2018-09-11 16:32:52 +00:00
import React from 'react' ;
import { ScrollView , StyleSheet } from 'react-native' ;
import MessageComponent from '../../app/containers/message/Message' ;
import StoriesSeparator from './StoriesSeparator' ;
import messagesStatus from '../../app/constants/messagesStatus' ;
import MessageSeparator from '../../app/views/RoomView/Separator' ;
const styles = StyleSheet . create ( {
separator : {
transform : [ { scaleY : - 1 } ] ,
marginBottom : 30 ,
marginTop : 0
} ) ;
const user = {
id : 'y8bd77ptZswPj3EW8' ,
username : 'diego.mello' ,
token : '79q6lH40W4ZRGLOshDiDiVlQaCc4f_lU9HNdHLAzuHz'
} ;
const author = {
_id : 'userid' ,
username : 'diego.mello'
} ;
const baseUrl = 'https://open.rocket.chat' ;
const customEmojis = { react _rocket : 'png' , nyan _rocket : 'png' , marioparty : 'gif' } ;
const date = new Date ( 2017 , 10 , 10 , 10 ) ;
const Message = props => (
< MessageComponent
baseUrl = { baseUrl }
customEmojis = { customEmojis }
user = { user }
author = { author }
ts = { date }
timeFormat = 'LT'
{ ... props }
/ >
) ;
// eslint-disable-next-line react/prop-types
const Separator = ( { title } ) => < StoriesSeparator title = { title } style = { styles . separator } / > ;
export default (
< ScrollView style = { { flex : 1 , transform : [ { scaleY : - 1 } ] } } contentContainerStyle = { { marginVertical : 30 } } >
< Message msg = 'Message' / >
< Separator title = 'Simple' / >
< Message msg = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum' / >
< Separator title = 'Long message' / >
< Message msg = '...' / >
< Message
msg = 'Different user'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'rocket.cat'
} }
/ >
< Message msg = 'This is the third message' header = { false } / >
< Message msg = 'This is the second message' header = { false } / >
< Message msg = 'This is the first message' / >
< Separator title = 'Grouped messages' / >
< Message msg = 'Message' header = { false } / >
< Separator title = 'Without header' / >
< Message msg = 'Message' alias = 'Diego Mello' / >
< Separator title = 'With alias' / >
< Message msg = 'Message' edited / >
< Separator title = 'Edited' / >
< Message
msg = 'Message'
avatar = 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1016397063649660929/14EIApTi_400x400.jpg'
/ >
< Separator title = 'Static avatar' / >
< Message
msg = 'Message'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'diego.mello' ,
name : 'Diego Mello'
} }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Full name' / >
< Message msg = '@rocket.cat @diego.mello @all @here #general' / >
< Separator title = 'Mentions' / >
< Message msg = '👊🤙👏' / >
< Separator title = 'Emojis' / >
< Message msg = ':react_rocket: :nyan_rocket: :marioparty:' / >
< Separator title = 'Custom Emojis' / >
< Message msg = 'Testing' timeFormat = 'DD MMMM YYYY' / >
< Separator title = 'Time format' / >
< Message
msg = 'Reactions'
reactions = { [ {
emoji : ':joy:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } , { value : 'rocket.cat' } , { value : 'diego.mello' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':marioparty:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } , { value : 'rocket.cat' } , { value : 'diego.mello' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } , { value : 'user1' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':thinking:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} ] }
onReactionPress = { ( ) => { } }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Reactions' / >
< Message
msg = 'Multiple Reactions'
reactions = { [ {
emoji : ':marioparty:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':react_rocket:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':nyan_rocket:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':heart:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':dog:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':grinning:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':grimacing:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} , {
emoji : ':grin:' ,
usernames : [ { value : 'username' } ]
} ] }
onReactionPress = { ( ) => { } }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Multiple reactions' / >
< Message
msg = 'Fourth message'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'rocket.cat'
} }
/ >
< Message msg = 'Third message' / >
< Message
msg = 'Second message'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'rocket.cat'
} }
/ >
< Message msg = 'First message' / >
< Separator title = 'Intercalated users' / >
< Message
msg = 'Fourth message'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'rocket.cat'
} }
/ >
< MessageSeparator ts = { date } unread / >
< Message msg = 'Third message' / >
< MessageSeparator unread / >
< Message
msg = 'Second message'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'rocket.cat'
} }
header = { false }
/ >
< Message
msg = 'Second message'
author = { {
... author ,
username : 'rocket.cat'
} }
/ >
< MessageSeparator ts = { date } / >
< Message msg = 'First message' / >
< Separator title = 'Date and Unread separators' / >
< Message
attachments = { [ {
title : 'This is a title' ,
description : 'This is a description' ,
image _url : '/file-upload/2ZrxuwcGeTrsoh376/Clipboard%20-%20September%205,%202018%204:10%20PM'
} ] }
/ >
< Message
attachments = { [ {
title : 'This is a title' ,
description : 'This is a description' ,
image _url : '/file-upload/sxLXBzjwuqxMnebyP/Clipboard%20-%2029%20de%20Agosto%20de%202018%20%C3%A0s%2018:10'
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'With image' / >
< Message
attachments = { [ {
title : 'This is a title' ,
description : 'This is a description' ,
video _url : '/file-upload/cqnKqb6kdajky5Rxj/WhatsApp%20Video%202018-08-22%20at%2019.09.55.mp4'
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'With video' / >
< Message
attachments = { [ {
title : 'This is a title' ,
description : 'This is a description' ,
audio _url : '/file-upload/c4wcNhrbXJLBvAJtN/1535569819516.aac'
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'With audio' / >
2019-02-08 16:34:50 +00:00
< Message
msg = "I'm fine!"
attachments = { [ {
author _name : 'This is a long title and i\'ll break' ,
ts : date ,
timeFormat : 'LT' ,
text : 'How are you?'
} ] }
/ >
< Message
msg = "I'm fine!"
attachments = { [ {
author _name : 'rocket.cat' ,
ts : date ,
timeFormat : 'LT' ,
text : 'How are you?'
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Message with reply' / >
2018-09-11 16:32:52 +00:00
< Message
urls = { [ {
url : 'https://rocket.chat' ,
image : 'https://rocket.chat/images/blog/post.jpg' ,
title : 'Rocket.Chat - Free, Open Source, Enterprise Team Chat' ,
description : 'Rocket.Chat is the leading open source team chat software solution. Free, unlimited and completely customizable with on-premises and SaaS cloud hosting.'
} , {
url : 'https://google.com' ,
title : 'Google' ,
description : 'Search the world\'s information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you\'re looking for.'
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'URL' / >
< Message
msg = 'Message'
attachments = { [ {
author _name : 'rocket.cat' ,
ts : date ,
timeFormat : 'LT' ,
text : 'Custom fields' ,
fields : [ {
title : 'Field 1' ,
value : 'Value 1'
} , {
title : 'Field 2' ,
value : 'Value 2'
} , {
title : 'Field 3' ,
value : 'Value 3'
} , {
title : 'Field 4' ,
value : 'Value 4'
} , {
title : 'Field 5' ,
value : 'Value 5'
} ]
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Custom fields' / >
< Message
msg = 'Message'
attachments = { [ {
author _name : 'rocket.cat' ,
ts : date ,
timeFormat : 'LT' ,
text : 'Custom fields' ,
fields : [ {
title : 'Field 1' ,
value : 'Value 1' ,
short : true
} , {
title : 'Field 2' ,
value : 'Value 2' ,
short : true
} ]
} , {
author _name : 'rocket.cat' ,
ts : date ,
timeFormat : 'LT' ,
text : 'Custom fields 2' ,
fields : [ {
title : 'Field 1' ,
value : 'Value 1' ,
short : true
} , {
title : 'Field 2' ,
value : 'Value 2' ,
short : true
} ]
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Two short custom fields' / >
< Message msg = 'Broadcasted message' broadcast replyBroadcast = { ( ) => alert ( 'broadcast!' ) } / >
< Separator title = 'Broadcast' / >
< Message msg = 'This message is inside an archived room' archived / >
< Separator title = 'Archived' / >
< Message msg = 'This message has error too' status = { messagesStatus . ERROR } onErrorPress = { ( ) => alert ( 'Error pressed' ) } header = { false } / >
< Message msg = 'This message has error' status = { messagesStatus . ERROR } onErrorPress = { ( ) => alert ( 'Error pressed' ) } / >
< Separator title = 'Error' / >
< Message msg = 'Temp message' status = { messagesStatus . TEMP } / >
< Separator title = 'Temp' / >
< Message msg = 'Message being edited' editing / >
< Separator title = 'Editing' / >
< Message type = 'rm' / >
< Separator title = 'Removed' / >
< Message type = 'uj' / >
< Separator title = 'Joined' / >
< Message msg = 'New name' type = 'r' / >
< Separator title = 'Room name changed' / >
< Message
msg = 'New name'
type = 'message_pinned'
attachments = { [ {
author _name : 'rocket.cat' ,
ts : date ,
timeFormat : 'LT' ,
text : 'First message'
} ] }
/ >
< Separator title = 'Message pinned' / >
< Message type = 'ul' / >
< Separator title = 'Has left the channel' / >
< Message msg = 'rocket.cat' type = 'ru' / >
< Separator title = 'User removed' / >
< Message msg = 'rocket.cat' type = 'au' / >
< Separator title = 'User added' / >
< Message msg = 'rocket.cat' type = 'user-muted' / >
< Separator title = 'User muted' / >
< Message msg = 'rocket.cat' type = 'user-unmuted' / >
< Separator title = 'User unmuted' / >
< Message
msg = 'rocket.cat'
role = 'admin' // eslint-disable-line
type = 'subscription-role-added'
/ >
< Separator title = 'Role added' / >
< Message
msg = 'rocket.cat'
role = 'admin' // eslint-disable-line
type = 'subscription-role-removed'
/ >
< Separator title = 'Role removed' / >
< Message msg = 'new description' type = 'room_changed_description' / >
< Separator title = 'Changed description' / >
< Message msg = 'new announcement' type = 'room_changed_announcement' / >
< Separator title = 'Changed announcement' / >
< Message msg = 'new topic' type = 'room_changed_topic' / >
< Separator title = 'Changed topic' / >
< Message msg = 'public' type = 'room_changed_privacy' / >
< Separator title = 'Changed type' / >
< Message msg = 'Message' style = { [ styles . normalize , { backgroundColor : '#ddd' } ] } / >
< Separator title = 'Custom style' / >
< Message msg = 'Italic with *asterisks* or _underscores_. Bold with **asterisks** or __underscores__. ~~Strikethrough~~' / >
< Separator title = 'Markdown emphasis' / >
< Message
msg = ' # H1
# # H2
# # # H3
# # # # H4
# # # # # H5
# # # # # # H6 '
/ >
< Separator title = 'Markdown headers' / >
< Message msg = 'Support <http://google.com|Google> [I`m an inline-style link](https://www.google.com) https://google.com' / >
< Separator title = 'Markdown links' / >
< Message msg = '' / >
< Separator title = 'Markdown image' / >
< Message
msg = ' Inline ` code ` has ` back-ticks around ` it .
` ` `
Code block
` ` ` '
/ >
< Separator title = 'Markdown code' / >
< Message msg = '> Quote' / >
< Separator title = 'Markdown quote' / >
< Message
msg = ' First Header | Second Header
-- -- -- -- -- -- | -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Content from cell 1 | Content from cell 2
Content in the first column | Content in the second column '
/ >
< Separator title = 'Markdown table' / >
< / S c r o l l V i e w >
) ;