps
* Make stable following merge
* Try solving early taps without long sleep
Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont)
Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing
Add screenshots to CircleCI for failed tests
Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont. 2)
Revert "Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing"
This reverts commit 4abef3a5827910c05b12ac8b8380275b60e8af4f.
* Fix flaky test with a fluent wait on the tap
* Add some new sleeps to workaround #2324
* Add test artifacts to gitignore
* More longpress for dodgy taps, wait for pin response
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Log events from Onboarding, NewServer, Login and Register screens (#2169)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Keyboard not focusing on TwoFactor component (#2314)
* Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
* Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
* Remove unrelated styling improvements
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] TwoFactor component styling (#2328)
* Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
* Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
* Remove unrelated styling improvements
* Improve 2fa component title hierarchy
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Admin panel not logging in automatically (#2330)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump codecov from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1 (#2323)
Bumps [codecov](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node) from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/compare/v3.6.5...v3.7.1)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Skip waiting for build processing on TestFlight upload (#2320)
* [CHORE] Update react-native-firebase (#2336)
* Remove firebase
* Install firebase/app
* Install analytics
* Crashlytics
* Android
* Fix mocks
* Edit scheme to Debug build configuration
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154 (#2338)
* [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154
* Clear invite links token when close NewServerView
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Fix some simple text (#2332)
* Clearer infrastructure wait message
* Use a generic mailbox rather than spamming Diego
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] i18n being called outside render (#2334)
* Fix I18n usage in ThemeView
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix I18n usage in NotificationPreferencesView
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix some I18n wrong uses
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessagesView title not working (#2294)
* Set title in header of room actions view items
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Remove unneeded spaces
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Set header title on constructor
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Remove unused navigation options
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Stabilise Room Actions test (#2333)
* Stabilise Room Actions test
* Fix Create Room test
* Be more tolerant of slow starting apps in CI
* Be more tolerant of slow running apps in CI
* Switch visibility checks ti stabilise Room Create test in CI
* Move slow simulator readiness waiting to initial navigateToX methods rather than repeatedly in tests without description of purpose
* [CHORE] Update icon names (#2318)
* [CHORE] Move Detox to Github Actions (#2340)
* Initial workflow for iOS detox tests
* Increase timeout
* Parallelise tests and optimise when to build
* Refine GH Actions logic
* Improve Detox App caching
* Upload failed test artifacts
* Rate limiting aware data setup
* Remove detox tests from Circle CI
* Revert "Rate limiting aware data setup"
This reverts commit d115604270f719de775018b9b06e89f2bfdc2dc7.
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Push notification data privacy (#2213)
* [WIP] Notification Service
* [WIP] Android push notification privacy
* [WIP] Retry request when it fails (iOS)
* [WIP] Override notification bundle
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary import
* [WIP] Check notification Type (iOS)
* [WIP] Change to notification endpoint
* eof
* fix unwrap conditional value
* turn run request synchronous
* fix bundle info
* eof
* remove extra tab
* undo unnecessary change
* remove not working code for a while
* fix notification title
* change endpoint and received/sent data
* message-id-only working properly on android
* notification privacy working on ios
* invalidate circleCI yarn cache
* Fix provisioning profiles
* fix notification service version
* fix unwrap nil
* compatibility older servers android
* show received notification when cant fetch content from server
* undo some android changes
* prevent group & reply fallback notifications
* dont show more than one fallback notification by server
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Apply new mention colors (#2351)
* New mention colors
* Increase letterSpacing for mentions
* Refactor
* UnreadBadge
* Add migration
* [FIX] Missing icons (#2353)
* [FIX] Long press gestures not working properly on Android (#2354)
* [FIX] In-app notification showing while in a Jitsi call (#2345)
* Hide in app notification when focused on JitsiMeetView
* Hide notifications from different rooms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug (#2347)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
* [CHORE] Update Flipper to 0.51.0 (#2356)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
* Update Flipper to latest 0.51 for Android
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Log events from RoomsList, SideDrawer and Profile (#2190)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* track add server, change server and search
* Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
* Track profile events and handle exceptions
* Track create channel flux
* Track send message to user via NewMessageView
* Track create direct message flux
* Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
* Track create discussion flux
* Track navigate to directory and its actions
* Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
* Track all channels sorting and grouping
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Remove unused events file
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
* Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Improve the logging of sidebar events
* Improve events from onboarding and newserver
* Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
* Improve NewMessageView events
* Improve CreateChannel events
* Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
* Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
* Improve ProfileView events
* Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
* Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Add missing keys to push get payload (#2358)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add deep link to Jitsi calls (#2223)
* [WIP] Jitsi Deep Links
* [WIP] Add app links
* save uniqueID servers database
* add serverInfoKey of uniqueID
* search server by call url
* open jitsi deeplink poc
* improve jitsi url
* fix
* improve comment
* add missing android scheme
* handle host not found
* Allow app links to be matched on parseDeepLinking
* Fix push notification of a call
* Minor fix
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] App hanging on splash screen when deep link params are wrong (#2359)
* Add rule when there's no host on the deep link params
* Add fallbackNavigation()
* Fix insecure hosts
* [FIX] More missing icons (#2360)
* [NEW] Log events from Room, Settings and Edit status (#2206)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* track add server, change server and search
* Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
* Track profile events and handle exceptions
* Track create channel flux
* Track send message to user via NewMessageView
* Track create direct message flux
* Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
* Track create discussion flux
* Track navigate to directory and its actions
* Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
* Track all channels sorting and grouping
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Remove unused events file
* Remove unused events file
* log proposed Room events
* Log proposed Message actions events
* Log EditStatus proposed events
* Log Settings proposed events
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
* Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Move all non-logic and non-data dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Improve the logging of sidebar events
* Improve events from onboarding and newserver
* Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
* Improve NewMessageView events
* Improve CreateChannel events
* Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
* Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
* Improve ProfileView events
* Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
* Improve SettingsView events
* Log more events from ScreenLockConfigView
* Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
* Improve StatusView events
* Improve RoomView events
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Vertically centralize RoomItem when `Store_Last_Message` is disabled (#2363)
* Split RoomItem into container and component
* Refactor RoomItem
* Fix wrong status
* Tests
* Wrapper
* [NEW] Omnichannel inquiry queue (#2352)
* [WIP] Omnichannel queue
* Request inquiry when login
* Show take inquiry queued room
* Queue List as a Screen
* Poc using unread badge
* Prevent navigation to empty list
* Remove chat from queue when taked
* Fix header status on omnichannel preview room
* Fix room actions view to preview queued chat
* Use isOmnichannelPreview and dont show actions when is preview
* Filter queue chats taken by other people
* Fix room info to omnichannel preview room
* Handle show Queue
* Reset inquiry store when change server
* Improve queue logic
* Disable swipe on RoomItem when is a Queue Item
* Add unreadBadge style
* Move unread badge to presentation folder
* Cleanup inquiry reducers
* Move take saga to rocketchat function
* Remove comments
* Add relevant comments
* Subscribe to public stream if is livechat manager or doesnt have departments
* Add pt-br and improve queue empty message
* Fix take when dont have view-livechat-manager permission
* Add missing events
* Create selector for inquiry queue
* Minor fixes
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Wrap logEvent in a try/catch (#2361)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Minor i18n issues (#2335)
* Add new translations to ptBr
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix update language in headers
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use parsed EJSON info on load notification (#2370)
* [NEW] Log remaining events (#2368)
* Change NAVIGATE_TO for GO_TO to reduce event size
* Log RA JitsiMeet events and join / terminate
* Log more RoomView events
* Log slash commands and handle fail
* Log RoomActions events
* Change from GO_TO to just GO
* Log RoomInfoEdit events
* Log InviteUsers and InviteUsersEdit events
* Log AutoTranslate events
* Log NotificationPreferences events
* Log remaining routes from RoomActions
* Log RoomAction toggle block user
* Fix command event
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] WorkspaceView not looking for the correct image path (#2376)
Co-authored-by: Gabriel Henriques <gabriel.henriques@rocket.chat>
* [FIX] Android targeting wrong SDK version (#2375)
* [FIX] Mentions crashing without username (#2374)
* [FIX] Missing delete icon on MessageErrorActions (#2373)
* [FIX] Quote not working on Group DM (#2372)
* [DOCS] Add Whitelabel (#2379)
* Update readme (#2381)
* Update README.md (#2378)
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [DOCS] Refactor Readme (#2382)
* Refactoring
* Detail docs
* Contributing
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Youssef Muhamad <emaildeyoussefmuhamad@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <prateek93a@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: phriedrich <info@phriedrich.de>
Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <41206172+sarthakpranesh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <52153085+devyaniChoubey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Ezequiel de Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Neil Agarwal <neil@neilagarwal.me>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Govind Dixit <GOVINDDIXIT93@GMAIL.COM>
Co-authored-by: Zhaubassarova Aruzhan <49000079+azhaubassar@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Aroo <azhaubassar@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <sarthak.pranesh2018@vitstudent.ac.in>
Co-authored-by: Siddharth Padhi <padhisiddharth31@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dan Caseley <dan@caseley.me.uk>
Co-authored-by: Heng Sok <sokheng@idatahub.com>
Co-authored-by: Snyk bot <snyk-bot@snyk.io>
Co-authored-by: Rohit Verma <44283521+refactor-droidyy@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Graham Smith <graham@wiseman-designs.com>
Co-authored-by: Gabriel Henriques <gabriel.henriques@rocket.chat>
Co-authored-by: Júlia Grala <30629556+juliagrala@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-09-01 12:22:20 +00:00
- For **understanding code architecture** , read the [Code Architecture Analysis ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/5.6-Code-Architecture-Analysis )
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
## How To Use
* Objective-C
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImage.h>
[imageView sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.domain.com/path/to/image.jpg"]
placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"placeholder.png"]];
* Swift
import SDWebImage
imageView.sd_setImage(with: URL(string: "http://www.domain.com/path/to/image.jpg"), placeholderImage: UIImage(named: "placeholder.png"))
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
- For details about how to use the library and clear examples, see [The detailed How to use ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/blob/master/Docs/HowToUse.md )
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
## Animated Images (GIF) support
In 5.0, we introduced a brand new mechanism for supporting animated images. This includes animated image loading, rendering, decoding, and also supports customizations (for advanced users).
2020-05-25 20:54:27 +00:00
This animated image solution is available for `iOS` /`tvOS`/`macOS`. The `SDAnimatedImage` is subclass of `UIImage/NSImage` , and `SDAnimatedImageView` is subclass of `UIImageView/NSImageView` , to make them compatible with the common frameworks APIs.
The `SDAnimatedImageView` supports the familiar image loading category methods, works like drop-in replacement for `UIImageView/NSImageView` .
Don't have UIView (like WatchKit or CALayer)? you can still use `SDAnimatedPlayer` the player engine for advanced playback and rendering.
See [Animated Image ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Advanced-Usage#animated-image-50 ) for more detailed information.
* Objective-C
SDAnimatedImageView *imageView = [SDAnimatedImageView new];
SDAnimatedImage *animatedImage = [SDAnimatedImage imageNamed:@"image.gif"];
imageView.image = animatedImage;
* Swift
let imageView = SDAnimatedImageView()
let animatedImage = SDAnimatedImage(named: "image.gif")
imageView.image = animatedImage
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
#### FLAnimatedImage integration has its own dedicated repo
In order to clean up things and make our core project do less things, we decided that the `FLAnimatedImage` integration does not belong here. From 5.0, this will still be available, but under a dedicated repo [SDWebImageFLPlugin ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImageFLPlugin ).
## Installation
2019-10-07 20:56:30 +00:00
There are four ways to use SDWebImage in your project:
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
- using CocoaPods
- using Carthage
2019-10-07 20:56:30 +00:00
- using Swift Package Manager
- manual install (build frameworks or embed Xcode Project)
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
### Installation with CocoaPods
[CocoaPods ](http://cocoapods.org/ ) is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. See the [Get Started ](http://cocoapods.org/#get_started ) section for more details.
#### Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'SDWebImage', '~> 5.0'
##### Swift and static framework
Swift project previously have to use `use_frameworks!` to make all Pods into dynamic framework to let CocoaPods works.
However, start with `CocoaPods 1.5.0+` (with `Xcode 9+` ), which supports to build both Objective-C && Swift code into static framework. You can use modular headers to use SDWebImage as static framework, without the need of `use_frameworks!` :
platform :ios, '8.0'
# Uncomment the next line when you want all Pods as static framework
# use_modular_headers!
pod 'SDWebImage', :modular_headers => true
See more on [CocoaPods 1.5.0 — Swift Static Libraries ](http://blog.cocoapods.org/CocoaPods-1.5.0/ )
If not, you still need to add `use_frameworks!` to use SDWebImage as dynamic framework:
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'SDWebImage'
#### Subspecs
There are 2 subspecs available now: `Core` and `MapKit` (this means you can install only some of the SDWebImage modules. By default, you get just `Core` , so if you need `MapKit` , you need to specify it).
Podfile example:
2019-10-07 20:56:30 +00:00
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
pod 'SDWebImage/MapKit'
### Installation with Carthage (iOS 8+)
[Carthage ](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage ) is a lightweight dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C. It leverages CocoaTouch modules and is less invasive than CocoaPods.
To install with carthage, follow the instruction on [Carthage ](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage )
Carthage users can point to this repository and use whichever generated framework they'd like: SDWebImage, SDWebImageMapKit or both.
Make the following entry in your Cartfile: `github "SDWebImage/SDWebImage"`
Then run `carthage update`
If this is your first time using Carthage in the project, you'll need to go through some additional steps as explained [over at Carthage ](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage#adding-frameworks-to-an-application ).
> NOTE: At this time, Carthage does not provide a way to build only specific repository subcomponents (or equivalent of CocoaPods's subspecs). All components and their dependencies will be built with the above command. However, you don't need to copy frameworks you aren't using into your project. For instance, if you aren't using `SDWebImageMapKit`, feel free to delete that framework from the Carthage Build directory after `carthage update` completes.
2019-10-07 20:56:30 +00:00
### Installation with Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11+)
[Swift Package Manager ](https://swift.org/package-manager/ ) (SwiftPM) is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code as well as C-family dependency. From Xcode 11, SwiftPM got natively integrated with Xcode.
SDWebImage support SwiftPM from version 5.1.0. To use SwiftPM, you should use Xcode 11 to open your project. Click `File` -> `Swift Packages` -> `Add Package Dependency` , enter [SDWebImage repo's URL ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage.git ). Or you can login Xcode with your GitHub account and just type `SDWebImage` to search.
After select the package, you can choose the dependency type (tagged version, branch or commit). Then Xcode will setup all the stuff for you.
If you're a framework author and use SDWebImage as a dependency, update your `Package.swift` file:
let package = Package(
// 5.1.0 ..< 6.0.0
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage.git", from: "5.1.0")
// ...
### Manual Installation Guide
See more on [Manual install Guide ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/Installation-Guide#manual-installation-guide )
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
### Import headers in your source files
In the source files where you need to use the library, import the umbrella header file:
#import <SDWebImage/SDWebImage.h>
Merge beta into master (#2445)
* [FIX] Close tablet modal (#1773)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Setting not present (#1775)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Thread header (#1776)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Keyboard tracking loses input ref (#1784)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Mark message as unread (#1785)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Log server version (#1786)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add loading message on long running tasks (#1798)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Switch Apple account on Fastlane (#1810)
* [FIX] Watermelon throwing "Cannot update a record with pending updates" (#1754)
* [FIX] Detox tests (#1790)
* [CHORE] Use markdown preview on RoomView Header (#1807)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] LoginSignup blink services (#1809)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Request user presence on demand (#1813)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove all invited users when create a channel (#1814)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Pop from room which you have been removed (#1819)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Room Info styles (#1820)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Add missing German keys (#1800)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Empty mentions for @all and @here when real name is enabled (#1822)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Markdown added to Storybook (#1812)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Room View header title (#1827)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Storybook snapshots (#1831)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Mentions (#1829)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Thread message not found (#1830)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Separate delete and remove channel (#1832)
* Rename to delete room
* Separate delete and remove channel
* handleRemoved -> handleRoomRemoved
* [FIX] Navigate to RoomsList & Handle tablet case
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Filter system messages per room (#1815)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] e2e tests (#1838)
* [FIX] Consecutive clear cache calls freezing app (#1851)
* Bump version to 4.5.1 (#1853)
* [FIX][iOS] Ignore silent mode on audio player (#1862)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Create App Group property on Info.plist (#1858)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Make username clickable on message (#1618)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Show proper error message on profile (#1768)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Show toast when a message is starred/unstarred (#1616)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Incorrect size params to avatar endpoint (#1875)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove unrecognized emoji flags on android (#1887)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove react-native global installs (#1886)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Emojis transparent on android (#1881)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 (#1876)
Bumps [acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn) from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/compare/5.7.3...5.7.4)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.0 (#1911)
* [FIX] Encode Image URI (#1909)
* [FIX] Encode Image URI
* [FIX] Check if Image is Valid
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Adaptive Icons (#1904)
* Remove unnecessary stuff from debug build
* Adaptive icon for experimental app
* [FIX] Stop showing message on leave channel (#1896)
* [FIX] Leave room don't show 'was removed' message
* [FIX] Remove duplicated code
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Added missing German translations(#1900)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Linkedin OAuth login (#1913)
* [CHORE] Fix typo in CreateChannel View (#1930)
* [FIX] Respect protocol in HTTP Auth IPs (#1933)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Use new LinkedIn OAuth url (#1935)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Use storyboard on splash screen (#1939)
* Update react-native-bootsplash
* iOS
* Fix android
* [FIX] Check if avatar exists before create Icon (#1927)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Ignore self typing event (#1950)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change default directory listing to Users (#1948)
* fix: change default directory listing to Users
* follow server settings
* Fix state to props
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Onboarding layout (#1954)
* Onboarding texts
* OnboardingView
* FormContainer
* Minor fixes
* NewServerView
* Remove code
* Refactor
* WorkspaceView
* Stash
* Login with email working
* Login with
* Join open
* Revert "Login with"
This reverts commit d05dc507d2e9a2db76d433b9b1f62192eba35dbd.
* Fix create account styles
* Register
* Refactor
* LoginServices component
* Refactor
* Multiple servers
* Remove native images
* Refactor styles
* Fix testid
* Fix add server on tablet
* i18n
* Fix close modal
* Fix TOTP
* [FIX] Registration disabled
* [FIX] Login Services separator
* Fix logos
* Fix AppVersion name
* I18n
* Minor fixes
* [FIX] Custom Fields
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Create discussions (#1942)
* [WIP][NEW] Create Discussion
* [FIX] Clear multiselect & Translations
* [NEW] Create Discussion at MessageActions
* [NEW] Disabled Multiselect
* [FIX] Initial channel
* [NEW] Create discussion on MessageBox Actions
* [FIX] Crashing on edit name
* [IMPROVEMENT] New message layout
* [NEW] Avatars on MultiSelect
* [FIX] Select Users
* [FIX] Add redirect and Handle tablet
* [IMPROVEMENT] Split CreateDiscussionView
* [FIX] Create a discussion inner discussion
* [FIX] Create a discussion
* [I18N] Add pt-br
* Change icons
* [FIX] Nav to discussion & header title
* Fix header
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Load messages (#1910)
* Create updateLastOpen param on readMessages
* Remove InteractionManager from load messages
* [NEW] Custom Status (#1811)
* [NEW] Custom Status
* [FIX] Subscribe to changes
* [FIX] Improve code using Banner component
* [IMPROVEMENT] Toggle modal
* [NEW] Edit custom status from Sidebar
* [FIX] Modal when tablet
* [FIX] Styles
* [FIX] Switch to react-native-promp-android
* [FIX] Custom Status UI
* [TESTS] E2E Custom Status
* Fix banner
* Fix banner
* Fix subtitle
* status text
* Fix topic header
* Fix RoomActionsView topic
* Fix header alignment on Android
* [FIX] RoomInfo crashes when without statusText
* [FIX] Use users.setStatus
* [FIX] Remove customStatus of ProfileView
* [FIX] Room View Thread Header
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] UI issues of Create Discussion View (#1965)
* [NEW] Direct Message between multiple users (#1958)
* [WIP] DM between multiple users
* [WIP][NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve createChannel Sagas
* [IMPROVEMENT] Selected Users view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Room Actions of Group DM
* [NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [NEW] Group DM avatar
* [FIX] Directory border
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use isGroupChat
* [CHORE] Remove legacy getRoomMemberId
* [NEW] RoomTypeIcon
* [FIX] No use legacy method on RoomInfoView
* [FIX] Blink header when create new DM
* [FIX] Only show create direct message option when allowed
* [FIX] RoomInfoView
* pt-BR
* Few fixes
* Create button name
* Show create button only after a user is selected
* Fix max users issues
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Add server and hide login (#1968)
* Navigate to new server workspace from ServerDropdown if there's no token
* Hide login button based on login services and Accounts_ShowFormLogin setting
* [FIX] Lint
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MultiSelect Keyboard behavior (Android) (#1969)
* fixed-modal-position
* made-changes
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Bottom border style on DirectoryView (#1963)
* [FIX] Border style
* [FIX] Refactoring
* [FIX] fix color of border
* Undo
Co-authored-by: Aroo <azhaubassar@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Clear settings on server change (#1967)
* [FIX] Deeplinking without RoomId (#1925)
* [FIX] Deeplinking without rid
* [FIX] Join channel
* [FIX] Deep linking without rid
* Update app/lib/methods/canOpenRoom.js
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Two Factor authentication via email (#1961)
* First api call working
* [NEW] REST API Post wrapper 2FA
* [NEW] Send 2FA on Email
* [I18n] Add translations
* [NEW] Translations & Cancel totp
* [CHORE] Totp -> TwoFactor
* [NEW] Two Factor by email
* [NEW] Tablet Support
* [FIX] Text colors
* [NEW] Password 2fa
* [FIX] Encrypt password on 2FA
* [NEW] MethodCall2FA
* [FIX] Password fallback
* [FIX] Wrap all post/methodCall with 2fa
* [FIX] Wrap missed function
* few fixes
* [FIX] Use new TOTP on Login
* [improvement] 2fa methodCall
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Correct message for manual approval user Registration (#1906)
* [FIX] Correct message for manual approval from admin shown on Registeration
* lint fix - added semicolon
* Updated the translations
* [FIX] Translations
* i18n to match server
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Direct Message between multiple users REST (#1974)
* [FIX] Investigate app losing connection issues (#1890)
* [WIP] Reopen without timeOut & ping with 5 sec & Fix Unsubscribe
* [FIX] Remove duplicated close
* [FIX] Use no-dist lib
* [FIX] Try minor fix
* [FIX] Try reopen connection when app was put on foreground
* [FIX] Remove timeout
* [FIX] Build
* [FIX] Patch
* [FIX] Snapshot
* [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease time to reopen
* [FIX] Some fixes
* [FIX] Update sdk version
* [FIX] Subscribe Room Once
* [CHORE] Update sdk
* [FIX] Subscribe Room
* [FIX] Try to resend missed subs
* [FIX] Users never show status when start app without network
* [FIX] Subscribe to room
* [FIX] Multiple servers
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [FIX] Don't duplicate streams on subscribeAll
* [FIX] Server version when start the app offline
* [FIX] Server version cached
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code
* [FIX] Offline server version
* [FIX] Subscribe before connect
* [FIX] Remove unncessary props
* [FIX] Update sdk
* [FIX] User status & Unsubscribe Typing
* [FIX] Typing at incorrect room
* [FIX] Multiple Servers
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [REVERT] Undo some changes on SDK
* [CHORE] Update sdk to prevent incorrect subscribes
* [FIX] Prevent no reconnect
* [FIX] Remove close on open
* [FIX] Clear typing when disconnect/connect to SDK
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* Update SDK
* fix merge develop
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Single message thread inserting thread without rid (#1999)
* [FIX] ThreadMessagesView crashing on load (#1997)
* [FIX] Saml (#1996)
* [FIX] SAML incorrect close
* [FIX] Pathname
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change user own status (#1995)
* [FIX] Change user own status
* [IMPROVEMENT] Set activeUsers
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume (#1998)
* [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume
* Fix room date on RoomItem
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change notifications preferences (#2000)
* [FIX] Change notifications preferences
* [IMPROVEMENT] Picker View
* [I18N] Translations
* [FIX] Picker Selection
* [FIX] List border
* [FIX] Prevent crash
* [FIX] Not-Pref tablet
* [FIX] Use same style of LanguageView
* [IMPROVEMENT] Send listItem title
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.1 (#2001)
* [FIX] DM header blink (#2011)
* [FIX] Split get settings into two requests (#2017)
* [FIX] Split get settings into two requests
* [FIX] Clear settings only when change server
* [IMPROVEMENT] Move the way to clear settings
* [REVERT] Revert some changes
* [FIX] Server Icon
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Invite Links (#2007)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read only channel/broadcast (#1951)
* [FIX] Read only channel/broadcast
* [FIX] Roles missing
* [FIX] Check roles to readOnly
* [FIX] Can post
* [FIX] Respect post-readonly permission
* [FIX] Search a room readOnly
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Cas auth (#2024)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Login TOTP Compatibility to older servers (#2018)
* [FIX] Login TOTP Compatibility to older servers
* [FIX] Android crashes if use double negation
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.4 (#2029)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Lint (#2030)
* [FIX] UIKit with only one block (#2022)
* [FIX] Message with only one block
* [FIX] Update headers
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.7.0 (#2035)
* [FIX] Action Tint Color on Black theme (#2081)
* [FIX] Prevent crash when thread is not found (#2080)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Prevent double click (#2079)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Show slash commands when disconnected (#2078)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Backhandler onboarding (#2077)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Respect UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars setting (#2076)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] RoomsList update sometimes isn't fired (#2071)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Stop inserting last message as message object from rooms stream if room is focused (#2069)
* [IMPROVEMENT] No insert last message if the room is focused
* fix discussion/threads
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Hide system messages (#2067)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Pending update (#2066)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Prevent crash when room.uids was not inserted yet (#2055)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FEATURE] Save video (#2063)
* added-feature-save-video
* fix sha256
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Send totp-code to meteor call (#2050)
* fixed-issue
* removed-variable-name-errors
* reverted-last-commit
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessageBox mention shouldn't show group DMs (#2049)
* fixed-issue
* [FIX] Filter users only if it's not a group chat
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] AttachmentView (Android)(Tablet) (#2047)
* [fix]Tablet attachment View and Room Navigation
* fix weird navigation and margin bottom
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Allow special chars in Filename (#2020)
* fixed-filename-issue
* improve
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Recorded audio on Android doesn't play on iOS (#2073)
* react-native-video -> expo-av
* remove react-native-video
* Add audio mode
* update mocks
* [FIX] Loading bigger than play/pause
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Message Touchable (#2082)
* [FIX] Avatar touchable
* [IMPROVEMENT] onLongPress on all Message Touchables
* [IMPROVEMENT] User & baseUrl on MessageContext
* [FIX] Context Access
* [FIX] BaseURL
* Fix User
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ReactionsModal (#2085)
* [NEW] Delete Server (#1975)
* [NEW] Delete server
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Revert removed function
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
* pods
* i18n
* Revert "pods"
This reverts commit 2854a1650538159aeeafe90fdb2118d12b76a82f.
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Change server while connecting/updating (#1981)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Change server while connecting
* [FIX] Not login/reconnect to previous server
* [FIX] Abort all fetch while connecting
* [FIX] Abort sdk fetch
* [FIX] Patch-package
* Add comments
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Keep screen awake while recording/playing some audio (#2089)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Keep screen awake while recording/playing some audio
* [FIX] Add expo-keep-awake mock
* [FIX] UIKit crashing when UIKitModal receive update event (#2088)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Close announcement banner (#2064)
* [NEW] Created new field in subscription table
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] New field added to obeserver in room view
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Added icon and new design to banner
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Close banner function works
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] closed banner status now update correctly
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* improve banner style
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Update all dependencies (#2008)
* Android RN 62
* First steps iOS
* Second step iOS
* iOS compiling
* "New" build system
* Finish iOS
* Flipper
* Update to RN 0.62.1
* expo libs
* Hermes working
* Fix lint
* Fix android build
* Patches
* Dev patches
* Patch WatermelonDB: https://github.com/Nozbe/WatermelonDB/pull/660
* Fix jitsi
* Update several minors
* Update dev minors and lint
* react-native-keyboard-input
* Few updates
* device info
* react-native-fast-image
* Navigation bar color
* react-native-picker-select
* webview
* reactotron-react-native
* Watermelondb
* RN 0.62.2
* Few updates
* Fix selection
* update gems
* remove lib
* finishing
* tests
* Use node 10
* Re-enable app bundle
* iOS build
* Update jitsi ios
* [NEW] Passcode and biometric unlock (#2059)
* Update expo libs
* Configure expo-local-authentication
* ScreenLockedView
* Authenticate server change
* Auth on app resume
* localAuthentication util
* Add servers.lastLocalAuthenticatedSession column
* Save last session date on background
* Use our own version of app state redux
* Fix libs
* Remove inactive
* ScreenLockConfigView
* Apply on saved data
* Auto lock option label
* Starting passcode
* Basic passcode flow working
* Change passcode
* Check if biometry is enrolled
* Use fork
* Migration
* Patch expo-local-authentication
* Use async storage
* Styling
* Timer
* Refactor
* Lock orientation portrait when not on tablet
* share extension
* Deep linking
* Share extension
* Refactoring passcode
* use state
* Stash
* Refactor
* Change passcode
* Animate dots on error
* Matching passcodes
* Shake
* Remove lib
* Delete button
* Fade animation on modal
* Refactoring
* ItemInfo
* I18n
* I18n
* Remove unnecessary prop
* Save biometry column
* Raise time to lock to 30 seconds
* Vibrate on wrong confirmation passcode
* Reset attempts and save last authentication on local passcode confirmation
* Remove inline style
* Save last auth
* Fix header blink
* Change function name
* Fix android modal
* Fix vibration permission
* PasscodeEnter calls biometry
* Passcode on the state
* Biometry button on PasscodeEnter
* Show whole passcode
* Secure passcode
* Save passcode with promise to prevent empty passcodes and immediately lock
* Patch expo-local-authentication
* I18n
* Fix biometry being called every time
* Blur screen on app inactive
* Revert "Blur screen on app inactive"
This reverts commit a4ce812934adcf6cf87eb1a92aec9283e2f26753.
* Remove immediately because of how Activities work on Android
* Pods
* New layout
* stash
* Layout refactored
* Fix icons
* Force set passcode from server
* Lint
* Improve permission message
* Forced passcode subtitle
* Disable based on admin's choice
* Require local authentication on login success
* Refactor
* Update tests
* Update react-native-device-info to fix notch
* Lint
* Fix modal
* Fix icons
* Fix min auto lock time
* Review
* keep enabled on mobile
* fix forced by admin when enable unlock with passcode
* use DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK when manual enable screenLock
* fix check has passcode
* request biometry on first password
* reset auto time lock when disabled on server
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Messages View (#2090)
* [FIX] Messages View
* [FIX] Opening PDF from Files View
* [FIX] Audio
* [FIX] SearchMessagesView
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Big names overflow (#2072)
* [FIX] Big names overflow
* [FIX] Message time
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Some alignments
* fix user item overflow
* some adjustments
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Avatar of message as an emoji (#2038)
* fixed-issue
* removed-hardcoded-emoji
* Merge develop
* replaced markdown with emoji componenent
* made-changes
* use avatar onPress
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Livechat (#2004)
* [WIP][NEW] Livechat info/actions
* [IMPROVEMENT] RoomActionsView
* [NEW] Visitor Navigation
* [NEW] Get Department REST
* [FIX] Borders
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor RoomInfo View
* [FIX] Error while navigate from mention -> roomInfo
* [NEW] Livechat Fields
* [NEW] Close Livechat
* [WIP] Forward livechat
* [NEW] Return inquiry
* [WIP] Comment when close livechat
* [WIP] Improve roomInfo
* [IMPROVEMENT] Forward room
* [FIX] Department picker
* [FIX] Picker without results
* [FIX] Superfluous argument
* [FIX] Check permissions on RoomActionsView
* [FIX] Livechat permissions
* [WIP] Show edit to livechat
* [I18N] Add pt-br translations
* [WIP] Livechat Info
* [IMPROVEMENT] Livechat info
* [WIP] Livechat Edit
* [WIP] Livechat edit
* [WIP] Livechat Edit
* [WIP] Livechat edit scroll
* [FIX] Edit customFields
* [FIX] Clean livechat customField
* [FIX] Visitor Navigation
* [NEW] Next input logic LivechatEdit
* [FIX] Add livechat data to subscription
* [FIX] Revert change
* [NEW] Livechat user Status
* [WIP] Livechat tags
* [NEW] Edit livechat tags
* [FIX] Prevent some crashes
* [FIX] Forward
* [FIX] Return Livechat error
* [FIX] Prevent livechat info crash
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use input style on forward chat
* OnboardingSeparator -> OrSeparator
* [FIX] Go to next input
* [NEW] Added some icons
* [NEW] Livechat close
* [NEW] Forward Room Action
* [FIX] Livechat edit style
* [FIX] Change status logic
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary logic
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code
* [CHORE] Remove unecessary case
* [FIX] Superfluous argument
* [IMPROVEMENT] Submit livechat edit
* [CHORE] Remove textInput type
* [FIX] Livechat edit
* [FIX] Livechat Edit
* [FIX] Use same effect
* [IMPROVEMENT] Tags input
* [FIX] Add empty tag
* Fix minor issues
* Fix typo
* insert livechat room data to our room object
* review
* add method calls server version
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Delete Subs (#2091)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android build (#2094)
* [FIX] Blink header DM (#2093)
* [FIX] Blink header DM
* Remove query
* [FIX] Push RoomInfoView
* remove unnecessary try/catch
* [FIX] RoomInfo > Message (Tablet)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Default biometry enabled (#2095)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Enable navigating to a room from auth deep linking (#2115)
* Wait for login success to navigate
* Enable auth and room deep linking at the same time
* [FIX] NewMessageView Press Item should open DM (#2116)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Roles throwing error (#2110)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Wait attach activity before changeNavigationBarColor (#2111)
* [FIX] Wait attach activity before changeNavigationBarColor
* Remove timeout and add try/catch
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] UIKit crash when some app send a list (#2117)
* [FIX] StoryBook
* [FIX] UIKit crash when some app send a list
* [CHORE] Update snapshot
* [CHORE] Remove token & id
* [FIX] Change bar color while no activity attached (#2130)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Screen Lock options i18n (#2120)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Added missing German translation strings (#2105)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Sometimes SDK is null when try to connect (#2131)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Autocomplete position on Android (#2106)
* [FIX] Autocomplete position on Android
* [FIX] Set selection to 0 when needed
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Revert "[FIX] Autocomplete position on Android (#2106)" (#2136)
This reverts commit e8c38d6f6f69ae396a4aae6e37336617da739a6d.
* [FIX] Here and all mentions shouldn't refer to users (#2137)
* [FIX] No send data to bugsnag if it's an aborted request (#2133)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Update and separate E2E tests (#2126)
* Tests passing until roomslist
* create room
* roominfo
* change server
* broadcast
* profile
* custom status
* forgot password
* working
* room and onboarding
* Tests separated
* config.yml refactor
* Revert "config.yml refactor"
This reverts commit 0e984d3029e47612726bf199553f7abdf24843e5.
* CI
* lint
* CI refactor
* Onboarding tests
* npx detox
* Add all tests
* Save brew cache
* mac-env executor
* detox-test command
* Update readme
* Remove folder
* [FIX] Screen Lock Time respect local value (#2141)
* [FIX] Screen Lock Time respect local value
* [FIX] Enable biometry at the first passcode change
* Bump version to 4.8.0 (#2147)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor icon package (#2146)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor Icon Package
* some size fixes
* [CHORE] Update WatermelonDB to 0.16.2 (#2166)
* [CHORE] Update WatermelonDB to 0.16.2
* Patch watermelon
* Markdown linting for e2e README (#2173)
* Markdown linting for e2e README
* Running a subset of tests
* [FIX] Load messages when hideSystemMessages is enabled (#2101)
* [WIP] Load messages when hideSystemMessages is enabled
* Improve method name
* Minor improvements
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Respect server HideSystemMessages (#2175)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Screen Lock (#2177)
* [FIX] Screen Lock
* improve variable name
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Load messages issue when trying to get ts from empty results (#2185)
* [FIX] Show registration form when add server by a invite link (#2187)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] 2FA email - send code again (#2188)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Update react-navigation to v5 (#2154)
* react-navigation v5 installed
* compiling
* Outside working
* InsideStack compiling
* Switch stack
* Starting room
* RoomView header
* SafeAreaView
* Slide from right stack animation
* stash
* Fix params
* Create channel
* inapp notification
* Custom status
* Add server working
* Refactor appStart
* Attachment
* in-app notification
* AuthLoadingView
* Remove compat
* Navigation
* Outside animations
* Fix new server icon
* block modal
* AttachmentView header
* Remove unnecessary code
* SelectedUsersView header
* StatusView
* CreateDiscussionView
* RoomInfoView
* RoomInfoEditView style
* RoomMembersView
* RoomsListView header
* RoomView header
* Share extension
* getParam
* Focus/blur
* Trying to fix inapp
* Lint
* Simpler app container
* Update libs
* Revert "Simpler app container"
This reverts commit 1e49d80bb49481c34f415831b9da5e9d53e66057.
* Load messages faster
* Fix safearea on ReactionsModal
* Update safe area to v3
* lint
* Fix transition
* stash - drawer replace working
* stash - modal nav
* RoomActionsView as tablet modal
* RoomStack
* Stop showing RoomView header when there's no room
* Custom Header and different navigation based on stack
* Refactor setHeader
* MasterDetailContext
* RoomView header
* Fix isMasterDetail rule
* KeyCommands kind of working
* Create channel on tablet
* RoomView sCU
* Remove withSplit
* Settings opening as modal
* Settings
* StatusView headerLeft
* Admin panel
* TwoFactor style
* DirectoryView
* ServerDropdown and SortDropdown animations
* ThreadMessagesView
* Navigate to empty RoomView on server switch when in master detail
* ProfileView header
* Fix navigation issues
* Nav to any room info on tablet
* Room info
* Refactoring
* Fix rooms search
* Roomslist commands
* SearchMessagesView close modal
* Key commands
* Fix undefined subscription
* Disallow navigate to focused room
* isFocused state on RoomsListView
* Blur text inputs when focus is lost
* Replace animation
* Default nav theme
* Refactoring
* Always open Attachment with close modal button
* ModalContainer backdrop following themes
* Screen tracking
* Refactor get active route for in-app notification
* Only mark room as focused when in master detail layout
* Lint
* Open modals as fade from bottom on Android
* typo
* Fixing tests
* Fix in-app update
* Fixing goRoom issues
* Refactor stack names
* Fix unreadsCount
* Fix stack
* Fix header animation
* Refactor ShareNavigation
* Refactor navigation theme
* Make sure title is set
* Fix create discussion navigation
* Remove unused variable
* Create discussions from actions fixed
* Layout animation
* Screen lock on share extension
* Unnecessary change
* Admin border
* Set header after state callback
* Fix key commands on outside stack
* Fix back button pressed
* Remove layout animations from Android
* Tweak animations on Android
* Disable swipe gesture to open drawer
* Fix current item on RoomsListView
* Fix add server
* Fix drawer
* Fix broadcast
* LayoutAnimation instead of Transitions
* Fix onboarding back press
* Fix assorted tests
* Create discussion fix
* RoomInfoView header
* Drawer active item
* [NEW] Action Sheet (#2114)
* [WIP] New Action Sheet
* [NEW] Header Indicator
* [IMPROVEMENT] Header Logic
* [NEW] Use EventEmitter to show ActionSheet for while
* [FIX] Animation
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use provider
* [FIX] Add callback
* [FIX] Message Actions
* [FIX] Add MessageActions icons
* [NEW] MessageErrorActions
* [FIX] Adjust height
* [FIX] Close/Reopen
* [CHORE] Remove react-native-action-sheet
* [CHORE] Move ActionSheet
* [FIX] Reply Message
* [IMPROVEMENT] Hide ActionSheet logic
* [WIP] Custom MessageActions Header
* [IMPROVEMENT] MessageActions Header
* [IMPROVEMENT] Enable Scroll
* [FIX] Scroll on Android
* Move to react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* Stash
* Refactor actions
* Revert some changes
* Trying react-native-modalize
* Back to HOC
* ActionSheet style
* HOC Header
* Reaction actionSheet
* Fix messageBox actions
* Fix add reaction
* Change to flatListProps
* fix modalize android scroll
* Use react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* [NEW] BottomSheet dismissable & [FIX] Android not opening
* [NEW] Show emojis based on screen width
* [WIP] Adjust to content height
* [IMPROVEMENT] Responsible
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use alert instead actionSheet at NewServerView
* [FIX] Handle tablet cases
* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove actionSheet of RoomMembersView
* [IMPROVEMENT] Min snap distance when its portrait
* [CHORE] Remove unused Components
* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove duplicated add-reaction
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor Icon Package
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use new icons
* [FIX] Select message at MessageActions before getOptions
* [FIX] Custom header height
* [CHORE] Remove patch & [FIX] Tablet bottom sheet
* [FIX] Use ListItem height to BottomSheet Height
* Some fixes
* [FIX] Custom MessageActions header
* [FIX] Android height adjust
* [IMPROVEMENT] Item touchable & [FIX] Respect pin permission
* [IMPROVEMENT] More than one snap point
* some size fixes
* improve code
* hide horizontal scroll indicator
* [FIX] Focus MessageBox on edit message
* [FIX] Ripple color
* [IMPROVEMENT] Backdrop must keep same opacity after 50% of the screen
* [TEST] Change animation config
* [IMPROVEMENT] BackHandler should close the ActionSheet
* [CHORE] Add react-native-safe-area-context
* [FIX] Provide a bottom padding at notch devices
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve backdrop input/output range
* [FIX] Weird Android Snap behavior
* [PATCH] React-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* [CI] Re-run build
* [FIX] Landscape android
* [IMPROVEMENT] Cover 50% of the screen at the landscape mode
* [FIX] Adjust emoji content to width size
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use hooks library
* [IMPROVEMENT] Close the actionSheet when orientation change
* deactivate safe-area-context for while
* [REVERT] Re-add react-native-safe-area-context (3.0.2)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use focused background
* [TESTS] E2E Tests updated to new BottomSheet
* [NEW] Add cancel button
* [FIX] Cancel button at android
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use cancelable bottom sheet at room members view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use better function names
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use getItemLayout
* [FIX][TEMP] Animation
* Review
* Build
* Header keyExtractor
* Rename function
* Tweak animation
* Refactoring
* useTheme
* Refactoring
* TestIDs
* Refactor
* Remove old lib
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Add fastlane to android module and configure CI (#2100)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use react-native-notifier for in-app notifications (#2139)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Create DimensionsContext (#2098)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove duplicated sCU condition (#2194)
* [FIX] The auto translate toggle don't save right state (#2142)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Increase "content_hash_max_items" on Watchman (#2181)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] IFrame authentication (#2184)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Send multiple attachments (#2162)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Omnichannel Status Toggle (#2217)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Typing when UI_Use_Real_Name is enabled (#2216)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Logout failing after #2217 (#2222)
* [CHORE] Add wrapper to make Meteor methods calls over REST (#2104)
* [WIP] Use rest instead methodCall
* [WIP] Some method calls using wrapper
* [WIP] Wrap all necessary methodCalls
* fix
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Mark thread as read on open (#2225)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Mark a thread as read
* Use methodCallWrapper
* Check server version
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read receipt icon on action sheet (#2237)
* [FIX] Handle TypeErrors on navigationRef and draftMessage due to null properties (#2232)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android crashing when restoring from background (#2238)
* [FIX] Send thread attachment (#2242)
* [FIX] Iframe auth Login Button (#2241)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Audio Recording (#2240)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Expo-av audio recorder (#2195)
* [NEW] MessageBox: Expo-av audio recorder
* Refactor MessageBox to accommodate recording button even when recording
* Rename Recording.js -> RecordAudio.js as we could implement video recording in the future
* RecordAudio: Introduce cancel and send buttons
* RecordAudio: Introduce recorderBusy state, refactor MessageBox, remove useless SafeAreaView
* RecordAudio: Better audio quality 🎉, stop recording on unmount
* RecordAudio: Use FileSystem from expo-file-system instead of RNFetchBlob
* chore: flush out react-native-audio
* fix(MessageBox): bring back some missed styles during refactor
* refactor(RecordAudio): use class component
* refactor(RecordAudio): recorder busy to class property, styling changes
* recorder initialisation changes
* fix(RecordAudio): missing await in isRecordingPermissionGranted
* fix(RecordAudio): set isRecording = false on cancel/finish, refactor perms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Unified header UX (#2234)
* Change drawer icon
* Removed iOS variation
* Patch to react-navigation-header-buttons... easier to patch then to overwrite its behaviour :(
* Correctly position title
* Header subtitle
* Layout
* Alignment
* RoomView header
* Renamed RoomHeaderLeft to LeftButtons
* RoomView back button
* Search icon on RoomView
* Refactor
* Fix header on tablet
* Fix search messages close button on tablet
* Search key command
* Network status on RoomView header subtitle
* Update tests
* Scale content
* SearchBox cancel color
* Bump version to 4.9.0 (#2248)
* [FIX] Check for UI_Use_Real_Name when sorting rooms (#2230)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Emoji keyboard not showing custom and frequently used emojis on Share Extension (#2251)
* [FIX] Scroll to top crashing when ref is undefined (#2252)
* [FIX] Check if exists scroll ref
* Remove scrollTo
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] AttachmentView crashing during title decode (#2253)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Command previews crashing when API returns an error (#2254)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ThreadMessagesView throwing error when subscription wasn't found (#2255)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Register crashing when error data is undefined (#2256)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Get active route returning undefined (#2257)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ImageViewer not recognising gestures after zoomed (#2261)
* [FIX] Zoomed in images must react to gestures
* AnimatedFastImage -> AnimatedImage
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android stack animation throwing illegal node ID (#2260)
* [FIX] Navigation object undefined when tapping sidebar's user header on tablet (#2259)
* [FIX] Action sheet cutting emojis on the header (#2263)
* [FIX] Action sheet cutting emojis on the header
* fix tablet case
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Mime type check crashing the app (#2264)
* [FIX] Notification preferences update crashing the app (#2262)
* [FIX] Create discussion not working from MessageActions (#2265)
* [FIX] getSettings not catching errors (#2271)
* [REGRESSION] Jitsi Call doesn't send message link (#2277)
* [FIX] Messages hidden behind MessageBox (#2281)
* fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (#2275)
The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:
- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-JPEGJS-570039
- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-LODASH-567746
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Add missing german strings (#2278)
* cleaned mixed usage of "du" and "Sie"
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] CircleCI Upgrades (#2269)
* Upgrade nvm
* Upgrade XCode
* Use nvm's default installed version of node (LTS)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Sign in with Apple (#2282)
* Add expo-apple-authentication
* Button
* Create new provisioning profiles
* Login with Apple
* Change provisioning profile
* Button color based on theme
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessageBox not being shown on ShareView when Preview is a video (#2283)
* Wrap video preview with ScrollView so Messagebox is shown properly
* Fix border color
* [TESTS] Test in docker (#2290)
* Add docker env with orchestration
* Update detox, update mocha config format
* One simulator at a time - mocha won't run parallel
* Docker runner, with test changes to match RC data
* Better error trapping in infrastructure control script
* Swap user provisioning from Mongo to RC API to work against existing servers
* Add docker to e2e readme
* Stop using example.com for emails
* Default detox to the tests directory
* Add working configs for both run scenarios
* Add some optional forcing of data.js version for Docker
* [CHORE] Consistent Rocket.Chat Branding (#2293)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.10.0 (#2305)
* [FIX] Room Info actions doesn't check permissions/settings enabled (#2292)
* [FIX] Show Call Button only when Jitsi Enabled (RoomInfoView)
* [FIX] Show user info
* [FIX] Show message button only if it's possible
* [FIX] Create direct only when needed
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read receipts on tablet (#2297)
* fixes not working read receipts on tablet (#2295)
* fixing last commit it to make it work on both tablet and phone
* fix missing close button on tablet's modal view
* Update app/views/ReadReceiptView/index.js
* remove unnecessary param
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache (#2300)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache
* use fork instead
* react-native-fast-image -> @rocket.chat/react-native-fast-image
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] In-app notification tap when deep in the stack not redirecting to the room (#2302)
* [FIX] Markdown preview causes app stuck (#2303)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Update commonmark libs (#2306)
* [CHORE] Update commonmark fork and relateds
* [CHORE] Update commonmark.js
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump lodash from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19 (#2310)
Bumps [lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash) from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/compare/4.17.16...4.17.19)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* [FIX] MessagesView duplicating content (#2307)
* Fix Pagination duplicacy
* Fix MessageView Duplicate Content
* [FIX] Return fetch func
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* Update dependencies (#2301)
* Update RN to 0.63.0-rc.1
* Updating
* Fix keyboard
* Fix native stuff on Messagebox
* Update to RN 0.63.1
* Update pods
* Update patches
* Update minors
* Majors
* Remove base-64 in favour of js-base64
* others
* Pods
* Flipper
* Yarn
* Fix setInput
* [IMPROVEMENT] Native sort and limit queries (#2249)
* Update WatermelonDB to 0.18.0
* Low onEndReachedThreshold
* Query experiment
* Query or fetch data
* Reorder class functions
* Reset variables
* Hide system messages
* Change this.count behaviour
* Starting on RoomsListView
* unsubscribeQuery
* onEndReached
* Separate queries
* Reusable where clause
* Refactoring
* Refactor RoomItem to accept item as prop
* Comment RoomItem tests just so jest passes
* Fix alert and status
* onPress
* Unnecessary diff
* react-fast-compare
* Native limit on ShareListView
* Tweak item description
* Lint
* Fix on foreground crash
* Suggested changes
* [FIX] Style not being applied on RoomsListView header subtitle (#2319)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template (#1893)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template
* Few changes
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Revert "[CHORE] Update commonmark.js " (#2331)
* [TESTS] Idempotence for e2e tests (#2308)
* Idempotence for Assorted
* Idempotence for Onboarding
* Idempotence for Rooms
* Remove redundant expects
* Fixes and improvements
* Remove unneeded sleeps
* Make stable following merge
* Try solving early taps without long sleep
Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont)
Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing
Add screenshots to CircleCI for failed tests
Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont. 2)
Revert "Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing"
This reverts commit 4abef3a5827910c05b12ac8b8380275b60e8af4f.
* Fix flaky test with a fluent wait on the tap
* Add some new sleeps to workaround #2324
* Add test artifacts to gitignore
* More longpress for dodgy taps, wait for pin response
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Log events from Onboarding, NewServer, Login and Register screens (#2169)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Keyboard not focusing on TwoFactor component (#2314)
* Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
* Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
* Remove unrelated styling improvements
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] TwoFactor component styling (#2328)
* Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
* Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
* Remove unrelated styling improvements
* Improve 2fa component title hierarchy
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Admin panel not logging in automatically (#2330)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump codecov from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1 (#2323)
Bumps [codecov](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node) from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/compare/v3.6.5...v3.7.1)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Skip waiting for build processing on TestFlight upload (#2320)
* [CHORE] Update react-native-firebase (#2336)
* Remove firebase
* Install firebase/app
* Install analytics
* Crashlytics
* Android
* Fix mocks
* Edit scheme to Debug build configuration
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154 (#2338)
* [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154
* Clear invite links token when close NewServerView
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Fix some simple text (#2332)
* Clearer infrastructure wait message
* Use a generic mailbox rather than spamming Diego
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] i18n being called outside render (#2334)
* Fix I18n usage in ThemeView
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix I18n usage in NotificationPreferencesView
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix some I18n wrong uses
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessagesView title not working (#2294)
* Set title in header of room actions view items
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Remove unneeded spaces
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Set header title on constructor
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Remove unused navigation options
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Stabilise Room Actions test (#2333)
* Stabilise Room Actions test
* Fix Create Room test
* Be more tolerant of slow starting apps in CI
* Be more tolerant of slow running apps in CI
* Switch visibility checks ti stabilise Room Create test in CI
* Move slow simulator readiness waiting to initial navigateToX methods rather than repeatedly in tests without description of purpose
* [CHORE] Update icon names (#2318)
* [CHORE] Move Detox to Github Actions (#2340)
* Initial workflow for iOS detox tests
* Increase timeout
* Parallelise tests and optimise when to build
* Refine GH Actions logic
* Improve Detox App caching
* Upload failed test artifacts
* Rate limiting aware data setup
* Remove detox tests from Circle CI
* Revert "Rate limiting aware data setup"
This reverts commit d115604270f719de775018b9b06e89f2bfdc2dc7.
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Push notification data privacy (#2213)
* [WIP] Notification Service
* [WIP] Android push notification privacy
* [WIP] Retry request when it fails (iOS)
* [WIP] Override notification bundle
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary import
* [WIP] Check notification Type (iOS)
* [WIP] Change to notification endpoint
* eof
* fix unwrap conditional value
* turn run request synchronous
* fix bundle info
* eof
* remove extra tab
* undo unnecessary change
* remove not working code for a while
* fix notification title
* change endpoint and received/sent data
* message-id-only working properly on android
* notification privacy working on ios
* invalidate circleCI yarn cache
* Fix provisioning profiles
* fix notification service version
* fix unwrap nil
* compatibility older servers android
* show received notification when cant fetch content from server
* undo some android changes
* prevent group & reply fallback notifications
* dont show more than one fallback notification by server
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Apply new mention colors (#2351)
* New mention colors
* Increase letterSpacing for mentions
* Refactor
* UnreadBadge
* Add migration
* [FIX] Missing icons (#2353)
* [FIX] Long press gestures not working properly on Android (#2354)
* [FIX] In-app notification showing while in a Jitsi call (#2345)
* Hide in app notification when focused on JitsiMeetView
* Hide notifications from different rooms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug (#2347)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
* [CHORE] Update Flipper to 0.51.0 (#2356)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
* Update Flipper to latest 0.51 for Android
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Log events from RoomsList, SideDrawer and Profile (#2190)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* track add server, change server and search
* Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
* Track profile events and handle exceptions
* Track create channel flux
* Track send message to user via NewMessageView
* Track create direct message flux
* Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
* Track create discussion flux
* Track navigate to directory and its actions
* Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
* Track all channels sorting and grouping
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Remove unused events file
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
* Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Improve the logging of sidebar events
* Improve events from onboarding and newserver
* Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
* Improve NewMessageView events
* Improve CreateChannel events
* Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
* Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
* Improve ProfileView events
* Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
* Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Add missing keys to push get payload (#2358)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add deep link to Jitsi calls (#2223)
* [WIP] Jitsi Deep Links
* [WIP] Add app links
* save uniqueID servers database
* add serverInfoKey of uniqueID
* search server by call url
* open jitsi deeplink poc
* improve jitsi url
* fix
* improve comment
* add missing android scheme
* handle host not found
* Allow app links to be matched on parseDeepLinking
* Fix push notification of a call
* Minor fix
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] App hanging on splash screen when deep link params are wrong (#2359)
* Add rule when there's no host on the deep link params
* Add fallbackNavigation()
* Fix insecure hosts
* [FIX] More missing icons (#2360)
* [NEW] Log events from Room, Settings and Edit status (#2206)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* track add server, change server and search
* Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
* Track profile events and handle exceptions
* Track create channel flux
* Track send message to user via NewMessageView
* Track create direct message flux
* Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
* Track create discussion flux
* Track navigate to directory and its actions
* Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
* Track all channels sorting and grouping
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Remove unused events file
* Remove unused events file
* log proposed Room events
* Log proposed Message actions events
* Log EditStatus proposed events
* Log Settings proposed events
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
* Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Move all non-logic and non-data dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Improve the logging of sidebar events
* Improve events from onboarding and newserver
* Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
* Improve NewMessageView events
* Improve CreateChannel events
* Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
* Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
* Improve ProfileView events
* Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
* Improve SettingsView events
* Log more events from ScreenLockConfigView
* Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
* Improve StatusView events
* Improve RoomView events
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Vertically centralize RoomItem when `Store_Last_Message` is disabled (#2363)
* Split RoomItem into container and component
* Refactor RoomItem
* Fix wrong status
* Tests
* Wrapper
* [NEW] Omnichannel inquiry queue (#2352)
* [WIP] Omnichannel queue
* Request inquiry when login
* Show take inquiry queued room
* Queue List as a Screen
* Poc using unread badge
* Prevent navigation to empty list
* Remove chat from queue when taked
* Fix header status on omnichannel preview room
* Fix room actions view to preview queued chat
* Use isOmnichannelPreview and dont show actions when is preview
* Filter queue chats taken by other people
* Fix room info to omnichannel preview room
* Handle show Queue
* Reset inquiry store when change server
* Improve queue logic
* Disable swipe on RoomItem when is a Queue Item
* Add unreadBadge style
* Move unread badge to presentation folder
* Cleanup inquiry reducers
* Move take saga to rocketchat function
* Remove comments
* Add relevant comments
* Subscribe to public stream if is livechat manager or doesnt have departments
* Add pt-br and improve queue empty message
* Fix take when dont have view-livechat-manager permission
* Add missing events
* Create selector for inquiry queue
* Minor fixes
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Wrap logEvent in a try/catch (#2361)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Minor i18n issues (#2335)
* Add new translations to ptBr
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix update language in headers
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use parsed EJSON info on load notification (#2370)
* [NEW] Log remaining events (#2368)
* Change NAVIGATE_TO for GO_TO to reduce event size
* Log RA JitsiMeet events and join / terminate
* Log more RoomView events
* Log slash commands and handle fail
* Log RoomActions events
* Change from GO_TO to just GO
* Log RoomInfoEdit events
* Log InviteUsers and InviteUsersEdit events
* Log AutoTranslate events
* Log NotificationPreferences events
* Log remaining routes from RoomActions
* Log RoomAction toggle block user
* Fix command event
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] WorkspaceView not looking for the correct image path (#2376)
Co-authored-by: Gabriel Henriques <gabriel.henriques@rocket.chat>
* [FIX] Android targeting wrong SDK version (#2375)
* [FIX] Mentions crashing without username (#2374)
* [FIX] Missing delete icon on MessageErrorActions (#2373)
* [FIX] Quote not working on Group DM (#2372)
* [DOCS] Add Whitelabel (#2379)
* Update readme (#2381)
* Update README.md (#2378)
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [DOCS] Refactor Readme (#2382)
* Refactoring
* Detail docs
* Contributing
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Youssef Muhamad <emaildeyoussefmuhamad@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <prateek93a@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: phriedrich <info@phriedrich.de>
Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <41206172+sarthakpranesh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <52153085+devyaniChoubey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Ezequiel de Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Neil Agarwal <neil@neilagarwal.me>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Govind Dixit <GOVINDDIXIT93@GMAIL.COM>
Co-authored-by: Zhaubassarova Aruzhan <49000079+azhaubassar@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Aroo <azhaubassar@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <sarthak.pranesh2018@vitstudent.ac.in>
Co-authored-by: Siddharth Padhi <padhisiddharth31@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dan Caseley <dan@caseley.me.uk>
Co-authored-by: Heng Sok <sokheng@idatahub.com>
Co-authored-by: Snyk bot <snyk-bot@snyk.io>
Co-authored-by: Rohit Verma <44283521+refactor-droidyy@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Graham Smith <graham@wiseman-designs.com>
Co-authored-by: Gabriel Henriques <gabriel.henriques@rocket.chat>
Co-authored-by: Júlia Grala <30629556+juliagrala@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-09-01 12:22:20 +00:00
It's also recommend to use the module import syntax, available for CocoaPods(enable `modular_headers` )/Carthage/SwiftPM.
@import SDWebImage;
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
### Build Project
At this point your workspace should build without error. If you are having problem, post to the Issue and the
community can help you solve it.
## Author
- [Olivier Poitrey ](https://github.com/rs )
## Collaborators
- [Konstantinos K. ](https://github.com/mythodeia )
- [Bogdan Poplauschi ](https://github.com/bpoplauschi )
- [Chester Liu ](https://github.com/skyline75489 )
- [DreamPiggy ](https://github.com/dreampiggy )
- [Wu Zhong ](https://github.com/zhongwuzw )
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
## Credits
Thank you to all the people who have already contributed to SDWebImage.
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
## Licenses
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00
All source code is licensed under the [MIT License ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/blob/master/LICENSE ).
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
## Architecture
Merge beta into master (#2445)
* [FIX] Close tablet modal (#1773)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Setting not present (#1775)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Thread header (#1776)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Keyboard tracking loses input ref (#1784)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Mark message as unread (#1785)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Log server version (#1786)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add loading message on long running tasks (#1798)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Switch Apple account on Fastlane (#1810)
* [FIX] Watermelon throwing "Cannot update a record with pending updates" (#1754)
* [FIX] Detox tests (#1790)
* [CHORE] Use markdown preview on RoomView Header (#1807)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] LoginSignup blink services (#1809)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Request user presence on demand (#1813)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove all invited users when create a channel (#1814)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Pop from room which you have been removed (#1819)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Room Info styles (#1820)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Add missing German keys (#1800)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Empty mentions for @all and @here when real name is enabled (#1822)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Markdown added to Storybook (#1812)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Room View header title (#1827)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Storybook snapshots (#1831)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Mentions (#1829)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Thread message not found (#1830)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Separate delete and remove channel (#1832)
* Rename to delete room
* Separate delete and remove channel
* handleRemoved -> handleRoomRemoved
* [FIX] Navigate to RoomsList & Handle tablet case
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Filter system messages per room (#1815)
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] e2e tests (#1838)
* [FIX] Consecutive clear cache calls freezing app (#1851)
* Bump version to 4.5.1 (#1853)
* [FIX][iOS] Ignore silent mode on audio player (#1862)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Create App Group property on Info.plist (#1858)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Make username clickable on message (#1618)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Show proper error message on profile (#1768)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Show toast when a message is starred/unstarred (#1616)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Incorrect size params to avatar endpoint (#1875)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove unrecognized emoji flags on android (#1887)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove react-native global installs (#1886)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Emojis transparent on android (#1881)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 (#1876)
Bumps [acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn) from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn/compare/5.7.3...5.7.4)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.0 (#1911)
* [FIX] Encode Image URI (#1909)
* [FIX] Encode Image URI
* [FIX] Check if Image is Valid
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Adaptive Icons (#1904)
* Remove unnecessary stuff from debug build
* Adaptive icon for experimental app
* [FIX] Stop showing message on leave channel (#1896)
* [FIX] Leave room don't show 'was removed' message
* [FIX] Remove duplicated code
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Added missing German translations(#1900)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Linkedin OAuth login (#1913)
* [CHORE] Fix typo in CreateChannel View (#1930)
* [FIX] Respect protocol in HTTP Auth IPs (#1933)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Use new LinkedIn OAuth url (#1935)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Use storyboard on splash screen (#1939)
* Update react-native-bootsplash
* iOS
* Fix android
* [FIX] Check if avatar exists before create Icon (#1927)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Ignore self typing event (#1950)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change default directory listing to Users (#1948)
* fix: change default directory listing to Users
* follow server settings
* Fix state to props
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Onboarding layout (#1954)
* Onboarding texts
* OnboardingView
* FormContainer
* Minor fixes
* NewServerView
* Remove code
* Refactor
* WorkspaceView
* Stash
* Login with email working
* Login with
* Join open
* Revert "Login with"
This reverts commit d05dc507d2e9a2db76d433b9b1f62192eba35dbd.
* Fix create account styles
* Register
* Refactor
* LoginServices component
* Refactor
* Multiple servers
* Remove native images
* Refactor styles
* Fix testid
* Fix add server on tablet
* i18n
* Fix close modal
* Fix TOTP
* [FIX] Registration disabled
* [FIX] Login Services separator
* Fix logos
* Fix AppVersion name
* I18n
* Minor fixes
* [FIX] Custom Fields
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Create discussions (#1942)
* [WIP][NEW] Create Discussion
* [FIX] Clear multiselect & Translations
* [NEW] Create Discussion at MessageActions
* [NEW] Disabled Multiselect
* [FIX] Initial channel
* [NEW] Create discussion on MessageBox Actions
* [FIX] Crashing on edit name
* [IMPROVEMENT] New message layout
* [NEW] Avatars on MultiSelect
* [FIX] Select Users
* [FIX] Add redirect and Handle tablet
* [IMPROVEMENT] Split CreateDiscussionView
* [FIX] Create a discussion inner discussion
* [FIX] Create a discussion
* [I18N] Add pt-br
* Change icons
* [FIX] Nav to discussion & header title
* Fix header
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Load messages (#1910)
* Create updateLastOpen param on readMessages
* Remove InteractionManager from load messages
* [NEW] Custom Status (#1811)
* [NEW] Custom Status
* [FIX] Subscribe to changes
* [FIX] Improve code using Banner component
* [IMPROVEMENT] Toggle modal
* [NEW] Edit custom status from Sidebar
* [FIX] Modal when tablet
* [FIX] Styles
* [FIX] Switch to react-native-promp-android
* [FIX] Custom Status UI
* [TESTS] E2E Custom Status
* Fix banner
* Fix banner
* Fix subtitle
* status text
* Fix topic header
* Fix RoomActionsView topic
* Fix header alignment on Android
* [FIX] RoomInfo crashes when without statusText
* [FIX] Use users.setStatus
* [FIX] Remove customStatus of ProfileView
* [FIX] Room View Thread Header
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] UI issues of Create Discussion View (#1965)
* [NEW] Direct Message between multiple users (#1958)
* [WIP] DM between multiple users
* [WIP][NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve createChannel Sagas
* [IMPROVEMENT] Selected Users view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Room Actions of Group DM
* [NEW] Create new DM between multiple users
* [NEW] Group DM avatar
* [FIX] Directory border
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use isGroupChat
* [CHORE] Remove legacy getRoomMemberId
* [NEW] RoomTypeIcon
* [FIX] No use legacy method on RoomInfoView
* [FIX] Blink header when create new DM
* [FIX] Only show create direct message option when allowed
* [FIX] RoomInfoView
* pt-BR
* Few fixes
* Create button name
* Show create button only after a user is selected
* Fix max users issues
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Add server and hide login (#1968)
* Navigate to new server workspace from ServerDropdown if there's no token
* Hide login button based on login services and Accounts_ShowFormLogin setting
* [FIX] Lint
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MultiSelect Keyboard behavior (Android) (#1969)
* fixed-modal-position
* made-changes
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Bottom border style on DirectoryView (#1963)
* [FIX] Border style
* [FIX] Refactoring
* [FIX] fix color of border
* Undo
Co-authored-by: Aroo <azhaubassar@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Clear settings on server change (#1967)
* [FIX] Deeplinking without RoomId (#1925)
* [FIX] Deeplinking without rid
* [FIX] Join channel
* [FIX] Deep linking without rid
* Update app/lib/methods/canOpenRoom.js
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Two Factor authentication via email (#1961)
* First api call working
* [NEW] REST API Post wrapper 2FA
* [NEW] Send 2FA on Email
* [I18n] Add translations
* [NEW] Translations & Cancel totp
* [CHORE] Totp -> TwoFactor
* [NEW] Two Factor by email
* [NEW] Tablet Support
* [FIX] Text colors
* [NEW] Password 2fa
* [FIX] Encrypt password on 2FA
* [NEW] MethodCall2FA
* [FIX] Password fallback
* [FIX] Wrap all post/methodCall with 2fa
* [FIX] Wrap missed function
* few fixes
* [FIX] Use new TOTP on Login
* [improvement] 2fa methodCall
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Correct message for manual approval user Registration (#1906)
* [FIX] Correct message for manual approval from admin shown on Registeration
* lint fix - added semicolon
* Updated the translations
* [FIX] Translations
* i18n to match server
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Direct Message between multiple users REST (#1974)
* [FIX] Investigate app losing connection issues (#1890)
* [WIP] Reopen without timeOut & ping with 5 sec & Fix Unsubscribe
* [FIX] Remove duplicated close
* [FIX] Use no-dist lib
* [FIX] Try minor fix
* [FIX] Try reopen connection when app was put on foreground
* [FIX] Remove timeout
* [FIX] Build
* [FIX] Patch
* [FIX] Snapshot
* [IMPROVEMENT] Decrease time to reopen
* [FIX] Some fixes
* [FIX] Update sdk version
* [FIX] Subscribe Room Once
* [CHORE] Update sdk
* [FIX] Subscribe Room
* [FIX] Try to resend missed subs
* [FIX] Users never show status when start app without network
* [FIX] Subscribe to room
* [FIX] Multiple servers
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [FIX] Don't duplicate streams on subscribeAll
* [FIX] Server version when start the app offline
* [FIX] Server version cached
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code
* [FIX] Offline server version
* [FIX] Subscribe before connect
* [FIX] Remove unncessary props
* [FIX] Update sdk
* [FIX] User status & Unsubscribe Typing
* [FIX] Typing at incorrect room
* [FIX] Multiple Servers
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [REVERT] Undo some changes on SDK
* [CHORE] Update sdk to prevent incorrect subscribes
* [FIX] Prevent no reconnect
* [FIX] Remove close on open
* [FIX] Clear typing when disconnect/connect to SDK
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* [CHORE] Update SDK
* Update SDK
* fix merge develop
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Single message thread inserting thread without rid (#1999)
* [FIX] ThreadMessagesView crashing on load (#1997)
* [FIX] Saml (#1996)
* [FIX] SAML incorrect close
* [FIX] Pathname
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change user own status (#1995)
* [FIX] Change user own status
* [IMPROVEMENT] Set activeUsers
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume (#1998)
* [FIX] Loading all updated rooms after app resume
* Fix room date on RoomItem
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Change notifications preferences (#2000)
* [FIX] Change notifications preferences
* [IMPROVEMENT] Picker View
* [I18N] Translations
* [FIX] Picker Selection
* [FIX] List border
* [FIX] Prevent crash
* [FIX] Not-Pref tablet
* [FIX] Use same style of LanguageView
* [IMPROVEMENT] Send listItem title
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.1 (#2001)
* [FIX] DM header blink (#2011)
* [FIX] Split get settings into two requests (#2017)
* [FIX] Split get settings into two requests
* [FIX] Clear settings only when change server
* [IMPROVEMENT] Move the way to clear settings
* [REVERT] Revert some changes
* [FIX] Server Icon
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Invite Links (#2007)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read only channel/broadcast (#1951)
* [FIX] Read only channel/broadcast
* [FIX] Roles missing
* [FIX] Check roles to readOnly
* [FIX] Can post
* [FIX] Respect post-readonly permission
* [FIX] Search a room readOnly
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Cas auth (#2024)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Login TOTP Compatibility to older servers (#2018)
* [FIX] Login TOTP Compatibility to older servers
* [FIX] Android crashes if use double negation
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.6.4 (#2029)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Lint (#2030)
* [FIX] UIKit with only one block (#2022)
* [FIX] Message with only one block
* [FIX] Update headers
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.7.0 (#2035)
* [FIX] Action Tint Color on Black theme (#2081)
* [FIX] Prevent crash when thread is not found (#2080)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Prevent double click (#2079)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Show slash commands when disconnected (#2078)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Backhandler onboarding (#2077)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Respect UI_Allow_room_names_with_special_chars setting (#2076)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] RoomsList update sometimes isn't fired (#2071)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Stop inserting last message as message object from rooms stream if room is focused (#2069)
* [IMPROVEMENT] No insert last message if the room is focused
* fix discussion/threads
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Hide system messages (#2067)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Pending update (#2066)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Prevent crash when room.uids was not inserted yet (#2055)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FEATURE] Save video (#2063)
* added-feature-save-video
* fix sha256
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Send totp-code to meteor call (#2050)
* fixed-issue
* removed-variable-name-errors
* reverted-last-commit
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessageBox mention shouldn't show group DMs (#2049)
* fixed-issue
* [FIX] Filter users only if it's not a group chat
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] AttachmentView (Android)(Tablet) (#2047)
* [fix]Tablet attachment View and Room Navigation
* fix weird navigation and margin bottom
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Allow special chars in Filename (#2020)
* fixed-filename-issue
* improve
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Recorded audio on Android doesn't play on iOS (#2073)
* react-native-video -> expo-av
* remove react-native-video
* Add audio mode
* update mocks
* [FIX] Loading bigger than play/pause
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Message Touchable (#2082)
* [FIX] Avatar touchable
* [IMPROVEMENT] onLongPress on all Message Touchables
* [IMPROVEMENT] User & baseUrl on MessageContext
* [FIX] Context Access
* [FIX] BaseURL
* Fix User
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ReactionsModal (#2085)
* [NEW] Delete Server (#1975)
* [NEW] Delete server
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Revert removed function
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
* pods
* i18n
* Revert "pods"
This reverts commit 2854a1650538159aeeafe90fdb2118d12b76a82f.
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Change server while connecting/updating (#1981)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Change server while connecting
* [FIX] Not login/reconnect to previous server
* [FIX] Abort all fetch while connecting
* [FIX] Abort sdk fetch
* [FIX] Patch-package
* Add comments
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Keep screen awake while recording/playing some audio (#2089)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Keep screen awake while recording/playing some audio
* [FIX] Add expo-keep-awake mock
* [FIX] UIKit crashing when UIKitModal receive update event (#2088)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Close announcement banner (#2064)
* [NEW] Created new field in subscription table
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] New field added to obeserver in room view
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Added icon and new design to banner
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Close banner function works
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] closed banner status now update correctly
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* improve banner style
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Update all dependencies (#2008)
* Android RN 62
* First steps iOS
* Second step iOS
* iOS compiling
* "New" build system
* Finish iOS
* Flipper
* Update to RN 0.62.1
* expo libs
* Hermes working
* Fix lint
* Fix android build
* Patches
* Dev patches
* Patch WatermelonDB: https://github.com/Nozbe/WatermelonDB/pull/660
* Fix jitsi
* Update several minors
* Update dev minors and lint
* react-native-keyboard-input
* Few updates
* device info
* react-native-fast-image
* Navigation bar color
* react-native-picker-select
* webview
* reactotron-react-native
* Watermelondb
* RN 0.62.2
* Few updates
* Fix selection
* update gems
* remove lib
* finishing
* tests
* Use node 10
* Re-enable app bundle
* iOS build
* Update jitsi ios
* [NEW] Passcode and biometric unlock (#2059)
* Update expo libs
* Configure expo-local-authentication
* ScreenLockedView
* Authenticate server change
* Auth on app resume
* localAuthentication util
* Add servers.lastLocalAuthenticatedSession column
* Save last session date on background
* Use our own version of app state redux
* Fix libs
* Remove inactive
* ScreenLockConfigView
* Apply on saved data
* Auto lock option label
* Starting passcode
* Basic passcode flow working
* Change passcode
* Check if biometry is enrolled
* Use fork
* Migration
* Patch expo-local-authentication
* Use async storage
* Styling
* Timer
* Refactor
* Lock orientation portrait when not on tablet
* share extension
* Deep linking
* Share extension
* Refactoring passcode
* use state
* Stash
* Refactor
* Change passcode
* Animate dots on error
* Matching passcodes
* Shake
* Remove lib
* Delete button
* Fade animation on modal
* Refactoring
* ItemInfo
* I18n
* I18n
* Remove unnecessary prop
* Save biometry column
* Raise time to lock to 30 seconds
* Vibrate on wrong confirmation passcode
* Reset attempts and save last authentication on local passcode confirmation
* Remove inline style
* Save last auth
* Fix header blink
* Change function name
* Fix android modal
* Fix vibration permission
* PasscodeEnter calls biometry
* Passcode on the state
* Biometry button on PasscodeEnter
* Show whole passcode
* Secure passcode
* Save passcode with promise to prevent empty passcodes and immediately lock
* Patch expo-local-authentication
* I18n
* Fix biometry being called every time
* Blur screen on app inactive
* Revert "Blur screen on app inactive"
This reverts commit a4ce812934adcf6cf87eb1a92aec9283e2f26753.
* Remove immediately because of how Activities work on Android
* Pods
* New layout
* stash
* Layout refactored
* Fix icons
* Force set passcode from server
* Lint
* Improve permission message
* Forced passcode subtitle
* Disable based on admin's choice
* Require local authentication on login success
* Refactor
* Update tests
* Update react-native-device-info to fix notch
* Lint
* Fix modal
* Fix icons
* Fix min auto lock time
* Review
* keep enabled on mobile
* fix forced by admin when enable unlock with passcode
* use DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK when manual enable screenLock
* fix check has passcode
* request biometry on first password
* reset auto time lock when disabled on server
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Messages View (#2090)
* [FIX] Messages View
* [FIX] Opening PDF from Files View
* [FIX] Audio
* [FIX] SearchMessagesView
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Big names overflow (#2072)
* [FIX] Big names overflow
* [FIX] Message time
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Some alignments
* fix user item overflow
* some adjustments
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Avatar of message as an emoji (#2038)
* fixed-issue
* removed-hardcoded-emoji
* Merge develop
* replaced markdown with emoji componenent
* made-changes
* use avatar onPress
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Livechat (#2004)
* [WIP][NEW] Livechat info/actions
* [IMPROVEMENT] RoomActionsView
* [NEW] Visitor Navigation
* [NEW] Get Department REST
* [FIX] Borders
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor RoomInfo View
* [FIX] Error while navigate from mention -> roomInfo
* [NEW] Livechat Fields
* [NEW] Close Livechat
* [WIP] Forward livechat
* [NEW] Return inquiry
* [WIP] Comment when close livechat
* [WIP] Improve roomInfo
* [IMPROVEMENT] Forward room
* [FIX] Department picker
* [FIX] Picker without results
* [FIX] Superfluous argument
* [FIX] Check permissions on RoomActionsView
* [FIX] Livechat permissions
* [WIP] Show edit to livechat
* [I18N] Add pt-br translations
* [WIP] Livechat Info
* [IMPROVEMENT] Livechat info
* [WIP] Livechat Edit
* [WIP] Livechat edit
* [WIP] Livechat Edit
* [WIP] Livechat edit scroll
* [FIX] Edit customFields
* [FIX] Clean livechat customField
* [FIX] Visitor Navigation
* [NEW] Next input logic LivechatEdit
* [FIX] Add livechat data to subscription
* [FIX] Revert change
* [NEW] Livechat user Status
* [WIP] Livechat tags
* [NEW] Edit livechat tags
* [FIX] Prevent some crashes
* [FIX] Forward
* [FIX] Return Livechat error
* [FIX] Prevent livechat info crash
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use input style on forward chat
* OnboardingSeparator -> OrSeparator
* [FIX] Go to next input
* [NEW] Added some icons
* [NEW] Livechat close
* [NEW] Forward Room Action
* [FIX] Livechat edit style
* [FIX] Change status logic
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary logic
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary code
* [CHORE] Remove unecessary case
* [FIX] Superfluous argument
* [IMPROVEMENT] Submit livechat edit
* [CHORE] Remove textInput type
* [FIX] Livechat edit
* [FIX] Livechat Edit
* [FIX] Use same effect
* [IMPROVEMENT] Tags input
* [FIX] Add empty tag
* Fix minor issues
* Fix typo
* insert livechat room data to our room object
* review
* add method calls server version
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Delete Subs (#2091)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android build (#2094)
* [FIX] Blink header DM (#2093)
* [FIX] Blink header DM
* Remove query
* [FIX] Push RoomInfoView
* remove unnecessary try/catch
* [FIX] RoomInfo > Message (Tablet)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Default biometry enabled (#2095)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Enable navigating to a room from auth deep linking (#2115)
* Wait for login success to navigate
* Enable auth and room deep linking at the same time
* [FIX] NewMessageView Press Item should open DM (#2116)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Roles throwing error (#2110)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Wait attach activity before changeNavigationBarColor (#2111)
* [FIX] Wait attach activity before changeNavigationBarColor
* Remove timeout and add try/catch
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] UIKit crash when some app send a list (#2117)
* [FIX] StoryBook
* [FIX] UIKit crash when some app send a list
* [CHORE] Update snapshot
* [CHORE] Remove token & id
* [FIX] Change bar color while no activity attached (#2130)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Screen Lock options i18n (#2120)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Added missing German translation strings (#2105)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Sometimes SDK is null when try to connect (#2131)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Autocomplete position on Android (#2106)
* [FIX] Autocomplete position on Android
* [FIX] Set selection to 0 when needed
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Revert "[FIX] Autocomplete position on Android (#2106)" (#2136)
This reverts commit e8c38d6f6f69ae396a4aae6e37336617da739a6d.
* [FIX] Here and all mentions shouldn't refer to users (#2137)
* [FIX] No send data to bugsnag if it's an aborted request (#2133)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Update and separate E2E tests (#2126)
* Tests passing until roomslist
* create room
* roominfo
* change server
* broadcast
* profile
* custom status
* forgot password
* working
* room and onboarding
* Tests separated
* config.yml refactor
* Revert "config.yml refactor"
This reverts commit 0e984d3029e47612726bf199553f7abdf24843e5.
* CI
* lint
* CI refactor
* Onboarding tests
* npx detox
* Add all tests
* Save brew cache
* mac-env executor
* detox-test command
* Update readme
* Remove folder
* [FIX] Screen Lock Time respect local value (#2141)
* [FIX] Screen Lock Time respect local value
* [FIX] Enable biometry at the first passcode change
* Bump version to 4.8.0 (#2147)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor icon package (#2146)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor Icon Package
* some size fixes
* [CHORE] Update WatermelonDB to 0.16.2 (#2166)
* [CHORE] Update WatermelonDB to 0.16.2
* Patch watermelon
* Markdown linting for e2e README (#2173)
* Markdown linting for e2e README
* Running a subset of tests
* [FIX] Load messages when hideSystemMessages is enabled (#2101)
* [WIP] Load messages when hideSystemMessages is enabled
* Improve method name
* Minor improvements
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Respect server HideSystemMessages (#2175)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Screen Lock (#2177)
* [FIX] Screen Lock
* improve variable name
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Load messages issue when trying to get ts from empty results (#2185)
* [FIX] Show registration form when add server by a invite link (#2187)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] 2FA email - send code again (#2188)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Update react-navigation to v5 (#2154)
* react-navigation v5 installed
* compiling
* Outside working
* InsideStack compiling
* Switch stack
* Starting room
* RoomView header
* SafeAreaView
* Slide from right stack animation
* stash
* Fix params
* Create channel
* inapp notification
* Custom status
* Add server working
* Refactor appStart
* Attachment
* in-app notification
* AuthLoadingView
* Remove compat
* Navigation
* Outside animations
* Fix new server icon
* block modal
* AttachmentView header
* Remove unnecessary code
* SelectedUsersView header
* StatusView
* CreateDiscussionView
* RoomInfoView
* RoomInfoEditView style
* RoomMembersView
* RoomsListView header
* RoomView header
* Share extension
* getParam
* Focus/blur
* Trying to fix inapp
* Lint
* Simpler app container
* Update libs
* Revert "Simpler app container"
This reverts commit 1e49d80bb49481c34f415831b9da5e9d53e66057.
* Load messages faster
* Fix safearea on ReactionsModal
* Update safe area to v3
* lint
* Fix transition
* stash - drawer replace working
* stash - modal nav
* RoomActionsView as tablet modal
* RoomStack
* Stop showing RoomView header when there's no room
* Custom Header and different navigation based on stack
* Refactor setHeader
* MasterDetailContext
* RoomView header
* Fix isMasterDetail rule
* KeyCommands kind of working
* Create channel on tablet
* RoomView sCU
* Remove withSplit
* Settings opening as modal
* Settings
* StatusView headerLeft
* Admin panel
* TwoFactor style
* DirectoryView
* ServerDropdown and SortDropdown animations
* ThreadMessagesView
* Navigate to empty RoomView on server switch when in master detail
* ProfileView header
* Fix navigation issues
* Nav to any room info on tablet
* Room info
* Refactoring
* Fix rooms search
* Roomslist commands
* SearchMessagesView close modal
* Key commands
* Fix undefined subscription
* Disallow navigate to focused room
* isFocused state on RoomsListView
* Blur text inputs when focus is lost
* Replace animation
* Default nav theme
* Refactoring
* Always open Attachment with close modal button
* ModalContainer backdrop following themes
* Screen tracking
* Refactor get active route for in-app notification
* Only mark room as focused when in master detail layout
* Lint
* Open modals as fade from bottom on Android
* typo
* Fixing tests
* Fix in-app update
* Fixing goRoom issues
* Refactor stack names
* Fix unreadsCount
* Fix stack
* Fix header animation
* Refactor ShareNavigation
* Refactor navigation theme
* Make sure title is set
* Fix create discussion navigation
* Remove unused variable
* Create discussions from actions fixed
* Layout animation
* Screen lock on share extension
* Unnecessary change
* Admin border
* Set header after state callback
* Fix key commands on outside stack
* Fix back button pressed
* Remove layout animations from Android
* Tweak animations on Android
* Disable swipe gesture to open drawer
* Fix current item on RoomsListView
* Fix add server
* Fix drawer
* Fix broadcast
* LayoutAnimation instead of Transitions
* Fix onboarding back press
* Fix assorted tests
* Create discussion fix
* RoomInfoView header
* Drawer active item
* [NEW] Action Sheet (#2114)
* [WIP] New Action Sheet
* [NEW] Header Indicator
* [IMPROVEMENT] Header Logic
* [NEW] Use EventEmitter to show ActionSheet for while
* [FIX] Animation
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use provider
* [FIX] Add callback
* [FIX] Message Actions
* [FIX] Add MessageActions icons
* [NEW] MessageErrorActions
* [FIX] Adjust height
* [FIX] Close/Reopen
* [CHORE] Remove react-native-action-sheet
* [CHORE] Move ActionSheet
* [FIX] Reply Message
* [IMPROVEMENT] Hide ActionSheet logic
* [WIP] Custom MessageActions Header
* [IMPROVEMENT] MessageActions Header
* [IMPROVEMENT] Enable Scroll
* [FIX] Scroll on Android
* Move to react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* Stash
* Refactor actions
* Revert some changes
* Trying react-native-modalize
* Back to HOC
* ActionSheet style
* HOC Header
* Reaction actionSheet
* Fix messageBox actions
* Fix add reaction
* Change to flatListProps
* fix modalize android scroll
* Use react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* [NEW] BottomSheet dismissable & [FIX] Android not opening
* [NEW] Show emojis based on screen width
* [WIP] Adjust to content height
* [IMPROVEMENT] Responsible
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use alert instead actionSheet at NewServerView
* [FIX] Handle tablet cases
* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove actionSheet of RoomMembersView
* [IMPROVEMENT] Min snap distance when its portrait
* [CHORE] Remove unused Components
* [IMPROVEMENT] Remove duplicated add-reaction
* [IMPROVEMENT] Refactor Icon Package
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use new icons
* [FIX] Select message at MessageActions before getOptions
* [FIX] Custom header height
* [CHORE] Remove patch & [FIX] Tablet bottom sheet
* [FIX] Use ListItem height to BottomSheet Height
* Some fixes
* [FIX] Custom MessageActions header
* [FIX] Android height adjust
* [IMPROVEMENT] Item touchable & [FIX] Respect pin permission
* [IMPROVEMENT] More than one snap point
* some size fixes
* improve code
* hide horizontal scroll indicator
* [FIX] Focus MessageBox on edit message
* [FIX] Ripple color
* [IMPROVEMENT] Backdrop must keep same opacity after 50% of the screen
* [TEST] Change animation config
* [IMPROVEMENT] BackHandler should close the ActionSheet
* [CHORE] Add react-native-safe-area-context
* [FIX] Provide a bottom padding at notch devices
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve backdrop input/output range
* [FIX] Weird Android Snap behavior
* [PATCH] React-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
* [CI] Re-run build
* [FIX] Landscape android
* [IMPROVEMENT] Cover 50% of the screen at the landscape mode
* [FIX] Adjust emoji content to width size
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use hooks library
* [IMPROVEMENT] Close the actionSheet when orientation change
* deactivate safe-area-context for while
* [REVERT] Re-add react-native-safe-area-context (3.0.2)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use focused background
* [TESTS] E2E Tests updated to new BottomSheet
* [NEW] Add cancel button
* [FIX] Cancel button at android
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use cancelable bottom sheet at room members view
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use better function names
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use getItemLayout
* [FIX][TEMP] Animation
* Review
* Build
* Header keyExtractor
* Rename function
* Tweak animation
* Refactoring
* useTheme
* Refactoring
* TestIDs
* Refactor
* Remove old lib
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Add fastlane to android module and configure CI (#2100)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use react-native-notifier for in-app notifications (#2139)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Create DimensionsContext (#2098)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Remove duplicated sCU condition (#2194)
* [FIX] The auto translate toggle don't save right state (#2142)
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Increase "content_hash_max_items" on Watchman (#2181)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] IFrame authentication (#2184)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Send multiple attachments (#2162)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Omnichannel Status Toggle (#2217)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Typing when UI_Use_Real_Name is enabled (#2216)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Logout failing after #2217 (#2222)
* [CHORE] Add wrapper to make Meteor methods calls over REST (#2104)
* [WIP] Use rest instead methodCall
* [WIP] Some method calls using wrapper
* [WIP] Wrap all necessary methodCalls
* fix
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Mark thread as read on open (#2225)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Mark a thread as read
* Use methodCallWrapper
* Check server version
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read receipt icon on action sheet (#2237)
* [FIX] Handle TypeErrors on navigationRef and draftMessage due to null properties (#2232)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android crashing when restoring from background (#2238)
* [FIX] Send thread attachment (#2242)
* [FIX] Iframe auth Login Button (#2241)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Audio Recording (#2240)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Expo-av audio recorder (#2195)
* [NEW] MessageBox: Expo-av audio recorder
* Refactor MessageBox to accommodate recording button even when recording
* Rename Recording.js -> RecordAudio.js as we could implement video recording in the future
* RecordAudio: Introduce cancel and send buttons
* RecordAudio: Introduce recorderBusy state, refactor MessageBox, remove useless SafeAreaView
* RecordAudio: Better audio quality 🎉, stop recording on unmount
* RecordAudio: Use FileSystem from expo-file-system instead of RNFetchBlob
* chore: flush out react-native-audio
* fix(MessageBox): bring back some missed styles during refactor
* refactor(RecordAudio): use class component
* refactor(RecordAudio): recorder busy to class property, styling changes
* recorder initialisation changes
* fix(RecordAudio): missing await in isRecordingPermissionGranted
* fix(RecordAudio): set isRecording = false on cancel/finish, refactor perms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Unified header UX (#2234)
* Change drawer icon
* Removed iOS variation
* Patch to react-navigation-header-buttons... easier to patch then to overwrite its behaviour :(
* Correctly position title
* Header subtitle
* Layout
* Alignment
* RoomView header
* Renamed RoomHeaderLeft to LeftButtons
* RoomView back button
* Search icon on RoomView
* Refactor
* Fix header on tablet
* Fix search messages close button on tablet
* Search key command
* Network status on RoomView header subtitle
* Update tests
* Scale content
* SearchBox cancel color
* Bump version to 4.9.0 (#2248)
* [FIX] Check for UI_Use_Real_Name when sorting rooms (#2230)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Emoji keyboard not showing custom and frequently used emojis on Share Extension (#2251)
* [FIX] Scroll to top crashing when ref is undefined (#2252)
* [FIX] Check if exists scroll ref
* Remove scrollTo
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] AttachmentView crashing during title decode (#2253)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Command previews crashing when API returns an error (#2254)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ThreadMessagesView throwing error when subscription wasn't found (#2255)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Register crashing when error data is undefined (#2256)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Get active route returning undefined (#2257)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] ImageViewer not recognising gestures after zoomed (#2261)
* [FIX] Zoomed in images must react to gestures
* AnimatedFastImage -> AnimatedImage
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Android stack animation throwing illegal node ID (#2260)
* [FIX] Navigation object undefined when tapping sidebar's user header on tablet (#2259)
* [FIX] Action sheet cutting emojis on the header (#2263)
* [FIX] Action sheet cutting emojis on the header
* fix tablet case
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Mime type check crashing the app (#2264)
* [FIX] Notification preferences update crashing the app (#2262)
* [FIX] Create discussion not working from MessageActions (#2265)
* [FIX] getSettings not catching errors (#2271)
* [REGRESSION] Jitsi Call doesn't send message link (#2277)
* [FIX] Messages hidden behind MessageBox (#2281)
* fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (#2275)
The following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:
- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-JPEGJS-570039
- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-LODASH-567746
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [i18n] Add missing german strings (#2278)
* cleaned mixed usage of "du" and "Sie"
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] CircleCI Upgrades (#2269)
* Upgrade nvm
* Upgrade XCode
* Use nvm's default installed version of node (LTS)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Sign in with Apple (#2282)
* Add expo-apple-authentication
* Button
* Create new provisioning profiles
* Login with Apple
* Change provisioning profile
* Button color based on theme
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessageBox not being shown on ShareView when Preview is a video (#2283)
* Wrap video preview with ScrollView so Messagebox is shown properly
* Fix border color
* [TESTS] Test in docker (#2290)
* Add docker env with orchestration
* Update detox, update mocha config format
* One simulator at a time - mocha won't run parallel
* Docker runner, with test changes to match RC data
* Better error trapping in infrastructure control script
* Swap user provisioning from Mongo to RC API to work against existing servers
* Add docker to e2e readme
* Stop using example.com for emails
* Default detox to the tests directory
* Add working configs for both run scenarios
* Add some optional forcing of data.js version for Docker
* [CHORE] Consistent Rocket.Chat Branding (#2293)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump version to 4.10.0 (#2305)
* [FIX] Room Info actions doesn't check permissions/settings enabled (#2292)
* [FIX] Show Call Button only when Jitsi Enabled (RoomInfoView)
* [FIX] Show user info
* [FIX] Show message button only if it's possible
* [FIX] Create direct only when needed
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Read receipts on tablet (#2297)
* fixes not working read receipts on tablet (#2295)
* fixing last commit it to make it work on both tablet and phone
* fix missing close button on tablet's modal view
* Update app/views/ReadReceiptView/index.js
* remove unnecessary param
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache (#2300)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Clear image cache when clear cache
* use fork instead
* react-native-fast-image -> @rocket.chat/react-native-fast-image
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] In-app notification tap when deep in the stack not redirecting to the room (#2302)
* [FIX] Markdown preview causes app stuck (#2303)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Update commonmark libs (#2306)
* [CHORE] Update commonmark fork and relateds
* [CHORE] Update commonmark.js
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump lodash from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19 (#2310)
Bumps [lodash](https://github.com/lodash/lodash) from 4.17.16 to 4.17.19.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/lodash/lodash/compare/4.17.16...4.17.19)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
* [FIX] MessagesView duplicating content (#2307)
* Fix Pagination duplicacy
* Fix MessageView Duplicate Content
* [FIX] Return fetch func
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* Update dependencies (#2301)
* Update RN to 0.63.0-rc.1
* Updating
* Fix keyboard
* Fix native stuff on Messagebox
* Update to RN 0.63.1
* Update pods
* Update patches
* Update minors
* Majors
* Remove base-64 in favour of js-base64
* others
* Pods
* Flipper
* Yarn
* Fix setInput
* [IMPROVEMENT] Native sort and limit queries (#2249)
* Update WatermelonDB to 0.18.0
* Low onEndReachedThreshold
* Query experiment
* Query or fetch data
* Reorder class functions
* Reset variables
* Hide system messages
* Change this.count behaviour
* Starting on RoomsListView
* unsubscribeQuery
* onEndReached
* Separate queries
* Reusable where clause
* Refactoring
* Refactor RoomItem to accept item as prop
* Comment RoomItem tests just so jest passes
* Fix alert and status
* onPress
* Unnecessary diff
* react-fast-compare
* Native limit on ShareListView
* Tweak item description
* Lint
* Fix on foreground crash
* Suggested changes
* [FIX] Style not being applied on RoomsListView header subtitle (#2319)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template (#1893)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Improve our PR Template
* Few changes
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Revert "[CHORE] Update commonmark.js " (#2331)
* [TESTS] Idempotence for e2e tests (#2308)
* Idempotence for Assorted
* Idempotence for Onboarding
* Idempotence for Rooms
* Remove redundant expects
* Fixes and improvements
* Remove unneeded sleeps
* Make stable following merge
* Try solving early taps without long sleep
Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont)
Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing
Add screenshots to CircleCI for failed tests
Try solving early taps without long sleep (cont. 2)
Revert "Temporary CircleCI hack for quicker testing"
This reverts commit 4abef3a5827910c05b12ac8b8380275b60e8af4f.
* Fix flaky test with a fluent wait on the tap
* Add some new sleeps to workaround #2324
* Add test artifacts to gitignore
* More longpress for dodgy taps, wait for pin response
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Log events from Onboarding, NewServer, Login and Register screens (#2169)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Keyboard not focusing on TwoFactor component (#2314)
* Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
* Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
* Remove unrelated styling improvements
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] TwoFactor component styling (#2328)
* Improve 2fa visual hierarchy
* Show 2fa keyboard by scheduling focus method after all interactions
* Remove unrelated styling improvements
* Improve 2fa component title hierarchy
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Admin panel not logging in automatically (#2330)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Bump codecov from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1 (#2323)
Bumps [codecov](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node) from 3.6.5 to 3.7.1.
- [Release notes](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/releases)
- [Commits](https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/compare/v3.6.5...v3.7.1)
Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <support@github.com>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Skip waiting for build processing on TestFlight upload (#2320)
* [CHORE] Update react-native-firebase (#2336)
* Remove firebase
* Install firebase/app
* Install analytics
* Crashlytics
* Android
* Fix mocks
* Edit scheme to Debug build configuration
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154 (#2338)
* [REGRESSION] Invite links stopped working after #2154
* Clear invite links token when close NewServerView
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Fix some simple text (#2332)
* Clearer infrastructure wait message
* Use a generic mailbox rather than spamming Diego
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] i18n being called outside render (#2334)
* Fix I18n usage in ThemeView
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix I18n usage in NotificationPreferencesView
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix some I18n wrong uses
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] MessagesView title not working (#2294)
* Set title in header of room actions view items
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Remove unneeded spaces
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Set header title on constructor
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Remove unused navigation options
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [TESTS] Stabilise Room Actions test (#2333)
* Stabilise Room Actions test
* Fix Create Room test
* Be more tolerant of slow starting apps in CI
* Be more tolerant of slow running apps in CI
* Switch visibility checks ti stabilise Room Create test in CI
* Move slow simulator readiness waiting to initial navigateToX methods rather than repeatedly in tests without description of purpose
* [CHORE] Update icon names (#2318)
* [CHORE] Move Detox to Github Actions (#2340)
* Initial workflow for iOS detox tests
* Increase timeout
* Parallelise tests and optimise when to build
* Refine GH Actions logic
* Improve Detox App caching
* Upload failed test artifacts
* Rate limiting aware data setup
* Remove detox tests from Circle CI
* Revert "Rate limiting aware data setup"
This reverts commit d115604270f719de775018b9b06e89f2bfdc2dc7.
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Push notification data privacy (#2213)
* [WIP] Notification Service
* [WIP] Android push notification privacy
* [WIP] Retry request when it fails (iOS)
* [WIP] Override notification bundle
* [CHORE] Remove unnecessary import
* [WIP] Check notification Type (iOS)
* [WIP] Change to notification endpoint
* eof
* fix unwrap conditional value
* turn run request synchronous
* fix bundle info
* eof
* remove extra tab
* undo unnecessary change
* remove not working code for a while
* fix notification title
* change endpoint and received/sent data
* message-id-only working properly on android
* notification privacy working on ios
* invalidate circleCI yarn cache
* Fix provisioning profiles
* fix notification service version
* fix unwrap nil
* compatibility older servers android
* show received notification when cant fetch content from server
* undo some android changes
* prevent group & reply fallback notifications
* dont show more than one fallback notification by server
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Apply new mention colors (#2351)
* New mention colors
* Increase letterSpacing for mentions
* Refactor
* UnreadBadge
* Add migration
* [FIX] Missing icons (#2353)
* [FIX] Long press gestures not working properly on Android (#2354)
* [FIX] In-app notification showing while in a Jitsi call (#2345)
* Hide in app notification when focused on JitsiMeetView
* Hide notifications from different rooms
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug (#2347)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
* [CHORE] Update Flipper to 0.51.0 (#2356)
* Only run Flipper in debug via MainApplication is debug
* ReactNativeFlipper package rename + gradle bump
* Update Flipper to latest 0.51 for Android
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [NEW] Log events from RoomsList, SideDrawer and Profile (#2190)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* track add server, change server and search
* Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
* Track profile events and handle exceptions
* Track create channel flux
* Track send message to user via NewMessageView
* Track create direct message flux
* Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
* Track create discussion flux
* Track navigate to directory and its actions
* Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
* Track all channels sorting and grouping
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Remove unused events file
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
* Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Improve the logging of sidebar events
* Improve events from onboarding and newserver
* Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
* Improve NewMessageView events
* Improve CreateChannel events
* Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
* Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
* Improve ProfileView events
* Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
* Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Add missing keys to push get payload (#2358)
* [IMPROVEMENT] Add deep link to Jitsi calls (#2223)
* [WIP] Jitsi Deep Links
* [WIP] Add app links
* save uniqueID servers database
* add serverInfoKey of uniqueID
* search server by call url
* open jitsi deeplink poc
* improve jitsi url
* fix
* improve comment
* add missing android scheme
* handle host not found
* Allow app links to be matched on parseDeepLinking
* Fix push notification of a call
* Minor fix
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] App hanging on splash screen when deep link params are wrong (#2359)
* Add rule when there's no host on the deep link params
* Add fallbackNavigation()
* Fix insecure hosts
* [FIX] More missing icons (#2360)
* [NEW] Log events from Room, Settings and Edit status (#2206)
* Create method to track user event to isolate the logic to improve future refactoring
* Track Onboarding view
* Track NewServer view
* Refactor track method due to firebase already send the current screen
* Track default login and all the oAuth options
* Track default sign up in RegisterView
* Change trackUserEvent signature and update all the files
* Track the remaining login services
* track add server, change server and search
* Track SidebarView and refactor to use react-navigation
* Track profile events and handle exceptions
* Track create channel flux
* Track send message to user via NewMessageView
* Track create direct message flux
* Handle failure of create channel and group in the saga
* Track create discussion flux
* Track navigate to directory and its actions
* Track read, favorite and hide a channel, handling its errors
* Track all channels sorting and grouping
* Resolve requests to improve the importing logs and events
* Remove unused events file
* Remove unused events file
* log proposed Room events
* Log proposed Message actions events
* Log EditStatus proposed events
* Log Settings proposed events
* Leave a bugsnag breadcrumb when logging an event
* Move all logEvent to the top of code block and log remaining fail events
* Move all the non-logic-dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Move all non-logic and non-data dependent logEvent to the top of code block
* Improve the logging of sidebar events
* Improve events from onboarding and newserver
* Improve events from login and register view, and log enter with apple
* Improve NewMessageView events
* Improve CreateChannel events
* Improve CreateDiscussion and SelectedUsers create group events
* Improve RoomsList events and log trivial events
* Improve ProfileView events
* Remove single line function body for the sidebarNavigate
* Improve SettingsView events
* Log more events from ScreenLockConfigView
* Navigate to Status and AdminPanel View using the defined sidebarNavigate method
* Improve StatusView events
* Improve RoomView events
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Vertically centralize RoomItem when `Store_Last_Message` is disabled (#2363)
* Split RoomItem into container and component
* Refactor RoomItem
* Fix wrong status
* Tests
* Wrapper
* [NEW] Omnichannel inquiry queue (#2352)
* [WIP] Omnichannel queue
* Request inquiry when login
* Show take inquiry queued room
* Queue List as a Screen
* Poc using unread badge
* Prevent navigation to empty list
* Remove chat from queue when taked
* Fix header status on omnichannel preview room
* Fix room actions view to preview queued chat
* Use isOmnichannelPreview and dont show actions when is preview
* Filter queue chats taken by other people
* Fix room info to omnichannel preview room
* Handle show Queue
* Reset inquiry store when change server
* Improve queue logic
* Disable swipe on RoomItem when is a Queue Item
* Add unreadBadge style
* Move unread badge to presentation folder
* Cleanup inquiry reducers
* Move take saga to rocketchat function
* Remove comments
* Add relevant comments
* Subscribe to public stream if is livechat manager or doesnt have departments
* Add pt-br and improve queue empty message
* Fix take when dont have view-livechat-manager permission
* Add missing events
* Create selector for inquiry queue
* Minor fixes
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [CHORE] Wrap logEvent in a try/catch (#2361)
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] Minor i18n issues (#2335)
* Add new translations to ptBr
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
* Fix update language in headers
Signed-off-by: Ezequiel De Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVEMENT] Use parsed EJSON info on load notification (#2370)
* [NEW] Log remaining events (#2368)
* Change NAVIGATE_TO for GO_TO to reduce event size
* Log RA JitsiMeet events and join / terminate
* Log more RoomView events
* Log slash commands and handle fail
* Log RoomActions events
* Change from GO_TO to just GO
* Log RoomInfoEdit events
* Log InviteUsers and InviteUsersEdit events
* Log AutoTranslate events
* Log NotificationPreferences events
* Log remaining routes from RoomActions
* Log RoomAction toggle block user
* Fix command event
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [FIX] WorkspaceView not looking for the correct image path (#2376)
Co-authored-by: Gabriel Henriques <gabriel.henriques@rocket.chat>
* [FIX] Android targeting wrong SDK version (#2375)
* [FIX] Mentions crashing without username (#2374)
* [FIX] Missing delete icon on MessageErrorActions (#2373)
* [FIX] Quote not working on Group DM (#2372)
* [DOCS] Add Whitelabel (#2379)
* Update readme (#2381)
* Update README.md (#2378)
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [DOCS] Refactor Readme (#2382)
* Refactoring
* Detail docs
* Contributing
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Djorkaeff Alexandre <djorkaeff.unb@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Youssef Muhamad <emaildeyoussefmuhamad@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Prateek Jain <prateek93a@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: phriedrich <info@phriedrich.de>
Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <41206172+sarthakpranesh@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <52153085+devyaniChoubey@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Ezequiel de Oliveira <ezequiel1de1oliveira@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Neil Agarwal <neil@neilagarwal.me>
Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Govind Dixit <GOVINDDIXIT93@GMAIL.COM>
Co-authored-by: Zhaubassarova Aruzhan <49000079+azhaubassar@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Aroo <azhaubassar@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sarthak Pranesh <sarthak.pranesh2018@vitstudent.ac.in>
Co-authored-by: Siddharth Padhi <padhisiddharth31@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Bruno Dantas <oliveiradantas96@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Calebe Rios <calebersmendes@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: devyaniChoubey <devyanichoubey16@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dan Caseley <dan@caseley.me.uk>
Co-authored-by: Heng Sok <sokheng@idatahub.com>
Co-authored-by: Snyk bot <snyk-bot@snyk.io>
Co-authored-by: Rohit Verma <44283521+refactor-droidyy@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Graham Smith <graham@wiseman-designs.com>
Co-authored-by: Gabriel Henriques <gabriel.henriques@rocket.chat>
Co-authored-by: Júlia Grala <30629556+juliagrala@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-09-01 12:22:20 +00:00
To learn about SDWebImage's architecture design for contribution, read [The Core of SDWebImage v5.6 Architecture ](https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/wiki/5.6-Code-Architecture-Analysis ). Thanks @looseyi for the post and translation.
2019-08-20 19:24:22 +00:00
#### High Level Diagram
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageHighLevelDiagram.jpeg" title = "SDWebImage high level diagram" >
< / p >
#### Overall Class Diagram
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageClassDiagram.png" title = "SDWebImage overall class diagram" >
< / p >
#### Top Level API Diagram
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageTopLevelClassDiagram.png" title = "SDWebImage top level API diagram" >
< / p >
#### Main Sequence Diagram
< p align = "center" >
< img src = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageSequenceDiagram.png" title = "SDWebImage sequence diagram" >
< / p >
#### More detailed diagrams
- [Manager API Diagram ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageManagerClassDiagram.png )
- [Coders API Diagram ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageCodersClassDiagram.png )
- [Loader API Diagram ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageLoaderClassDiagram.png )
- [Cache API Diagram ](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage/master/Docs/Diagrams/SDWebImageCacheClassDiagram.png )
2020-02-19 19:43:47 +00:00